Winter Spire: Sorceress of Lust

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Winter Spire: Sorceress of Lust Page 6

by Anya Merchant

  Felix nodded, trying to put a friendly smile on his face. The Sheriff still had a menacing look in his eyes, but it seemed more out of habit than actual anger. After a moment, he turned and headed up the stairs.


  Felix opened the door to Stella’s apartment and walked inside, ditching his heavy winter outer wear and feeling tension slough off his shoulders. His t-shirt was still wet with sweat underneath, and he considered heading to the bathroom to shower and clean himself up.

  The door to Stella’s room was open, and as he walked by it, he saw her standing in front of a large oval mirror, in her bra and panties. She was staring into it and whispering quietly, and Felix had to clear his throat to get her attention, causing her to flinch in surprise.

  “Oh!” She turned around to look at him. “Felix?”

  She looked amazing. Her underwear fit her perfectly, something that Felix never knew could be erotic until that instant. The curves of her breasts and butt contrasted against her trim waist in a way that screamed of sexual femininity. She was looking at him expectantly, and Felix realized that he was staring at her.

  “Sorry!” he said, quickly turning around.

  “Oh, no,” said Stella. “It’s my fault. I’m too used to it being just me and Dani.”

  Felix scratched his head and walked over to the couch, putting Stella further out of sight. She reappeared in her doorway after a moment, wearing her black and gold robe.

  “There,” she said. “I’m decent.”

  “You’re more than decent,” said Felix. “I mean, uh…”

  He tapped his fingers on his thigh, trying to reel in his arousal.

  “How’d the shoveling go?” asked Stella.

  “That’s why I came back up here, actually,” said Felix. “A group of wolves showed up in the middle of it and chased us off. The mayor has ordered the doors to be locked for the rest of the day.”

  “Hmm…” said Stella. “That’s unexpected.”

  Felix looked at her, feeling a little confused by her nonreaction.

  “Do you think this is a coincidence?” he asked. “After the crystal caves?”

  Stella paced back in forth, appearing not to hear him.

  “I think the Ice Dancer might be about to make another move with one of her thralls,” she said. “I need you to do something for me, Felix.”

  Felix shook his head before he’d realized that he’d come to a decision.

  “Stella, the last time you asked me to do you a favor I almost got myself killed,” he said. “I think you’re better equipped to handle this than I am.”

  Stella smiled and walked over to the couch. She sat down next to him, her robe falling open an inch or two and exposing a tantalizing sliver of naked flesh.

  “Am I?” she asked. “All you need for it is your camera and curious mind.”

  Felix sighed.

  “And I’ll pay you,” Stella quickly added. “This is on top of what you can make from getting some slice of life photos of North Spire.”

  “Who said anything about-“

  “That’s what you were planning on doing today, I assume?” asked Stella. “It will go a lot easier if you tell people that the photos are for my research, instead of for a photography magazine, or journal article.”

  Felix lifted his hand up, surrendering.

  “Fine,” he said. “But I’m not looking to get any more involved in what’s going on around here than I already am.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s just not my style,” said Felix. “I need to get back on the road, as soon as I can.”

  “I think you might end up being here a little longer than you expected, Felix,” said Stella. “You might as well make the best of it, right?”

  Felix scowled at her and stood up from the couch.

  “Do you have any idea of where to start?” he asked.

  “Talk to someone that knows everyone,” said Stella.

  “Stella, I’ve been here for two days,” said Felix. “That doesn’t narrow it down for me.”

  “Ted Dawson is the probably the guy you’ll want to chat with.” Stella pulled out a pad of paper and began writing down a room number. “Chat with him a bit. Tell him you’re new in town and see if he’s willing to introduce you to some people.”

  “Okay,” said Felix. “And then I double back to anyone that seems, uh, suspicious?”

  “Exactly.” Stella put her finger against her lips, appearing to think about something. “Just be careful about Ted’s wife, Deborah. You might want to avoid her for now.”


  Stella frowned. An emotion flickered across her eyes that Felix didn’t recognize.

  “No reason,” she said. “She’d just waste your time.”

  Felix waited for a moment to see if she’d offer anymore advice, and then stood up.

  “Alright,” he said. “What time is dinner at?”

  “6 PM,” said Stella. “And you’re helping cook it tonight.”

  “What? Are you serious?”

  Stella grinned.

  “Dead serious.”


  Felix took his time after leaving Stella’s apartment. He snapped a few easy photos of the hallway, and made his way into the stairwell.

  Instead of heading immediately to the room Stella had written down for him, Felix followed the sound of noise, all the way down to the second floor, directly above the lobby. He stepped through the door, a few steps down the hallway, and then peered through a windowed door.

  A few dozen people were standing, sitting, and socializing in a large lounge, filled with tables, chairs, couches, and toys for children. Felix smiled and briefly considered heading in, eventually deciding against.

  He was still an outsider, and not just in their minds. The last thing he wanted to do was to get comfortable in North Spire. He would leave once he was able, and as always, he’d be better for it in the end.

  What Felix did do was snap a single photograph, keeping the frame of the window along the outside edge. It was a nice photo, if not for selling, then for his own personal collection.

  He headed back into the stairwell and made his way up to the sixth floor. He found the room Stella had directed him to and stood outside it, thinking about how to approach what he was supposed to be doing.

  The door opened while he was still thinking, and he took a step back in surprise, as did the woman standing on the other side of it.

  “Jesus!” she shouted.

  “Sorry!” Felix winced and scratched his head. “I was, uh, about to knock. I came here to talk to Ted, if he’s around?”

  The woman relaxed visibly and smiled at him. She was in her thirties, with brown hair cut almost boyishly short. Her eyes were large and green, and she a tight grey sweatshirt and yoga pants, both of which were quite flattering on the curves of her bust and butt.

  “You’re the new guy, right?” she said, folding her arms.

  “Felix,” he said. “More of a visitor than a new guy, really.”

  He extended his hand for her to shake. The woman licked her lips, took his hand into hers, and all but pulled him inside.

  “Come on in!” she said. “Ted isn’t here right now, but I’m his wife, Deb, and, well, I am here.”

  She laughed and smiled at him. Felix glanced around the living room. It was almost an exact copy of Stella’s, the only difference being the quality of décor and furniture. Deb, or possibly Ted, appeared to have expensive tastes.

  “Okay,” he said. “I just stopped by to introduce myself. Stella said that your husband would be a good person to meet if I was interested in meeting more people?”

  His voice felt fake and unenthused. The only reason he was there was as a favor to Stella, and Felix had never been a very good actor.

  “Ah yes,” said Deb. “Hmmm… Did she say anything more than that?”

  “Not really,” said Felix. “Why? Is there something I’m missing, here?”

  Deb disappe
ared into the kitchen, coming back a few seconds later with a bottle of wine and two glasses. Felix opened his mouth to object and then thought better of it. He sensed that a tipsy Deb would be more open to connecting him with the other tower residents than a sober one.

  “Well, you know how Stella is,” said Deb.

  “Actually, I don’t,” said Felix. “I’ve known her for less than two days.”

  Deb looked as though she hadn’t really heard him. She sat down on the couch, more toward the middle then either edge, and patted a spot next to her.

  “She acts like she’s above all the gossip,” said Deb. “Which is understandable, of course. In a town like this, gossip and drama tend to take on a wild life of their own!”

  Deb let out a single, small, somewhat forced laugh, and poured them both a large glass of wine. Felix sat down next to her. She didn’t move to accommodate him, and his leg slid up against hers, generating a tingly, somewhat primed sensation.

  “That’s probably to be expected,” said Felix. “I’ve been in small towns before. Community is a big thing in all of them.”

  And I want nothing to do with it, he almost added.

  “Cheers.” Deb lifted her glass, and Felix took his and clinked. He took a small sip, leaning back on the couch, wondering why exactly he was there.

  “Everybody knows everybody, here,” said Deb. “There aren’t really any secrets. Which, I guess, for some people is a little inconvenient.”

  Felix smiled, watching as Deb downed the rest of her glass. He began making an effort on his, and not just for the sake of being polite.

  “I’m open about it, when I can be,” she said. “Ted and I have been married a very long time. We understand each other, the good and the bad.”

  “Okay, Deb,” said Felix. “So, do you think you could show me around the spire, or maybe-“

  “Ted knows that I have… conversations, with some of the other men,” said Deb. “He talks to some of the women, too. But the only one he talks about… He talks about her, and her ridiculous magic, like it’s actually real.”

  Felix ran his hand through his hair, finished his glass of wine, and stood up.

  “I think I should go,” he said. “Listen, will your husband be home tonight? I think maybe it would be better if we all spoke together.”

  Deb looked at Felix as though he’d slapped her in the face. She leaned back on the couch and crossed her legs.

  “She invited you to stay with her,” said Deb. “To be your host mother.”

  “She did,” he said.

  Deb licked her lips. She stood up and walked in close to Felix, closer than what was appropriate for a man and a married woman.

  “You could stay with me and Ted,” she said, in a soft voice. “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind, too much.”

  Deb’s hand touched his waist, and then slowly drifted, her fingers running across his crotch.

  “Deb…” said Felix. “I really think I should be going.”

  “But I was just about to get to the point,” she said. “Of course I’ll help you, Felix.”

  He raised an eyebrow at her.

  “You will?”

  She smiled at him broadly.

  “Of course I will…” She took him by the hand and slowly began leading him across her living room. “I’ll introduce you to whoever you want to meet! Even if Stella doesn’t like it.”

  “Why wouldn’t Stella like it?”

  “Because I know the kind of people,” said Deb, “the kind of women, that a young man like you would be very much interested in meeting.”

  Deb took a step back, pushing through the door of her marital bedroom. She walked over to the bed and sat down on it, smiling at Felix.

  He walked in after her and closed the door.


  “And just how accommodating of a host has Stella been?” asked Deb.

  Felix shook his head, moving closer to her on the bed. She slid her legs open and leaned back.

  “I get the feeling that anything I say to you will end up spreading through this place like wildfire.”

  “I can keep a secret, Felix,” whispered Deb.

  He stepped within her reach. She leaned up on the bed and immediately begun unzipping his jeans.

  Felix was torn. Part of him knew what kind of woman she was, and wanted to put a stop to it. He didn’t judge Deb for it. Her eagerness, her need, was something that he understood better than ever after his experience with the Ice Dancer.

  He knew that the odds of keeping their encounter a secret were slim. Stella would hear about it, as would Dani, more than likely. It would through a wrench into the gears of the temporary life he was settling down into. And part of Felix wanted that. Deb let out a giggle.

  “I would be just as good of a host as she is, you know,” she said, pulling down his boxers and letting Felix’s cock snap out into her face.

  “Oh? And what would your husband think of that?”

  “He wouldn’t have to know.” Deb gave his shaft a slow lick, from the base to the tip. Felix let out a soft moan and ran his hand through her hair.

  He urged her on, and Deb began to suck with the skill and efficacy of a practiced whore. A twinge of guilt pulled at Felix’s heart. Deb was the one doing something wrong. He had no commitments to be concerned about. And yet, still…

  Deb flicked her eyes up at him, letting her hot lips suckle against his cock. She was an attractive older woman, an elegant seducer. Everything about her screamed of sophistication and class, and sucking his cock like a dirty whore.

  Felix thrust forward slightly, pushing his cock into the back of her throat. Deb made a coughing noise and pulled back slightly.

  “You’re so eager,” she said. “Do you do it the same way with Stella?”

  Felix glared at her. He didn’t fully understand what the deal was between Deb and Stella, and hearing her bring it up again and again annoyed him for reasons unknown.

  “You’re not Stella,” he said. “Now get back to work.”

  “Ooh, so you do have a bossy side!” She let out a laugh, and then made exaggerated humming noises as she resumed sucking.

  Deb pulled at the back of Felix’s legs, positioning him onto the bed. He groped at her breasts, feeling them under his hands and building the eroticism of the moment. She slipped her lips off his cock with a satisfying popping noise and smiled at him.

  “Do you want to see me naked, Felix?” she asked. “Oh, now what would my husband think of that?”

  Felix pulled her shirt up and over her head, feeling a little less bad about what he was doing as he sensed more of Deb’s character. She was a blatant flirt, and likely a frequent cheat. It was hard to imagine her husband being any different.

  He remembered what Deb had said about her husband talking about Stella and frowned slightly. Deb finished unhooking her bra, letting her breasts fall free. They actually looked nicer naked than they did clothed, and Felix refocused his attention on what was happening.

  “Mmmm…” whispered Deb. “Do you want to fuck me, Felix?”

  He answered her question by flipping her underneath him and roughly pulling off her yoga pants. She wasn’t wearing panties underneath, which surprised Felix, even though it shouldn’t have.

  He pushed inside her and was a little taken aback by the surprised expression on her face. It quickly shifted back to her mischievous smile, but she did put a hand on his chest and lean in close to his ear.

  “You’ll have to pull out,” she said, with a hint of guilt.

  “Oh yeah?” Felix smiled, pushing his cock deeper in and feeling her body shiver.

  “Mmmm…” Deb nodded, biting her lip. “You can’t… cum inside me.”

  Felix pulled back and thrust in harder. Deb let out a sharp breath of pleasure and ran her hands across his back. He thrust in again, and again. The bed squeaked underneath them as he picked up speed, building a rhythm.

  “We’ll see,” said Felix. Deb scraped her nails across his back as
he slammed into her a little harder, the noise of their bodies slapping together echoing through the room.

  He almost felt as though he was punishing her. Felix had met women like Deb before, unfaithful to their husbands and secretly proud of it. He was a part of it now, and had no place to judge her. But at the very least, he could let out his emotion, the way he felt about her, through the illicit act.

  “Oh god!” moaned Deb. “Felix!”

  He pulled back, watching her breasts jiggle with each movement. The bed was so loud, anyone walking down the hallway would hear them. Everyone lived together in the same building, under a single roof. They were all one big family, sneaking around behind each other’s back.

  Deb’s legs intertwined with Felix’s. He groped at her breasts as much for purchase as for pleasure, letting himself take her as though she were nothing more than a living, breathing sex toy. Deb writhed underneath him, her moans and cries growing louder. She was getting what she wanted.

  He couldn’t stop himself. The moment had momentum, like a boulder rolling down the hill. Their bodies were locked in, and there was only one way to disconnect from that. Felix let his awareness drift away as he fucked her faster, and faster.

  “Oh… god!” cried Deb. “Not… please, not inside-“

  At the last second, Felix pulled out. He slid forward on Deb, straddling her chest, and let his cock explode, spraying hot strings of cum onto her breasts and face. She closed her eyes and scrunched her face up, and Felix felt strangely satisfied in a way that went beyond the pleasure of the orgasm.

  “I said not inside me,” said Deb, her voice haughty and dignified. “I didn’t say that you could-“

  “Whatever, Deb.” Felix rolled off the bed and started getting dressed. He did feel a little bad, and turned back to her before leaving the room. “Look, at least it wasn’t inside you? Right?”

  She rolled her eyes at him, a gesture made more amusing by a single bead of cum sticking to her eyebrow.

  “I thought you were a sweet boy,” she said.

  “It takes two to tango,” said Felix. “And honestly, this isn’t what I came here for.”


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