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Pack Mates (Were Chronicles)

Page 3

by Crissy Smith

  One way or another, he needed to decide what to do about her. He couldn’t keep her from his family for much longer.

  * * * *

  Nikki had slept like the dead. She’d meant to be awake when Brandon had got off shift but she hadn’t heard a thing once she’d passed out in bed. Upon waking, she had been thrown for a minute before she could place where she was. Then the memory of the trouble they could be in had her stomach in knots as she had dressed for the day.

  She looked forward to seeing her friend again but she now wished she hadn’t invited her to breakfast. She needed to have a conversation with her brother.

  She moved quietly around the house, starting the coffee pot and turning on the television before she started breakfast.

  She was just placing the cinnamon rolls in the oven when Brandon appeared in the doorway. She poured him a cup and set it on the bar between them.

  He grunted his thanks and took a seat.

  Gently placing the spatula she was holding onto the counter, she leaned against the bar.

  Brandon drank half the coffee before he glanced up at her.

  “Justin told you?”

  Nikki nodded. Guess it was going to happen now. “How could you even consider it?” she asked softly.

  He looked down and rubbed the side of his mug. “I hadn’t really. Some of the older members approached me and I figured they were just upset and would get over it.”

  “But they didn’t,” she guessed.

  “No, as the ceremony gets closer they are getting more desperate. Word is that Dylan Cross will fill his inner circle with his own wolves. Cameron had discussed that some of our Pack would be involved, but I guess Dylan is backing out on that. So we would be losing the Pack and that scares people. Especially if the shifters do go public soon as planned. If I don’t do it, then someone else will.”

  “Someone not as strong as you,” she filled in.

  He didn’t answer so she just watched him, the man who had been her mother and father for the last twenty years.

  “Do you even want to be Alpha?” she asked when he remained silent.

  He looked up and she read the answer in his eyes. He didn’t but he felt trapped.

  She walked around the counter and wrapped an arm around his neck. “I don’t want to lose you,” she whispered into his ear.

  He hugged her tight and they just held each other. Nikki couldn’t believe this was happening. She had to find a way to save them all.

  “We’ll figure it out,” she promised.

  He gave her one last squeeze before letting her go and standing. “In two days? I’ve been trying to come up with another way for months now. And I don’t want you to get involved. I just wanted you home. I wanted to have some time with you.”

  She bit her lip at the lost look on his face. She had never understood before how much responsibility her brother carried.

  “I love you.”

  He smiled, just the corners of his lips curving up. “I love you too. I gotta get ready for work. Just yell when breakfast is ready.”

  She watched him go. There had to be something she could do.

  She didn’t have long to think about it before the back door open and the whirlwind of her best friend entered. Hands full of bags and children, Sabrina swept in, distracting her from her problems.

  Breakfast was a noisy but wonderful event. The kids had woken Justin up, so he’d made it down right behind Brandon. They shared a look of worry but both remained quiet.

  Both men eventually left for work, leaving the women and kids. Sabrina ushered the two older kids into the den to watch television as Nikki sat with another cup of coffee at the table holding baby Julian.

  Sabrina topped off the mugs before sitting down beside her.

  “How are things around here?” her friend asked.

  Nikki was glad she had brought it up. She didn’t want to confide too much but she needed to talk to someone. “As well as can be expected.”

  Sabrina sent her a sympathetic look. “I know a lot of the other members of the Pack are worried, but I don’t know that a challenge is the way to go. Cameron is giving his blessing for the new Alpha. He has been working on the transition being as smooth as possible. I think it was a great idea of Dylan Cross to bring the Pack members in before he took over so everyone could merge together.”

  Nikki was glad her friend agreed. “How’s it been around here since the new members came? Any problems?”

  “No, as far as I’ve heard, they’ve brought in more money, businesses, and are a pretty good bunch.”

  “Then why all this talk about the challenge?”

  Sabrina shrugged. “It’s mostly the older generation. You know how they are about change. And this is a big one.”

  “Yeah, but Cameron wouldn’t bring someone in he didn’t trust. It couldn’t have been easy to decide. He even consulted the Alpha council.”

  “I know. But you know how it is. So much has happened within the shifter world in the last few months. Talking about going public, the feline Prince being kidnapped, and now a new leader here. They are just trying to control something.”

  Nikki thought about the new information. “Does Cameron know? He should be able to do something.”

  “I don’t think so. He wouldn’t want a challenge. He would for sure try to talk to Brandon. But what can you say? I haven’t actually heard if Brandon is going to challenge. Just the rumour that he should.”

  “Someone has to tell Cameron,” Nikki insisted.

  “And if Brandon doesn’t challenge it could put him in jeopardy. What would you do in his position? He can’t act on a rumour.”

  “What do you know about the new Alpha?”

  “Just that he was an Enforcer at his old Pack. He showed all the signs of being a great leader but their Pack had several wolves descended from the Alpha who would want the position. To be an Alpha, he had to go somewhere else.”

  She had to ask, Nikki knew, but she dreaded bringing up the name. “What do you know about his brother, RJ Cross?”

  Sabrina grinned. “Good-looking, smart, but a little rough around the edges. He owns the tattoo parlour in town, drives a Harley, and has every woman in town lusting after him.”

  “Hmm,” Nikki murmured, not exactly happy that the thought of every woman in town making eyes at the stranger made her feel extremely jealous. Damn, she’d just met the guy.

  “He has another brother, too,” Sabrina informed her.


  “Younger than Dylan and RJ. He works at the paper with Max. Max says he’s quiet and keeps to himself. Nice and wicked smart.”

  “So both the brothers already work in town?” That was good information. If she wanted to protect her brother, she needed as much information as she could find on them.

  “Yep, why? What are you going to do?” Sabrina asked with a nervous laugh.

  “I don’t know yet.”

  “Well, whatever you do, it has to be quick,” Sabrina told her, standing. “Not everyone wants a challenge, but if there is one, sides will be drawn. Brandon would have the entire town on his. That’s a lot of pressure.”

  Picking up the mugs and a few plates from the kitchen, Nikki agreed silently. If she was going to help, she needed to get started.

  Chapter Five

  RJ was impressed with the number of articles written by Nicole B. Stratton. She had travelled to several countries, writing about what she saw and bringing awareness to the many cultures that were ignored around the world. It was obvious the woman was good at what she did and truly enjoyed it.

  It also raised the question—why would she put that on hold to come back home? Why now? And would she be leaving soon?

  The last question was purely personal. He wanted to see more of the woman and knew one taste of her was not going to be enough.

  The alarm on his watch beeped and he glanced at the time. It was already late morning and he needed to get into town to open his shop, even if the people wh
o came in the shop only wanted to check out the new Alpha’s brother.

  He stuffed the articles in his top desk drawer before logging off his computer.

  He showered quickly before dressing in a faded pair of jeans and a black T-shirt. His custom boots and jacket followed. Locking up behind himself, he wondered what Nikki was doing that morning.

  If she hadn’t known who he was the night before, surely she did by now. It might make it more difficult to get closer to her but he was a determined man.

  He wouldn’t trade on his feelings for her to get information on her brother, but a woman with the integrity to write the articles he’d read couldn’t be behind a hostile takeover.

  And a challenge would be just that. Cameron had chosen his brother to lead the Pack. It angered him that the old Alpha’s wishes were not being respected, in addition to the fact that he wouldn’t stand for any threat against his family.

  The hum of his bike was loud in the quietness of the yard. He drove slowly and carefully towards town. Brandon Stratton had already pulled him over once. It had been a tense battle of strength between the two men. RJ knew the sheriff had been testing his control. Pushing his buttons to see what he would do.

  He had managed to hang onto his wolf and not give the sheriff what he wanted. After taking the speeding ticket, he had been almost certain he’d briefly seen respect in Brandon’s eyes but couldn’t be sure.

  He took the side streets until he reached the back alley in which he parked. He entered his shop through the back door and flipped on the lights. The shop remained neat and clean from the night before.

  His footsteps echoed as he crossed the front entry to the windows and doors. He opened the blinds, letting the bright sunlight in to gleam against the stainless steel countertops. He was just reaching for the ‘Open’ sign when he spotted her.

  She crossed the street with long, confident strides. He smiled as he watched her. She was dressed in almost identical style to his. Faded jeans, a snug, fitted black T-shirt, with black sneakers. Her long hair was pulled back in a ponytail and he could almost imagine hanging on to her hair as she went down on him. His cock rose and he licked his lips in need.

  He wasn’t surprised when he realised she was heading in the direction of his shop.

  Everything he had learnt from the internet made him think she would attack any problem head on. Hopefully he could get her on his side. Not against her brother, but against a challenge.

  He unlocked the door and pulled it open when she was still several feet away.

  Surprise crossed her face before she wiped it with a look of determination. She nodded at him as she passed beside him to enter.

  He closed the door behind her, leaving the sign on ‘Closed’.

  She walked around the shop, taking in his pride and joy. He let her prowl and admired her as she roamed. After several minutes, she paused and turned to him.

  “We have a problem,” she told him.

  “Just one?” he asked, crossing his arms.

  She laughed. “One problem at a time, I think.”

  “Okay.” He waved to one of the couches. “Have a seat.”

  She sat down and he chose one of the other chairs so he could be directly in front of her. He wanted to sit close but he wasn’t sure if he did that he would be able to keep his hands off her.

  It was better that he put some distance between them, for now anyway. She smelt clean and fresh. He closed his eyes briefly and breathed in deep, pulling her scent inside him.

  When he opened his eyes, he saw her staring down at her hands.

  “Which problem would you like to discuss today?” he asked. He didn’t like the thought of her being upset. The urge to join her on the couch was strong once again.

  “Our brothers.”

  He tensed. He didn’t mean to but it was a reaction he couldn’t hide. As soon as he did, she shifted away from him. He took several deep breaths in hopes of calming himself and putting her at ease.

  “I have heard rumours,” he admitted, not wanting to give too much away until he knew her stance. “It concerns me.”

  “It concerns you? That’s all you have to say? Just an everyday nuisance?” she accused. “Don’t you want to do something to stop it?”

  He laughed. This spitfire of a woman was sure intriguing. “You’ve been here, what? Twelve hours? I have been here for weeks. In all that time, not one person has asked my opinion. And if they did, I would tell them that Cameron chose his replacement and the members of this community need to accept it.”

  She frowned and shook her head. “What’s your brother going to do about it?”

  “What’s my brother going to do? Are you saying Brandon is going to challenge?”

  “No!” she practically yelled. She caught herself and cleared her throat. “No, I’m not saying that. But there are people in this town who don’t want your brother to be Alpha. He needs to address it.”

  He was amused. Even though the entire situation was serious, he admired the woman sitting across from him. “My brother plans on accepting the position of the Alpha of the Midessa pack as requested by the current Alpha Cameron King,” he told her formally. “He does not have to prove his worth to anyone and does not have to ask permission. This has already been decided.”

  She snorted. “Nice. Nicely worded.”

  He was glad she appreciated it.

  “And you know that was a bullshit answer. I didn’t expect that from you. Maybe from Ben, but I thought you would shoot a little straighter.”

  He tensed and a growl slipped out. “What do you know about Ben?”

  “Not much. Doesn’t seem like anyone knows much more than he keeps to himself and he’s very smart.”

  Her words filled him with pride. Ben was smart, even though that was why he kept to himself so much. Being bullied as a kid would do that to you. Dylan and RJ had done their best to protect him, but they hadn’t always been around.

  “Dylan hasn’t been around much, either. Spending all his time with Cameron,” she commented.

  “He does have a new Pack to learn about,” RJ replied easily.

  “Then there’s you. You placed yourself right smack in the middle of town, you mix with the community and stay visible. Like you’re trying to take everyone’s attention from your brothers.”

  She was smart. But so was he. “And you. The big-city girl comes home, asks around about the Cross brothers, and thinks she knows it all?” he questioned.

  She shook her head. “No, I don’t know it all. But I do know that in two days, one way or another, we will have a new Alpha. If there is a challenge of any form, it will tear this town apart.”

  He sighed because she was right again.

  “And if he is challenged?” she asked. “What happens if that does happen?”

  That was a tricky question. He knew what he thought Dylan would do but he didn’t think she would like that answer. “I can’t answer that. You would need to ask Dylan.”

  She pressed her lips together before sucking her bottom lip into her mouth in thought. His cock responded immediately as he stared at her mouth. Damn it, they were having a serious conversation and he still wanted to mount and claim her.

  Just the thought that she was brave enough to ask questions no one else had made him want to strip her naked and pound into her.

  She licked her lips and he stifled a groan.

  The fantasy from the night before came back. Her on her knees in front of him, pleasing him with her mouth and hands. His cock was leaking against the front of his jeans and he shifted, trying to relieve some of the pressure.

  Her cough brought his thoughts back to the current time. When he glanced back at her, she was staring at his lap. His erection was obvious under the zipper of his jeans.

  “Really?” she asked, peeking up at him.

  He grinned and winked. “What can I say?”

  She chewed on her lip more and he groaned.

  Her eyebrows drew together in confusion.
  “Stop with the lip thing! You’re killing me here.”

  Her eyes widened. “Hmm,” she teased, and darted her tongue to swipe at her lips.

  He wasn’t a saint. His control could only be tested so far. He jumped off the chair and was on her instantly. He straddled her legs and pushed her back against the couch.

  “You’re playing with fire, Nikki Stratton,” he warned. Any indication she wanted this to go forward and he would be all over her.

  He jerked when she ran her hands up from his knees to his waist.

  “Oh God, just kiss me,” she told him, tilting her head back.

  “Hell yeah.” He celebrated for a quick second before leaning down and slowly closing the distance between their mouths.

  She arched up, trying to meet his lips. He grinned as he cupped the side of her face. “Are you sure?”

  She growled and tightened her hands, now resting on his upper legs. “Stop teasing,” she demanded.

  He had no idea where he found the gentleness with which he kissed her. Their mouths met and she opened under the pressure of his. Their tongues touched tentatively at first then more forcefully.

  She responded beautifully, reaching up and pulling him closer so his hard cock brushed over her stomach. He moaned at the friction and she swallowed the sound.

  He closed his eyes and let himself go, kissing and rubbing against the woman under him. It wasn’t until he felt her push him back that he realised she had been yanking at his shirt trying to get off the cotton material.

  He leant back quickly and ripped the shirt over his head before removing hers as well.

  She traced the tattoo over his heart before leaning forward to lick at the eagle. He shivered at the feel of her tongue on his skin.

  “Marine,” she murmured against him.

  As gently as he could with shaking hands, he held her head to him. She left the eagle to run her tongue down his pecs, over his nipple, to the tribal tattoo that covered his left side.

  His erection pulsed in need as she continued on exploring. Finally, before he blew, he slipped off her and guided her to lie down on the couch.


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