Mogi, Kiyoo
Mori, James
Nankai Subduction Zone
Nankai Trough
Obara, Kazushige
Okhotsk plate
orphan tsunamis
Pacific plate
prediction debate
prediction research program
Sagiya, Takeshi
Satake, Kenji
Shimazaki, Kunihiko
subduction zones
Tokai Gap
Tsuji, Yoshinobu
Ueda, Kazue
vertical evacuation shelters
Yamada, Masumi
Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)
Japan Trench
Jing Yan
Jinxian Observatory
Jinzhou fault
Jogan earthquake and tsunami of 869
Johnston, David
Jonientz-Trisler, Chris
Journal of Geophysical Research
Juan de Fuca plate
Juan de Fuca Ridge
Juan de Fuca Subduction Zone (see Cascadia Subduction Zone)
Kagan, Yan
KAL flight
Kanamori, Hiroo
Kikuchi, Masayuki
Kobe earthquake of 1995
prediction debate
Krakatoa (film)
Kulm, LaVerne (Vern)
Kuril Islands
Kuril Islands earthquake of 1994
Alaska Tsunami Warning Center
evacuation controversy
Kuril Islands earthquake of 2006
damage caused in Crescent City
eyewitness accounts
model of tsunami waves
Kyoto University
Mori, James
Yamada, Masumi
La Jolla
Landers earthquake of 1992
prediction debate
triggering study
landslides (see turbidite-landslide debate)
Langi village
L’Aquila earthquake of 2009
Major Risks Committee
prediction debate
Large-Scale Earthquake Countermeasures Act
Lassen Peak
Lence, Barbara
Lichtie, Rich
Lindh, Allan
first official prediction experiment in U. S.
first official USGS seismic prediction
Parkfield earthquake prediction experiment
prediction debate
Lisowski, Mike
Little Cholame Creek
Little Salmon fault
Little Salmon River
Living with Earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest ( Yeats)
Lo, Robert
locked tectonic plates debate
locked zone debate
Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989
Long Beach Peninsula
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory
Los Angeles
Lost Coast
Lynett, Patrick(see also Titov, Vasily; wave tank experiment)
Mad River
magnetic anomalies
magnitudes, earthquake (see also seismographs; seismometers) (see under specific events)
moment magnitude scale
Richter scale
main shocks
Major Risks Committee (Italy)
Makah people
mantle, earth’s
Marianas Trench
maximum credible event (MCE)
Mazama ash
Mazzotti, Stéphane
McCaffrey, Robert
McEvilly, Tom
Meishusan Maru
Melbourne, Timothy
Mendocino Triple Junction
Menlo Park
Mexico City earthquake of 1985
aseismic debate
building code
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation TV crew
city built on a lakebed
Cocos plate
compared with Juan de Fuca plate
compared with Chilean earthquake of 1960
damage caused by
damage to tall buildings
DeVall, Ron
felt zone
ground displacement
implications of Seattle study of tall buildings
Lo, Robert
Michoacán fault
recent history of earthquakes here
Rogers, Garry
Weichert, Dieter
what Canadian scientists learned from this quake
Michoacán fault
Mid-Atlantic Ridge
military(see also police; sheriff; U.S. Coast Guard; U.S. Navy
national guard
Minor, Rick
Minoura, Koji
Mitchell, Clifton
moderate earthquakes, definition
Mogi, Kiyoo
moment magnitude scale
momentum flux
Monroe, Linda
Montague Island
Moore, Chris
Mori, James
Mount Adams
mountain-tilting paper
Adams, John
Reilinger, Robert
Mount Baker
Mount Everest
Mount Garibaldi
Mount Grey
Mount Landalt (aka Mount Landale)
Mount Logan
Mount Mazama(see also Crater Lake)
compared with Mount St. Helens
Mazama ash
Mount Rainier
Mount Shasta
Mount St. Helens eruption of 1980
compared with Mazama blast
tree-ring dating
Mount Whymper
Mr. Earthquake (Cao Xianqing)
Mulargia, Francesco
Nagoya University
Sagiya, Takeshi
Nankai Subduction Zone
Nankai Trough
NASA satellites
National Academy of Sciences
Earthquake Prediction and Public Policy
Press, Frank
National Geodetic Survey
Balazs, Emery
national guard
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Bernard, Eddie
Moore, Chris
Titov, Vasily
National Science Foundation (NSF)
National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation
Program (U.S.)
NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS)
Neah Bay
Nelson, Alan
Nelson, Hans
Netarts Bay
newspaper coverage
Israel, Bill
Monroe, Linda
Sullivan, Walter
New York Times, The
New Zealand (see also Adams, John)
Alpine fault
Southern Alps mountain chain
Nihon University
Mogi, Kiyoo
Nimitz Freeway
Nishiki Tower
NOAA (see National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
Nookmis, Chief Louis
Northridge earthquake of 1994
building code revised
prediction debate
Novosibirsk Institute of Electrical Engineering
Noyo channel
nuclear power plants(see also Atomic Energy Commission; Nuclear Regulatory Commission)
Bodega Head
Ferndale ear
thquake of 1975, effect on
Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR)
Humboldt Bay
risk of building on faults
Tohoku-Oki earthquake and tsunami of 2011
Washington Public Power Supply System ( WPPSS)
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
Obara, Kazushige
obducting plate
Ogle, Bud
oilfield geology techniques
Okhotsk plate
Okushiri Island tsunami of 1993
Olympic Mountains
Olympic Peninsula
Oregon (see Astoria; Coos Bay; Corvallis; Netarts Bay; Newport; Portland; Seaside; Westport)
Oregon Academy of Sciences
Oregonian (The)
Oregon State University (OSU)
Applegate, Bruce
Corcoran, Patrick
Cox, Dan
Goldfinger, Chris
Griggs, Gary
Kulm, LaVerne (Vern)
McCaffrey, Robert
Nelson, Hans
Yeats, Robert (Bob)
Yeh, Harry
Origin of Continents and Oceans, The (Wegener)
orphan tsunamis
Pachena Bay
Pacific County
Benning, Jerry
evacuation debate
Fritts, Stephanie
Pacific County Emergency Management Council
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)
Pacific Geoscience Centre (PGC) (see Geological Survey of Canada)
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) (see National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-NOAA)
Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network
Pacific plate
Pacific tsunami warning centers
Park, Stephen
Parker, Bill
Parkfield earthquake of 1966
possible precursors
Parkfield earthquake of 2004
prediction debate
seismic history
Parkfield earthquake prediction experiment (see also prediction debate)
Bakun, William
first official prediction experiment in U.S.
first official USGS seismic prediction
Lichtie, Rich
Lindh, Allan
McEvilly, Tom
prediction debate
segment of San Andreas fault
Parsons, Barry
Paso Robles
Peterson, Curt
Philippine Islands
Plafker, George
Alaskan earthquake of 1964, field investigation of
angle of fault debate
Chilean earthquake of 1960, field investigation of
comparison of CSZ to Alaska quake zone
plate tectonics debate
Plate Boundary Observatory project
Dragert, Herb
SAFOD project
van der Vink, Greg
plate convergence
plate tectonics debate (see also continental drift debate)
police(see also military; sheriff; U.S. Coast Guard; U.S. Navy)
Port Alberni
Harper, Bob
inundation maps
prediction debate
Aceves, Richard
Bakun, William
Geller, Robert J.
Goldfinger, Chris
Jackson, David
Kagan, Yan
Kikuchi, Masayuki
Lindh, Allan
McEvilly, Tom
Mulargia, Francesco
Park, Stephen
Parsons, Barry
University of Colorado earthquake forecast
Wang, Kelin
Wyss, Max
prediction research programs
Prescott, Bill
Press, Frank
Prince William Sound
Prince William Sound earthquake of 1964 (see Alaskan earthquake and tsunami of 1964)
Puget Sound
crustal compression
episodic tremor and slip (ETS)
Juan de Fuca plate rotating
mountain tilting
Quake Hunters (documentary)
Queen Charlotte fault
Rangemaster III,
reactors (see nuclear power plants)
Reagan, Ronald
recurrence interval for CSZ earthquakes
Redwood Alliance
Reid, Harry F.
Reilinger, Robert
rhombohedral fracture patterns
Richter, Charles
Richter scale(see also moment magnitude scale; seismographs; seismometers)
Riddihough, Robin
Ring of Fire
Benioff, Hugo
necklace of volcanoes
River Road
Roger Revelle
Rogers, Garry
aseismic debate
earthquake history of CSZ
episodic tremor and slip (ETS)
Mexico City earthquake of 1985
Plate Boundary Observatory
prediction debate
raising public awareness
success of modern building codes
Sumatra is Cascadia
Rogue River Canyon
Rowland, Mary
Royal Canadian Geographical Society
Sacramento Bee (The)
SAFOD (Saint Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth) project
Plate Boundary Observatory project
van der Vink, Greg
Sagiya, Takeshi
San Andreas Fault
1906 rupture and damage
boundary between plates
Cascadia fault seen as comparable threat
compared with Alaskan fault
compared with Alpine fault
compared with Cascadia fault
compared with Chilean fault
constant movement of
due to rupture
earthquake triggering
geometric discontinuity
interconnection of faults
Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989,
openly accessible at ground level
Parkfield prediction study
part of Mendocino Triple Junction
plate behavior on
prediction debate
public awareness after 1906 earthquake
SAFOD project
site of PG&E nuclear power plant
Sylmar earthquake of 1971
turbidite-landslide evidence
uncertainly about fault direction offshore
visible in aerial pictures
San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (see SAFOD project)
San Francisco
San Francisco earthquake of 1906
compared with a Cascadia earthquake
compared with Alaskan earthquake of 1964
elastic rebound hypothesis
San Andreas fault
Sanriku tsunami of 1896
Santa Cruz
Satake, Kenji
date and time of last CSZ quake
earthquake history of CSZ
orphan tsunami research
Savage, Jim
Schmidt, Mike
crustal compression, measuring
Mount Logan expedition
Schwartz, David
seafloor spreading
Sea of Japan
nbsp; Seaside
evacuation route
fire department
models of
quake effects on tall buildings, study
seismic gaps
seismic regulations (see building codes)
seismogenic zones(see also locked zone debate)
seismographs (see also magnitudes, earthquake; seismometers)
Richter scale
Seismological Research Letters
Seismological Society of America
seismometers (see also magnitudes, earthquake; seismographs)
Richter scale
Shelter Cove
sheriff(see also military; police; U.S. Coast Guard; U.S. Navy)
Shimazaki, Kunihiko
Shipengyu Earthquake Observatory
ShockWave (documentary)
silent slip
Silver, Eli
Simeulue Island
Simpson Timber Company
Singley Flat
slip deficit
Smith, Stewart
Smith, Tilly
Snavely, Parke
Sokolowski, Thomas
Somass River
South Africa
Southern Alps (New Zealand) mountain chain
Sri Lanka
St. Elias Range
Stein, Ross
Stephens, Tom
stick-slip scenario
strain, measurement of
Strait of Juan de Fuca
stratigraphic evidence
strike-slip faults
subducting plate
subduction zones (see also Cascadia Subduction Zone)
Benioff, Hugo
Benioff zone
Sullivan, Walter
Sumatran earthquake of 2004 (see also Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004)
fault size
public awareness pre-Sumatra
quake data used to test effects on tall buildings
Sumatra is Cascadia
turbidite core-sampling
Sunda Trench
Swan, Judge James
Sylmar earthquake of 1971
Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act
Tangshan earthquake of 1976, (see also Haicheng earthquake of 1975)
ground displacement
prediction debate
Wang, Kelin
tectonic warping
temblors (see earthquakes)
Texas A&M University
Lynett, Patrick
Three Mile Island
tidal friction
tidal waves (see tsunamis)
Titov, Vasily (see also Lynett, Patrick; wave tank experiment)
Chilean tsunami of 1960
computer models of tsunamis
Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004
model of Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004
model of Okushiri Island tsunami of 1993
models, significance of
raising public awareness
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