Her Purr-fect Lions [Lions of Lonesome, Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Her Purr-fect Lions [Lions of Lonesome, Texas 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 11

by Jane Jamison

  Burton’s arm wrapped around her waist, his hand slipping between her legs. “You’re wet, all right. I smelled it and knew you were.” His cock pressed against her ass crack.

  A shudder of pure lust ripped through her. Then a yelp escaped her as Ridge grabbed a hunk of her hair and jerked her head back.

  “Don’t hurt her, man,” admonished Matt. “Remember she’s still human.”

  The pain did hurt, but it also gave her a pleasure she’d never experienced before. With Ridge holding on to her hair, she had no choice but to look up at him. When she did, she found his cock in front of her face.

  “Suck on me, hon. Suck on me hard.”

  She opened wide and took his enormous cock into her mouth. His taste was salty and filled with the taste of man. Yet there was another flavor, one born of wildness, to it. One she couldn’t define but knew instinctively came from his lion.

  She freed Ridge’s cock long enough to demand they give her what she wanted. “Take me. All of you. Take me now.”

  They groaned. Or had they growled? Maybe it was a combination of both, but in the next moment, she no longer wondered.

  Their cocks filled her. Burton with his cock plunging into her dark hole. Matt thrusting upward, moving her pussy lips apart to dive into her cave. Ridge groan-growled again as she took his cock back into her mouth.

  She was pure energy. Pure need. Pure wanton desire. And only they could give her any relief.

  She whimpered as Ridge tightened his hold on her hair. Moaned when Matt took a breast into his mouth and tortured her nipple. Cried a muffled cry when Burton dug his fingers into her butt cheeks and slammed his cock into her again.

  She was theirs, claimed and mated. And proud of it.

  They were no longer four separate entities. Their bodies molded together, slipping over sex-soaked skin, slapping together to make sensual sounds of pleasure. Their moans, their grunts mixed together, forming one song they all sang.

  Again and again Burton plunged his cock into her. The width of him, the force he used, should’ve caused her pain, but it didn’t. Nothing he could ever do would cause her pain. With Matt gripping her breasts, she reached back, needing to touch Burton. Her hand fell on his stone-like leg and felt the machine-like muscles moving with each stroke.

  “Hollow your cheeks, Bree. Suck harder.”

  Had she been neglecting Ridge? No matter. She sucked harder and whipped her tongue around his length. His pre-cum teased her taste buds, and she vowed that once he came she’d drink as much of his seed as she could.

  She felt Matt’s powerful thrust upward with her palm against his hard chest. Felt his cock go higher, deeper than she would’ve thought physically possible. His cock was a battering ram laying siege to her pussy. She cried out as he plunged into her again then added a thumb against her swollen, aching clit.

  The whirlwind of climax spun higher, tighter as she tried to hold on. But she was, after all, still only human. When her resolve broke apart, the orgasm spun its way free. She didn’t cry out this time. This time, she screamed.

  “Spin her around,” ordered Ridge, pulling his cock from her mouth.

  “What the fuck for?” complained Matt.

  “You’ll see,” said Ridge.

  She wanted to question him, too, but she couldn’t find the strength to speak. Instead, she could only grasp Ridge’s arm as Burton picked her up once again and turned her to face him.

  “Damn. Hang on. I’ll be back,” he quipped in a horrible imitation of the Terminator. Then Burton was gone, dashing off to the bathroom.

  “Where’s he going?”

  “Like he said. He’ll be back,” answered Matt.

  “Until then, it’s just us. And I get what I want.” Ridge dropped to his knees in front of her, then leaned backward, his tree-trunk sized legs bent under him. “Get on top, hon.”

  She did as he told her, scooting forward until her crotch rested on top of his mouth-wetted cock. Holding her breath, she took his cock in hand and then slipped it sweetly inside her pussy. He felt just as amazing as Matt had.

  Matt’s hand against the middle of her back had her leaning forward just as Burton returned and hopped back onto the bed, making the bed bounce even more. Water dripped off his body like rain cascading off a mountainous cliff. “Damn sneaky, Ridge, but I can’t blame you.”

  He straddled Ridge, earning him a warning groan from Ridge, but he paid no attention to it. Instead, Burton took her by the jaw and presented his cock to her. “Don’t worry. I’m squeaky clean. I took the fastest shower in Texas. Now suck on me, puttin’. Make me come.”

  She took him in as she felt Matt skim his hands over her butt cheeks.

  “Easy, baby. Don’t tighten up. You know this doesn’t hurt. Not with us.”

  And then he pushed his cock into her already ready anus. She moaned and began sucking on Burton’s cock.

  Again, they were joined together, four becoming one seamless entity. Their sweat ran together. Her hands found Ridge’s hard pecs just as Burton’s huge hands toyed with her breast. Matt slapped her ass cheeks once then twice then slammed his cock inside her again.

  Her second climax was more powerful than her first one. With her skin on fire, her clit throbbing a relentless, pounding beat, the release took her without warning. She screamed yet again, her body tightening as the sensation took control. Blackness threatened to take her and would have if Burton hadn’t demanded she look at him.

  She looked up and saw his amber eyes set on her. He stiffened, his jaw tight, then turned his seed free. The burst of cum into her mouth caught her unprepared, but she drank as much of it down as she could, swallowing hard and fast. Just when she was sure she’d drown in his cum, he pulled out and crawled off the bed.

  “Fuck.” Matt dug his fingers into her flesh and stilled. With a growl-turned-roar, he bellowed his release and pulled his cock out, shooting warm stickiness over the small of her back.

  Before she could recover, Ridge sat up, taking her with him. Throwing her onto her back, he re-entered her, shoving his cock in hard and deep.

  She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t respond. All she could do was cling to his shoulders as he entered her again and again. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she met his amber gaze. “I’m your mate now.”

  The lust in his eyes left for only a moment, but it was long enough. It came back, but with it also came a glint of something more. Something precious. In his eyes, then in the eyes of Burton and Matt as she glanced at them, she saw love.

  “Say it, Ridge.”

  He didn’t hesitate. “You’re our mate. Now and forever.”

  When he lifted his head to the ceiling, eyes closed, and roared his orgasm, she wrapped her legs tighter around him.

  His body lost its tenseness and he slumped, falling toward her but catching himself in enough time to roll to her side instead. He trailed his fingers over her stomach, his heavy breathing lifting his chest. Soon she realized that all of them were breathing heavily, satisfaction rolling out of them with each breath.

  My mates.

  Oh, my God. I love them so much.

  A little while later, she asked, “Will you give me The Allure now?”

  They crowded around her, like warriors ready to protect their queen from danger. Yet there was no danger. Only love filled the air.

  “There’s no need now.” Matt rested his head on his hand, his gaze probing her. “Is there?”

  She brushed her fingertips along the stubble on his jaw. “If you’re asking me if I’ve changed my mind about being your mate, then the answer is no.”

  “Then why would you want to get allured?” asked Burton, sitting at her feet.

  She poked him with her big toe. “Because, silly, I still want to know what it feels like.”

  She felt Ridge’s shoulder rise and fall in his shrug. “Sure. Why not? It won’t hurt anything to do it now.”

  “Fine,” said Matt. “But which one of us should give it to you? And how much? I do
n’t know if you realized it, but I already gave you some of mine.”

  Her mouth parted in surprise. “You did?” And then she remembered. She’d felt better, stronger, loved. “Is that what it was? I know I felt different, but I didn’t know why.”

  “Yeah. That’s why,” he confirmed.

  And she wanted more of that wonderful sensation. “All of you. I want all of your allures.” She touched the tip of her finger to his nose, teasing him. “And I don’t want just a small dose, either. I want to go all out. What’s the difference, anyway?”

  “Small doses are for when a werelion wants to keep his mate safe from other werelions,” answered Ridge.

  “So it’s kind of like marking your territory?” She scrunched up her nose. “Wow. How romantic.”

  “It is,” countered Burton. “If you look at it in the right way. But I see your point.”

  “Not that it did much good keeping Ron away.” She shook off the momentary memory of Ron’s body next to hers.

  “It should have,” added Matt. “But Ron’s an asshole and a drunk who doesn’t always follow the rules.”

  “And he’s your friend?” She lifted her eyebrows, questioning him.

  “Yeah, well, we’ve known him for years. I guess everyone has a jerk in their lives. Ron’s our jerk.”

  “So let me see if I’ve got this straight. The full Allure is something you only give to a woman if you’re positive you want her as your mate. Yes?”

  “Exactly right,” answered Matt.

  “So that means you guys love me, right?” She batted her eyelashes coquettishly.

  “Damn straight we do,” assured Matt.

  “More than anything,” added Ridge.

  “Yep.” Burton grinned. “We love you a lot. But do you love us?”

  She hesitated and couldn’t help but pleased when they looked almost fearful of her answer. “Yeah. I do. I love you all.”

  “Damn, baby. For a moment there, you had us worried,” said Matt.

  She narrowed her eyes. “You guys don’t give your allure to more than one woman, do you? I’m not getting myself into a sister-wife kind of thing, am I? Only I guess we’d be called sister mates.”

  Matt chuckled then tapped his finger against her nose. “No, but now that you mentioned it, that’s not a bad idea.”

  She grabbed a hunk of his hair and yanked. “Oh, no, you don’t. I was lousy at sharing in kindergarten, and I’m still lousy at sharing.”

  “Ow. Okay, okay. Take it easy.” He tugged her hand free then cupped her breast. “I was only joking. Trust me. We couldn’t handle another woman like you.”

  “Which is crap,” added Ridge. “Because there are no other women like you.”

  She pulled him down for a kiss. “You’d better believe it. Now, how about giving me your allures? Then, after you do, I want to see you in your lion bodies.”

  Burton lunged over her, sending her to her back. “I’m first.”

  Her breathing picked up, her excitement taking over. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Just breathe, puttin’. Just breathe.” Leaning even closer, his mouth only inches from hers, he drew in a breath then let it out slowly. Amber sparkled in his eyes.

  She inhaled once, then twice, but didn’t feel anything. His breath had a sweet aroma to it, but other than that, she could tell that it contained any special quality. “I don’t think it’s working.”

  “Just keep breathing.” Matt stroked her arm.

  “Okay, but seriously, I don’t—” Suddenly, something struck her. She couldn’t have described it even if her life had depended on it, but all at once, she felt different. The air around her cocooned her in warmth. Her heart slowed down, yet the excitement of earlier increased. A surge of something—power or electricity—swept through her. She closed her eyes, relishing the strange mix of emotions and sensations.

  Calm yet exhilarated.

  Relaxed yet nervous.

  Strong yet vulnerable.

  Safe yet ready for anything.

  Her favorite sweet, deep, dark chocolate had never tasted so good. She couldn’t think of anything that would be better. Right then, even sex wasn’t as good.

  But sex with The Allure? She’d die for that.

  She opened her eyes, took another breath, drawing in more of his allure.

  “Enough. She said all of us.” Matt eased Burton aside then hovered over her, placing his mouth close to hers. “Keep breathing.” He puckered up his lips and blew out a breath.

  She closed her eyes again, relishing in the sweet flavor of Matt’s allure. Again and again, she took a breath.

  Could a woman overdose from The Allure?

  “It’s good that you saved the best for last, hon.”

  She didn’t open her eyes but sensed Matt moving away and letting Ridge take his turn. She smiled then drew in his heady scent.

  This must be what heaven smells like.

  Except that heavenly thoughts were a long way from what she was feeling. Opening her eyes, she pressed her lips to Ridge just as he let out another breath. With the kiss, she took in even more of his allure.

  “Do you want us to shift now, baby?”

  She stretched out, luxuriating in the delicious sensations coursing through every inch of her. She had their allures and pitied any woman who wouldn’t experience The Allure in her lifetime.

  “Yes,” she answered. “But not before I get to have you again.” Smiling like a vixen, she reached for them. “All of you. Take me as your mate.”

  “Again?” asked Burton.

  “Yes. Again and again and again.”

  * * * *

  They were beyond amazing. Incredible as men, Matt, Ridge, and Burton were stunningly beautiful as lions. She sat on the back porch of their home, her home, and studied their graceful movements. After running her fingers through their manes over and over until they’d finally had to move away from her to get her to stop stroking them, she’d stayed on the porch, allowing them the space to tussle with each other.

  Matt reared onto his back legs, roared, and took Burton into a roll. Ridge ended their play by hurling his massive body at both of them. Their snarls filled the air, but she wasn’t afraid. Instead, the sounds of their hard play sounded like heart-pounding drums in a strange and mystical piece of music. Their eyes, fully amber now, still contained their humanity, but with each look, she could sense their animal mind wanting to take over.

  What would it be like to be in such a powerful body? What would it be like to have muscles that flexed with the simplest of movements yet could easily command giant claws to reach out and kill with a single swipe? Would she see the world differently? Would she know no fear and, instead, feel as though she was queen of the world?

  She had so many questions to ask them. Did they want children? Did they want to live in Lonesome forever? She sensed that the answer to both questions would be yes, but no matter what, she was their mate and would stay by their side until the day she died.

  They’d offered to change her several times since last night. Was today the day she’d finally accept? Yet the anticipation was delicious, too. In time, she’d be bitten and change. But until then, she’d enjoy being a woman in love with her perfect lions.

  No. My purr-fect lions.

  “I can’t wait to tell Winnie.”

  Although she’d whispered, the three huge animals turned their broad faces toward her. They began to stride toward her, taking their time, their wide paws sending up puffs of dirt with each step.

  She didn’t fear them. Still, seeing the three of them coming toward her, their fangs peeking out from between their powerful jaws, would give anyone pause. “I still can’t believe what I’m seeing.”

  Their bodies began blurring again as they had done when they’d first transformed. She cringed at the sound of breaking bones as their skeletal structures gave way to their other bodies. Fur slipped away to be replaced by tanned human skin. And still they came toward her.

�Don’t tell Winnie,” said Ridge, fully returned to his human body.

  She didn’t respond right away. It took a few seconds of admiration for his terrific body before she could get her mind to work again. “Why not?”

  Matt, his cock bobbing with each step, answered. “Because it’s not your place to tell her.”

  “What are you talking about? I’m her best friend. I have to tell her. Hell, it’s why we came to the festival.” She laughed. “Not that I’ve seen much of the festival, but I don’t mind.” Her gaze jumped from one man to the next. “Nope. I don’t mind missing Shifter Days at all.”

  Ridge sat down beside her, his hand already traveling to unbutton her shirt. “Her men should be the ones to tell her. Not you. Not anyone else.”

  “Her men?” She bit her lower lip as Matt stood beside her, undid her jeans, and then yanked them off her. Why had she bothered to get dressed? Whenever they were around, she spent more time naked than she did clothed.

  Her pulse had quickened along with a quick rush of wetness between her legs. She skimmed her hands along their skin, remembering the fur that had been there but loving the flesh even more. Thinking became a secondary priority.

  “Trust us. She’ll like it better coming from them.” Matt went to his knees in front of her and buried his head between her legs.

  “Yeah. Let the Landersons tell Winnie,” added Burton.

  Winnie? Winnie who?

  She could barely breathe as Ridge slicked his tongue over her nipple.

  “You’ll keep quiet, right?” Matt lifted up just long enough to speak.

  She grabbed his head and shoved it down again. “No more talking.” She inhaled as he drove his tongue inside her pussy and…purred.




  Siren Publishing, Inc.





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