Lone Star Burn_Love On Tap

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Lone Star Burn_Love On Tap Page 11

by Judy Kentrus

  “There’s been a heck of a lot more going on under Dad’s nose, and we’ll explain after we show our guests out.”

  Dottie turned her nose up at everyone and made her way toward the door. She was in such a hurry, she tripped over the boot.

  “Where’s she going?” Caroline asked, watching the caseworker scramble to her feet and hurry out the door.

  “Don’t worry, she won’t get far. Her bosses will be notified of her accepting bribes to stop the adoption. Too bad they don’t have sister and brother side-by-side cells.”

  “Mr. Wolff, please accept our apologies for putting you through this farce,” Robert said. “You will have our full cooperation and we will turn over all documentation once you’ve notified the police.”

  Once the house was the free of two-legged pests, Grayson called his father and filled him in on what exactly had been going on, including the embezzlement of Crystal’s trust fund.

  Jennie would contact her source and put him in touch with Simon Wolff directly. He was extremely grateful for Jennie’s efforts, and wanted to know when he would finally meet the woman who was making his son so happy.

  Grayson also called the head of child services to let them know about Dottie Dimple’s fraudulent activities. They promised to push the paperwork through to finalize the adoption as soon as possible.

  The brightest part of their day was when Mathew came home from school and was introduced to his grandmother. Caroline was enchanted with her grandson, and after dinner they called Simon and let him talk to Matt for the first time in his life. Gray and Jennie took advantage of Matt teaching his grandma video games and decided to take a walk.

  He went to open the front door and spied the boot on the floor. “This won’t do.” He picked it up and hung it back where it belonged.

  The night sky was brilliant with stars, and they walked down the deserted road. The scent of dried hay hung heavy in the air, and in the distance you could hear an occasional whinny of a horse.

  “‘Thank you’ doesn’t seem to be enough for all that you’ve done. The authorities picked up Springer, and Dottie Dimple gave up the person siphoning Crystal’s trust fund.”

  “I’m glad everything worked out, especially with your father. Your mother said Simon wants to take Mathew to Disney World.”

  “Well, he’s not missing any school.”

  “Spoken like a true parent.”

  They stopped on the side of the road and Grayson’s arms locked around her. He loved feeling her heartbeat. “I love you, Jennie. If you stayed, you could become a parent, too.”

  “I love you and Mathew, but I can’t.” It broke her heart a little more that he never mentioned the word “marriage.”

  “I’m not going to give up trying to convince you to stay. Now, about that bull-riding challenge. No excuses, because my mother has agreed to stay on through the weekend.”

  Merriment danced in her eyes, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her fingers sought out the long strands of hair at his neck and twirled them like a silk ribbon. “I’ll meet you at the Roadhouse at eleven and we can spend some time together. Once the place clears out, it’s you and me.”

  His “yee haw” echoed in the night.

  Chapter 11

  Jennie finished drying her hair and hurried into the bedroom. She needed to make a last-minute call to her partner in crime. “Now, remember, not a word to Grayson on what’s going to happen.”

  Loretta had to speak above the background noise at the Roadhouse. “When I told the rest of the staff what you wanted to do, they were all eager to help. No one will say a word.”

  “I’ll be there by ten-thirty. Grayson expects me at eleven. Make sure Hank has plenty of fruit.”

  “No problem. The joint is jumping. Friday night is always busy, but more so tonight.”

  “The customers have seen Malibu Barbie, but tonight they’re going to see a sexy cowgirl.”

  Jennie looked in the mirror over the dresser and gathered the front of her hair into a ponytail. The rest would hang down her back. Everything had to be perfect for Grayson.

  Caroline was sitting on the couch, reading one of Matt’s Percy Jackson books, when Jennie walked into the living room at ten o’clock.

  “Mathew was reading this book to me before he went to sleep and now I’m addicted. These kids’ books are great.” Caroline twirled her finger, indicating Jennie should turn around. “Grayson’s tongue is going to hit the floor. You look fantastic and sexy as hell.”

  “Thanks. I want to erase Malibu Barbie from everyone’s mind.”

  “It’s amazing what love will drive us to do. Are you really leaving tomorrow? Gray and Matt are going to be devastated when they wake up and find you gone. I’m glad you told me so I can be prepared for two very depressed men.”

  “Caroline, it’s better this way. They dropped off the truck today at the Roadhouse parking lot, and Larry and Boomer loaded my belongings from the warehouse.”

  No one saw Jennie carry out all her belongings and stash them in Grayson’s Maserati earlier that afternoon. She’d be leaving directly from the Roadhouse to start the next phase of her life. “Matt is so in love with his grandmother, he won’t miss me.”

  “Don’t count on it. That child loves you as much as my son.”

  “Grayson and I have deal. If I don’t like my job, I’ll be back in six months. It will also give us time to make sure this wasn’t just a two-week romance.”

  “I guess that’s better than nothing, but you’re wrong. The love you and Grayson feel for each other is very real. You’ve shared the hell he went through and helped him realize his dream of getting Mathew. Sorry, I’m preaching. Now go and have fun.”

  “’Bye, and thanks for everything.” Jennie gave Caroline a big hug and hurried out so Caroline didn’t see the tears running down her face.

  Grayson studied the financial data on his laptop and was very pleased by what he saw. Their profits exceeded projections from the microbreweries. His father would be coming out in a few weeks to visit the Texas location to discuss full production of the new beer this summer. Talking to his father without animosity and distrust was earth-shattering. Gray kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, but his father couldn’t have been more eager to listen to Gray’s plans for converting the last Roadhouse into a microbrewery. Simon loved the location because it was close to Latrobe, a country club with a great golf course. He planned to teach his grandson how to play.

  It was all because of Jennie. He refused to believe she’d be leaving Sunday. He wanted her to share his bed, but now they had two chaperones. Last night when they returned to the house, they enjoyed a heavy make-out session on the couch and duplicated leave-their-clothes-on lovemaking, and agreed it was hotter than the first time. Thinking about his love, he glanced at the time. She should be here in a few, and he was looking forward to their bull-riding competition when the club closed down. He had every intention of winning.

  Larry poked his head in the door, and it took everything to tamp down a smile. “Boss, we have a problem out here. We’ve got a female causing a stir and she demands to see the owner.”

  “No way. Tell her I’m unavailable. I’m expecting Jennie in a few minutes.”

  “She’s very adamant and won’t take no for an answer.”

  “Okay, I’ll get rid of her.”

  Gray shut down his laptop and followed Larry down the short hall to a door that exited to the side of the bar. The music was blaring and everything appeared normal until he looked at the bar. A string of piña coladas was lined up, like soldiers at attention. Everyone had a skewer of fruit.

  The seats were filled with his regular customers, but no one looked him in the eye. Their lips were tight from trying not to laugh. It was then he realized that the music was the Beach Boys singing “California Girls.”

  “Boss, there’s a lady at the other end who wants to meet you.”

  “Thanks, Larry. I think I’ve been had.”

chuckled as he made his way to a familiar seat he’d taken the night he met Malibu Barbie. His friends patted him on the back and the customers at the tables were laughing.

  When he finally saw her, he blinked. No white shorts or hair scrunched atop her head tonight. Midnight-blue jeans molded to her long legs and rust-colored rawhide stitched boots ended just below mid-calf. Hundreds of tiny crystals were stitched into her form-fitting purple western-cut shirt. The narrow trim on her black cowgirl hat matched her deep purple shirt. Dangling from her ears were silver stars.

  On the bar in front of her was a flight, including his newest brew.

  “Are you here to cause trouble?” he drawled, and glanced at the vacant seat. “Mind if I sit down?

  “Howdy, cowboy. Now why would you think I’m here to cause trouble?”

  “Should I be prepared for you to throw fruit at me and fondle my boys? Better yet, will I have to go into the parking lot and collect your sexy panties?”

  Jennie put a hand high up his thigh and squeezed lightly. “It doesn’t matter, because I’m not wearing any,” she whispered in his ear. “I want to feel that friction between my legs when I ride the bull, and I’ll be taking care of the boys later.”

  Grayson hung his head and groaned from the tightness in his groin. “You’re really trying to kill me, Jennie.”

  “No, I’m just priming you for later when you ride the bull naked.”

  When the DJ played Brooks and Dunn’s “Boot Scootin’ Boogie,” Jennie grabbed his hand. “I need to do one dance.”

  “But I don’t linedance,” he lightly protested as they wove their way between the tables. His Jennie was in a mood, and he decided to play it her way.

  His customers clapped and hooted with encouragement when Jennie and Grayson joined the line of dancers. Neither one knew what they were doing, but halfway through the dance, they got the steps: forward, back, skip, slide, and hop. They laughed at the blunders they made and were out of breath when the song finally ended.

  The DJ immediately segued into a slow dance. This was more to Grayson’s liking, and he took Jennie in his arms. The silly happiness in their bodies died when Diamond Rio sang “One More Day.”

  The words to the song cut Jennie like a knife, carving a permanent reminder of the heartache to come. She linked her arms around his neck and pressed her face to his neck to feel the pulse of his beating heart, the heart that communicated with her own.

  The words to the song made Grayson sad, and he felt her tremble. “Don’t think about it,” he breathed directly in her ear before seeking the tender spot under it. “We’ve got tonight and tomorrow.”

  No, we don’t, she silently screamed. They had to make the most of tonight. She raised her head and skimmed her lips lightly across his jaw, and felt the tiny growth of bristles. “Tonight is all about us.”

  They were on their way back to the bar when the lights dimmed and the spotlight zeroed in on the small arena that housed El Toro, their mechanical bull.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we have a special challenge,” the DJ announced. “Malibu Barbie versus the gray wolf.”

  Clapping and cheering followed the announcement. Half the room chanted “Barbie” and the other half “Wolff.”

  “I thought we were going to do this in private,” Grayson said under his breath.

  “Me, too.” Jennie looked around at the cheering audience. “That’s why the crowd is so much larger tonight. It’s obvious you can’t keep a secret in this town. They’re all here to see us ride the mechanical bull.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  “Tell them it was all a mistake? Unless it’s my imagination, the chanting is getting louder. I’m game if you are.”

  “Okay, let’s do this,” he reluctantly agreed.

  “Do you want me to go first to show you how it’s done? The YouTube videos I watched said women have better balance and are more graceful.”

  “Hold it! You haven’t done this before?”

  “Well, no, but Loretta gave me some pointers.”

  “Remind me to fire her.” He looked around and saw the waitress grinning from ear to ear. She gave two thumbs up.

  “You will not. Are you ready to lose, stud?”

  “Oh, baby, you’re on.” He turned to his cheering audience. “Ladies first.”

  Loretta escorted Jennie into the ring. “Remember what I said: center your body and grip the bar in front with one hand. Pretend you’re slow-dancing, taking graceful steps, but use your hips. When the bull dips forward, you sway back to counter, and vice versa. After a couple of times, you’ll get the flowing rhythm. The bull will go round in a circle very slowly—swing out your arm like you’re waving a fan with lots of feathers.”

  Jennie mounted El Toro, put her arms around the front, and whispered like he was a real bull. “Be gentle.” The rest of the customers stayed to the outside of the circle and cheered her on when the bull started his motions. She held on with two hands at first until she caught the rhythm Loretta described. Then she held on with one hand, waving her hand to balance her shifting hips. The rocking motion caused her to fantasize she was riding Gray. Her eyelids drifted closed and her hips swayed in a grinding motion. The dreamy, satisfied glow on her face was obvious when the men started whistling. Their challenge for was for three minutes. A loud bell clanged at the end of the ride and she screamed, “Grayson!” Jennie wasn’t aware the bull had stopped, and she had screamed her lover’s name.

  Gray was there to help her down, and he pinned her against the side of the bull. “You turned on a room full of men with that sexy demonstration. You screamed my name.”

  “It wasn’t intentional, believe me. I just pretended all the power between my legs was you thrusting into me. In case you were wondering, your friction is a lot hotter.” His arousal was obvious. She purposely squirmed her hips against him. “My secret for staying on the ride: pretend you’re buried deep inside me and you’ll do fine.”

  Jennie walked away and waved to her clapping audience.

  Gray took her advice and stayed on the ride for three minutes. He was so aroused that he had no problem taking her advice, and imagined himself deep inside her. By rights he should have demanded a rematch, but that would be too easy. Tomorrow night he would challenge her to a rematch when the Roadhouse was closed. He was already devising a whole new set of rules.

  There were a few more challenges, but the highlight had been Gray and Jennie. They sat at his corner table and enjoyed their barbecue for two.

  Jennie sipped her iced tea. “We both stayed on the bull for the full ride, so what happens to our challenge?”

  “You’re not getting out of it that easily.” The music was so loud he didn’t have to lower his voice, but he leaned into her anyway. “Tomorrow night, after the Roadhouse is closed, we have a rematch, but my way. We’ll ride the bull together naked, face to face. You’ll wrap your legs around me and I’ll slide into your hot, sweet body. When the bull starts, you’ll feel my slow, rocking thrusts. Jennie girl, be prepared to scream my name for real.”

  But I won’t be here! She couldn’t lose the chance to be with him one more time, and glanced at his almost empty plate. “Are you finished eating?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “Because I am so turned on right now, I can’t wait till tomorrow night.” She moved her hand under the table and found him hot and stiff. “I think you need me, too.”

  “And where do you we suggest we go? I have to stay till closing.”

  “Meet me in your office in about five minutes.”

  Her heart beat faster with every step she took toward his office. Tomorrow when he discovered her gone, he’d realize everything was staged because she knew she was leaving. She’d never considered herself selfish, but she needed to love him one more time.

  A couple of file folders occupied the top of the desk, and she carefully set his laptop on the floor. She stripped and decided to wear her boots and hat. It would be too obvious if she stretched ou
t on his desk, so she perched on a chair and swung a leg, just like she’d done the first time she saw him.

  Something was wrong, Grayson decided, as he walked to his office. Out of a clear blue sky, Jennie suddenly wanted to make love. Not that he would mind. He was hot for her right now. He tapped softly at the door, stepped inside, and grinned at his sexy cowgirl occupying his desk chair.

  “I kept the cowgirl boots on, and I think the hat is a nice touch.” She grinned.

  All thoughts of thinking this was a setup were forgotten when Grayson turned the lock.

  “Be prepared to be ridden, Jennie girl. Think of it as a prequel to tomorrow night.”

  Two hours later, Jennie sat behind the wheel of her rental truck. Her body still hummed from their spontaneous lovemaking. Her heart broke a little more with every mile she drove away from the Roadhouse. Grayson had kissed her good night and said he’d see her in the morning. But he wouldn’t. He was going to hate her. It was better this way, she told herself a thousand times. A river of tears ran down her cheeks, and she got tired of trying to wipe them away.

  She made good time on the interstate, and seven hours later pulled into a motel to get a few hours’ sleep. She’d just taken a shower and put on a nightshirt when her cell rang. It was Grayson. She’d been dreading this call and already missed him like crazy.

  “Don’t hate me.”

  “I can’t believe you left without saying goodbye.”

  “I hate goodbyes,” she choked out.

  “I sensed something was wrong last night when we made love. I now realize it was desperation I felt every time you kissed and touched me. When I got home I thought you had put the car in the barn. This morning I went to your room to kiss you good morning, and imagine my shock when I noticed all your things were gone. I tried to call you earlier, but it went straight to message. You hurt me, Jennie.”

  He didn’t have to tell her. She could hear the pain and disappointment in his voice. “I turned the phone off while I was driving. Please, Grayson. I love you so much and I needed you to be a part of me one more time. It killed me to leave you and Matt. Is he okay? Does he hate me?”


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