Polaris: Book Five of The Stardust Series

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Polaris: Book Five of The Stardust Series Page 26

by Autumn Reed

  “Yes, we need several go-to vacation spots when we want a quick getaway with no planning. This could be our beach selection. We also need a snow getaway in Colorado or maybe Whistler. Another in a charming small town or by a lake, perhaps.”

  “How often are you planning on us traveling?” In the almost year and half I’d known the guys, they’d never taken time off work, unless the overnight trip to the treehouse for my birthday counted.

  “Often.” There was a note of solemnity to his tone that I didn’t quite understand. He must have sensed my confusion, because he stepped forward to kiss me before saying, “Life is too short to work all the time, gorgeous.”

  A realization that came at the hands of my disappearance? If so, I was okay with that. My own perspective on how I was choosing to live from now on had been irrevocably altered.

  “Where is everyone else?” I asked as I dug into my food, which was fresh, flavorful, and delicious.

  “Knox went to talk to someone about kiteboarding options in the area, and Chase and Jax are walking the property. They should be back in a few minutes.”

  “And Theo?”

  He smirked, waiting for me to figure it out on my own. The answer dawned on me, and I laughed. “He’s in the bathtub, isn’t he?”

  Liam touched a finger to his nose. “It called to him the moment he saw it, or so he claimed.”

  Each of the three bedrooms had an attached bathroom with a huge rain shower and a beautiful freestanding tub with a copper-leaf finish. I’d heard Theo gushing over it from two rooms away, so it wasn’t surprising that he’d taken advantage of his first moment alone to try it out.

  I eyed the dishes left on the tray. “Let me guess. He ordered the blue corn quesadilla?”


  I stole one of the triangles oozing with white cheese and dipped it in my guacamole before taking a bite. “Mmm, this is so good.”

  Theo stepped outside as I was stuffing the last of it in my mouth. He caught sight of his plate then looked back at me. “Did you eat some of my quesadilla?”

  I nodded with a close-mouthed grin as I finished chewing, taking the moment to admire the sight of him in a pair of low-slung swim trunks. My eyes traveled to his hip, where the tip of the phoenix’s wing was peeking out, and my thoughts unconsciously strayed to the night when he showed me his hidden tattoo . . . and what happened after on the basement couch.

  “Naughty girl,” he replied, swiping a handful of chips from my plate. If only he knew. “And now my revenge has been enacted.”

  “It was worth it.”

  The rest of the guys showed up and immediately dug into their lunches while raving about the resort and food. I couldn’t help but notice that there was a lightness to them that had been missing for the last couple of weeks in Santa Cruz. They’d been treating me with kid gloves to such an extreme that their stress and concern leaked into me. Although they continued to spoil me, they seemed to have finally relaxed, allowing me to do the same.

  Clearly, the guys needed this vacation as much, if not more, than I did.

  “Look at the those swells,” Jackson said, referring to the section of the cove where surfers were attempting to catch fairly significant waves. “I can’t wait to get out there.”

  “Is that even safe?” I’d already watched several of them barely avoid slamming into the rocks protruding from the water near the shore.

  “Not particularly, but that’s what makes it fun. Besides, that’s the best surfing spot around.”

  “Okay, but don’t expect me to come rescue you,” I said, gesturing to my sling.

  He punched Chase’s arm. “That’s why I’m taking this guy along.”

  Chase grimaced playfully. “But who will rescue me?”

  “Knox?” I offered.

  Knox shook his head. “I’m saving my strength for tomorrow’s kiteboarding excursion.”

  “Ooh, can I watch?”

  “Absolutely. The prime location is a thirty-minute drive from here. The concierge said there are shops and restaurants in the town, so we can leave in the morning and stay for lunch.”

  “Count me in. We should all go and hang out on the beach,” I said, feeling strange when I realized the comment sounded more like a command than a request. I rarely suggested activities for the six of us, apart from Taco Tuesday. Their enthusiastic agreement proved they didn’t mind, bolstering my confidence. I was an equal member of the group, and there was nothing wrong with acting like it.

  “If you’re not going surfing, what are you, Theo, and Liam doing this afternoon?”

  He shrugged. “I figured we’d hang out here with you.”

  “You three should go snorkeling. The brochure made it look pretty amazing.”

  Theo threw one of my chips back at me. “The point of this vacation is to spend time with you, not gallivant around Cabo without you.”

  “I know, and we’ll have plenty of time together. But I’m perfectly content to stay right here. Or, over there,” I amended, looking toward the hanging daybed. With its thick cushions and plethora of pillows, it was the ideal combination of a swing and couch, and I was dying to spend a leisurely afternoon curled up on it. “I’ll watch Jax and Chase surf, and I might even take a nap.”

  “Are you sure?” The concern in Liam’s voice took me back to the weeks of babying, and I decided to put my foot down. Just because I needed their assistance lifting certain items didn’t mean I was an invalid.

  “I’m positive. Please stop coddling me,” I said, looking at each of them. “I appreciate all of your help, but I feel great, and I’ll honestly enjoy myself more if I know you’re having a good time.”

  Liam smiled. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Glad we cleared that up. Now, get out of here.”

  Surprisingly, they did as ordered without further argument, though Theo snickered, Jackson saluted, and Chase kissed my cheek. Knox got up but lingered until the others disappeared inside. Placing his hands on the arms of my chair, he leaned in until our faces were a mere inch apart.

  “I both love and hate when your independent streak comes out to play.”

  “Oh?” I could barely concentrate on his words with his mouth so close.

  “Mm-hmm. Just know, sweetheart, I will never stop taking care of you, broken collarbone or not. Got it?”

  “Only if it goes both ways.” Knox was the most self-sufficient person I’d ever met. He never asked for extra care and attention, but he deserved it more than he would ever acknowledge. Showering him with the affection he’d been missing out on for so long had become one of my favorite pursuits.


  His lips whispered over mine in a teasing kiss that only made me want him that much more. Resisting the temptation to pull him to me, I savored his light caresses, grateful for every second.

  “Love you,” he murmured into my mouth.

  “Love you too.”

  “Haley, wake up.”

  I blinked my eyes open to find Chase next to me on the daybed. “Hey. I can’t believe I actually fell asleep.”

  He brushed away a lock of hair that had fallen across my forehead. “You did say you might take a nap.”

  “Yeah, it’s so peaceful here, I guess I couldn’t help myself. Did you have fun surfing?”

  Chase chuckled. “I did, despite wiping out, repeatedly.”

  “Oh, please,” I said, sitting up. “You’re really good. I can’t believe I’ve never watched you before.”

  “It’s been a while since I’ve gotten out there. Jax and I will probably start up a regular surfing schedule again this summer.”

  “That sounds—wait, did you just call him Jax?”

  His brows creased before he slowly nodded. “Huh. I guess I did.”

  I grinned. “That’s great!”

  “It is?”

  “Yes, because that means you’re finally getting past the boss-employee divide and viewing him as your friend.”

  “You’ve given this a lot of thou

  I had. The fact that Chase and Theo referred to him as Jackson had been bothering me for a while, but I’d hoped the issue would correct itself naturally.

  Not wanting to make him self-conscious about his slip, I shrugged. “It’s only something I’d noticed.”

  “Okay, well, I came out here to let you know that it’s almost time for dinner. We’re eating outside, so I thought you might want to change into something warmer.”

  Noticing that the temperature was already starting to drop, I stood. “Thanks. I think I will go change.”

  “Are you sure you don’t need help?”

  Beginning two nights ago, I’d stopped letting the guys help me dress. They believed I was tired of their hovering, but there was a better reason; I just wasn’t ready to explain yet.


  I walked into the bedroom I was sharing with Jackson, surprised to find it empty since he hadn’t been in the living area. Scanning my clothes hanging in the spacious closet, I selected a navy maxi dress with a V-neck and long, loose sleeves. Slowly and carefully, I slipped off my tunic and shorts and into the dress. My short time in the sun today had added natural color to my face, so I skipped refreshing my makeup, except for adding shimmery pink lip gloss.

  When I returned to the living room, the villa was quiet, and Chase stood alone at the doors to the terrace, his back to me. “Am I late?”

  He spun around and smiled appreciatively. “You look beautiful, and no, you’re right on time.” Holding out an arm, he asked, “May I escort you to dinner?”

  I threaded my good arm through his. “You may.”

  He led me out the sliding glass doors, but instead of heading toward the main section of the resort like I expected, he directed me to the steps down to the beach. It was then that I saw Jackson, Theo, Chase, and Knox in the sand. They were gathered around a grouping of blankets and at least three large baskets.

  Unable to contain my delight, I found myself asking the obvious. “A picnic on the beach?”

  Chase squeezed my arm. “Are you surprised?”


  When we reached the others, I gave them each a hug. “Thank you. This is wonderful.”

  “Ready to eat?” Liam asked once we were situated on the blankets.

  “Actually, I need to say something first.” I scooted back until I could easily look at the five of them at the same time.

  I’d been waiting for the perfect moment, and I knew I wouldn’t find one better than this. The sky was awash with pink as the sun began to set, and I soaked in my surroundings, understanding that this memory would become more than a romantic picnic on the beach.

  “As you know, before the kidnapping, I was struggling with the future of my relationships with each of you. I couldn’t see a way forward and started believing this . . .” I said, gesturing between me and them as a group, “. . . was impossible. I pushed you away, and I’m sorry for that.”

  “It’s okay,” Chase replied. “We don’t blame you.”

  “I know, and I appreciate that, but I needed to apologize. But that’s not the important part.” I could feel my pulse accelerating, my nerves on the very edge. What if I put it all out there only to discover they no longer wanted this? It was possible they’d realized that although they loved me, I wasn’t worth the heartache I’d put them through already, much less what I was capable of putting them through in the future.

  Still, my own doubt had been extinguished while sitting on that filthy mattress with my wrists bound and pain engulfing me. I’d promised myself that if I ever got out of there, I would own up to what I wanted, and it was time to see that through. It was time to be brave . . . not with my safety but with my heart.

  “What’s the important part?” Theo asked with thinly-veiled impatience.

  I met his gaze before seeking out the eyes of the other four guys who meant the world to me. They watched me with varying degrees of hope and worry, so I hurried on. “While I was away from you, I finally realized what is most important to me . . . and what isn’t. I know it’ll be challenging, and I’ll need you to talk me off the ledge now and then, but I’m ready to commit to us. No more doubts. No more confusion. No more regrets. I’m yours.”

  Sensing that they were ready to pounce, I held up my hand to stop them from moving. If they didn’t let me get the rest of my loosely-prepared speech out before touching me, I wouldn’t get through it without crying.

  “I didn’t expect to fall in love with all of you, and if I was almost any other girl in the world, I would be forced to exist with a permanently broken heart. I may never fully understand why you’re willing to accept this unconventional relationship, but I’ve decided it doesn’t matter. A life without you is unthinkable. Whatever it takes, I’ll do my part to make this work.”

  I shook my right arm until my sleeve fell above my elbow and swallowed past the lump in my throat. For some reason, despite all that I’d already said, I was the most nervous about this.

  “As a way to keep you with me always, I had this done two nights ago.” I glanced at my tattoo one more time before lowering my arm and revealing it to the guys.

  I’d wanted something that represented all six of us, and I’d spent countless hours scouring the internet for inspiration. When I didn’t find exactly what I was hoping for, I resorted to sketching my ideas, and the tattoo artist had done an amazing job of executing my vision.

  A waning crescent moon comprised half of the design, shades of dark blue ink swirling with patterns that almost looked like musical notes. Five stars, one for each of the guys, closed the circle, completing the moon just as they completed me. Combining both my love for them and my obsession with astronomy, I couldn’t imagine a more perfect tattoo.

  “Holy shiitake,” Theo breathed, his grin as broad as I’d ever seen it.

  “The stars represent each of you—together, you make me whole.” I held my breath when no one else spoke, worried they thought it was stupid. It had seemed like such a good idea when I asked Kara to take me to get it done. Though the tattoo itself was beautiful, maybe I’d made a mistake.

  Then, almost at once, the guys surrounded me—hugging me, kissing me, and declaring their love for me and the tattoo. My relief was only overshadowed by my elation from their acceptance. I would never get used to the utter completeness I felt with them . . . my guys.

  “Can we eat now?” Knox asked from the middle of the huddle we’d managed to create, making everyone laugh.

  Jackson pulled me into his side and whispered, “I need to steal you for a minute.”

  “Okay.” I let him help me stand before saying, “You guys go ahead and start eating. We’ll be right back.”

  He led me to the opposite side of the cabana, where we were out of view of the others. His arms encircled my waist and his lips met mine in a fierce, all-consuming kiss. Unable to wrap both arms around him, I lifted my right hand to the back of his neck and sunk my fingers into his curls while his tongue dipped into my mouth. He hadn’t really kissed me in so long, I wanted to stay like that forever, lost in his touch.

  By the time he released me, my breathing was shallow, and I didn’t seem to know how to form words. He stroked a thumb over my cheek and smiled. “I love you, Miss Jones, in case you didn’t know.”

  “I did, but thank you for saying it . . . finally,” I replied, my tone teasing.

  “Good things come to those who wait.”

  “Oh, well, I was going to say it back, but now I think I’ll make you wait.”

  His hand slid down over my butt, and he patted it a couple of times before smacking it once, harder. I yelped, and he lifted an eyebrow in challenge. “I wouldn’t recommend it.”

  “Okay, okay.” Putting all of my trust in him and a future he held in his hands, I gave him what he wanted. “I’m ridiculously in love with you, Jackson Hart.”

  “That’s all I’ve ever wanted to hear.”

  Without another word, he took my hand, and we walked back
to my dream picnic. The sun had set, and now there were small electric torches in the sand, casting a dim glow on the blankets. Knox, Theo, Chase, and Liam were laughing, appearing in brighter spirits than I’d seen them in . . . well, maybe ever. The food looked and smelled incredible. Everything was perfect.

  “Cupcake, do you realize what today is?” Theo asked once I was settled next to him with a plate of food.


  “Yes, it’s Wednesday . . . February fourteenth. You just proposed to us on Valentine’s Day.”

  “What?” I practically screeched. I didn’t propose. Is that what Theo—and the others—thought happened? And what would that even mean considering there were six of us? The last time I checked, polygamy wasn’t legal in California.

  “Stop looking so panicked,” he said with a laugh. “I was joking about the proposal part, but I formally declare today our anniversary.”

  Knox groaned. “That’s so cheesy.”

  “Yeah, but it’ll be easy to remember.”

  “I had no idea it was Valentine’s Day. I swear.” I’d totally lost track of the dates over the last couple of weeks, and the holiday wasn’t even on my radar. No wonder they’d arranged such an elaborate dinner.

  “We forgive you,” Chase said. “We’ll just have to make sure to plan something doubly amazing on this date every year.”

  Every year. I liked the sound of that.

  “Actually, since there are five of us, it should be quintuply amazing already,” Liam said, smirking at me as if he realized something that would make himself giddy and me annoyed. “If we double that, then it has to be decuply amazing.”

  “Is that even a word?” Jackson asked.

  “It is, and it’s a premise without fault. Not only are we allowed to spoil Haley to the utmost on February fourteenth every year, it’s expected.”

  If it meant spending every Valentine’s Day with Liam, Jackson, Chase, Theo, and Knox from now on, I couldn’t think of a single complaint. “I can live with that.”


  No Regrets



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