Fit for Love (A Stand By Me Novel Book 3)

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Fit for Love (A Stand By Me Novel Book 3) Page 11

by Brinda Berry

  She dresses like a tomboy, but her sparkly toes tell me that she’ll do the unexpected. All her frills hide underneath a tough exterior.

  More silence and I hear her brain asking what this means and if she can let herself or what I expect.

  It was the alone comment that put the question mark in her decision.

  “Ok,” she says. “I guess I could do that.”

  Her hesitation hurts a little, that she has to think about it. She was more than willing to go and play fiancée for Nonna.

  “Great.” I accelerate with the commuters who now pick up speed. “I’m going home first to clean up. I’ll see you in an hour.”

  “Bye,” she says.

  I’m impatient and the traffic gets on my nerves. I arrive home later than I’d planned, giving me only minutes to shower and change.

  Settling into the driver’s seat, I head toward Makenna’s house. I’m quickly becoming obsessed with her.

  I’m not stupid. I know it’s too soon. I’ve had two serious girlfriends in my life and both relationships lasted less than a year. I knew those girls inside out—quirky habits, birthdays, time of the month, what ticked them off and got them off.

  Makenna. I know so little about her. Nothing, really, in comparison. But I am hungrier for her than anyone I’ve ever met. When she laughs, the sound caresses my ears like a hot lover. The way she’s selfless when she’s with Ryder, or the way she coddles Nonna, or the work she’s doing at the shelter.

  I pull into Makenna’s driveway ten minutes late. The porch security light is on, a detail that’s worried me all day. I’m officially an old man, obsessing about safety and well-lit porches. Next I’ll be checking the boards on her steps.

  I resist bending down to check for rotting boards as I walk up the four steps to her landing and front door. I only knock once and she opens it.

  “Hey.” She waits for me to come inside.

  I hand her a box of candy. “For you. All coffee flavors.”

  She blushes and damn, if it’s not the hottest thing. This woman, so bold most of the time yet she blushes over a gift.

  “Thanks. Ryder will think it’s for him.”

  “I’m sure you’ll share. Took a box over to Nonna at lunch today. She did not share.”

  I wait for her to close the door. It gives me time to take her in and I don’t hide my roaming gaze. She wears a concert T from Jelly Bean Queen, skinny jeans and boots that reach to her knees. My hands could easily span her waist, her hourglass figure more pronounced with her shirt tucked into the tight jeans. Her hair is loose, falling in these spirals along her breasts. Her breath quickens as I take my time looking at her.

  “You look great.” I hold her gaze and adrenaline kicks into my bloodstream, jacking up my heart rate. Her lips part, the tip of her tongue wetting her lower one.

  “Thanks.” She looks away, then back to me. “How is your grandmother? Good?”

  I laugh, thinking about the way Nonna dug into her chocolates. “She’s better. She said she can’t wait to see you. Actually, she demands it, like some queen summoning her subjects.”

  Makenna nods. “Well, in her defense, she thinks I’m her future granddaughter-in-law.”

  “Anything to keep her happy.” I listen for a second. Nothing. “Where’s Ryder?”

  “I went to get him, but Mom wanted to keep him. She insisted that she needs to have him sleep over.”

  All night. Oh, the things I could do to you with eight hours on our hands. I’d make you understand how much I want to be with you. Make you know how special you are.

  “Did you decide what you want to do? Go out or stay here?” I manage to keep my voice neutral, so she won’t hear the silent plea.

  I catch her gaze as it flicks to the sofa and back to me, like a trap she doesn’t want to get caught in. “Out. If it’s OK with you. There’s a band I’d like to hear at Dastardly Bastard’s tonight.”

  I mask my disappointment. Dastardly’s will be loud. Busy. We’ll probably have to sit at the bar at this hour. I’ll have to share her attention with the band, the people, a drink. “Sure,” I say. “My favorite place.”

  She grabs her bag quickly, as if I might change my mind and shove her onto that sofa to finish what we started.

  Luck follows me tonight. We’re able to park a block over from the bar. The place isn’t standing room only and I ask for a booth in the back. I grab Makenna’s hand and weave through the crowd as I follow the hostess.

  I don’t let go of her until we’re there. She slides down the cushion to the middle and I wait, letting her know I want to sit beside her instead of the opposite side. I scoot in close to her. Not pressed against her like a lover, but near enough. “Hungry?” I ask, placing my mouth at her ear so she can hear above the music.

  She shakes her head and soft hairs brush against my face. “Just a Coke,” she says, turning her head to answer and realizing too late how close her face is to mine.

  Her eyes widen, a flicker of desire making her pupils dark and large. Her breath hitches and she turns back to the front. She picks up a paper menu from the stand at the end of our table, turns it over, and studies it even though she’s said she isn’t hungry.

  I look at her mouth, the bottom one all full and pouty by nature’s design. “Change your mind?”

  She’s careful now, turning her head only a fraction. “No. Just curious.”

  I order drinks, chips, and dip. Instead of the waitress who took our order, Harper delivers it. “Hey guys,” she yells above the wailing guitar solo.

  “Hey,” I mouth and wish we’d gone somewhere quiet.

  Harper places both drinks on the table along with the appetizer. She lowers her tray and points somewhere.

  “What?” I ask.

  She leans down and points. “Leo. Josie. There.”

  Leo and Josie stand at the end of the bar, holding drinks and looking for a place to sit. I nod to Harper that I see them and she leaves.

  Leo, Harper’s boyfriend, was a good friend all through high school and college. It seems that Josie, the girl who followed her brother everywhere during childhood, still hasn’t outgrown the habit.

  I wave at them and they head our way.

  “Care if we join you?” Josie yells.

  “Go. Ahead.” Now the band has switched from the 80’s music and I might be relieved, but no. They are playing a Jared Jameston tune.

  Josie and Leo slide into the seat across from us. Leo gives a lazy smile. I wonder how his sister conned him into coming.

  “I’m Leo,” he says to Makenna. He points to his twin. “Josie. My sister.”

  “Oh. Sorry.” I place my hand high on Makenna’s back. “This is Makenna.”

  Josie grabs a chip and I nudge the basket closer to her. We wait out the loud music and finally it stops, because the band decides to take a break.

  “I thought that would never end,” Leo says.

  “It wasn’t too bad.” Josie wipes her fingers on a napkin. “Makenna, what did you think?”

  “Mak,” she answers. “Everyone calls me Mak.”

  Josie looks at me and lifts an eyebrow since I didn’t introduce her that way.

  “Everyone,” Makenna says, “except Aiden.”

  I shrug. “She tells me to stop and I will.”

  She doesn’t. Instead, she returns to the question. “Those guys should play their own songs. Their own stuff is better.”

  “Makenna’s a song writer,” I add like an honor roll parent.

  Leo nods, staring at Makenna with new interest. “You have to stay true to your own vision.”

  “Leo’s a writer. Novelist. Blogger,” Josie says. “We all went to school together. You want to know any secrets about Aiden? You let me know.”

  “Josie should be careful since I know quite a few of her secrets, too.” I scoot a little closer to Makenna. My thigh presses against hers and I drape my arm over her shoulders. “Josie was my first kiss. Middle school. She walks up and lays it on me in the
cafeteria in front of everybody.”

  Makenna grins. “And what did you do?”

  “I kissed her back. And then Leo said he would kill me if I ever kissed his sister again. So, I made sure I stayed away from her.”

  Leo winks at Makenna. “Who’s the writer now? I think you’re changing the story. I remember you complaining about my sister embarrassing you and could I please stop her from hanging out with us.”

  Makenna relaxes against me. “I can tell you guys have been friends for a long time. Must be nice to still know each other.”

  Josie twirls the paper umbrella in her drink. “We don’t, really. Aiden here tonight is like a bald eagle sighting. He used to date a different girl all…sorry. It’s my third drink and I guess I forgot who I was talking to.”

  Leo sighs. “It’s her last drink. I’m cutting her off.”

  Makenna grins. “Don’t worry about it. I didn’t think he’d been alone since your middle school romance. And we’re not—”

  I cut in. “What she means to say, Josie, is that she’s confident in my attraction to her. I know you’re still pining away for me after that sixth grade kiss, but you and I are over.”

  Leo checks his phone. “Harper’s off the clock. She’s texting me. Are you guys hanging out here for a while?”

  Makenna straightens and my arm slides off her shoulders. I glance at her. Her eyes narrow at something across the room.

  “What is it?” I turn and scan the room so I can find the source of her irritation.

  “That guy over there. The one in the black leather jacket near the bar. I know him.” She continues to frown.

  “Yeah? Who is he?”

  “He works for Jared as a bodyguard. I swear he’s been staring at this table for a while. He’s not drinking or talking to anyone. He’s spying for Jared. I know he is.” She’s like a dragon ready to spew fire. I make a mental note not to piss her off. Ever.

  I grab her shaking hand underneath the table.

  Jared shows up where I work. His guy follows us to a bar. He’s put a tail on me or the both of us.

  “Who’s Jared?” Josie asks, oblivious to any tension in her three-daiquiri-glow and happily munching the last of our chips.

  Makenna sucks in a breath and flips the guy off. “Can we go?”

  Leo and Josie both turn toward the other end of the bar to see the unlucky recipient of the bird.

  “Sure.” I get out of the booth and wait for Makenna as she puts on her jacket. We say our good-byes to Leo and Josie and head toward the front.

  I glance around for the guy in the black jacket. He’s gone and probably reporting back to his dick boss. We exit Dastardly’s and head to the parking lot. Stopping suddenly, Makenna turns around to look behind us.

  “Aldo better back off.” She returns the way we came, zig zagging through the people and making it difficult to keep her in sight. By the time I’m beside her, she stands jabbing her finger into the chest of a big dude.

  “You tell Jared that I’m a grown ass woman who knows what she wants,” she says. “If I ever see you again, I’m turning you into the cops for stalking. Do you understand?”

  “He’s worried about you,” the guy says in a gentle voice. He doesn’t seem fazed.

  “Aldo, I mean it.” Makenna pokes him another time before I can stop her.

  Aldo nods once and backs away. “I’ll tell him.”

  “Good.” Makenna swivels and continues to the car as if nothing’s happened.

  I need to tell her about Jared showing up at Evolutions. “You all right?”

  “Yeah. I…” She stops walking and turns to me. People on the sidewalks go around us. “I hope you don’t think my life is a wreck. I bet you’ve never dated anyone who had an ex sending spies out to follow you.”

  “You’ve got me there. It’s a first,” I tease. “But I can handle it.”

  “All I want is to take care of my mom and Ryder, you know? But for once, I wanted to do something selfish. Something that just feels good for me. Because if you can’t tell, I really like you. Now I’m scared you’re going to think it’s too much of a hassle to be with me.”

  “You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

  “Oh, Aiden Alesini. You’re the sexiest man I know. Kiss me,” she demands. “Really kiss me.”

  Before I can say a word, she pulls me by the collar down to her mouth. Her mouth is cola-sweet and eager. She moans against my lips and the vibration revs me up automatically. I kiss her deeper, my tongue reveling in the velvet of her mouth. My hands itch to feel every inch of her body.

  “Get a room,” some jerk hollers.

  She breaks away, breathing hard. Her hands shake as she drops them from my shirt. “Ok. Let’s go to my place. I’ve got things I want to do to you.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Making Good Today


  Aiden’s hard body pushes mine against the bedroom wall next to the door. I’m going to feel the love of a man for the first time in years. Four, to be exact, which is insane now that I think about what I’ve been missing.

  He kisses like he’ll die tomorrow so he’d better make good today.

  Sometimes, I’d like to hit pause on my songwriting brain. This lyric from a yet-to-be written song springs into my head at this most inopportune time. I could write a damn album based on the way he makes me feel. Wanted. Beautiful. His.

  It’s been just me taking care of my needs. Alone in my bed after slipping out of Ryder’s room. Coaching myself with woman power and who-needs-a-man thoughts.

  But Aiden Alesini proves me wrong. More wrong than I’ve ever been. I need him.

  His large, demanding hands caress my neck while he kisses me slowly. Tasting my mouth with each stroke of his talented tongue.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asks and trails his lips down my throat, over my collarbone, and back up to my ear.

  My mouth goes dry. “Your hands.”

  “Only my hands?”

  “Mm,” I say in a moan when he sucks my earlobe into his wet mouth and holds my head cradled in his hands like he’s afraid I’ll slip away.

  He lifts his head and grabs the bottom of my T-shirt. Without hesitation, he peels it up and over my head. “My hands, huh. Where do you want my hands?”

  Aiden uses one finger to trace the swell of one breast along the top of my bra. His gaze makes me hot. “Here?” he asks in a low voice meant more to seduce than affirm.

  “Yes,” I breathe.

  He lets the same finger drop to skim the curve of my stomach near my navel. “Or here?”

  I inhale noisily and lift my eyes to meet his. “Oh,” I say on an exhale.

  Grabbing the back of my ass, he pushes one muscled thigh between my legs and I drop back to lean against the wall more fully. I’m no longer in control of my body as I press my sex against his thigh. All I want to do is grind against him. I throb for him.

  He’s taking too long and I’m impatient.

  “I’ve wanted you from the first time I saw you,” he says and his nostrils flare. “If you don’t want this, say it now.”

  “I want it.” There’s not an ounce of doubt in the way I answer him.

  “Take the rest of your clothes off,” he says, slow and smooth as melted chocolate. “And get on the bed.”

  I clench my thighs against his muscled one. An involuntary movement. Heat pools below my belly. Normally, I don’t like to be ordered around, given no choice, rushed.

  Tonight, it’s like being handed cool water after a week in the desert and told to drink. I want; he’s giving.

  I step past him and undress. I’m self-conscious all of a sudden. My pink boy shorts and T-shirt bra are both plain and meant for comfort, rather than sex appeal.

  He studies me without his usual smile, eyes half-lidded and filled with lust. “Your body is…delectable.”

  He walks backward a couple of steps and unbuttons his jeans. Takes a few seconds to remove his wallet and grab a square
packet that he throws on the bed. Condom. Thank goodness someone in the room has some brain function.

  Next, he takes off his cotton shirt and reveals his chest. He hooks his thumbs in the waistband of his jeans, catching his boxers in the move, and shoves both down. Steps out.

  Hard. Every inch of him, hard.

  I try like some schoolgirl to avoid looking at his cock jutting out, but it’s difficult. He seems so big. Aggressive and ready.

  He gives me a slight smile, one side of his mouth tipping. He doesn’t move and I realize what he’s doing. Giving me time to look at him, like he looked at me.

  A hot flush blooms in my face and neck. I want badly to press my hand against the juncture of my thighs. My heartbeat is there. Focused on the place where my body needs relief.

  I do like he wants. I look my fill at his upper body. Yes. The man works out, hard.

  Lordy. I had no idea I’d be able to see every muscle outlined with deep ridges from his pecs to his abs. Anatomy classes could hang a chart of him in a class as the example of a perfect male specimen.

  Seeing him clothed is a treat. Seeing him unclothed is decadence.

  I’m so far gone already. Panting, throbbing, clenching. The level of my need is terrifying.

  Getting on the bed, I lie back on the pillows, my lips swollen from kisses in the driveway and the doorway and the hallway.

  Aiden drops his knees to the bed and crawls over to me slowly, never taking his gaze from mine. I want his weight on top of mine, but that’s not what he does. My body screams for him to be forceful. Be selfish. I want to beg him to hurry and push inside me.

  Those hands. Those big talented hands. He reaches one hand out to take his shaft and stroke and I swear my head nearly explodes.

  I close my eyes and I breathe like I’ve been running.

  “Open your eyes, baby. See how hard you make me?”

  I blink them and now I can’t seem to look anywhere but at his hand on himself. He’s thick. The head of his shaft produces a bead of liquid desire that drizzles down the side of him as he strokes.

  He’s different in bed than I thought. I had him pegged as the polite type who might turn out the lights while we quickly had sex. Sex that would be nice and I’d have scratched that itch.


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