Loved by the Pack: Wolf Shifter Menage (The Wolfpack Trilogy Book 3)

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Loved by the Pack: Wolf Shifter Menage (The Wolfpack Trilogy Book 3) Page 5

by Abby Weeks

  She decided to make some small talk.

  “This place is really nice,” she said. “Don’t the wolves give you trouble? You’re far into their territory here.”

  “The wolves don’t trouble me,” Packer said. “It would take an entire pack of them to face up to me, and even then, the outcome would be too uncertain for them to attempt it.”

  “And what about the humans?” Aisha said.

  “We’re pretty far from Dead Wolf. Their helicopter patrols come out this far on occasion, but they’re easy to hide from. I hear them twenty miles out, more even. They’d never spot me unless I wanted them to.”

  Aisha thought of Heath. He’d be working on those helicopters now, shooting at wolves from the sky. She didn’t miss him one bit.

  She cleared her throat. Packer was looking at her very intensely.

  “Have you had any contact with Logan?” she said.

  She looked at him to gauge his reaction.

  “I did at first,” he said. “Right after the bonding ritual, I was able to reach him. He was very confused.”

  “I wasn’t sure why he was so upset.”

  “He wasn’t sure himself. It was just too much emotion for him, for both of us. Neither of us knew how to deal with it. It was easier for Hardy and Tucker because they’re so much younger. They never had to deal with the years of loneliness that me and Logan dealt with. They didn’t have to fully come to terms with the fact that they might never be allowed to mate.”

  “It must have been so difficult for you and Logan,” Aisha said.

  “It was.”

  “And there’s also the fact that Tucker and Hardy aren’t as alpha as you and Logan.”

  Packer nodded. “In the old days, males like me and Logan would have been sent off into the wilderness to form our own packs. We’re too assertive to stay in the same group. But we don’t have that freedom now. We have to stay together. If we separated, we’d be completely alone.”

  “Will Logan come back?” Aisha said.

  “I’m sure he will. Just give him time. He’s done things like this before. We all have. When you met me on the ship for the first time, I’d been wandering the wilderness, trying to get a few things in my head straight.”

  “What sort of things?” Aisha said. She genuinely wanted to know. She cared for Packer. She knew he was an intelligent, assertive, and complex person, and whatever was going on in his mind interested her.

  “All sorts of things. It’s not easy being the last of your kind. It’s not easy being hated by all the humans who know of your existence. It’s tiring.”

  Aisha was beginning to realize that for herself. She would have loved to go back into the village sometimes, even if it was just to see Tilly and Hilda, who she still considered her friends, but she knew she couldn’t. It just wasn’t safe. After what the men of the village had tried to do to her, she knew she couldn’t risk going back. At least, not yet.

  “I know what you mean,” she said.

  Packer nodded. He came closer to her.

  “You’re not getting cold, are you?” he said.

  The sun was beginning to set on the day. The sky was a beautiful pink hue. There was a chill outside, but in the cave it was comfortably warm. Aisha opened the blanket she’d wrapped around herself and let it slide down over her shoulders. Packer was looking at her neck, at the soft skin that led down to her cleavage. Her breasts were still covered by the blanket, but he knew how close they were to being bared to him.

  “You never said what you thought of my gift,” Aisha said.

  “The bond?” Packer said.

  “I offered myself to you, Packer,” she said. “I gave myself to you, body and soul and heart, and you ran away.”

  He looked down. “I’m sorry about that, Aisha,” he said.

  “Don’t you want me?” she said, and she let the blanket fall down lower, revealing her breasts to his hungry eyes.

  Chapter 17

  PACKER WAS COMPLETELY NAKED. Aisha could see how erect his penis was. He wanted her, and she knew it. That gave her the confidence to be more forward than she ordinarily would have been around a guy like Packer. She knew he was dying to be inside her, to spill his semen into her. It was something he’d been dying for his entire life.

  So why wasn’t he taking her?

  “It’s not that,” he said. “Of course I want you. You’re all I’ve ever wanted.”

  “What is it then?” she said. “Why did you run away as soon as I offered myself to you?”

  Packer didn’t look embarrassed. He was naked in front of her, staring at her voluptuous breasts, and as he came closer, Aisha could see that his cock was already throbbing with desire for her.

  “I didn’t run away,” he said. “I just needed to get away.”


  “Because there were four of us there. Four males, one female. I know you’re the only female, and that you have to try and juggle all four of us, but for my first time, for our first time, I didn’t want to have to share you.”

  Aisha nodded. She understood that completely. She was touched by what Packer was saying. He wasn’t telling her that she shouldn’t mate with the other males, just that he wanted her all to himself.

  “What did you want?” she said.

  “I wanted to possess you completely,” he said. “I wanted you to be entirely mine. At least for our first time. I’ve waited so long to be with a female, and I didn’t want anyone else to be there. I wanted to have you in my own particular way.”

  Aisha looked up at him. His face was so handsome. His naked body was so powerful, so muscular.

  “And what way was that?” she said, feeling her vagina tingle with anticipation.

  He stood over her, his erect penis just a few inches from her. She looked at it. She remembered back to the night in the forest outside the village, how he’d reacted when she’d touched him. She wondered if he’d react that way now, but she didn’t dare do anything. He reached down and picked her up in his arms.

  She let the blanket that she’d been holding fall down to the ground. She was naked in his arms, and it felt completely perfect to her. She loved Packer and she knew it. There was no doubt in her mind. He was different from the others. The connection she had with him was different. It went deeper, it was more emotional—that was why everything had been so difficult for him. He was in love with her.

  Packer brought her to the back of the cave, next to the wall. There were more furs back there, and he placed her gently on them.

  Aisha tried to sit up, but Packer held her by the shoulders and lowered her back down.

  “Lie there,” he said. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  Aisha lay back and closed her eyes. She was desperately anticipating whatever Packer was going to do to her. She knew this meant so much to him, and she wanted him to be as pleasured as possible. She would do whatever he wanted, whatever he needed. This was for him.

  “Put your feet on my shoulders,” he said.

  She was surprised. She thought he’d want her to suck him, but it seemed more like he was going to suck her. She placed her feet carefully on his shoulders and lay back, her eyes looking up at the dark ceiling of the cave above her.

  Packer leaned in, moving slowly, till his mouth was just above her quivering cunt.

  “I’ve waited my whole life for this moment,” he said.

  Aisha gasped. His large, wet mouth was down on her cunt, his tongue sliding deeply into her vagina. She sighed in pleasure. He sucked on her clit, taking it into his mouth and almost swallowing it, he was sucking so hard.

  Aisha clenched her legs around his head and held on to him. She reached for his head and ran her fingers through his thick, dark hair. He growled, and the vibrations of his voice passed through her cunt with a rush of pleasure.

  “Oh, Packer,” she cried.

  He continued licking her cunt, his hands sliding over her thighs, her belly, and resting on her ripe breasts. He squeezed her nipples, and
she had to bite her tongue to stop herself from screaming out. Something told her that her efforts were futile. She’d be screaming before this night was over. She was sure of it.

  Packer reached down and took hold of her butt cheeks. He pulled them open and began sliding his hand inside the crack of her ass, running it over her anus softly. He lifted her slightly and moved his mouth down over her anus so that he could lick it. There was so much saliva dripping onto her, mixing with the juices from her pussy, that it was providing enough lubricant for him to insert his finger into her ass.

  She gasped.

  She looked down at him. He stopped sucking her cunt and looked back at her.

  “How does that feel?” he said, his voice coarse and gruff and masculine.

  She was shaking her head, but the words she formed told him she loved every second of it.

  “So good,” she said.

  Chapter 18

  PACKER SMILED AT AISHA AND she swooned. There was something so intensely sexual about him. He was a true alpha. He lived in a world utterly of his own design. He was his own master. The only male she’d ever seen with even a hint of his power and certainty was Logan.

  There was a question Aisha wanted to ask him, but she wasn’t sure if it was appropriate.

  Packer drew is finger from her anus. He was still sucking her clit, but he stopped to look at her.

  “What is it?” he said.

  “Nothing,” Aisha said.

  “You want to ask me something. I can tell.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  Packer grinned. “Just say it.”

  Aisha cleared her throat. She felt shy. She looked at him. “What would happen,” she said hesitantly, “if you were to make love to me while you were in your wolf form?”

  Packer smiled. “I was wondering when you’d ask me that,” he said.


  “It’s not something we do.”

  “Oh,” Aisha said. She felt silly for having asked. She was embarrassed.

  “Not that there’s anything wrong with it.”

  “If there’s nothing wrong with it, why don’t you do it?”

  “Do you want to?”

  Aisha shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean, not particularly. I’m pretty excited to be doing it with you the way you are.”

  “You’re just curious?”


  “Well don’t be so embarrassed,” Packer said. “There’s nothing wrong with being curious.”

  He leaned down and began sucking on her clit again. Heat flowed from her pussy through the rest of her body, and she clenched her muscles. It felt amazing. If he kept it up, she was going to come all over him. Whatever he was doing, it was making her wetter than she’d ever been before. She was flowing all over him, on his mouth, on his face, and she prayed he didn’t mind. Something told her that he didn’t mind at all, in fact, she was certain he loved it. She could tell from the signals she was picking up from his thoughts. He’d never been so aroused in his life.

  She wrapped her legs around his head and held on to him. He reached forward again and began toying with her nipples. He pressed his lips against her clit, and she began to shiver with pleasure, her muscles shaking and quivering uncontrollably.

  “So,” she gasped, struggling to get the words out, “if there’s nothing wrong with it, why don’t you do it?”

  He had to stop what he was doing to answer her, and that had been her intention. She didn’t want to come yet. It was too soon. She wanted this pleasure to be drawn out longer. “What, mate with you while I’m a wolf?”


  He grinned again. “Well, it’s just considered a bit vulgar in shifter society. You can do it, but it’s disrespectful.”

  “To the female?”


  “Is that the form you’re in if you mate with wolves?”

  “Who said I mate with wolves?”

  “I mean, if a shifter male mated with a wolf.”

  “Yes, that’s the way it happens.”

  Aisha shut her eyes. Packer had pressed his mouth against her clit, and he was sucking her harder than ever now. She ground her pussy into his face, writhing and twisting in such excruciating pleasure that she thought she was going to explode. And then she did explode. That was exactly what she did. She felt the force of her orgasm come like a sudden wave from a calm sea. It seemed to come from nowhere. She had no idea how something so powerful and overwhelming could suddenly just rush through her body without any warning.

  She cried out, her legs squeezing Packer’s head so tightly she might have been worried she’d crush him if she’d been able to concentrate on anything other than the pleasure that was surging through her.

  “Oh God,” she cried out.

  Her back arched. Images of Packer’s powerful body flitted through her mind like slides on a reel. She was so attracted to him. She opened her eyes.

  “Look at me,” she cried.

  She was in the throes of a complete orgasm now. Her body had taken over. It was pulsing and surging pleasure through her, and she couldn’t control it. It felt so good—she never wanted it to stop.

  Packer looked up at her, but never stopped licking her clit. He brought his hand down to her pussy and slid a long, strong finger deep inside her.

  “Oh, Packer,” she cried, her eyes locked on his.

  He flicked his tongue over her pulsing clit, and she continued to orgasm, her pussy gushing out juice. She was overflowing. She wondered if it would ever stop. Packer just kept licking her and sucking her, drinking everything her overflowing pussy had to give him.

  Chapter 19

  WHEN AISHA’S ORGASM FINALLY SUBSIDED, she lay on her back panting, trying to catch her breath.

  Packer got up from between her legs and climbed up over her. She looked up into his eyes.

  “What did you think the first time you saw me?” she said.

  “I thought you were the most beautiful creature I’d ever seen.”



  “Did you know I was a handmaiden? Did you know all this was going to happen? Did you foresee everything?”

  “All I knew was that you were extremely important. I knew I had to protect you, and that’s what I did. I didn’t let you out of my range for the entire journey you made up here.”

  She smiled. It felt good to be loved, to be protected. She’d never known anything like that. Most girls had the benefit of a loving father as they grew up. Then when they got older, they had a loving boyfriend. Aisha had had neither. When she thought about Heath now, all she could think about was all the things that had been wrong with their relationship. If she’d had the self-confidence she should have had, she’d have left him long ago.

  Packer’s face was just in front of hers.

  “I’m going to kiss you,” he said.

  Aisha looked up into his deep, delicious golden eyes. She nodded very subtly.

  Packer leaned down and touched his lips to hers. Aisha sighed as his tongue slid smoothly into her mouth and began dancing with hers. She let him lick every part of her mouth, and she sucked on his tongue gently. It was excruciatingly intimate, excruciatingly loving. She never wanted Packer to leave her. He was the brother she was closest to, and even though she wouldn’t deny the others their right to mate with her, she’d always keep a special place in her heart for Packer.

  She just wouldn’t tell him that, not yet. She didn’t want to upset him further. She was afraid if she told him her true feelings, if she told him that she was completely in love with him, that he’d find it even harder to accept the fact that she slept with his brothers. For the sake of the unity between the brothers, she wouldn’t tell Packer what was going on in her heart.

  She felt something brush against her thighs and looked down. It was Packer’s enormous, rigid penis pressing against the inside of her thigh, looking for a way to get into her soft, wet, waiting vagina. She opened her legs and brought them up a
round him.

  Immediately, his cock found its mark and slid into her. She was so ready for him that it happened automatically. She felt the thrust of his massive penis slide into her vagina, and she thought she might cry it felt so good. It felt like heaven.

  “Packer,” she said, looking up at him, their eyes locked as if their lives depended on it.


  “I love you, Packer.” She’d let out the words before she could stop herself. She was doing exactly what she said she wouldn’t do. She was letting him know the depths of her feelings for him.

  He pushed his cock deep up into her, reaching its full length. Aisha remembered what had happened when she’d had sex with Hardy and Tucker, and she anticipated it with a shudder of excitement. Their penises had expanded when they orgasmed, and it had been impossible for them to withdraw. Their cocks had continued to pump semen deep into her body, and it had been the most delicious feeling in all the world. And the best part of all was the fact that they had to hold her and comfort her for that entire time, as there was no possibility of them letting go. Her and Packer’s bodies would be fused together. And that was exactly what she wanted. She wanted to be fused to Packer—she wanted to be fused to him forever.

  “Don’t ever let me go,” she said as Packer withdrew his long, hot, cock from her soaking pussy.

  “I never will,” he said.

  He pressed forward again, sliding his weapon back into her defenseless womb. That was how deep it went. She was sure of it. Packer was so long, so hard, she was sure his cock reached farther into her body than a human man’s ever had. It had been the same with Tucker and Hardy. They’d been able to reach so far into the core of her that they’d discovered new g-spots she hadn’t even known existed.


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