Polaris: Book Five of The Stardust Series

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Polaris: Book Five of The Stardust Series Page 8

by Autumn Reed

  I hadn't heard from him since he'd gone “radio silent,” as he put it, and I assumed that silence was a good thing in this case. Considering my current love life, I was almost relieved I had no way to contact him. His reaction wasn’t something I liked to think about.

  Liam stroked my back, soothing me, even if he didn't realize it. “In that case, I can't wait for you to taste my popcorn flavor of the year.”

  “It's not the caramel corn? Because that was freaking delicious.”

  He shook his head. “I wanted to try something new.”

  “You didn't happen to make a s'mores popcorn recipe, did you?”

  He chuckled. “You mean the one you, not so subtly, left on my counter a few weeks ago?”

  “Is it as incredible as I hoped?”

  “Maybe,” he said with a devilish grin.

  “I need a taste,” I practically panted.

  “I need a taste of you,” he said, garnering a playful slap to his leg. “What? I'm your boyfriend. I can say that kind of thing.”

  “When we're alone,” I chided.

  “We're not alone now?”

  I made a show of looking around the patio, cataloging everyone I saw. “There's Scott and Hunter with their dates. Some people I don't know. There's Diana, and is that Patrick?”

  “Hmm, that's interesting,” Liam mused, and I knew he saw what I did—Diana's hand on Patrick's arm, warm smiles on their faces, and their eyes alight with excitement. Even from this distance, the attraction between them was clear. It made me wonder, yet again, why Patrick was single, because it definitely wasn't from a lack of interested women.

  When I realized we weren’t the only ones watching Patrick and Diana, I glanced away. I knew what it was like to be under constant scrutiny, and I tried to ignore the partygoers inside, standing near the windows. In all likelihood, they were enjoying the view of the skyline, but I felt like they were watching us.

  “Do you ever feel like we're living in a fishbowl?”

  “Sometimes,” Liam said. “I guess I've grown accustomed to the attention over the years, and I tend to forget that it's still new to you.”

  “So, having your photograph in the Silicon Savvy is a regular day in the life of Liam Carlyle?” I teased. In all honesty, I was curious if it was something I should expect as his girlfriend.

  “I wouldn't say it's a regular occurrence, but it wasn't my first time to be featured.” Liam's hand stilled. “Gorgeous, what's this really about?”

  I shrugged. “Nothing. I just—” I sighed, trying to gather the courage to speak my thoughts. “I hate feeling like a fraud, and I don't enjoy lying.”

  “Haley,” he said, lifting my chin, “look at me.” He waited until I'd met his eyes. “Are you my girlfriend?”


  “Then how can you call yourself a fraud when what they say is true?”

  “Because it's not the whole truth, and neither is the story we've told everyone at Zenith.”

  “How often do we learn the whole truth about anything we don't have firsthand knowledge of? Facts are distorted, words are twisted, and only a handful of people know what actually happened.”

  “I guess.” My shoulders slumped. After a life of keeping secrets, I should have been used to it, but the knowledge was weighing on me.

  “Would it make you feel better if we announced that you're also dating Theo, Knox, Chase, and Jax? Because Patrick has yet to make his speech, and I'm sure that tidbit could liven it up a bit.”

  I glared at him. “Not helping.”

  “Am I thrilled you're all mine for the evening? Of course. But I can't imagine how difficult it is to look and not touch, especially when you are so,” he kissed the sensitive spot behind my ear, “very,” he punctuated with a kiss on my neck, “ravishing,” he finished with one lower still.

  Lightheaded from his lips on my skin, I leaned away. “I thought Doris was ravishing. Are you comparing me to a sixty-year-old woman?”

  He brushed my hair over my shoulder, his gaze so intense I almost had to look away. “I don't care if you're sixteen or sixty, you will always be beautiful to me.”

  The confidence in his words left no room for doubt. Liam was everything I never knew I’d always wanted. He was charming and handsome, but he was more than that. He was generous and caring.

  I love you, my heart whispered. It was on the tip of my tongue, but I sensed he needed to be the one to say those all-important words first. Maybe one day.


  Fleece Navidad


  After knocking softly, I cracked open the door and took in the sight of Haley sleeping. Her dark hair was splayed across the pillow, her features relaxed. She was beautiful.

  “Sweetheart.” I sat on the edge of the bed and caressed her cheek, tempted to crawl in next to her and hold her close.

  “Hmm?” Her voice was sleepy, and it made me long for a leisurely morning alone with her.

  Although she occasionally spent the night with me, she always rushed out early the next morning, eager to return to her room before Chase or Theo could “catch” her. It was driving me fucking nuts.

  It wasn't so much that I minded the sneaking around, unnecessary as it was. I hated being deprived of a morning exploring her body and making her moan my name. Just the thought of it had me hardening.

  “Haley,” I said again, more urgently.

  Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled lazily. “Good morning. Merry Christmas.”

  I couldn't resist kissing her. But when she wound her hands around my neck, digging her fingers into my hair, I knew I needed to pull away. I'd woken her for a specific purpose, and if I didn't act soon, the surprise would be spoiled.

  “Merry Christmas. This is for you.” I held my hand out to reveal a burner phone moments before it started ringing. “Aren't you going to answer it?”

  She scrambled to a seated position, brushing her hair away from her face as if the mystery caller would be able to see her. “Hello?”

  A muffled voice came through from the other end, and Haley's face immediately split into a smile. “Dad!” She turned to me with a mixture of shock and appreciation.

  “It's so great to hear from you. Merry Christmas.” Taking that as my cue, I stood to leave, wanting to give her privacy to speak with her father. She grasped my wrist, tugging gently as she silently invited me to stay.

  “I'm at Patrick's.” He must have asked her a question, because she responded with, “Yes, they're all here too. We had a Christmas movie marathon last night, and we're opening presents this morning.”

  She idly traced the lines of my palm, her light touch comforting. Haley often told me that I was her protector, but what she didn't realize was that she was my safe haven. In a world filled with corruption, greed, and violence, she kept me sane. And after what went down in Dallas with Ethan and The Elites, I realized how much I'd come to rely on her to make me whole.

  “Yes, Dad.” She smirked at me, and I wondered what that was about. “No, I'm still not telling you.” Another pause. “Okay. Be safe. I will. Merry Christmas. I love you too.”

  She disconnected the call and threw back the covers, bouncing on her knees. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  I chuckled at her enthusiasm. “You're welcome, but you should really thank Patrick. He's the one who ultimately made it happen.”

  She wrapped her arms around me from behind, leaning her head over my shoulder to nuzzle into my neck. Her hair fell around us like a curtain, surrounding me with her vanilla scent that reminded me of cookies, of home. Growing up with the family I had, the idea of home always seemed like such an elusive concept. With Haley in my life, that was no longer the case. She was my home, my heart, and wherever she went, I would follow.


  “Merry Christmas!” Theo skipped toward me, stopping to give me a peck on the cheek.

  I'd barely made it down the stairs before he turned me so I was headed in the opposite direction of the den. I look
ed over my shoulder, trying to see what was going on. Knowing the guys, they were putting the finishing touches on my gift.

  “Here, put this on.” He handed me a T-shirt, rolled and tied with a ribbon so I couldn't tell anything about it apart from the color.

  “Did you start opening presents without me?” I chided.

  “Of course not.”

  “What's wrong with my shirt?” I glanced down at my waffle-knit shirt that coordinated with my plaid pajama pants.

  “Nothing. It looks fantastic on you. Everything does.”

  “Then, why do I have to change?” At this point, I was just messing with him, since I could tell he was desperate to divert me.

  “Chase, can you give me a hand here?”

  Chase appeared at my side in sweatpants and a Henley. “Oh, um, because it's tradition. Merry Christmas, Haley.” He wrapped an arm around me, giving me a quick squeeze before heading for the kitchen.

  “We didn't do it last year.”

  Theo huffed, clearly exasperated by my stubbornness. “That's because we're starting a new tradition. Now, go before I put you on Santa's naughty list.”

  “Who says my name isn't already on it?”

  Knox and Jackson emerged from the den, and Penny trotted past them. She looked jolly in a red and white Santa bandana with a bell, and I reached down to pet her.

  “Merry Christmas, Haley,” Jackson said with a smile. “I trust you enjoyed your surprise phone call?”

  “Very much so, thank you.”

  He stepped closer. “Did you sleep well?”

  Liam appeared at my side wearing silk pajamas and a Christmas apron, spatula in hand. “I hate to interrupt this little tête-à-tête,” he said with absolutely no remorse, “but breakfast is almost ready.”

  “Did Santa's elf wake up on the wrong side of the bed?” Jackson asked with a pout. My eyes were glued to his lower lip, and I had visions of sucking it into my mouth and pulling it between my teeth.

  “I didn't wake up on the wrong side of the bed. I woke up alone.” Liam looked pointedly at me.

  None of the guys had been pleased when I'd announced that I intended to sleep alone at Patrick's. In fact, they all thought I was joking, but I'd made the decision as a mark of respect for Patrick. Though Jackson had tried to convince me it was unnecessary, I stuck to my guns.

  “It's okay, you can admit that you missed me last night,” Jackson goaded, resting his head on Liam’s shoulder.

  “Sod off.” Liam shoved him away.

  With a grimace, Jackson held his shoulder protectively. When everyone froze, I rushed to his side, a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. He’d worked so hard on his recovery, and he was so close to completing physical therapy.

  “Jax.” My voice was soft, as if speaking to a wounded animal. “Are you okay?”

  “I don't know,” he groaned. “Just to be safe, you shouldn't leave my side for at least forty-eight hours.” He gave me a wry smile.

  I drew back, incensed at his poor attempt at humor. “See if I take you to physical therapy, or cook for you, or take care of Penny.” He reached out for me, but I was already speeding away when I called over my shoulder, “I take back the Penny part.”

  He nearly tackled me from behind, caging me in his arms. “You loved every minute of it.”

  I attempted to wiggle free, but he only held me tighter. Oh, dear god, his body felt amazing pressed against mine. “Admit it, Miss Jones,” he said in my ear, his breath warm on my skin.

  I shook my head violently, watching as the rest of the guys bypassed us for the kitchen. “I admit nothing.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Jackson released me, leaving me simultaneously infuriated and turned on. I followed him to the kitchen, trying to cool down, but my traitorous body was hyper focused on his. My eyes lingered on his strong shoulders, the taper of his back, and his pajama pants that hung low on his waist.

  With the smell of cinnamon in the air and a timer chiming, I darted into the half bath and locked the door. I tugged my shirt over my head and replaced it with the one Theo had insisted upon. The red material was more fitted than I usually preferred, but I was willing to make an exception. When I hazarded a glance at my reflection, I laughed. There was a white sheep in a Santa hat and the words “Fleece Navidad” printed above it.

  Rejoining the guys in the kitchen, I noticed they had changed as well. I scanned their graphic tees, unable to keep from laughing at all the creative and corny sayings, like “nice until proven naughty” and “let’s get blitzened.” Even Patrick shared in the fun. It was somewhat ridiculous, and not at all surprising coming from Theo, but it could have been worse—he could have shown up with matching footed pajamas.

  “Did you use the wrong setting on the washer again?” Knox tugged at his collar, and I realized their shirts, like mine, were snug.

  “No,” Theo huffed. “I ordered the shirts online, and I guess the sizing was a little off.”

  “I'll say.” Liam chuckled. His shirt clung to his chest, showing off his defined pecs and the ridges of his abs. I certainly wasn’t going to complain.

  Everyone crowded around the large island and filled their plates with frittata, fruit, and cinnamon rolls. Chase’s arm brushed mine as he snatched a cookie from a nearby tray.

  “Dessert at breakfast?” I gasped. Typically, he ate his meals in a specific order, starting with vegetables and ending with sweets. Cookies for breakfast was unheard of.

  “It's Christmas, anything goes—dessert for breakfast or kisses by the Christmas tree,” he added under his breath. We shared a knowing smile, both thinking of our first kiss a year ago. The kiss that changed everything, starting us down a path I now realized was unavoidable, despite my attempt to run.

  Eager to open gifts, Theo convinced everyone to forgo the dining table and eat in the den. He claimed it was more festive because of the fireplace, and I was secretly delighted since the large tree in the den was my favorite. Strung with white lights, the tree was decorated with ornaments in an elegant mix of cream, green, and silver. Small frames hung from the branches, adding a personal touch.

  I selected a spot on one of the leather couches and surreptitiously glanced around the room, looking for any changes from the night before. When nothing appeared out of place, I shrugged and dug into my breakfast. The fireplace was aglow and A Charlie Brown Christmas played in the background. In short, it was perfect.

  Penny stared up at me, her round eyes pleading for some bacon. I slipped her a piece, and she took it before lying at my feet.

  “I saw that,” Jackson said, joining me.

  “Saw what?” I asked innocently.

  He sat next to me and leaned in close, his clean scent filling my senses. “I'm sorry for scaring you earlier,” he said in a low voice. “I appreciate everything you've done. I hope you know that.”

  “I do.” He may not always say it, but I knew he was grateful. The generous and unexpected gifts he left around his house to make me more comfortable and the amazing foot rubs made it more than clear.

  Theo finished breakfast first, clearing away the dishes while I distributed the stockings. Once he returned, I gathered presents from beneath the tree, handing them to Theo so he could deliver them to the intended recipients. A small frame caught my eye, and I realized that Patrick had added the picture of Knox, Theo, Chase, Jackson, Liam, and me from last Christmas to his tree. Touched by the gesture, I swiped away a tear, realizing how important his approval was to me.

  After we'd opened our gifts from Patrick, and I’d given Penny a stocking filled with toys, I handed a large present to Knox. He untied the ribbon and peeled away the wrapping, finally opening the box to reveal . . . another wrapped gift. I smiled at the bemused expression on his face, watching eagerly as he read the gift tag and then proceeded to hand the package to Jackson.

  Jackson unwrapped the gift, revealing another wrapped present that he handed to Chase. The cycle continued, the package moving from Chase to Theo
, and I could feel their anticipation growing.

  “Is there anything in here besides boxes?” Theo eyed me skeptically as he shook it.

  I shrugged. “Guess you'll have to unwrap it to find out.”

  He tore off the reindeer wrapping paper and opened the box, only to reveal another wrapped gift.

  “Jumping gingerbread man, I can't wait much longer.” He passed it to Liam, looking dejected.

  Liam prolonged Theo's agony, sliding his finger beneath the tape and removing the snowman paper at a painstakingly slow pace. Finally, he opened the box and delicately picked through the tissue paper to inspect the piece of paper inside.

  “Are you going to tell us what it is?” Theo asked impatiently.

  “Haley gave us tickets to go zip-lining.”


  The other guys responded with equal enthusiasm, and I made a mental note to thank Jess for the idea.

  “Now, it's your turn!” Theo turned to me, but I noticed a lack of presents before me or beneath the tree. “Or maybe we should draw it out like you did to us.”

  “Close your eyes,” Jackson commanded, overriding Theo.

  There was shuffling in the background. From the sounds of it, it had taken some effort to move my gift, only fueling my curiosity.

  “No peeking,” Knox growled, as if reading my mind. “We're almost ready.”

  “And, open,” Liam said a moment later.

  Knox, Liam, Chase, Theo, and Jackson were gathered around a large item draped in red velvet. Theo whipped the material away with a flourish to reveal a Celestron telescope, a top-of-the-line model that came with a hefty price tag. It was even more beautiful in person than I'd imagined.

  I could feel them watching me, tentatively, anxiously. I made my way over to the device, running my fingers along its sleek body. All my life, I dreamt of having my own telescope; I'd even coveted this very model. Not that I'd ever thought it would happen.

  “This is way too much. How did you . . .?” I trailed off, then turned to Chase. “Did you hack into my Pinterest account?” He gave me a sheepish grin, confirming my suspicions.


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