Cowboy's Baby

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Cowboy's Baby Page 7

by S. L. Finlay

  "Sure." I agreed, "What do you need from me?"

  He just looked me in the eye as he told me, "Nothing at all. You don't worry about it one little bit. I will arrange everything. This is something I am doing for you."

  I smiled at him, and held his hand. The sweetness of it all was wonderful. I couldn't wait for this, for my first time. With Billy. With my Billy. Daddy taking my virginity.

  It wouldn't be long, and the thought excited me.

  Giving myself to Billy.


  The next morning I awoke, as I did every morning after our conversation, with a smile on my face. It was going to happen, and it was going to happen with Billy. I felt excited at the very thought, and happy. So, so happy.

  For the next few days, I went to work with a smile on my face. Mama noticed the abrupt change of mood and commented on it. I just smiled and told her I was settling in well (which wasn't a lie after all, I was settling in very well, with a new relationship and all!) Mama wasn't so easily dismissed however. She just smiled and got back to work before continuing with that little knowing smile every time she saw me.

  I knew Billy had been making preparations because whenever I got a chance for a one-on-one conversation he'd have one more thing to tell me, or to ask. He wanted to know all the details of how I wanted this night to unfold. Billy obviously wanted to make the night special and memorable for me. It made my heart swoon to see how much effort he was putting into this.

  In all honesty, I didn't really have fantasies for how I lost my virginity, just as long as it was gone and it was gone with this guy, I would be a happy woman. And right now, I was becoming a woman. What a thought!

  I would always be his little one of course, so I could still enjoy the relationship we had, but, oh, I don't know. I was just happy.

  On one of the occasions where we stole a moment to have a chat, Billy came into my study ostensibly to ask me a question on the ranch owners behalf, but really to check when I planned to leave the ranch on the night we planned to go into town. When he asked I simply smiled and told him I was happy to leave together.

  "Together?" He asked, "But I thought we weren't going to tell people about us."

  "Uh, yeah. That was before Billy." I told him.

  "We agreed on it before, but I didn't see why it would change." He shot back.

  I was taken aback and just stood there looking at him for a moment before responding, "Well, we know we like each other now, and it doesn't impact our jobs. Why does it matter if we're together and everyone knows about it?" I asked.

  Billy looked me over for a moment before nodding slightly and telling me, "You're right. It doesn't matter. We can leave the ranch together."

  That was a battle easily won.

  We shared a smile then a kiss and he told me he had to go help Mama in the kitchen.

  By the time I was finished with the books, I went into the kitchen to check on Billy and found the room was full of cowboys. They were all busily preparing food, washing dishes and talking loudly – too loudly for the small room! – I spotted Billy and went over to help him peeling potatoes.

  The boys had finished early on the ranch and Mama could always use an extra hand, now I was there too and it was everyone working hard in the ranch kitchen. Mama bossing all the boys around like she did best, even telling the ranch owner to hurry up with cutting those onions and stop talking to the boys.

  This big happy family on the ranch made me smile. I wondered what I would have to do around here when I finished with the books – I was almost done with everything, barring telling the owner about the missing money, which I still wasn't sure if I wanted to do it – I wondered if I would help Mama around the ranch or if it would be time for me to move on when I had done with the books. I still had time on my visa and could go live in one of the big cities for a while, have that experience.

  But then I looked at Billy and I thought better of it. I more than liked this guy with his rough hands and warm heart. I loved how he held such a soft spot for me and loved me so dearly. I loved how much he obviously cared about me and about us.

  My mind wondered to the future though, thinking about what would happen after. What would happen once I was finished with the books, what would happen when my visa ran out? These were the questions I tried to avoid, even inside my own mind.

  Whenever I bought the topic up reluctantly, neither of us had any answers. But when Billy talked about our relationship, it was always in the way that you talk about something that you think will never end. He talked about how he would like to own a ranch of his own, and how he would be so happy for the simple things – for owning a home together, for starting a family.

  His dreams were so small, so small town. Their quaintness made me smile. I could so easily get sucked up into them, but then I would remind myself that maybe that wasn't what I wanted. I wouldn't mind maybe doing this in Australia, this whole having a home and a family bit, but the idea of doing it in small town America was so foreign to me. Even with all the American television and movies I had consumed over my lifetime. Of course, I had never thought about it.

  Perhaps I was getting too far ahead of myself I thought as I threw the potato I was peeling into the sink and picked up another. I peeled, he chatted to me about nothing in particular. I peeled, he chatted. My mind wondered into the future, into the time after we had sex for the first time and after we decided what to do with this blossoming relationship.

  We were each too preoccupied in our own thoughts to realise everyone in the kitchen had noticed that we were now very familiar with one another. Billy had made an effort to be so icy to me in front of everyone for so long that everyone noticed the change and had noted it internally. Even as they didn't say anything to one another that I heard, I was sure when I thought about it later that they likely made their gestures, and Mama's little smile told people what they hadn't realised until now.

  Mama kicked everyone out of the kitchen slowly as they finished the work which had been assigned to them.

  Everyone except us who she had left alone, peeling potatoes over the sink.

  We were so lost in our conversation that we hadn't realised that no-one else was there, and that the room was now quiet. After they had finished helping out, the boys had dissipated into other parts of the house to go to their rooms, tidy themselves up and get ready for dinner after a hard day's work.

  We finished peeling potatoes and I turned to ask Mama what we needed to do next, if she still needed our help.

  That was when I realised the room was empty and that she had been standing there watching us. I wasn't sure how long she had been standing there like that, either. I just knew that she had been.

  I let out an involuntary laugh. A laugh of shock and she raised her eyebrows as she crossed her arms across her chest.

  "So, this is why you been so happy lately, huh?" She asked.

  My eyes fell to the floor. "Uh ha." I said, as if my whole love affair with Billy had been wrong. But it wasn't, I just felt guilty because we had done such a good job hiding it until now and it was my fault.

  Billy nudged me, and the look on his face told me I was being silly.

  "Yeah, we've been seeing one another." Billy told Mama and her mouth burst into the biggest smile I had ever seen on her face.

  "Ain't that nice!" She said before disappearing out of the kitchen. She was calling the ranch owner.

  I knew as I realised that the room was empty and how casual Billy and I had been with one another that he likely already knew, so I wasn't concerned. I just shook my head and turned back to Billy.

  "Well, everyone will know now." I told him, thinking about how he wanted to keep our relationship under wraps still.

  He nodded, but didn't seem too fussed.

  "You're not worried?" I verified.

  "Not anymore." He told me, "I know it's not a big deal."

  "How do you know that?" I challenged.

  His smile was as cheeky as it was broad, "B
ecause, now I don't have to sneak you off the ranch on Friday. I get to take you away on my terms."

  We both laughed then. Mama was doing us a huge favour with her gossip after all.

  That night was the first night we ate our dinner together and talked freely while the other ranchers looked on. Some seemed indifferent, others seemed happy. But it didn't look like this would impact our lives negatively going forward, and that's what counted.

  It's funny how cleanly life can turn out when you decide to stop stressing and just let life happen.


  By the time the Friday of the 'losing virginity' trip came about, I was rearing to go. I had spent so long thinking about this, and now it was finally happening. He was going to take me, to the hotel. Then he was going to take my virginity.

  The thought made me giddy with excitement, then a little scared. I was worried about the pain most of all. I knew plenty of women worried about how their partner would react to their body when they saw it for the first time, however, I knew Billy would never make me feel uncomfortable for my body or for anything in the world for that matter. Billy was concerned with making me happy, and he did.

  When he had finished work he came back to the ranch early for a shower. Because I didn't need a shower, he came into the study to get me. He was earlier than I had expected so I finished up quickly and got into the car which he had already packed.

  There were a bunch of different cars which belonged to the ranch. When ranchers were not working they could take any of them into town, so long as they were available to work in the daytimes it didn't matter where they went in the evenings.

  Tonight we were driving out in an old dodge with rust on the doors and a few holes in the bottom where you could see the road through the floor. Billy liked this car, even though it wasn't the newest or the prettiest. He had told me in the past that he liked cars with character.

  As we drove, the butterflies were rising inside me but all I could feel was the pinch of my cheeks as I smiled and the wind in my hair. We were riding off into freedom. We were riding off into what could be a life changing event for me.

  I know that losing your virginity for some people isn't a big deal, because they don't plan to remember it or don't care about it, but for me it was a big deal.

  I had been waiting for the right guy. He was it.

  We came into town. It was a little old Southern town with weather board buildings everywhere. The old hotel had been renovated within the last few years so although it looked like a western saloon on the outside, inside it was quite modern.

  When we checked in, the girl behind the desk gave Billy a little smile before she saw me. She appeared happy to see him, chatting away and flicking her hair. Billy didn't seem to notice, merely taking some paper work from her and filling it out.

  When his eyes were cast down at the paper work the other girl caught my eye and realised why he had booked the room. When she realised she merely sighed as if she knew it was a lost cause flirting with him in the first place. Her smile dropped and she took the forms back off him, her manner a little forlorn, before pointing him in the direction of the stairs.

  As we climbed the stairs (me first) I was sure that if Billy had been here alone the girl would have wanted to take him up to his room on her own.

  We found our door and Billy pushed the key into the lock before offering me his arms.

  "What are you doing?" I asked.

  "I wanted you to jump into them." He told me as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

  "Why?" I asked.

  Billy shook his head before scooping me up in his arms and taking me across the threshold where I lay inside those strong arms. I giggled in delight as he kicked the door closed and took those few steps to put me down on the big, lush white bed.

  The best was like a cloud. I almost didn't expect it to be this soft - or the room to be this nice – in a small town kind of place, but I was happy I was wrong.

  There was a bottle of Champaign cooling on ice and Billy reached for it along with two Champaign flutes. "I shouldn't be letting a little one drink this." He told me but I just shook my head.

  "I think I can handle it." I told him.

  "Are you over age?" He asked jokingly.

  In answer I shook my head before telling him, "Maybe, Daddy."

  Billy winked at me and poured a glass. "I won't tell anyone." He told me.

  We shared a drink together as I forced myself to relax. I felt so tense with what was about to happen, but Billy had a way of putting me at ease that just felt so warm and natural.

  In no time at all, he was kissing me. We'd kissed plenty of times, but right then his lips felt unexplored. He felt unexplored.

  My hands moved around his body over his clothes and I started to take them off, one garment at a time. Everything was so slow, and my hands were shaking, but Billy was letting me set the pace in order to make me feel more comfortable.

  He removed my clothing one piece at a time, just as I had his, asking when I hesitated and waiting for me to say yes in a way that showed I meant it. Billy wasn't going to take my top off because I said yes, but wanted to take my top off because I was basically begging him to. Because I was dying to have my skin up against his own. The tease was brilliant!

  Billy had a way about him that made me smile, I was smiling the whole time as we got naked.

  His hands were touching my skin now. They were tracing my bare breasts and running over my nipples. It felt so good to have him touching me like this, like a relief in itself. It was as if I was on fire and his touch was putting out the flames.

  I burned hot for him and it showed, in the way I moved under him, in my hot breath on his neck as he touched me, in my hungry kisses.

  His hungry kisses met my own as we shared a moment together, both our eyes closed. He smelled so good, he tasted so good. I could feel the wetness between my legs as he started touching me there as he kissed my lips.

  He was touching my pussy lips, then my clit. He drew lazy circles around it as he kissed me.

  The desire was rising inside me as our eyes met. We kissed, we touched, I smiled, and he smiled right back at me.

  As I was smiling, he pushed his fingers inside me forcing me to moan. This felt better than it had back at the ranch, perhaps because we were completely alone and I could relax here.

  I was lying beside him now, too, and could reach out and touch him as he touched me. My hand was wound around his cock as I slowly stroked him, returning the favour.

  Seeing him turned on turned me on, and as he touched me, and I got turned on by it I would stroke him harder and get more turned on by that. The feedback loop of getting off by getting your partner gets off was strong between us.

  In this instance though, I was the first to cum. As his fingers thrust into me, my hips bucked up to meet those fingers and I moaned into his mouth. I could feel my orgasm growing inside me and between my legs but couldn't tell him through the kisses.

  He knew though as he fucked me with his fingers harder, moaning himself as he drew me closer and closer to orgasm.

  Then, as my cowboy broke the kiss, I started to cum.

  I was laying on the bed, my mouth open wide and moaning as he thrusted his fingers into me.

  "Christ! Billy!" I called, "That feels so damn good!"

  Billy was smiling at his handiwork as he leaned in and kissed me.

  While I had been beating his cock with my hand I had never let it go, squeezing it as I came. This seemed to turn Billy on to no end. He slowly took my hand in his and gave it a little kiss though as he lay beside me.

  We lay together on the bed, gazing into one another's eyes and smiling.

  "Did that feel good?" He asked in a whisper.

  I nodded, "It did Daddy."

  "You came for your Daddy?" He asked me with a smile that told me he was proud of me.

  "Yes I did Daddy. Thank you Daddy." I said as I curled into him.

  His arms surrounded
my body and pulled me in towards him. I sighed and he kissed the top of my head.

  I could feel his hard cock beside me and desperately wanted to please him, but this cuddle was just too good to pass up, and besides, I knew we had plenty of time.

  It was up to Daddy what we did with our time after all.

  But then it wasn't, he was letting his princess show him what she was comfortable with.

  Before long, we were making out again and I was back to stroking him. I knew I could be better at this, but Daddy seemed impressed by my skills and was enjoying the feel of my small hands on his large cock.

  After a while of kissing, moaning and heavy breathing, I asked Daddy, "Can I, can I have you inside me?"

  Daddy chuckled. "I think you can, if you promise to be a good girl."

  I smiled for Daddy then and lay below him expectantly.

  He positioned himself on his elbows above me and gave me plenty of kisses before slowly pushing his cock into me.

  At first it was painful and I felt my body resisting. It felt like my body had no room for him inside and like there was a wall he couldn't get through. But my Daddy was a patient man so he pushed on. That was until I asked him to stop.

  When I asked him to stop, I felt the pressure subside suddenly and saw the look on his face. This was upsetting him to cause me pain. I felt awful but I wanted it, I wanted to have sex, I wanted to please my Daddy so I asked him to continue then.

  "Are you sure?" He asked and I answered with a nod and a curt, "Yes Daddy."

  "Okay then. If this is what you want." He told me before positioning himself before the entrance of my pussy again and pushing inside.

  This time he did it all in one movement, allowing for me to feel loads of pain all at once, just like ripping a band aid off, when you know it will sting so you just go ahead and do it.

  That was it, there was blood flowing and Daddy stopped. He took his cock out of me, cleaned it and me up with a towel and gave me kisses.

  "I want to keep going Daddy!" I protested, feeling annoyed.


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