His Dance Lessons

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His Dance Lessons Page 7

by Mlyn Hurn

  “Mind if I sit down?” Colin asked her softly.

  Ophelia made a wide sweep with her arm and brushed all the brochures onto the bench seat beside her. “Sure, why not,” she told him, trying to be nonchalant. Her stomach was doing somersaults. She’d traveled halfway around the world and was suddenly confronted with the last person she’d ever wanted to see. She watched as he signaled for the waitress, who blushed and responded eagerly to his easy flirting. He offered to buy her another, but Ophelia refused. She waited until his drink had been brought before she asked him the all-important question.

  “What are you doing here, Colin?”

  Colin sipped his gin and tonic. He had noticed that Ophelia was as beautiful as ever. If anything, she looked younger than she had two years ago! “I’m lead choreographer for the movie, and I have a major dancing sequence as well.”

  Ophelia looked at him and cursed fate. “Small world, isn’t it?”

  “I didn’t know you were interested in the world of film. I always figured you would stay in the refined, effete world of New York City. I thought they offered you the job of assistant choreographer, after the accident.”

  Ophelia looked down at her folded hands that rested on the table. “I turned it down. I rested for a year and tried to return, but my leg will never be strong enough. I’ve been teaching, actually.”

  Colin laughed as he finished his drink, signaling the waitress for a refill. “I can just see you surrounded by three foot tall ‘wanna-be’ ballerinas!”

  Ophelia smiled. “More like five and six foot tall students, and very few want to dance professionally. I’ve been teaching college dance for three semesters. They offered me a two-year contract, but I took this instead.”

  She had deliberately left out a few things, but decided her life was none of Colin’s business. When he had informed her that he was leaving the company, and her, she had been in a hospital bed, trying to recover from the mugging attack. In her opinion, Colin Dunn had no rights in her life from now on. Before she could go on, Mac slid onto the bench seat beside her. He leaned over and kissed her cheek while he laid his arm behind her on the seat. He looked over at Colin.

  “Nice to see you again, Colin. Ophelia was my teacher, in fact. I took your advice and decided to take some lessons, so I wouldn’t have to rely on my stand-in and stunt double all the time. Ophelia has been such an excellent teacher that I just couldn’t leave her behind when it came time to start filming.” His words and actions told Colin that Ophelia was more than just Donal Donaldson’s dance instructor.

  Mac picked up Ophelia’s glass and finished her wine. “I’m free for the rest of the day. What would you like to do this afternoon?”

  Ophelia knew he was expecting her to say something about seeing the film locale for the day, or visiting one of the local special interests sights. She turned to Mac and smiled. “I’m more in the mood for an afternoon nap.”

  Mac barely covered his surprise with a cough. “Works for me, honey. I'll go settle the tab and meet you by the door.”

  Ophelia turned and gathered the booklets she’d been given, carefully concealing the titles and shoving some into her purse. She stood quickly. “Goodbye, Colin. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around.”

  Chapter 9

  Ophelia was impressed with herself that she managed to make it over to the exit of the lounge without tripping, or returning to the table and dumping Colin’s drink over his head. She continued towards the elevator and Mac followed her silently. Neither one spoke on the ride up to their room, and once inside, Ophelia hurried towards the bedroom of the suite. She dumped the information into a drawer and shut it quickly. As she turned, she saw that Mac was standing just inside the doorway.

  “I’m going to have a drink.” Mac turned and walked back out to the stocked bar and poured himself a neat scotch. He downed it quickly and poured another. He walked over and sat on the loveseat that faced the fireplace. He didn’t look up as Ophelia came over and sat beside him. “I wouldn’t be wrong if I assumed you and Colin Dunne are previously acquainted.”

  Ophelia shook her head. “We used to dance together.”


  Ophelia looked down at her hands, which she had folded primly into her lap. “We lived together for awhile. But it was all over two years ago.”

  Mac nodded and sipped the alcohol. “You want to tell me about it?”

  Ophelia knew she had to be honest with him. “You want to hear the whole sordid tale, or the Reader’s Digest version?” she asked him with a weak smile, attempting to lighten the atmosphere. When Mac didn’t answer she took a deep breath. “Colin and I were the lead dancers for the New York City Ballet Company. It was quite a coup, for both of us. We were drawn together with duet practices, and became lovers.”

  Ophelia stopped as she saw Mac’s hand clench around the glass until his knuckles turned white. “I shouldn’t say we were lovers, because the only person Colin Dunne ever cared about was himself. We felt mutual attraction and then we were living together. We went out to dinner late one night, after a performance. On the way back, a mugger jumped us. I lost consciousness soon after, but Colin went for help.”

  She paused to take a deep breath as she fought to keep her tears at bay. “You’ve seen my scars, Mac. I wasn’t able to keep up once I had healed, so I recuperated for a time and tried to return. I was very lucky that Michael took me back. Back then, Mac, dancing was my life. I didn’t have any outside interests, and my friends were all dancers in the company.”

  “What happened to lover boy while you were going through all of this?” Mac asked her tersely, aching for the pain she had suffered alone.

  “He left the city about a week after I was attacked. He said he needed a change, and the timing just happened to be then. I got along all right, Mac. I had a lot of friends. Some of them were really pretty amazing in helping me when I had trouble in the beginning.”

  Mac turned and set his glass down. “I have no doubt that you have friends, sweetheart. I’m not sure I believe that Dunn ran to get help, or that he just happened to be offered a role that conveniently.”

  Ophelia smiled and raised her hand to stroke her fingers down the side of his face. “It doesn’t matter, Mac. It’s all over now.” She leaned forward and lightly kissed Mac’s mouth, letting her tongue sneak out to tease and tempt him. “How about that nap I mentioned downstairs?”

  Mac grinned and pulled her up. “I think I could use a little sleep, eventually.” Ophelia giggled and walked toward the bed with him. He tenderly undressed her, and then practically ripped his own clothes impatiently off. He kissed her gently as he lay down beside her. He cupped her nearest breast and lowered his mouth to lick and circle around the nipple. As she thrust her breasts up towards him, Mac sucked her nipple deeply into his mouth.

  Ophelia pressed closer and spread her legs as he shifted above her. He settled between her thighs, feeling her soft body cradling his hips. He tried to slow things down, but Ophelia would have none of that. When she felt his manhood pressing against her wet flesh, she wrapped her legs around him and pulled him into her body. They both gasped as her flesh swallowed him whole.

  Mac stared down as he pulled back and then thrust forward. He tried to set a slow pace, but the feeling of her muscles squeezing hard on his cock each time he pulled back was too much to handle…way too intense to delay or ignore. He growled low in his throat and sped up his motions. He felt her grinding her pelvis against him, stimulating her clit with each move.

  Ophelia’s climax hit her like a sledgehammer, taking her breath away. And a moment later, she felt Mac stiffen in her arms and fill her body with his seed. The poignancy almost made her cry as she remembered the news she had been given earlier. His seed had taken root in her belly, against all odds. She had fallen in love with Mac and now she would have something to remember him by, once it was all over. Ophelia fell asleep spooned in front of Mac, his arm curled around her body, with his hand gently cupping one breas

  * * * * *

  Ophelia didn’t have to see Colin for a week. And then, they were going to have to start rehearsing the dance sequences, and she would need to be there. They were using a lot of local dancers, and Ophelia had always found clogging and Irish folk songs and dance very stirring. So even though she didn’t want to be around Colin, she loved the idea of dancing and working once again, especially since they were using the local dancers.

  Mac would often sit and watch her when he wasn’t working, enjoying her easy way with people. He remembered how she had been in her class, and could see how easily she could get what she needed from others. Whereas Colin tended to yell and lose his temper, Ophelia would come along and people would understand what he had wanted after she repeated it a different way or demonstrated it, and managed to usually achieve it in one or two tries.

  He had been sitting in the shadows one day, watching as Colin tried to work with two of the children that would appear in one of the major dance scenes. It wasn’t long before the young boy and girl were close to tears and Ophelia stepped forward. He had not been able to hear what she said, but Colin left quickly. As he watched, Ophelia soon had the children smiling and performing the dance steps exactly as required in the script.

  Standing suddenly, deciding to move closer to the rehearsal area, Mac had almost knocked Steven down who had been quietly listening and watching a few steps behind him. Mac started to excuse himself when Steven put his hand on Mac’s forearm.

  “That is one pretty special woman you managed to find, Mac.”

  Nodding and grinning, Mac shrugged as he took a step toward the rehearsal area. “Don’t I know it?”

  At night they were often so tired, they fell asleep in one another’s arms. It was at the end of the second week, while watching Ophelia dance a step for the performers, that Steven called him over. He handed him some official looking papers, not saying a word. Mac read the insurance report in silence and then turned to look at Ophelia. He abruptly walked back over to the practice dance area.


  Ophelia stopped dancing and looked up. She saw Mac and the serious look on his face. She suddenly felt a frisson of fear running down her spine. Never had she heard that tone in his voice before. Cautiously, she walked over, looking up at him. “Is something wrong?”

  Mac took a deep breath. “Your insurance came through…” He paused, seeing the color fade from her cheeks. “They added a rider to the policy, about pregnancy.”

  Ophelia flushed. “Surprise?” she said softly, with a weak smile. “I was going to tell you—“ Her voice faded away. The words sounded silly as she repeated them in her head. A lot of things were suddenly crashing through her brain, but none of them were making much sense. “I honestly didn’t suspect until I saw that doctor the other day. I didn’t know how to tell you.”

  Mac could see in her eyes she was telling the truth. He realized that if he was surprised, he could just imagine how she felt! After all, she was the one actually having it. “Damn! I wish we could get out of here right now.”

  Ophelia leaned up and kissed his cheek. “I don’t have too much longer before Colin takes over again, and then if you’re done, maybe we could leave early.”

  Mac nodded. “I’ll be done.” He watched until Ophelia had restarted her rehearsals before he walked back over to Steven. His friend had been a little leery of handing him the papers with the amazing information. Mac smiled when he saw the look on Steven’s face. “Hey, nothing to worry about. Since she isn’t in the film, I doubt the pregnancy will affect her work. But do you mind if I take off when she’s done?”

  Steven shook his head, mentally rearranging a few shots in his head. “And I had no doubts about Ophelia’s professional conduct. If anything, Mac,” Steven paused, looking around to make sure they couldn’t be overheard, “I’m grateful she is here. I’ve noticed her abilities with the dancers.”

  Mac grinned and thanked his friend and colleague.

  * * * * *

  Ophelia rode to the hotel with Mac. Shortly after their arrival, Mac had opted to use one of the utility vehicles they were renting. That way they could ride together, and Mac didn’t like riding in the limo. Once in the vehicle, Mac hadn't said much beyond a greeting. But then neither had she, she realized with a start of chagrin. “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you as soon as I found out.”

  Mac took his eyes off the road for a moment. “That’s okay, honey. I’m sure it was a big shock to you. Maybe I’m being a little stupid here, but I thought women always got signs, or symptoms, or something.”

  Ophelia laughed and turned to sit sideways to see Mac better. “Me too! I argued with the doctor, but he said he ran the test twice.”

  Mac nodded and then asked her quietly. “How far… I mean when…”

  Ophelia nodded and her hand dropped unconsciously to rub small circles on her belly. “The doctor says I’m four months. I think it must have happened the first time…” She stopped suddenly, blushing.

  Mac couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face though. He laughed when Ophelia playfully slapped his arm. “So, you want to get married over here, or wait until we get back home?”

  Ophelia just stared at him, half aware that her mouth was still open. “Married?”

  “Of course, married. I believe in doing the right thing.”

  “I don’t want to get married just because it is the right thing, Mac.”

  Mac eased his foot off the gas and steered the car off the road. “There is a lot more to this than just the right thing, Ophelia. I love you, and I want our child to have both parents around, most of the time.”

  Ophelia felt the joy bubble up inside of her at his pronouncement of his love for her. “I love you, Mac. But I still don’t think we should rush into anything.”

  Mac leaned toward her, his one arm resting atop the steering wheel. “Are you telling me that you’ve discovered you have feelings for Colin? Is that why you want to delay getting married?”

  “Feelings for Colin! Don’t make me puke!” She stopped when Mac grinned. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t a very nice thing to say.”

  Mac shrugged. “Perhaps not, but appropriate for a pregnant lady.”

  Ophelia tried to stop the laughter that bubbled forth, but she couldn’t. “I’ll never be able to say that mugging was the best thing that ever happened to me. But it changed my life forever, and I can admit now that it is for the better.” She reached out to press her fingers to Mac’s lips as he started to interrupt.

  “Please, Mac, let me tell you this. If I had not been injured, I would have danced, and had nothing else in my life. I have no doubt that Colin would have dumped me for some younger dancer along the way. I would have found myself alone, unmarried and childless.” She paused, unable to stop the tears that had been hovering nearby since Mac had found out her secret.

  Mac nodded slowly, but asked her quietly. “Why did it sound like you emphasized ‘now’ a second ago? Is it the fact that you are pregnant now?“

  Ophelia nodded her head as she answered him. “I can’t deny that finding out I was having a baby was a huge shock. You see…Mac, I screwed up.”

  “Hmm. Well, honey, it’s always been my opinion that it takes two people to make a baby, just as it takes two people to forget protection.” He reached over and caressed the side of her face.

  “I didn’t mean that, exactly—“ Ophelia paused, realizing admitting the truth was harder than she’d thought. Clearing her throat, she tried again. “Remember my scars, Mac?” Once he had nodded, she continued. “After the attack, because of where he’d cut, the doctors said I probably wouldn’t be able to conceive. So even though I’ve really had some wonderful times with my classes, not to mention all the wonderful young people I’ve met, I will now have a real life, with you, not just a career. I’ll be happy to go back to teaching my classes, and watching my baby in her bouncer seat while the class practices.”

  Mac smiled. “I was rather
seeing myself wearing one of those baby carrier things, and bringing the baby to you to breastfeed during the day.”

  Ophelia laughed. “Mister Mom, huh?”

  “Why not? We’ll try and arrange our schedules so we can travel together.”

  Ophelia nodded. “How about we just take it one day at a time for now? I’ll marry you, here or back home. The important thing to me is that we are together.”

  Mac nodded and pulled Ophelia into his arms. He had to blink quickly to clear the tears that welled up in his eyes. “That works for me, my love.” He released her and they settled back into their seats. He restarted the car and then turned to look at Ophelia. He realized that she had an inner glow about her. “Well, Mommy, you want to grab something to eat?”

  “Hmm. Mommy would like to take a nap with Daddy first, and then eat.” Ophelia grinned back at Mac.

  Mac started back down the road towards their hotel. “Never let it be said that I didn’t do everything in my power to make the pregnant lady happy!”

  Ophelia laughed and knew without a doubt that she and her baby would have the best life ever with Mac!

  Also at Ellora's Cave

  Family and Promises

  Burning Desires

  Blood Dreams

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.





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