3013: GENESIS (3013: The Series Book 11)

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3013: GENESIS (3013: The Series Book 11) Page 7

by Laurie Roma

  “I didn’t know Rogan and Lucian have a sanctuary on Earth,” Reva commented.

  “It’s called Exodus, and it’s located in Zion.”

  “I’ve been there!” Pia exclaimed. “Stars, that place was amazing.”

  Kahla smiled. “They would appreciate that you think so.”

  “Do you run this sanctuary by yourself?” Mya asked, curious to know more about Maddox, Daimon and Tavius’ cousin.

  Kahla shook her head. “My older sister, Zorah, and her mates, Faust and Nyle Bomar, run Sanctum, even though I’m considered a full partner. Our parents were killed a few years after New Vega launched. It happened when a group of rogue Krytos tried to take over the vessel. That’s why my cousins are so paranoid about safety measures now.”

  “The security here is impressive,” Reva said before drinking some of her wine.

  Pia shot her a look. “You still think that even though you were kidnapped with Serra and Skylar?”

  Reva shrugged. “People are assholes. It was greed and corruption that caused the breach in security here on New Vega…not the actual protocols that are in place.”

  “Things have drastically changed over the years. Maddox, Daimon and Tavius continuously do upgrades on the systems here to try to ensure everyone’s safety” Kahla told them. “I think it was difficult for my brothers to stay here after our parents died, even though they love New Vega.”

  “I’m impressed by what I’ve seen so far,” Pia said.

  “I love it here, too, but I wish I had more freedom,” Kahla added with a sigh. “It’s hard to have any fun when the males of my family are constantly threatening to break the faces of any males I get close to. I still manage to do whatever I want, but I hate having to sit through lectures afterward.”

  Mya couldn’t help but laugh. “I know the feeling. Meeting men isn’t something I really had a chance to do back on Earth.” She sighed wistfully as she picked up her glass. “Sometimes I envy the D’Aire and Dragon Warriors for having fate choose their mates for them.”

  Reva snorted. “Fuck that. I wouldn’t want anyone to determine my destiny but me. Can you imagine if fate stuck you with someone you couldn’t stand?”

  “I don’t think that’s how it works, but I agree with you,” Kahla said with a laugh.

  Pia frowned. “I thought you guys could sense your mates or something.”

  “The Helios don’t have mates. We use our instincts to pick our companions. We rely on our sense of smell, physical attraction, and personal preferences. If we feel strongly about our companions, we can choose to life-lock with them. But ultimately, the choice is still ours, just like it is for humans,” Reva explained.

  “Same with the Krytos,” Kahla added. “Some of my race may mate to form alliances, some for political or financial gain, but most of us look for love. If our emotions are involved, we are fiercely protective and possessive of our mates, and that bond only grows stronger over time. But I’m not ready for all that yet. I can have sex with a male without having to mate him.”

  Mya studiously avoided Pia’s gaze as she asked, “So, are Maddox, Daimon and Tavius’ parents still alive?”

  Kahla’s expression turned sad. “No. My uncles Dalcor and Kagan and my aunt Brita were killed the same time my parents were.” She sipped some of the sweet wine before she said, “I really wish my cousins would mate someone soon, even though they say they aren’t ready yet. Maybe then they would stop worrying about me so damn much.” She paused to look over at Reva. “I received another lecture today.”

  Reva winced in sympathy. “About what?”

  Kahla filled Reva in about what had transpired earlier that day. As she did, she considered how similar her own situation was to Mya Spartan’s. Kahla never would have thought she’d have anything in common with a human elite, but Mya had escaped the confines of her powerful family the same way Kahla planned to one day soon.

  As she finished explaining what Maddox had said to her during his lecture, Kahla noticed that Mya looked down at the table and blushed every time she mentioned her cousin’s name.

  That was an interesting development.

  She thought back to Maddox’s reaction at seeing Mya on the security monitors while he’d been giving her hell for putting those stupid elites in the medical unit after they’d harassed one of the servers. His attention had immediately strayed, and he’d forgotten all about Kahla when he’d stormed out of the office that was behind the wall of mirrors.

  Maddox hadn’t been angry to see Mya in Sanctum. He’d been concerned, and completely focused on the little elite. Perhaps Kahla would get her wish for her cousins to mate sooner than she thought. And if that was indeed the case, she’d do everything in her power to help make it happen.

  Interested in getting to know the human better, Kahla asked, “So, Mya…what do you think of New Vega so far?”

  Mya expression brightened as she animatedly spoke of her day. Kahla hadn’t realized that Mya and Pia had only arrived, but they’d already experienced a lot in the short time they’d been there. Kahla couldn’t help but be pleased with how often Mya mentioned each of her cousins, and by the worried expression on her guard’s face, she wasn’t the only one who noticed Mya’s fascination with them.

  “I can’t wait to see your new line of clothes,” Reva commented after Mya finished telling them about her store.

  “A warrior line sounds interesting,” Kahla said as she refilled everyone’s glasses.

  Mya flushed. “Actually, both of you could help me on opening day, if you have the time...”

  The Helios and Krytos females exchanged a look, then Kahla asked, “What do you mean by that?”

  Reva’s eyes narrowed. “This is going to be something that pisses me off, isn’t it?”

  Mya smiled mischievously. “No. It will be fine. You’ll see. Now, I propose a toast.” She lifted her glass in the air. “To fashion, friendship and fun. And to exciting new adventures, wherever we can find it.”

  Kahla smirked as they all tapped their glasses together. “And remember…what happens on New Vega, stays on New Vega.”

  * * * *

  Time meant very little on a space vessel.

  Because New Vega was constantly traveling around Alliance-controlled space, there was no actual day or night. Most of the ship ran on a standard time schedule, but there were several screens scattered on every level that listed the times on each planet so visitors could keep track.

  Even though Mya had been on New Vega for a few days now, she was still struggling to acclimate to the new system.

  After her night out with her friends, she’d spent most of the day in bed sleeping off a wicked hangover. They’d finished the bottle of ahava wine, then Kahla had thought it would be a good idea for Mya and Pia to try several of Sanctum’s signature drinks. Ryland and Mikal had to come to the bar hours later, and had watched the chaos unfold. By the end of the night, they’d had to carry Mya and Pia back to their rooms.

  Since she’d slept all day, Mya had spent the rest of the night working on finishing up some of the samples she wanted ready for the store opening. Her designs were usually replicated back on Earth at one of their manufacturing plants once she scanned them into the company’s system, but her new line wasn’t complete yet. She’d been ready to go back to sleep when she’d gotten a message that her team had arrived earlier than expected.

  So, instead of getting some rest, she’d gotten dressed for the day.

  A surprise had greeted her when she’d opened her door. A single perfect flower had been placed on the floor right outside her doorway. It was something she’d never seen before, with pale-gold petals and a bright crimson center. She’d picked it up and sniffed at it’s lovely, sweet fragrance.

  Going back into her room, she’d put the flower in an empty water bottle. She recalled telling Tavius that she liked flowers, and the thought he had done something so sweet for her made her smile.

  After she collected her guards, they headed down to
the docking bay to meet her team. The crew included those who would help fix her store, as well as several sales people who would also make alterations and help with custom orders.

  Mya tried to insist that they take a day to get settled, but everyone had been ready to work. After everyone checked into their rooms, they’d all met at the store where Mya had explained her vision. Then they’d kicked her out of the store so she wouldn’t get in their way. She hadn’t felt bad about it. There was only so much she could do to help with the construction part of the project, and she knew that they would get more done without her there.

  Hours later, she was still awake. Needing a change of scenery, she’d left her room and headed down the hallway of the second level to the lounge area she’d discovered earlier that was close to her room. She’d settled in one of the comfortable chairs with her tablet and stylus, and lost herself in working on some new designs.

  “What are you doing up?”

  The sound of Maddox’s deep voice startled her so bad that her stylus flew out of her hand. It rolled across the floor, stopping at his feet where he stood in the doorway. He bent down and picked it up, then slowly walked over until he was towering over her.

  Mya’s pulse sped up at his nearness, and she felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment at how sloppy she looked. Her long hair was piled on top of her head in a haphazard bun, and she was wearing gray lounge pants and a matching zip-up jacket with a bright pink tank top underneath. Though she rarely wore facial enhancements, her face was scrubbed clean and she didn’t even have anything on her lips.


  Why hadn’t she put on some lip shimmer or something?

  Her gaze slowly rose, taking in the traditional leather outfit he wore until she reached his face. The first thought that came to her was that he looked tired. She immediately wanted to tell him to go to bed, but it wasn’t her place to do so. His inky black hair wasn’t pulled back like it had been the last time. Instead, it hung loose down to his shoulders, and she had a strong desire to run her fingers through it.

  She saw a hint of amusement enter his dark eyes, and realized she’d been staring at him in silence. When he looked at her with that focused stare of his, she had a hard time keeping any thoughts in her head.

  “I’m sorry, did you ask me something?”

  Maddox held back a smile as she blinked up at him with clear confusion etched across her lovely face. He knew he’d startled her when he’d walked into the lounge. In truth, he’d stood in the doorway for several minutes before he’d spoken. He’d liked watching as she concentrated on her work, and found her serious expression appealing.

  Since she was curled up in her seat, Maddox sat down on the ottoman at the end of her chair and held out the stylus to her. She glanced down at it as if she’d never seen it before. After a long pause, she finally took it and looked back up at him.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He’d felt the heat of her fingertips brush against his, and he’d had to fight the urge to jerk his hand away. He leaned forward and braced his forearms on his knees. “What are you doing in here alone, Mya? Where are your guards?”

  “They’re sleeping. You and your brothers said this level was secured.”

  “It is,” he conceded. He still didn’t like her sitting out here alone, though. Maddox had seen her leave her room on the security feed, watching her on the monitors in his office while he tried to get some work done.

  He’d found himself doing that a lot over the last few days. It distracted him, but he couldn’t seem to help it. He frowned as he studied her. “You look exhausted. You’re too young to have such dark circles under your eyes. You should be in bed, not working.”

  His breath caught as her face lit up and she laughed.

  By the gods, she was beautiful.

  “What can I say to such flattery?” She laughed again. “Honestly, Maddox, your compliments are going to make me blush.”

  “You seem to blush quite easily, tava.” The word came out before he realized it. It startled him for a second, but then he realized how right it felt.

  Her smile wobbled and her brow creased. “Did you forget my name?”

  Exasperated, he said, “No, Mya. I didn’t forget.”

  Her gray eyes sparkled with mischief again. “I just thought I’d ask. You know, since you are older than me. I thought I might have to remind you.”

  A grin spread across his face. He liked that she’d turned the tables on him, paying him back for his comment about her being young. “Are you implying I might be losing my memory?” he growled playfully. “Do you dare?”

  She batted her eyelashes at him and tried to look innocent. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  His sharp bark of laughter caught him off guard. “You are an impertinent—”

  “If you call me young again, we are going to have words.”

  His brow rose at that. “Are we?”

  She gave him an exaggerated nod. “Oh, yeah. What does ta—”

  Maddox didn’t give her a chance to finish her question. He reached out, wrapping his large hand around the back of her neck. Pulling her close, he settled his mouth over hers and drank in her gasp of surprise.

  He used the parting of her soft lips to stroke his tongue inside her sweet heat, groaning at the sheer pleasure of the experience. Her taste was sweet, intoxicating. It made him want more. Made him want to strip her down so he could feast on every inch of her soft, creamy flesh.

  He growled low in his throat when she let out a soft, seductive moan. Taking the kiss deeper, he stroked his tongue against hers, coaxing her to respond to his gentle demand. When she moaned again, he felt it vibrate straight through his entire body, right down to his cock that went hard as stone. He wanted to strip her bare and take her over and over again until neither of them could move.

  But this wasn’t the time or the place.

  When he felt her hands glide into his hair, he realized that he’d jerked her out of her chair, onto his lap. Struggling to regain control of himself, he grabbed hold of her shoulders and pushed her away from him.

  He was arrogantly pleased by the dazed expression on her face, and it made him want to kiss her again. Fighting the urge, he helped her to her feet as he stood. He let go of her, then gripped her firmly again when her legs almost buckled.

  When she could stand on her own, he bent down to retrieve her tablet and stylus that had fallen to the floor. Without looking at her, he took her hand in his and pulled her out of the lounge.

  “Wh-where are we going?” she asked, a little breathlessly.

  The lust burning through his system made his voice sound harsh when he answered her. “You are going to bed.”


  He gritted his teeth against the disappointment in her tone. He wanted to join her in bed, but the strength of his need for her made him refuse to give in. Not tonight. It was too soon. But he couldn’t deny the attraction that sparked between them like an electrical current. It was intense and slightly disconcerting, and he knew thoughts of their kiss would keep him awake for a long while.

  And keep him hard.

  Needing to get away from her, he pulled her with him as he stormed down the hallway. Stopping in front of the door to her suite, he shoved the tablet and stylus at her. “Go inside,” he ordered, giving her a little push. “You need sleep.”

  He turned away from her and had only taken a few steps when she called out his name. For a second, he thought about ignoring her, but discovered that he just couldn’t do it. Something about her called to him. Turing, he frowned at her in defense against her power over him.

  “That word you called me. What does tava mean?”

  “It’s a Krytos word,” he said, evading giving her the answer. “Go to bed, Mya.”

  With that, he stalked away from her, heading toward his own suite…and away from temptation.



  Three days later, Mya came to a conclusion.r />
  Males—no matter their race—were confusing as hell.

  It had taken her long hours to recover from the passionate kiss Maddox had given her the other night. He’d completely rocked her senses, and she still hadn’t fully recovered. Maddox couldn’t know that it had been her first real kiss. It had been more than she’d ever dreamed, but the aftermath left her confused.

  Mya hadn’t been able to talk to Pia about the kiss—or the ‘incident’ as she liked to call it—since she would have had to admit to going to the lounge alone after everyone else had gone to sleep.

  Her guards hadn’t said she couldn’t, but Mya knew they wouldn’t be happy with her either, even though the second level was secure. Her plan had been to immerse herself in work so she wouldn’t think of all the reasons she hadn’t been able to sleep, but she wasn’t able to escape the reason for her frustration.

  No, it wasn’t singular. It was plural—specifically, the Adaro brothers.

  As if they knew she didn’t want to think about them, the three males kept popping up everywhere, but their encounters didn’t help her understand them any better. Daimon had showed up at her store the morning after the incident. He hadn’t spoken to her much, although that didn’t surprise her. What had astonished her was that she’d immediately felt guilty seeing him after kissing his brother.

  She was even more shocked when Daimon started working with her crew. At first, she was a little tense with him there, but it was fascinating to see how effortlessly he took over as the leader of the workers. When they had questions, they went to him. He didn’t say much, but all the men and women deferred to him whenever he did speak.

  It would have upset her if Daimon had just taken over completely, but whenever there were decisions to be made or if part of the project was completed, he came to her for approval. He usually stayed in the shop until early afternoon, but by the third day, Mya had grown comforted by his presence, and started missing him after he’d gone.


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