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Loved by the Pack: Wolf Shifter Menage (The Wolfpack Trilogy Book 3)

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by Abby Weeks

  She trembled at the memory of it. That was what was going to happen again, only this time it was with Packer, her favorite of the four handsome, sexy brothers.

  “Fuck me hard,” she whispered.

  Packer looked surprised to hear her say that. Aisha had to remind herself that this was his first time. As ludicrous as that sounded, because he was such a powerful alpha, so assertive and strong, but he’d never been able to mate with a female before. At least, not one that wasn’t a wolf.

  “I’m going to go gentle on you,” he said.

  “No,” she said. “Don’t be gentle. I can take it.”

  Packer’s eyes flashed. He thrust up into her, and Aisha felt him reach those deep, hidden spots inside her that were designed entirely to pour pleasure into her body.

  “Oh God,” she cried.

  “Was that too deep?” Packer said.

  “No, do it again. Don’t be shy. I can take it.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She reached around his ass and pulled him into her. He thrust in so far and so deep that some pain actually did mingle with the pleasure that was surging through her. She had no idea what was going on inside her. His cock had gone in deeper than seemed even possible, but it felt so good. She wanted more of him, more and more and more. She felt she could die in his powerful arms, the weight of his muscular body pressing down on her.

  He thrust and pumped, pressing himself into her as if he was trying to pierce her. She looked up at him, and there was an image of sheer ecstasy on his face. His eyes were shut, his jaw clenched in preparation for what Aisha was sure was going to be the biggest orgasm of his life. It filled her with joy that she was the one, the only one, who could do this for him. She was the last female, and that made her so precious to all four brothers. It was quite a privilege.

  “Oh, God,” Packer cried.

  Aisha could feel that he was nearing orgasm. His enormous cock had grown even larger, and it was as hard as solid wood now. She could feel the pulses running through it and new an orgasm of earth-shuddering proportions was on its way. She braced herself for it. She tried to stretch her legs as wide as possible, opening her vagina as much as she could so that there would be room for all of the semen that was about to gush into her. She was ready for it. She was even ready for Packer to make her pregnant. She hadn’t thought about it till that very moment, but the thought flashed across her mind, and as soon as it did, Packer saw the thought too. It was an intense and intimate moment. Of course, neither of them had any idea if she was going to become pregnant from this, but the fact that she’d even thought it meant the world to Packer.

  He held her even tighter, his hands on her thighs like clamps, and he pulled her up and into him as the first gush of hot, sticky wolf semen gushed into her so forcefully that it sprayed against those pleasure glands deep in the core of her body. She cried out. It was too much. Instantly, her body reacted, sending the surge of an orgasm through her so violently that her mind went completely blank. She could think of nothing but the sheer and utter pleasure of the moment.

  As Packer’s cock gushed another powerful pulse of semen into her, Aisha’s body went into overdrive. There was nothing on earth that felt like the pleasure of a shifter’s ejaculation in her vagina. Her entire body had been built to withstand that onslaught of semen that gushed into her. There was so much of it, and it gushed into her with such a force, that she had to angle her body, lifting her butt off the ground so that she could take it all.

  Packer held her in position, much like some prey that he had just taken down, and simply poured his sperm into her. Aisha felt it all flow in and stimulate the deep recesses of her body. She grabbed a hold of him and convulsed, as if she’d just been shocked with a massive surge of electricity.

  She screamed. Her body convulsed again, even more violently than it had the first time. She gripped onto him. He was looking down at her and pulsing his semen into her body as if she was a container to be filled up. She had no idea how much sperm he was going to pour into her. All she knew was that it felt like liquid pleasure was being pumped directly into her bloodstream. Her orgasm rushed over her again and again, like waves repeatedly crashing on a beach. She lost count of the surges of orgasm that washed over her. They just wouldn’t stop.

  She felt Packer’s cock expand inside her as it pumped more and more of his potent semen into her. She thought she would begin to overflow if it continued much longer.

  She felt as if she was melting into him. Her orgasms had been crashing through her for so long, Packer’s ecstasy had been going for so long, the semen spilling into her continuously for minute after minute, filling her, that she no longer felt as if they were separate people. She felt completely tied to him, bound to him.

  There was no escape. His orgasm subsided, but she could still feel him pumping semen into her, although at a slower rate.

  Chapter 20

  SHE LOOKED UP AT HIM. They were both panting. It was a surreal moment. They’d orgasmed. They were regaining their composure. They were filled with pleasure and gratitude and love for each other and for what their bodies had just done, and all the while, Packer was still pouring semen into her. It was so intimate.

  He collapsed down onto her and held her in his powerful arms. She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders.

  “You’re still flowing into me,” she said.

  Packer nodded. He seemed as impressed as she was. His cock was pouring sperm into her like a hose.

  “How much room is there inside you?” he said.

  “I don’t know. I guess there’s enough for everything you’ve got to give me. My body was made to be used by you like this.”

  Packer nodded. “And I’m so grateful for it,” he said. “I feel like you’re the greatest blessing in the entire world, Aisha. I don’t know how I existed all these years without you.”

  “You didn’t know what you were missing,” she said with a grin.

  Packer smiled. “It’s true,” he said. “I really didn’t. And now that I’ve got you, I’m never going to let you go.”

  “Good,” she said. “I don’t want to be let go.”

  Packer nuzzled into her neck, kissing her affectionately. Aisha shut her eyes and concentrated on the pleasure of his kiss, and the continued pleasure of his knotted cock pulsing bursts of semen into her vagina.

  She thought again about whether or not she might become pregnant. As she held Packer’s powerful body in her arms, she knew that she would be more than happy to raise his young. She’d never met anyone like him. He always seemed to know what to do. He was powerful and could provide for her no matter what happened. He loved and respected his brothers, even if his emotions forced him to get away from them from time to time. In short, he was perfect.

  She just prayed that he’d be able to handle the fact that she still had to offer this same gift to Logan. She might not have the deep bond with Logan that she had with Packer, but she knew she couldn’t deny him this pleasure. She had to find him, and she had to offer herself to him. She had to form her bond with him. It was the only right thing to do, even if it was hard for Packer.

  She saw it as her duty as the last living female. She had to be willing to mate with all four brothers. Whichever of them made her pregnant would be the one to get the cubs, but she had to give all of them a fair chance. If there were more females, it would be different. But things were what they were.

  “Never forget that I love you, Packer,” she said into his ear, his throbbing cock still flowing sperm into her. “No matter what happens, no matter what I have to do, never forget this moment.”

  “I love you, Aisha,” he said.

  “I hope you make me pregnant,” she said.

  Chapter 21

  THE NEXT FEW DAYS AT the house were among the calmest that Aisha had ever had. She was still worrying about Logan, but the other three brothers assured her that he was well able to take care of himself, and that put some of her fears to rest. She spent her days hu
nting with Packer and Tucker and Hardy. They showed her much of the surrounding territory, where the lines of the shifters’ territory were marked, and the areas where the wolves were most likely to encroach. She was shocked when she saw the violence with which they met the wolves who tried to infringe on the valley, but she understood it. The wolves wanted to wipe out not just the shifters, but also the humans down in Dead Wolf. The brothers were standing up to them, fighting them back, because someone had to.

  One morning she found herself crouching behind a massive boulder with Packer and Hardy. Tucker had gone on ahead to check on some wolves that he was sensing along the border.

  “What are we doing?” Aisha said.

  Packer put his hand on her shoulder. He was naked and it still gave Aisha a thrill to be around him when he was like that. They’d been so close since they’d mated, Hardy and Tucker could sense it, but it didn’t seem to bother them. It was as if they’d expected her to be closer to Packer. They were just glad she had let them mate with her. She could tell that they were eagerly anticipating their next chance to mate with her, and it made her a little embarrassed. But the important thing was that they were happy, and Packer was happy, and that was what counted.

  It was almost as if they’d managed to form the little family that she’d been so eager to give them. If only Logan was there.

  “Tucker’s going to sneak up on them,” Packer said. “He has a better chance of spotting them if he’s alone.”

  “And what if they see him?”

  “If they see him, he’ll fight them, and we’ll join in.”

  Aisha nodded. She was a little nervous. The brothers killed wolves every day, but for her it was still a big deal. If she got separated from the brothers she’d be extremely vulnerable.

  Packer shifted into his wolf form and climbed up onto the boulder.

  Aisha maintained a strong mental connection with all three brothers. She wanted to make sure she wasn’t left alone, even for a moment. She didn’t really need to be so cautious. The brothers were obsessed with keeping her safe.

  She reached out to Tucker and saw what he was seeing. He was creeping through the forest, descending a slope that led to a stream, and he could sense that there were enemy wolves all around him. The other two brothers were with him, sharing his thoughts.

  There were a lot of wolves, more than the brothers had expected, and they had to get in closer. If Tucker got too far out on his own, he could be in danger.

  Packer came back down to Aisha and bent down, allowing her to climb onto his muscular, furry back. She mounted him like a horse, and he carried her farther into the danger zone. Hardy was close by, up in the trees above them, watching over them.

  Aisha was worried that Packer and Hardy were taking so much care to ensure her safety that they were neglecting Tucker, who was right in the middle of the enemy pack.

  “We should hurry,” she said mentally to Packer and Hardy.

  They seemed to agree, and she could feel Packer’s pace quicken beneath her.

  Suddenly, she felt a blinding flash of pain surge through her mind. It wasn’t her own pain though, it was Tucker’s. He’d been attacked. All around him were enemy males, closing in on him in a circle, snarling menacingly.

  Chapter 22

  INSTANTLY, PACKER AND HARDY WERE running at full pace. Aisha stayed with Tucker, maintained her link with him, and felt everything he felt.

  He wasn’t scared, not for a second. He remained calm and focused. He didn’t let emotion creep into his mind at all. He struck out at one of the wolves who’d come in too close, snapping his jaws on its neck and cracking it instantly. The other wolves momentarily backed off.

  Tucker maximized his advantage, attacking another and another of the wolves closer to him. He was merciless. One dodged him. Another wasn’t so lucky and took Tucker’s jaws on his snout. Aisha heard the yelp of pain in her mind, through Tucker’s ears, and at the same time she heard it through her own ears. They were close enough now that she could hear the fight.

  There must have been thirty males still closing in on Tucker, but Aisha could see that they were already afraid of him. When they realized that Packer and Hardy were on the scene, their attack collapsed. Instead of trying to close in on Tucker as had been their plan, they were now beginning to turn and flee. But it was too late. Hardy had circled round their position and was ready to catch and kill the wolves most eager to flee the fight.

  Packer, with Aisha still desperately clutching the fur on his neck, pounced into the clearing occupied by Tucker. The wolves turned and ran. Aisha felt a moment of sheer panic as Packer pounced on one of them. It snapped back at her, but Packer’s jaws came down on its neck and with a disgusting crunching sound, snapped the life out of it.

  Aisha was terrified and exhilarated at the same time. She’d never seen so much blood and gore, she’d never been so close to so many aggressive male wolves that wanted to kill her, and at the same time she’d never felt so completely safe and immune from danger. It was like no matter what the wolves did, the shifters were always a step ahead. Between them, Packer, Hardy, and Tucker must have killed over fifteen of the wolves. Aisha saw many of their gory deaths at such close range that her face and chest were spattered with blood.

  By the end of the fight, all four of them, Aisha and the three brothers, were panting and sweating. They’d followed the wolves up out of the valley but eventually had to let them escape.

  They stopped by the stream, and Aisha climbed off Packer’s back so that she could wash off the blood.

  “Now I see what you guys do all day,” she said.

  The brothers turned into their human forms and washed the blood from their faces and hands with the icy water. Aisha had her furs on, but the brothers were all completely naked. She didn’t think she’d ever get completely used to that. They were sweating, breathing heavily, they were completely naked, and all three of them were so attracted to her that they couldn’t have hide it if they tried.

  “This isn’t all we do,” Tucker said.

  “Really,” Aisha said teasingly, “what else do you do?”

  “Well, you saw the way we hunt.”

  “Yes I did,” Aisha said, remembering the excitement of that.

  “And now we also mate,” Hardy said with a grin.

  Aisha looked up at him. He was standing by the stream, up to his knees in the icy water, and his penis was completely erect. He was looking at her like he intended to do something with her right then and there. Aisha looked from him to Packer and Tucker. They both had similar expressions on their faces.

  “You’re kidding me,” Aisha said, blushing.

  “What?” Tucker said.

  “I can see what you’re thinking. All three of you. You must be crazy if you think anything’s going to happen right here in the forest. What if the wolves come back?”

  “They’re not coming back,” Hardy said.

  Aisha looked at Packer. He looked a little sheepish.

  “You too?” Aisha said to him. “I can understand it with these two,” she said, indicating to Tucker and Hardy. “They’re young. They don’t know any better. But I expected more from you.”

  Packer looked away. “I know,” he said. “I know you’re not here just to pleasure us whenever we feel the need for it, but everything’s different now. Before, when we killed wolves, when we’d tasted their blood and felt the life being squished out of them, we’d split up and spend a few hours apart. We’d go roam the mountains and let the adrenaline in our veins wear itself out through exercise and solitude.”

  “Sometimes we’d capture female wolves and make them mate with us,” Tucker said.

  “You’d force them?”

  “Not exactly force them,” Packer said. “They’d do it willingly. They knew we were better mates than any of the wolves in their packs.”

  “And they’d also know we wouldn’t harm them if they mated with us.”

  “I get it,” Aisha said. “You guys are full of a
drenaline right now, and I’m better than finding a wolf female to rape.”

  “That’s not it,” Packer said. “Honestly, nine times out of ten, we’d never mate with a wolf after a killing spree like this. We’d go for hours alone in the mountains and work out our frustrations by ourselves. But now, with you here, it’s like, something’s different. I don’t want to go into the mountains. I don’t want to roam alone. I want to be with you.”

  “Me too,” Tucker said.

  “We can’t help it,” Hardy said.

  Aisha laughed. “You can’t help it? You’re all so horny after killing wolves that you have to have me, right here.”

  They came in closer to her. “We’re not trying to be rude,” Packer said. “If you don’t want us here like this, then we’ll understand.”

  “It’s just,” Aisha said, “Packer, I thought you didn’t want to share me.”

  She wasn’t sure if she was upset with Packer for not caring about that now, he’d made such a big deal about it earlier, or if she was relieved. If he was happy to share her, it would make it so much easier for all of them to live in peace together.

  He shrugged. “Right now,” he said, “Hardy and Tucker killed as many wolves as I did. I feel they have as much right to you as I do.”

  “And me?” Aisha said. “I’m just going to go along with it?”

  Chapter 23

  THE BROTHERS LOOKED CONFUSED. They didn’t seem to understand why she was so against mating with all three of them right then and there.

  “We’re not used to treating females the way they like to be treated,” Packer said. “Forget about it.”

  Aisha was upset, but she wasn’t sure why. She wasn’t sure why she resisted their wishes, she wasn’t sure what it was about the situation that bugged her, but something was off, and she stood her ground. If they wanted to mate with her they had to treat her with respect, they had to woo her a little. They had to be nice. They couldn’t just look at her and expect her to bend over and take it. She was the last of their females, but she wasn’t a whore.


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