Searching (Hidden Truths Book 1)

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Searching (Hidden Truths Book 1) Page 9

by Quell T Fox

  “But what about…?” My words trail off and I break the eye contact, unsure how I should proceed.

  What about your friends? What about the fact I went on a date with Cas and now have one planned with Thorne?

  I’m not comfortable even speaking those words out loud. So I leave my words as they are, choosing not to elaborate further.

  “Cas and Thorne? They are well aware. It’s fine.”

  Well aware? Fine?

  Is that… normal? I think back to last year. Scott Lewis and Gavin Furland were best of friends. Like the best kind of friends anyone can be. They grew up together, their birthdays only being a month apart. Their parents had been friends since they were in school. They did everything together. You never saw one without the other. But then Brandy happened. Brandy Montgomery. The girl who broke them up. The one who ruined a perfect relationship.

  So, no. I don’t think this is normal. But everything about this year has been abnormal so far, so I go with it.

  “Okay then,” I lick my lips, digging into my bag for my notebook and book, though I’m not sure I’ll be able to focus on work now. How do I go from dating no one to having three dates? “Sure, I guess.”

  He nods, and it’s then the teacher walks in with a few other students following behind him. Not too long after the bell rings. The teacher closes the door and then begins with our lesson. All the while I’m sitting there trying to figure out how my life turned into this. I didn’t get any work on my essay done like I wanted. I know I’ll be able to do it at home, but it’s easier to focus while at school. There is always the option to stay in the library after school, but by the end of the day, I just want to leave. It’s easier for me mentally to get things done in the morning, and the library isn’t open then.

  Me being me, once we’re getting towards the end of class, I begin to think I made up the entire conversation between Hunter and I in my head. He asks me on a date, I agree, and then there’s nothing else? He doesn’t tell me a date and time like the other two did. In fact, he didn’t say anything at all. I didn’t even get a verbal confirmation of my acceptance to his date.

  Now what?

  Do I ask him? Do I set a date? I don’t know how any of this works.

  See, this is why I’ve avoided the boyfriend thing for so long. I don’t even have one and yet these boys are still stressing me out.

  Seconds before the bell rings, Hunter slips me a piece of paper. He winks as I take it and pocket it, causing me to blush. When the bell finally does ring, he’s out of his seat and out the door before anyone else even has their things together, leaving me in a melted pile of confusion and warmth.

  When I finally pull myself together, I gather my things in a fog and leave the room. I stop in the bathroom before heading to my next class. The note is burning a hole in my pocket and I need to read it. I pull it out with shaky hands and unfold it quickly.

  Saturday morning.



  Chapter Twelve


  “Thorne? What kind of fucking name is Thorne?” Maddox asks, his face twisting in disbelief. The decision I was talking about? Yeah… well, here it is.

  “It’s probably because he has a little prick.” Alec walks in just in time to add on to the running joke. Maddox turns around and points to Alec, giving him the you’re right look.

  Friday throws her head back and laughs.

  “No. Nope. My sister is not dating someone with one of those.” Lenny is shaking his head, reaching over the table for the butter. He picks it up and begins to lather his bread in it, his head still shaking. He’s always the first one at the table to eat dinner. He’s also the last to get up. Lenny is the thinnest in the family, but it’s not from lack of eating. He’s like a Pygmy Shrew. They eat three times their weight each day. I swear it’s Lenny’s spirit animal. They’re actually really cute, but unfortunately do not have a long life span.

  “You’re right,” Friday says, pointing at Lenny with her fork. “She deserves a big one.” She goes back to attempting to eat her food while simultaneously bouncing Milo on her lap to keep him satisfied.

  Lenny freezes, his head dropping back in defeat. “That is not what I meant,” he mumbles, his knife clattering to the plate as both of his hands move to cover his face. “Not what I meant at all.”

  “Oh, a big one what? Mama, I want a big one!” Briella smiles, squirming in her seat. Both Maddox’s and Alec’s faces turn deadly, their jaws clenched. If I felt bad for myself, I feel even worse for Briella. She’s never going to have a date. If I wasn’t so annoyed with them poking fun at Thorne, I probably would have laughed.

  “Sure thing. But only when you’re old enough,” Friday whispers so only Callan and I can hear. His face turns red and I just ignore the comment, stabbing at my food.

  I’ve tried ignoring this entire conversation. The jokes about Thorne’s name have been going on since I got home and told them I was going on a date. I thought of hiding it from them, but I realized it wasn’t a good idea. And I don’t want to. I want to be open with them about what I’m doing. I don’t want to lie to them. The occasional white lie is okay, but I can’t keep telling them I’m going out with Lina. I want some teenage normalcy. I want to be picked up by someone for a date. I don’t want to be chauffeured by my friend every time.

  If things get serious with Thorne, or with any of the guys, I can’t keep hiding it. It’s too big of a thing to keep from them. They’ll never get over the dating thing if I don’t push them in the right direction. As annoying and embarrassing as it will be, they should know. I should have told them about Castor, but I can’t bring him up now. It’s already happened and they’ll be even more upset that I lied.

  And right in this moment, after listening to the jokes about Thorne’s name, I decide I will not be telling them about my breakfast date with Hunter tomorrow either. It’s just too much at once. Baby steps.

  When I brought up my going on a date, I caught Friday’s attention immediately. When I mentioned his name, she looked confused for a moment but then her face lit up. She knew about Castor. She knows this is a different guy and she’s totally okay with it. The guys though… they wouldn’t be. Best to keep things simple. Out of Castor and Thorne, Thorne is more of a take home to the parents kind of guy. Castor has an air about him, one that would go right up Maddox’s ass. One of them would not leave this house alive, and I know who it would be. I can’t have blood on my hands at seventeen. And Hunter? Not an option. Not even close.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll keep them under control, and I won’t tell them where you’re going,” Friday promises with a dramatic wink. Maddox stares at her for a long moment, like he’s trying to decide if it’s worth the argument or not. He turns back to me, his eyes a little softer than they were a moment ago.

  “I want him inside before you go anywhere. And I want to see your outfit before you even put it on.” I glare at Maddox, but I know it isn’t going to do anything. Best to go along with it. Lenny is still playing dead, clearly unable to handle the thought of me being anywhere near the male genitals.

  Which I have no intentions of doing but I don’t want to bring it up. Even if it is to put his worries to rest.

  Callan is doing his thing, minding his business as usual, only putting his two cents in when it’s necessary. It isn’t necessary often, but when it is, his two cents is worth way more than that.

  “Cupcaaaake. Help. The images. My brain. The… the… ugh.”

  “Lenny, stop being so dramatic. You’re giving the kids ideas,” Friday chastises, glancing over at Brielle.

  She looks up smiling. Lenny finds her gaze and winks, she bursts out into giggles and winks back, but doesn’t quite do it right. Her entire face scrunches up and both eyes close. It’s so adorable.

  “Fine. But enough of the… stalk talk.”

  “Stalk? Are you kidding me?” Maddox asks, sounding offended. Like how dare someone refer to that as a stalk.

bsp; I mean… ew.

  Lenny throws his hands up. “What would you rather me use? The C word? Cause I will! I’ll do it. I swear I will!”

  “Enough!” Friday says, trying to sound harsh but hiding her laugh behind her hand. “Change of subject. Entirely.” She slices a hand through the air for added effect.

  “I have to go get ready,” I say, standing up and bringing my empty plate to the sink. I rinse my empty plate and place it in the dishwasher. I am so going to regret this later. I can’t believe I let my nerves get in the way like this. I ate an entire meal right before I’m supposed to be going on a date… to a restaurant. I feel eyes on me and turn around, wiping my hands on the dish towel.

  “I’m serious, Leona. I’m meeting him before you leave, and you better bring your butt back downstairs and show me what you plan to wear before you put it on.”

  “Maddox, knock it off. She will do no such thing,” Friday scolds, backhanding him in the chest. “Leona, please have your friend come inside quickly before leaving. I trust you’ll choose an appropriate outfit?”

  I nod my head and exit the kitchen without looking back. When I get to my room, I pick up my phone tempted to text Thorne and tell him the date is off. Only then do I realize I don’t have his number. Or Castor’s or Hunter’s.

  So, I guess the date is on then.

  I hop in the shower and wash up quickly. I get out, blow drying and straightening my hair. I apply minimal makeup and get dressed.

  My get dressed is a pair of high waisted red jeans and a long-sleeved, white crop top. The jeans are high enough so it only shows skin if I lift my arms up. I’m covered enough, none of the guys in the house will make a comment. At least, I hope. I just have to avoid moving my arms too much. Shouldn’t be a problem.

  Before I know it, the buzzer is going off, alerting us someone is at the gate and requesting access in. I peek through the window shade and see a car heading up the driveway. It’s dark already, all I can see are the headlights. When he pulls up on the side of the Camaro and steps out, I know for sure it’s him. No one else around here is that big. I get a glimpse of his car. It’s no car. It’s a Jeep. And if that isn’t the most perfect thing... At least it’s one thing that would put him on Maddox’s good side. Your opinion on a car is make it or break it for Maddox.

  The doorbell rings and my stomach drops. I now realize I should have made sure I was downstairs to open the door. Who knows what he will be walking into at this point. There’s no sense in rushing, I’m already too late. I take a deep breath and walk out of my room. I hear voices downstairs, so I slow down. I wait by the stairs to listen and I am not disappointed for even a second.

  “I wasn’t expecting him to be that big, Mad,” Lenny whispers. I bite my lip to stop the giggle from coming out.

  “Size doesn’t matter, Lenny. You of all people should know that,” Alec says in a cocky tone.

  “Low blow, man. Low blow.”

  “He’s right though. Doesn’t matter how big he is. Did anyone ask if he’s human or not?” I shake my head. Callan. Always trying to figure things out… logically. I should have told them he’s human. I don’t know if it would have been better or worse.

  Silence for a few seconds.

  “That’s what I thought. Move out of the way and let me get it.”

  Thank you, Callan.

  The door clicks open, but I know it hasn’t been shut yet before Lenny goes at him.

  “So, you’re here for my sister, huh?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Sir? Do I look like a Sir to you?”

  “I could call you ma’am if you prefer. My apologies for assuming.”

  Lenny huffs out a laugh. “Funny guy, huh? You think you’re a funny guy? I got jokes too, you know.”

  “All right, Lenny. Calm down,” Maddox says. I hear feet shuffling and Lenny mumbling something under his breath I can’t make out. I’m standing here by the stairs listening with a smile on my face. I can’t help but laugh at how ridiculous this situation is. And I thought blood would be shed. I guess if Thorne can handle it, then that’s just more points for him.

  “Where are you going? What are you doing? And what time are you bringing her back?” It’s Maddox now, and his voice is stern. I’ve only heard that tone twice since being here, never towards me. It warms my heart, honestly. I know they all love me, but hearing it like this? It’s a different experience. As annoying as they can be, I wouldn’t trade them for all the pancakes in the world.

  “Jeanine’s for dinner, where we will be eating. The Big Screen for a movie, where we will be watching a movie. And I’ll have her home for whatever time she needs to be home for.” Dramatic pause. “Sir.” I use my hand to stifle the laugh this time.

  There’s a grunt and then more speaking but I don’t listen anymore. I’m honestly trying to keep my laughing at bay. They’re all a bunch of macho guys going at each other and it’s nothing less than hilarious.

  “All right! Enough. I’m here, I’m ready.” I rush down the stairs, sure to keep my arms by my side so no one can see my bare belly. “Come on, Thorne. Sorry to keep you waiting.”

  “Thorne. Pfft.” I turn around and glare at Lenny.

  “She better be home by eight!” Lenny shouts as we leave the house, closing the door behind me. Thorne looks at me over his shoulder, walking towards his Jeep.

  “Is he serious?”

  “No. Ignore him.” I follow him to his car. He opens the door for me and I get in. I watch as he walks around the front of the car and try to get a good look at him but he’s moving too quickly. Before I know it, he’s in the car and I feel weird about staring at him.

  “I’m sorry about them,” I say as we head down the driveway.

  “Don’t be. It shows they care about you. Besides, I don’t get intimidated easily by too many people.”

  “Not even by four, super scary Paranormals?”

  He lets out a little laugh. “Not even any amount of Paranormals.”

  His comment puts a smile on my face and I settle into my seat. I have a feeling it’s going to be a really good night.

  Chapter Thirteen


  My date with Castor was serious. More adult, in a sense. This date with Thorne, well it makes me feel like a teenager. An actual teenager. Something I didn’t realize I was missing in my life. I feel light and happy. With Castor it was more nerves and a bit of intimidation. I feel lighter when I’m with Thorne and more intense when I’m with Castor. It’s not that I feel more towards either of them, they just bring out different parts of me. It’s both amazing and interesting how they can make me feel so different, yet I have this pull towards the both of them. Not leaning in one direction more than the other. Though I have to admit, being around Thorne is a lot easier than being around Castor. But my body? Whatever that feeling is inside of my chest when I see them... it’s the same around them both.

  “This place is really nice,” I say as we look over the menu. “I’ve never been here before.”

  “No? They have the best Cincinnati Chili,” he says. “My family and I would drive up here every now and then for dinner.”

  “Is that right?” I put my menu down and pick up my water, taking a sip. “Looks like I know what I’m getting then.” Yes, I do plan to get another meal even though I’m stuffed.

  “Good choice.” Thorne smiles at me over his menu, his eyes crinkle in the corner a little and it makes my tummy flip. At a glance, Thorne looks rugged as hell. Someone you would not want to cross. He’s tall and muscled, more than the average teenager. But then I see these little things about him, like how his entire face softens when he smiles or how he opens the door for me and pulls out my chair. The way he looks at me like he’s known me for years. I see parts of him others would surely miss.

  When the waiter comes back, we put our orders in and make small talk while we wait.

  “You guys weren’t in school yesterday, I noticed.”

  “Full moon. It’s tradition at
our school to not attend school the day of the full moon.”


  “It’s just tradition,” he says quickly, making me think he wants to change the subject, so I do. We start chatting about different movies we like to watch. Thorne is into horrors and thrillers, the same kind I like. A short while later the waiter delivers our food, it smells and looks amazing.

  Thorne was right. This is the best Cincinnati Chili I’ve ever had. I can’t believe I’ve never been here before, but I know I’ll have to come back. And maybe it will even be with him. A girl can dream, right?

  I eat everything on my plate. I wasn’t hungry after eating dinner at home a little over an hour ago, but it was that good. Thorne asks if I want dessert; I politely decline. There is no way I can fit anything else into my stomach without exploding.

  “I have to admit something to you.” He raises an eyebrow in question, tilting his head just the slightest. “This is actually my second meal of the night.”

  “If you didn’t want to eat, you could’ve told me.” He picks up his napkin and wipes his mouth, placing it down on the side of the plate. I meet his eyes from across the table, tiny golden flecks shimmer through the dark green in his eyes. He’s radiating so many positive emotions, each of them going right to my soul. My whole body feels warm and at ease in this moment. This feeling is something I could get used to.

  I snap out of it, clearing my throat and reaching for my water. “No,” I say. “It’s not that. I did want to eat with you. I got cold feet about telling my family I was going out with you. So I sat through dinner with them, acting like everything was normal. I ate every last bite on my plate, regretting each and every one of them. I finally put on my big girl panties and spit it out.”

  After a few seconds of silence, he begins to laugh. He starts off with a small chuckle but soon enough he’s clenching his stomach and laughing loudly. It’s contagious. We sit there and laugh for a long time. By the time we settle down, my face is hurting and my stomach is cramped.


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