An Appetite for Love

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An Appetite for Love Page 4

by Elaine Young

  “I heard you sobbing,” he said. “You need me, my love. He bent and kissed her with prolonged passion, while pulling back the covers. She did nothing while he deftly removed her skimpy silk teddy. Angelle, having felt so friendless and without direction, welcomed Blake into her bed, certain that this was exactly what she needed. Running his tongue along her neck, Blake suddenly withdrew from her, and stood up. “I can’t stay here.” No, this can’t be the night.

  “Oh, don’t go . . . please come back.” Angelle drew Blake down again, but he pulled away, and suddenly, he was no longer there. Angelle immediately fell into a deep slumber, and remembered nothing next morning. She felt refreshed, and strangely fulfilled, without knowing why.

  Angelle and John were auditioning new talent in the auditorium. Two actors were being videotapes on stage, while they read from a script. Violent came in, traversed the aisle and bent down to whisper in Angelle’s ear.

  “I can’t hear you . . . wait . . . John, please carry on.”

  She followed Violet out into the corridor. “Now what did you say?”

  “The sous chef has informed me that Blake did not come in today, and he cannot reach him.”

  “That’s odd.” She looked at Violet, then exclaimed. “You’re not thinking . . . oh, no – not Blake.”

  “It’s possible, he has met the same fate as Cora and Helen.”

  “That can’t happen, cried Angelle. “I have to find him, Violet, I have to.”

  “Well, we won’t find him standing here. I gather you know where he lives. Let’s go.”

  Blake’s apartment was in Midtown. As Angelle was too pent-up to drive, Violet did the honors, swerving in and out of traffic at a speed that might have earned her a citation. Fortunately, it was after the lunch hour, but before rush hour, and they reached Blake’s condo in record time.

  There was a welcome booth, where a security officer either granted or denied entrance to visitors. Having met Angelle before, he smiled and opened the gate without question or comment.

  “Go to the end of the building on the right and turn right. Stop next to that red-tipped shrub.” Angelle got out of the car.

  “I’d better go with you,” said Violet, and followed Angelle up a wrought iron, spiral staircase to the second floor.

  Angelle rapped on the door of D-15; then both women knocked and knocked. Finally, the door swung open.


  He regarded them without his characteristic smile. “What is it?”

  “I’ll go back to the car,” said Violet.

  “You need not wait, Violet. I’ll see that Angelle gets back to the office.”

  Violet hesitated. “It’s okay, Violet,” Angelle reassured her.

  Violet turned and made her way down the staircase, under the watchful eye of Angelle, until she had driven away.

  “Come in.”

  As soon as they were inside, Blake briefly kissed and then released Angelle. “What are you doing here?” He sauntered over to the recliner and sat down, and motioned for her to do the same. Behind him on the wall hung a very dramatic painting of a woman, draped in a long black robe, open to display the roundness of her breasts; her eyes were black as coal, and sparkled.

  “What a question . . . you knew I would be worried.”

  “You, my love, have nothing to worry about, while I have much to consider.” He stared into the distance. “I’ve been trying to think of a way to tell you this, and now that you’ve shown up here, I see no reason to delay making a few admissions. You will have to know the truth before long anyway. So, I’ll get it over with, and see where we stand thereafter.”

  Angelle, while fearful of what Blake would say, wanted answers to the many misgivings she had experienced during their involvement. She sat relaxed into the matching black recliner and waited.

  Blake stood up, and stared down at her. “I am dead, you know.”

  Angelle burst out laughing. “Come on!”

  “Don’t laugh . . . it’s true. I’ve been fighting the urge to drain your blood ever since we met in Antigua.”

  Angelle was no longer laughing, but staring up at him, all expression having left her face.

  Blake began pacing back and forth in front of her. “Yes. I am a 200-year-old vampire. Those people found dead on the island were my prey. Your missing employees were also my victims. I wanted to kill Violet, and it is only because of my regard for you and yours for her, that I didn’t. It would hurt you too deeply, and to hurt you is the last thing I want to do. She stands in our way, as no one else does.”

  Angelle could say nothing; she half believed and half disbelieved is confession. Finally, she managed “Tell me you’re lying, Blake.”

  “I wish I could say that, but I can’t. Nor can I go on working at your company as though this problem doesn’t exist; eventually your career, your company, and the lives of all of your employees would be destroyed. And by the way, there is a maid – dead in one of the stairwells, yet to be found. It’s why I can’t work there – these urges are too strong. I have fought them to the best of my ability, so much so, that I am starving for blood, Angelle. If I go out, I will kill someone. Of course, if I could avoid it, I would. But, there’s no way I can.” He sat down in the chair again, and gazed at her with deadly calm. “The only redeeming quality of my life right now is you, and my love for you. Without it, half Atlanta would be dead. My love for you has that much impact – you make me want to resist my very nature. You make me wish I were still alive, so that I could live a normal life – with you. But, that’s not possible, because I am dead, myself the victim of a voodoo priestess, who was also a vampire.”

  Despite the revelations which Blake had imparted, her heart ached for the dilemma he was in. She wished there were a way out of it, and yet . . .”

  “Your response, Angelle?”

  “Does John know this?”

  Blake chuckled, drily. “No, but I know about his challenges.”

  “What’s going on with John?”

  “It is his story to tell, and I will leave it up to him whether to share it with you. Meanwhile, I am leaving this plane.”

  Tears cascaded down her cheeks. “How will I live without you?”

  “You have two options, Angelle.”

  “What – tell me what they are?”

  “Well, you can stay here, meet another man, get married, and have babies, or . . .”

  “Or what?”

  “You can go away with me.” He stood up, strode over to where she sat and pulled her up into his arms.

  Suddenly, Angelle kissed Blake wildly; he bit her mouth, and while they sank to the floor, he raised her skirt, settled atop her, and they were one. Fueled by desperation and the prospect of an uncertain future, their love-making was more intense than ever before. Blake whispered against her ear, “I want to bite you so badly. I want to feast on your sweet, hot blood, Angelle. Tell me you want it as badly as I do. Come on, tell me. Please let me have it . . . I’ve suffered so . . . you mustn’t deny me any longer. I’m starving, can’t you see . . . I’m starving.”

  His request caused Angelle to snap out of the hypnotic thrall into which Blake had drawn her. His words were scary, his eyes glazed.

  She quickly lowered her skirt, and he helped her up from the carpet.

  “Come with me, Angelle – come with me to a place of wonder, where you will be my queen for all eternity. The things you will see; the pleasures we will share are beyond imagining.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’ll give you a preview,” he said, and raising his hand conjured up a scene from thin air. At first the vision was murky, but eventually it became clear; precious and semi-precious stones sparkled blindingly out at them. Two regal figures – male and female – sat side by side on jewel-encrusted thrones, situated on a gold dais. Angelle immediately recognized the figures to be herself and Blake. Blake watched Angelle closely, and smiled proudly at her clear enchantment with the depictions of the kind of
life they would enjoy in another sphere.

  Again Blake stretched out his hand, and another spectacle materialized. Blake and Angelle were frolicking in a blue waterfall, the sun shone on their wet, nude bodies. Blake propelled Angelle toward him, lowered her into the water, and they sank beneath the rippling waves.

  Thoughts were speeding through her scattered brain. Could she leave, never to see this world again, leaving her company in the hands of Violet to run as her own? After all, Violet was her beneficiary; it had been determined from the outset that if anything happened to one, the other would have power of attorney, as well as own and run Galaxy Entertainment. So, that was settled. But then there was John, how she could leave him, without explanation; as if John would be satisfied one bit by the explanation that she loved Blake and was leaving this world with him. He would be angry in that quiet, seething way. And yet, knowing John, he might not willingly accept the inevitable, but over time he would.

  Angelle’s thoughts moved to Violet, and her tortured love for John. If Angelle left, Violet would probably become more attractive go him, and why wouldn’t he love Violet, who was not as outgoing as she herself was, but she was smart, pretty, and generous, with a lot of love to give.

  Sacrificing was not something Angelle was accustomed to, but she had been seeking a way to repay Violet and John for her betrayal, what better gift than to give the two best, most honest people in her life a shot at happiness. It was a hard truth to face that Violet was better for John than she was, but it was true. The edgier Blake, was her equal – there was no denying it. Going away at this moment in time would give Violet and John the opportunity to save Galaxy Entertainment from ruin and a loss of reputation. Yes, fearful as she was, she would make the ultimate sacrifice for Violet, as Violet had done numerous times for her.

  Angelle looked up at John, as his eyes requested an answer.

  “I already belong to the darkness, Angelle. I will conduct you to a world that I have known for more than two-hundred years.” He bent and lovingly kissed her throat, his teeth softly grazing her flesh, until he could resist no longer, and sank his teeth into her neck, drawing blood, which spurted into his mouth in a steady, generous flow of sustenance. Angelle nearly swooned, as he drank liberally of her essence, savoring it hungrily. Protest was not possible, as he fed her senses fully and completely, and she was his – forever.

  Continuing to drain away her life, Blake scooped Angel up in his arms, and walked slowly through a misty portal, which enveloped them, and left no sign that the two had been there.

  Chapter V

  Violet – Her Words

  It was as though she never existed. Angelle’s office was bare of the files and papers once germane to the performance of her position as owner and Chief Executive Officer of Galaxy Entertainment. The ornate topaz and brown diamond bracelet – belonging to her late mother – which always graced the surface of the round glass and chrome desk – was gone. The black sweater she wore – as she often became chilly – was no longer draped around the back of the high-backed chair from which she reigned – like the queen she truly was.

  The entire office was in turmoil, as none of us knew what would happen next. This company was her baby; how could it continue without her? Even though Violet knew where to find any papers related to the business, and the power of attorney, there were no other clues as to the way forward. We all stood about, wringing our hands, speaking in whispers – bemoaning our uncertain career paths. As far as I was concerned, their positions were safe, but what did Angelle intend?

  John came into the office and stood next to me. His arms surrounded me, pulling me back against him. We both had loved her – albeit in different ways. I was her best friend, and he was her lover. Now, we consoled each other. I turned in his arms and put my arms around his neck; he gently pressed my head against his chest, where I wept – uncontrollably.

  “Her house is empty, Violet,” he uttered in disbelief. “How could this happen? Where is she?”

  “I don’t know.” And then it came to me, and I looked into John’s face. “Blake will know . . . he’s our last hope.”

  John shook his head. “No . . . he’s nowhere to be found either. His landlord says his apartment is as though he never lived there.”

  “What! But, this is impossible. Where have they gone? Do you suppose they’re together?”

  John released me, his face looked stricken. His love for her was palpable – visibly and emotionally. My love for him was just as profound, and I hoped someday to meld with him and share with him the gravity of my feelings.

  “They probably are together – somewhere.”

  “It will be difficult for us both, John, but we will see this through -- together.”

  He went to the window and looked out into the bright sunshine, his back to me. I felt for him, deeply.

  “Violet, I have to get away for a while. I need to absorb this, and decide how to move forward.”

  “But maybe we’re too premature with our sense of what’s happened. They may come back, or send one of both of us a message of some kind. So, shouldn’t we give it a little time?”

  He looked down at me, fresh hope in his face. “You may be right.”

  “I know how to secure the business. There’s no problem on that score.”

  His seemed re-energized. “Perhaps you should call an emergency meeting, and advise everyone to go on as before. This could be just a hiccup, and we’ll survive it.”

  “That’s a good idea,” I said, feeling nearly as hopeful as John. “John, will you be the one to address the staff – I don’t feel that I can. I’ll probably start crying, and I don’t want to do that.”

  He nodded.

  I wrote a memo to staff advising of the meeting set for 2:30 pm. This would give everybody a chance to return from lunch. Since the Galaxy staff knew she was missing, and wanted to hear what information would be shared, the meeting was packed, as we expected. It was why we used the theatre instead of the conference room.

  John approached the podium. All the hitherto whispering ceased.

  “Good afternoon everyone. We are all awaiting the return of our beloved boss, Angelle. I regret to inform you that we have no new information. We do not know what has happened to her, and we have had no follow-up from the APD. If anyone here has information, would you please share it now?” Uneasy glances were exchanged, and fidgeting in seats, but nobody responded.

  “Then, this is my advice to us all. We go on with business as usual, until such time as we have a sense of what’s happened. All of our business affiliates will continue working with us, as we have signed contracts, and the expertise to deliver on our promises. Nobody should worry about getting paid, as accounting has informed us that the books are as they should be. We are in the black. So, until further notice, we remain prayerful that there will be a good outcome to this situation, and until we know the truth, let’s return to work in the only way Angelle would want – expertly and diligently. This meeting is adjourned.”

  John descended the stage, and I met him at the bottom of the stairs. “You did the only thing left to do, and you did it well.”

  “Thanks,” he said.

  “You put their hearts at rest.”

  “Well, we had to do something.”

  “Yes -- at least they don’t have to worry about getting paid.”

  He shrugged. I felt his exasperation, his deep-seated pain. He loved her, and I loved him – I loved them both. It was not difficult for me to console him, because I, like him, wanted to know what happened – even if it was not good. We just needed to know.

  That night I was awakened by a bright light in my bedroom. Frightened, I sat up. There, on the wall, something began to materialize. Clutching the comforter to me, I waited, shivering, until two apparitions came into focus. It was Angelle, and Blake, their arms around each other, clad in matching black and red robes.

  Angelle spoke first. “Don’t be afraid, Violet. It’s just me, your old friend -- your
old and eternal friend. This is as hard for me, as it will be for you – and John. I’m in a new dimension -- with Blake, and I won’t be returning, for I am dead, and yet not dead. We are happy, and pray for the happiness that you will ultimately share with John, as I know you love him. He is growing to love you, and he will love you. The two of you are more alike than I am like either of you, and so, you belong together, while I belong with Blake. Do take care, and tell John, that this is the best outcome for us all. Goodbye, my friend . . . goodbye.” The phantoms faded away, plunging the room back into semi-darkness.


  A Soldier’s Last Hope

  By: Stephanie Hunt

  Chapter One:

  Scott sighed, leafing through the thick sheaf of papers in his hands. The end of his career. A career that he’d thought would take him to retirement was over before his twenty fifth birthday. He looked out the window, focusing on the landscape instead of the cold black and white words.

  The landscape wasn’t much better. What should have been a verdant and flourishing cornfield was dry and stunted. The crop had failed while he was gone.

  A bitter smile curved his mouth. Maybe he had something in common with this place after all. He’d heard his parents talking last night about selling some of their stock. Not for a vacation or to do some of the repairs the old place desperately needed, but simply to pay the bills that were piling up. Feed and seed bills, utility bills, the payment for the tractor that they would owe for another three years. He’d left with plans to help them take care of all of that. Now he was back, jobless and humiliated. They’d been so proud of him when he’d left.

  “Scott!” his mother called up the stairs. “Suppers on the table!”

  And he was simply another mouth to feed. With a heavy sigh, he pulled himself upright and went down the stairs. The paper was lying on the table and he picked it up, pulling the want ad section out. Every day he hoped for something different, but there weren’t very many jobs in the farm town.


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