Blind Date Bet

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Blind Date Bet Page 10

by Nicole Flockton

“That’s very impressive,” she commented once the last man walked past her.

  Anna grabbed Isabella’s arm and hooked it through her own. Together they walked outside to join the group of women sitting around the unlit firepit. “That, my dear Isabella, is the only reason I agreed to having this party. Zeke promised me he and the boys would do everything from grill the meat to clean up afterward. All I had to do was organize for the girls to bring salads and desserts. It’s the perfect way to have a barbeque, if you ask me.”

  Now that she really examined the last few hours, the guys here had done all the hard work. They’d done it so seamlessly she hadn’t noticed it until it had been pointed out to her.

  “So, Isabella, Patricia tells me you’re a schoolteacher. You’re a braver woman than me,” Amy said out of the blue.

  “Some days are better than others.”

  “I don’t think I could ever do it,” Amy continued. “I like my life the way it is.”

  Isabella might regret asking the question, but she wanted to get to know everyone, even if the vibe Amy was giving off was one of superiority. “What is that you do?”

  “I’m not working. My daddy set me up with a trust fund so I can do whatever I want, whenever I want.”

  Now that would be nice, to not work and still buy whatever one wanted. But Isabella suspected she’d get bored very quickly if that were her life. It also began to make sense why Caleb was seeing Amy—she was a no-commitment type of girl. Isabella didn’t know Caleb’s story, but the stand-down vibes he had given off all day suggested he wasn’t into long-term.

  Ultimately, they’re relationship wasn’t any of her business, and Amy might not be around at the next get-together anyhow.

  Wait. What? Next get-together?

  Isabella was getting ahead of herself, but she couldn’t deny that being back among a group of military wives and girlfriends reminded her of the times other mothers had welcomed her into their homes. And of the short time she’d lived on base with Travis.

  Looking around at the women gathered near her, Isabella began to feel a semblance of confidence build inside of her that if she and Ethan did deepen their relationship that when he went away she wouldn’t be alone.

  Of course, she also had Meredith, but her best friend wouldn’t understand the loneliness and worry that went along with being a military partner like these women would.

  “Your kitchen is now sparkling clean.” Ethan’s voice near Isabella’s ear startled her out of her introspection. His hair was slightly mussed, his shirt sporting the odd spot of water—he looked delicious and she wanted to lose herself in him.

  Without thinking about their audience, she closed the small gap between them and wound her arms around his neck. Automatically his arms looped her waist. Isabella went up on tiptoe and kissed him. If he was surprised by her assertiveness he didn’t let on, he just pulled her tighter and deepened the kiss.

  Eventually the sound of whistles, clapping, and calls to get a room penetrated the sensual fog that had enveloped her and Ethan. She ducked her head against his chest.

  What on earth had she been thinking?

  “Well,” Ethan said, clearing his throat. “I think that’s our cue to leave.”

  Laughter sounded around the group and a wave of heat filled her cheeks.

  Summoning some sort of control when she literally had none, Isabella extracted herself from his hold and walked back to Anna. “Thanks for making me feel so welcome,” she said, hoping against hope the other woman wouldn’t make a comment about what she and Ethan had just done.

  Anna pulled her close for another hug. “It’s no hardship. The smile you bring to Ethan’s face makes me happy. Hope to see you soon.”

  “I’d like that,” Isabella said. “Maybe I can grab your number from Ethan?”

  “Definitely and once you text me I’ll add you to our group chat.” Anna smiled up to Zeke who’d wrapped his arm around his wife while Isabella had been talking to her.

  “That would be great, thanks.”

  If she thought she was going to get out of the party with just a quick hug to Anna, she was mistaken. The rest of the girls all lined up to give her a hug while the boys all teased Ethan.

  Finally, they were able to head to their car. “Well, I don’t have to ask if you had a good time tonight,” he commented as he slung an arm around her shoulder, holding her close to him.

  “I did. I’d forgotten this.”

  “Forgotten what?”

  “That the military partners are as tight-knit as the soldiers themselves.” While she’d had a good time and had felt welcomed by everyone, it put extra pressure on her. What if she and Ethan didn’t work out? What would they think of her then?

  Conversation stopped as he unlocked the car and held the door open for her. And that was okay. Ethan naturally held doors open for women, not to be condescending but because his mom had taught him to treat a woman like a lady.

  She was all for independence; she’d been living it for the last few years. But this was the first time the person she was dating went out of their way to do little things that made her feel special.

  Once they were on the road, Ethan started the conversation up again. “Anna pulled me aside and said she really liked you. She’s a tough nut to crack, but I think she liked you on sight.”

  “She was very welcoming, and I can’t believe she’s so close to having a baby but still had a party.”

  Ethan chuckled. “Oh, there was no way she wasn’t going to have this party. Anna loves to entertain and even if her due date was tomorrow she’d still have had it. Plus, Zeke did promise we’d do all the work.” He paused as he signaled to join the traffic on the highway. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. I know it can’t have been easy after all this time.”

  Again, she squeezed his leg, she really could get used to touching him. “It was a really relaxing party. The girls are really nice and not…”

  God, how did she say what she wanted to say without offending him? The last thing she wanted to do was offend Ethan and he’d leave the second he dropped her off.

  “They’re not what?”

  Blowing out a breath she transferred her gaze out the window, so she wouldn’t have to see his face when she spoke. “They weren’t what I expected. They were nice and open and welcoming. I’d forgotten what it was like. I guess in my mind I’d romanticized the memories of my childhood, to make it better than thinking I was the reason my mom always bailed the second Dad was deployed. That she couldn’t stand being around me and that the only reason everyone was nice was because they felt sorry for me.”

  “I don’t believe that for a second. I’ve lived on bases when my dad was transferred. Everyone was always friendly. Sure, there was the odd person who kept to themselves. And by no means do I think living on or near a base is a walk in the park. It can be a hard life but rewarding. No way do I think the families who looked after you felt sorry for you. They did it because they cared.”

  Once again, she tried to pull her hand away but, this time, Ethan closed his fingers tighter around hers and lifted her hand to his mouth, brushing his lips softly across the top. “Plus, I know you offered to help Anna a couple of times. That always goes down well with everyone. It shows that you think as part of a team, which is really important when involved with someone in the service.”

  Isabella let Ethan’s words sink in. He’d been right when he’d said she’d offered to help. How could she not? She was a guest in someone’s house, it would be rude not to offer some sort of assistance. “I guess. I always wondered why Mom never tried to get along with the other women. I mean, she knew the chances of moving around on a regular basis was a given when she married Dad. I’ve never asked Dad about the early stages of his and Mom’s relationship. He seemed happier when she left us.”

  “I don’t know, maybe that’s something you need to ask him. Perhaps you need to discuss your past issues in order to move forward and build a new and better one together.”
/>   Isabella liked to think her relationship with Dad was changing for the better in a permanent way. Their earlier phone call had already splintered the ice that encased their relationship, now it was time to shatter the frozen block and move forward in their father/daughter partnership.

  “Yeah, I think you’re right. He was happy when he heard I was still seeing you. I think it’s one of the reasons he wants to meet you.”

  “Really? Why is that?” Ethan relinquished the hold he had on her hand so he could place both hands on the wheel as he turned down her street.

  “I believe he wants to see the fruits of his matchmaking skills.”

  “Oh, God, no wonder he and Linc get on so well. Linc was unbearable today.”

  Isabella laughed as she remembered the cheeky smile he’d given her when Ethan had introduced them. She had expected him to corner her and ask her endless questions about what she and Ethan were up to. The fact he hadn’t had her wondering if it was because of the man sitting beside her. “He appears to be a fun guy when I met him today.”

  “Oh, yeah, he’s an unhealthy growth for sure,” Ethan muttered when he pulled into her driveway.

  She burst out laughing. “Oh, my God, Ethan, that was terrible.”

  “Terrible but true. And, in answer to your question, yes, I told him to stay away from you. I didn’t want him to tell you all about my bad habits.” He finished with a wink.

  Unconsciously, her tongue dipped out and swiped over her lips. An invisible line connected the two of them and by some magical force, she found herself leaning forward at the same time as Ethan. Their lips collided and she sighed at the feathery touch. Her eyes drifted shut and she raised her hands and rested them on his chest. Beneath the soft fabric of his shirt, his heart beat frantically against her fingers.

  A groan echoed around the car and Ethan pulled his lips away from hers. The light from the streetlamp by her house filled the car with a golden glow, highlighting the sleek plane of his nose, his angular cheekbones. But what made her catch her breath the most, was the desire burning brightly in his eyes.

  “Do you want to come in?” she whispered, not wanting to speak too loudly to break the spell surrounding them. The silence stretched and Isabella couldn’t help but wonder if he was having a debate with himself as to whether accepting her invitation was a wise one or not.

  None of his hesitation made sense though. He’d seemed with her every step of the way during their very public kiss at the barbeque, like he hadn’t wanted it to end. She was giving him the green light here, why wasn’t he putting his foot down and driving through?

  Now would be a good time for the world to stop so she wouldn’t have to live through a rejection. Dating sucked sometimes.

  Ethan smiled. “Yes.”

  Without thinking she punched him lightly on the arm.

  “Hey,” he said rubbing the spot. “What was that for?”

  “That was for taking so long to answer my question and making me think I’d made a complete utter fool of myself.” And way to go on making a fool of herself by being brutally honest with him.

  “I’m sorry, Izzy, I didn’t want to make you feel this way. I just…”

  Now it was his turn to hesitate. They were quite the pair. “You were just what?”

  He ran a hand through his hair, then sighed and grabbed her hand, running his thumb across the top of it. A shiver wracked her body at the light touch.

  “Izzy, I’ve been attracted to you from the second I spied you wearing that red fedora. Even when you walked out the door, I wished for fate to somehow intervene so that we would meet up again. And it did. We’ve had so many false starts that, as much as I want to go inside with you, I want to know that you are totally on board with this.”

  Every single word he said penetrated the hard shell she’d put up to protect her heart, the one that was already beginning to disperse with every passing second in his company. With Ethan, all her defenses were being attacked, and instead of being afraid and scared, she was beginning to feel empowered.

  “I’m totally on board, Ethan. I want you to come inside. I want to spend the night with you.”

  Reaching for the door handle, she opened the door and got out. Before shutting the door, she leaned down and gazed inside the car. “Are you coming or not?”

  By the way Ethan scrambled out of the car, the double meaning wasn’t lost on him. He was by her side in a flash. “You, Ms. Knowles, are extremely tempting.”

  “Well, that’s good, Mr. Masters,” she said as she pushed her key into the lock. “Because you are very tempting too.”

  The second they were inside with the door shut, Ethan’s arms were around her and his lips crashed down on hers. In her sensual haze, she registered the sound of her purse and keys crashing to the ground. Her arms wound around his neck and she went up on her tiptoes to deepen the kiss.

  A groan sounded against her mouth and Ethan pulled back. “Where’s your bedroom?”

  Taking a step away from him, she laced her fingers through his and silently led him down the hallway. With every step, her heart beat harder and faster, anticipation sizzling through her. The last time she’d been with a guy had been less than memorable. She wasn’t going to have the same problem with Ethan. Just his kisses set her aflame.

  In her room, she let go of his hand and headed over to her nightstand. A second later, the room glowed with the ambient light of her bedside lamp, and all her bravado disappeared when she turned to see Ethan standing in her room. She licked her lips.

  God, seriously, why was she acting like she’d never done this before? Because she hadn’t. Oh, she’d had sex since she’d been widowed, but she’d never made the conscious decision to seduce a man. A man who was beginning to mean more to her than any other man had.

  Would he make the first move? As if he could read her mind, Ethan began a slow stalk toward her, his fingers going to the buttons of his shirt. By the time he stopped in front of her, his shirt was undone, and she caught a glimpse of tanned flesh. Even the small expanse of skin she could see made her want to rip the shirt off and run her hands all over him.

  Only she didn’t want to rush this moment. The need to make this evening special splintered through her.

  “Do you have any idea how gorgeous you look?” he whispered, as he answered her unspoken wish and pulled his shirt off his shoulders.

  “Do you have any idea how handsome you are?” she countered and closed the small gap between them. She couldn’t deny the overpowering desire to touch him any longer. Resting her hands against his hard chest, she rose up on tiptoe and nipped at his lips. She withdrew, but an arm clamped around her waist and held her flush against him.

  Warmth pooled between her legs and his mouth took full possession of hers as he ran his tongue along the seam of her slightly parted lips, encouraging her to open farther for him. The second she did, his tongue invaded her mouth, dueling with hers.

  Her body pulsed beneath the onslaught. Waves of desire built inside of her, consuming her. But it wasn’t enough. She wanted no restrictions between them. Keeping her lips fused to his, she lowered her hands to his jeans, finding the end of the belt and threading it through the buckle to release the strip of leather. She popped the button and found the metal tab of his zipper. Before she could even pull it down a millimeter, his hand closed over hers.


  Did he want to stop?

  Had he changed his mind?

  “There’s no rush, Izzy. We’ve got all night. I’m not going anywhere,” he murmured against her neck as he nibbled at her skin. The action sent shivers coursing through her bloodstream.

  Perhaps he was right. Perhaps there was no rush to reach the finish line. How many times had she rushed through things only to be disappointed at the end result? Too many times with the few guys she’d slept with. The last guy would be snoozing beside her on the bed by now while she’d still be waiting for the main event to happen. Ethan wouldn’t keep her waiting. He’d ensure
she was the main event before he joined her at the finish line.

  His lips began a slow, seductive trail along her jawline to her earlobe, where he sucked the small piece of flesh into his mouth. His teeth tugging lightly on the gold hoop she wore.

  While his mouth was busy teasing her ears, his hands were roaming all over her back, bunching her sundress around her hips. God, how she wanted his hands on her bare flesh. No, not only his hands, but his wicked tongue and mouth. She wanted him to kiss her all over. Just thinking about it encouraged another rush of moisture between her thighs.

  “Undress me, Ethan. Please undress me.” She whimpered when his hands dipped beneath the light fabric of her dress and cupped her ass. Unable to help herself, she ground her hips against his erection and was rewarded with a moan from Ethan.

  Screw taking it slow. Her fingers fumbled until she found his zipper and pulled it down as he found the hidden zipper of her dress and gently tugged. Cool breeze from the air conditioner hit the exposed skin and she shivered.

  One second she was standing by her bed, her hand grabbing his jeans to thrust them down, the next she was flat on her bed wearing just her panties and Ethan had settled himself between her legs, his long, hard erection jutting from his belly. Her fingers itched to wrap around and stroke him, feel the hard steel encased in satiny soft skin.

  “You are so beautiful, Isabella. You have no idea what seeing you like this is doing to me.”

  His dick bobbed and she couldn’t stop the smile from breaking out even if she wanted to. “I have a good idea.”

  “Wench, you’ll pay for that.” He trailed his fingers over her belly.

  “I’m gonna hold you to that.” She lifted her hips a fraction to let Ethan know exactly what she wanted from him.

  He lowered his head and her body tightened in anticipation of the moment when his lips would enclose over her silky folds. Her eyes drifted shut as she willed herself to relax.

  His lips and tongue kissed and laved her inner thigh, his fingers feathering down her other thigh. Just when she thought he was going to finally give her what she wanted, he totally bypassed her core and placed soft kisses on her belly. His hands smoothed up her sides, stopping at her breasts. Her nipples puckered in the cool air, and she moaned when his lips closed over one of the distended peaks. Again her hips lifted and collided with his dick; she ground against him, creating a delicious friction that combined with his mouth on her breast.


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