Guardian Stone 1: Stone Genesis

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Guardian Stone 1: Stone Genesis Page 4

by Don Koch

  "That is an amazing history. I will do my best to not let you down."

  "That is precisely the kind of response that tells me that this partnership will work. Your people have an interesting saying that goes 'Power corrupts and absolute power, absolutely corrupts.' Your family, Barana and I will be your moral and ethical compass to help you avoid that problem. Also Barana has the authority and power to relieve you if you stray into misuse of that power and trust. I do not see that happening but it is a check and balance. Please do keep me informed, there are many things we can do to assist. You have had good experience and results in the past from your ability to build effective teams. Good luck and as your people say, Godspeed. There is much wisdom in your people."

  Hank interjected, "Your point earlier about meeting as equals makes sense on several levels. The idea of a total transfer of power looks too much like a military dictatorship. I have no wish to be the head of a dictatorship even a benevolent one, that is not my cup of tea. For that reason I would much prefer a troika consisting of Barana, and the two of us, an equal partnership. My decisions on military matters will control on military issues. Barana's decisions on matters relating to station capability and capacity will control there and your decisions on matters relating to the inhabitants of the stations and their governance will control there. As partners we will be conferring on all matters of overlap, actual or in effect. I do worry about the 'power corrupts' potential and I do not want to be there. I hope that you or Barana will advise me if power is going to my head. I think that the three of us can create just what you want to accomplish while I alone could not. Is that agreeable?"

  Both replied, "It is."

  "Great." He was ready to go to work

  Chapter 4: You're Real….

  Billings, Montana –

  September 6 - C Day 7

  Hank felt that his visit to Reever Enterprises could start a few days before scheduled and what better way than to visit George Reever at his home as Hank had been urged frequently to do. So he parked his car nearby and was preparing to exit the car when Barana said,

  thought Hank,


  Hank proceeded up the walkway to the door and rang the doorbell. When the door opened, Barana kept her promise removing all telepathic barriers, and standing before him just as stunned as was he, stood Sam. She looked no different than his mental image from years previously.


  His first reaction was to say, "You're real" and hers was, "you bet, and it’s about time." She then embraced him and kissed him thoroughly.

  Hank then whispered to her, "Will you marry me, please."

  "This has to be the shortest courtship in history, of course, when?"

  "Today." He continued telepathically, and he did.



  George Reever called out from another room, "Sam, who is that at the door?"

  "it's OK Dad, it's my fiancé."

  After a slight pause, he reacted and bellowed, "You're WHAT?"

  "Calm down Dad, we are coming." They entered the living room, hand in hand and saw yet another stunned expression.

  George said, "Is this a joke?"

  In unison they replied, "Nope."

  His recovery was quick and he went on, "Well this is a fine how do you do, just when I was reconciled to the notion that my daughter was going to be a spinster she about gives me a heart attack by announcing her intent to marry one of my favorite people. Wow. Best wishes. When?"

  "Today if possible" they said, again in unison. Hank thought to Sam, thought she.

  George went on, "Miriam, you better come in here and see what your daughter has done. I think it might be a bit difficult to arrange a wedding in one day but we can try, this isn't Las Vegas and I don't suppose you would want that kind of ceremony anyway."

  Hank said, "I have a solution to that if Sam is willing, and you can suspend disbelief for a bit." He sent a thought flash to Sam explaining his plan and she nodded affirmative with a grin.

  As Miriam joined him, George said, "solution, what does that mean?". George explained to Miriam what had just transpired and Hank continued, "I have access to a clergyman on station and I think you may know him, Father Tom Whistler."

  "Son, are you OK, Father Tom died five years ago in that explosion with your folks, and what is this business with a station?"

  "George, Miriam, brace yourselves for a bit of a shock and a nice surprise, Barana, four to transport. Lets make it to that nice chalet in the park below Denali II and ask my folks and the padre to meet us there." In the blink of an eye, they were standing in the main room of the chalet with its view of the mountain in the window. Hank went on, "this is most certainly not what you were expecting and it is not something easily explained. You have to experience it. You are now aboard Antoran Starship Station One that is in a fixed-orbit about 1000 miles over my lodge at Juneau. The others should be arriving shortly. This station is a military base and habitat capable of housing a very large population. George, I am sorry to say that I will have to turn down your more than generous offer for work. The Station has put me to work. I can give you more information about the station and its purpose, but lets do that in a couple of days, better yet, let's let these folks give you the explanation and later the guided tour. I can fill in the blanks after that." At that point Hank's parents, grandparents, Uncle Pete, Father Tom and Fador arrived along with about 20 other persons.

  George quipped, "Hank, you sure are loaded with surprises. I just hope this old brain can hold up to it all."

  Hank took Sam aside and asked, "Sweetie, who would you like to have here for this, we will give them an invitation they can't refuse."

  She named four friends and Barana said, Barana told him that another hundred people were on the way and would arrive in about 20 minutes. Hank introduced Sam to his parents, grandparents, Uncle Pete, Fador and Fr. Tom. Fifteen minutes later, Sam's friends arrived looking a bit dazed but they each adjusted well. They each agreed to be bridesmaids and were outfitted by Barana who then asked Sam what she wanted her wedding dress to look like, so she described what she would like and Barana told her it was waiting for her in one of the rooms. Barana told Hank that his uniform was waiting for him in yet another room.

  Barana then sprung another surprise, and told Hank that Colonel Joshua Adams, his former CO would be here in about 15 minutes and had agre
ed to be Hank's best man. He would be accompanied by most of his former unit from Kajaki, three of whom would also be his groomsmen. Barana had provided full dress uniforms for each marine attending with all medals and all appropriate accouterments. These uniforms were tailored to the Marine and fit better than their set back home. Barana informed them that they were free to keep the uniforms she had prepared. The rest would perform their duty as his honor guard, all in Marine dress blues with ceremonial swords. The situation had been explained to them and to a man they all came and promised that not a word about the experience would be shared until Hank said OK. Those Marines that were married brought their wives as well. Barana appeared to be enjoying her role as coordinator of the event and dressing up those that wanted to dress up.

  Hank put on his Station dress uniform for the first time and liked its appearance, probably influenced by the fact that is was similar to his USMC dress blues. The service insignia was similar, the eagle and anchor were the same however the globe was replaced with a starburst. His rank was the same as that worn by Eisenhower, MacArthur, Bradley, and Nimitz and granted to eight others in US history, the ring of five stars. The uniform had no buttons and the seams were almost undetectable. The medals were all there as well.

  Then the time came to start. Fador asked for everyone's attention and opened the ceremony with, "Good day to all of you. My name is Fador. This station and I are from the planet Antor and that is about 3,150 light years from here. It is my distinct pleasure to welcome all of you to this Station for a most happy event, the marriage of Henry Stone and Samantha Reever. I have not seen a more appropriate pairing than that you are here to witness. Many of you will have many questions about this station and its presence here at this time. I wish to assure you it is not here to interfere in the activities in which the people of Earth are engaged and intends only good will to her people. For now, I ask that you keep this station's presence secret until its presence is announced. The reason for this will become quite clear and I will personally brief all of you who are interested following the reception. Also we wish to avoid the panic that frequently arises from the unknown. I promise that all of you will be provided with personal contact as events come about and I sincerely hope to see each of you back to visit the station."

  "At this point I would like to introduce the Supreme Commander of the Antoran fleet. I am assured he will have little to say because he is saving his words for someone else today. I give you the Commanding General of the Fleet of Antoran Stations, Henry P. Stone formerly of the United States Marine Corps. This brought about some "Oorah"s from the attending Marines and a startled look from Colonel Adams and the Reevers. At that point the processional music began and Hank took his place followed by Colonel Adams. They then took their positions for the wedding and the bridal procession filed out onto the chalet deck where the ceremony was to be performed with a clear view for all the attendees. The whole affair looked like something that had been months in the planning and preparation, not the less than two hours it actually took to execute.

  The wedding proceeded quickly and was very much a traditional wedding. Father Tom was clearly having a good time and threw in a bit of humor at the appropriate times. Plain gold wedding bands were produced and they were a perfect fit. This was some more of Barana's doing. Following the wedding ceremony, there were ten pairs of swords to pass under, the traditional arch of swords for the newly wedded couple. As the couple approached each pair of swords, the swords were slowly lowered to the horizontal and the Marines holding the swords would announce that the price of passage was that Hank kiss Sam. Hank and Sam enjoyed this little piece of Marine/Naval tradition but it took them ten kisses to progress through the gauntlet. They, of course, were not objecting.

  The reception was a joyous occasion as well. Hank and Sam had a chat with Colonel Adams and asked if they could meet the following week to discuss what this was all about. The Colonel agreed and said that he would get the rundown from Hanks parents while Hank and Sam were otherwise occupied. Similar discussions were made with others from his old outfit. After about three hours of the usual wedding reception events including the toast, the cutting of the cake, the feeding of it to each other, the dancing, etc., Hank and Sam felt it was time to take their leave. They went up on the chalet deck and asked for everyone's attention, said their thanks for attending on such short notice. He informed the Earth attendees that they could transport here whenever they wished as Barana would provide implants that would communicate with her and transport when it would not be noticed. He told them they were free to continue to socialize at the reception and then they disappeared as Barana transported them to their quarters.

  George Reever was heard to mutter to his wife, "I don't think I will ever get used to that vanishing act mode of transportation."

  The Reevers, Marines and Sam's friends gathered with Hanks parents/grandparents and Fador to be briefed on why the station was there and Hanks role in the situation. Each of them wanted in.

  All were told that they could stay as long as they liked and tours of the station would be provided for those interested. That was basically everyone that was there. Fascination with the station and it technology was high and the excitement level of the attendees was hard to miss. The visual impact of the horizon within a tube and the towering mountains adjacent to the lodge were causing considerable comment. Some were impatient to learn what the station was all about, how Hank had become involved with it, and generally, what was going on. It was all a bit overwhelming. Most knew that if Hank was involved, then by golly, they wanted in as well.

  Chapter 5: A Fine Beginning

  Station 1 in Earth Orbit –

  September 6 - C Day 7

  "Well dear husband, today has to be some kind of new record. That wedding was amazing. Everything went on as though it had been planned for months. Thank you for all this day has been and will be. I am not sure how long it will take my parents to get over the shock of no longer having a 40 year old virgin on their hands. Now I am hungry for my husband so lets skip the grand tour until tomorrow and have some fun."

  "That suits me to a T and I have asked Barana to shield these rooms from any telepathic leakage. Wouldn't want our neighbors influenced by what goes on here."

  Sam grinned and said, "good thinking."

  ### September 7 – C Day 8 ###

  Later the next day, Sam had been looking over the kitchen and returned to the bedroom, "I could use a shower and some lessons on how to use that kitchen out there, I could eat a bear. Seriously, I am now hungry for some food. Does this place have any restaurants we might occasionally use?"

  "There is a really decent American fare restaurant down on level 4 and we can be there in five minutes from exiting our front door. Mind if I join you in the shower?" Two hours later and another shower, they exited the front door to get a meal.

  After they returned to their lodging, Hank noted, "You know Sam, our lives are going to be pretty interesting together. I kind of like the idea that our minds are an open book to each other. While on that subject, I suspect there is probably no limit to how far apart we are physically yet still being able to communicate with each other. I say that based on the Kajaki experience. You probably know Barana has provided me with enhancements that make me a walking tank. I would really like you to consider the same enhancements. One of the side benefits of the changes is a substantially increased life span. If I am going to live a long time, I would very much like to have you there with me. Barana tells me my expected lifespan is on the order or 10 to 15 times what it would have been without the enhancements. My folks have had the treatment and I would hope that George and Miriam consider them as well. What do you think?"

  "I wondered about that, it makes sense if we are going to be living in space for any length of time, I would like that. The idea of what is possible with the little I know of this station just excites me. The notion of seeing new worlds literally is a dream. When do I start?"

  "Barana chime in when
ever you feel you should, but I have to start recruiting pretty soon and I was thinking that we should not wait too long, how about a week to 10 days. The process takes about a week to install and you can be in learning mode during that so you won't even know it’s happening until you use an enhancement. Barana damped down most of my capabilities until I was acclimated to them. I was enhanced a little over six weeks ago and am now on 100% capability. You have been using your telepathic capabilities for a long time and I suspect that will hasten your acclimation substantially. You should be at peak form in less than six weeks."


  "Barana, I should have said this before now, but please use Hank for me and Sam for Samantha when we are having these informal discussions. You are our friend and friends need not be so formal when talking with each other. It is appropriate to use the long form in more formal settings. One guide might be if the person addressing me is using Henry then it is probably safe to use the long form."


  Sam said, "Wait, did you hear that? There, there it is again. I have been hearing that sound in my mind for a bit now and here on the station I can hear it clearer."

  "I heard something like a low frequency moan."

  "Oh good, then I am not going crazy. Best I can tell is that it is coming from that direction, pointing past one of the mountain peaks. It has been driving my crazy, I couldn't figure what on Earth it could be."

  "That is because it not on Earth. Earth is in that direction." he said pointing in the opposite direction. "Barana, we have a problem and I do not like my suspicions. Can you do a scan in the direction in which Sam is pointing and tell me what you come up with."


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