3013: GENESIS (3013: The Series Book 11)

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3013: GENESIS (3013: The Series Book 11) Page 12

by Laurie Roma

  “It is,” Orion confirmed. “I said I would go for the party as the official D’Aire representation, but I’m also going to see if there is any sign of Quilla Rego on the new station.”

  Tavius’ expression darkened. “That female needs to die.”

  Mya was startled by his harsh reaction. “Who is Quilla Rego? Is she related to Lord Malik Rego?”

  “She’s his sister,” Tavius explained. “For years, we have been searching for Korsek, who was the leader of the slave trade on Tartarus. He was said to be behind all the females that have been kidnapped and taken to Tartarus. Jaden and Katra Tor just discovered that Quilla Rego is actually Korsek.”

  In an instant, Mya’s attitude shifted. She was utterly outraged. “A woman was behind selling other females? She really does deserve to die.”

  Orion couldn’t help but agree with them. “She escaped Tartarus before they could capture her, and she’s been hiding out somewhere in the galaxy. Since I’m a seeker, I’ve been searching everywhere I go to for any sign, but so far there has been no trace of her anywhere.”

  The D’Aire had the ability to do mind scans on people. It was a dangerous practice that required permission from the participant or it could do more damage than good. Some select few were able to sense the thoughts and emotions of others without touching or even being close to them.

  They were called seekers, and Orion D’Sil was one of them.

  “She must have help,” Tavius said. “There is no way she could have gotten away without being found if she didn’t have some aid. It’s a good thing the war is almost over on Tartarus, though.”

  They spent the rest of the meal talking about war and all the changes that were happening on Tartarus. Mya personally thought that watching a female Dragon Warrior take over a planet that was dominated by male Tarin warriors would be worth paying to see with her own eyes.

  When the conversation circled back to the search for Quilla and strategies on how they could find her, Mya excused herself from the table for a few minutes. Orion waited until she left before he gave Tavius a sharp look.

  “Before she returns, I feel I have to mention something. If you hurt her, I’ll have to kill you. And that’s if I get to you before her brothers and fathers do.”

  “I have no intention of hurting her,” Tavius said.

  “Intentions don’t mean shit when it comes to family,” Orion countered.

  Tavius met the other male’s eyes, letting him see the conviction in his gaze. “She is our mate, Orion. Maddox, Daimon and I will protect and care for her until our last breath. She just doesn’t know it yet.”

  The D’Aire visibly relaxed and smiled. “I’ll offer you my congratulations…and luck in getting her to agree.”

  When Mya returned to the table, they left the restaurant together. Orion told them he was going to stop by to see Maddox, Daimon and a few other friends before he left New Vega. Before they parted ways, Orion made both of them promise to come visit him on the D’Aire home world. Tavius immediately said they would the next time New Vega went by his planet.

  Mya liked thinking that she would still be in a relationship with the Adaro brothers when it came time to visit Orion. After they watched the D’Aire walk away, Tavius turned to Mya and said, “There is something that I’d like to show you. Will you come with me?”

  “Sure. Just as long as it’s not on the lower levels,” she said jokingly.

  After he assured her it wasn’t, there was a companionable silence between them as they took the elevator up to the second level. Mya was curious as they walked to a section of the floor she hadn’t been down yet. They stopped in front of a set of large double doors, and she saw from the plaque off to the side that it was a private holo-room strictly for VIP guests.

  Instead of entering the room, Tavius paused and took her hands in his. “I’ve messed up quite a few times today—”

  “No, you haven’t. Tavius, I’m so sorry about overreacting earlier. Spending the day with you has been wonderful, and I—”

  He smiled as he put a finger to her lips to stop her. “I’m glad you feel that way. Now, I want to give you something. It’s something that I’ve been working on over the last few days, and I’d like to share it with you.”

  “You have me curious now.”

  He pressed a button on the control panel next to the door. “Begin Alpha Tavius, Mya program one.”

  “Program is activated and running.”

  The door to the holo-room slid opened, and they stepped forward into a winter wonderland. Mya let out a little gasp and her boots sunk into the snow as she looked around. She was so delighted by what she saw, she barely heard the doors slide shut behind them, closing them into a whole different world.

  The sky wasn’t just a dreary gray that so often occurred when it snowed, but had a silvery cast to it. The pale sun shone behind puffy clouds, providing enough light to give the setting a magical glow. Evergreens with snow covered tips surrounded the small clearing. The trees looked like sentries, creating a natural barrier that protected them from the wind that made the flakes dance through the air.

  Mya lifted her hand, catching a few snowflakes on her palm. They stayed perfectly formed for a few seconds, then they turned into droplets of warm water that slid off her skin. That surprised her. Actually, her entire body was comfortably warm despite the cold, wintery scene. She turned to blink at Tavius, and watched his lips curve into a smile.

  “You said you missed watching the seasons change. Especially snow. I figured I could give that to you, but thought, why deal with the cold?”

  Mya’s eyes filled, blurring her vision. His gift was so unexpected, so sweet and thoughtful that her throat constricted with emotions. “I…this is…”

  Tavius’ smile faded as he saw her eyes were swimming with unshed tears. “I didn’t mean to make you sad. If you want me to end the—” His words were cut off as she threw herself at him. She pressed her face against his chest as her arms wrapped around him, holding him in a tight embrace. “So, does this mean you like it?”

  “Like it?” She sniffed. “No, I don’t like it. I love it. Thank you.” She lifted her face up so she was looking up at him with drenched eyes. The tears made her gray eyes sparkle like twin stars.

  “I don’t like seeing you cry. Even happy tears,” he murmured as he stroked her cheek. Unable to help himself, he leaned down. He was pleased when she rose up to meet him halfway so their lips met in a soft kiss.

  Wrapping his arm around her, he pulled her closer. Fire flashed through his body as she pressed against him, her soft body molding against his hard frame. His tongue teased the seam of her lips and she opened for him, allowing him entrance into her sweet heat.

  His body shuddered as he took the kiss deeper. Need burned as their tongues tangled, teasing and tasting. He slid his hand into her long, black hair, holding her still for him as he plundered her mouth, stroking his tongue deep, over and over.

  When she pulled back they were both panting for breath. “I’m all wet.”

  Thank the gods.

  In an instant, Tavius’ cock was rock hard. He wanted to strip her naked to feel just how wet she was for himself. He’d use his fingers and his tongue and—

  His lustful thoughts were cut off when she laughed and playfully shook her head, sending a shower of water droplets cascading out. It took him a moment to realize she’d done it again. Her innocent comment had gone careening into his head, turning into a seductive invitation that he was desperate to act on.

  A low growl of need escaped him before he could hold it back. She looked so damn beautiful, with her hair slightly wet from the snow, and happiness shining from her gray eyes. Mya was a temptress. One he was powerless against.

  He was struggling to regain control of himself when she bit her lower lip nervously. “You can’t do that,” he growled softly.

  “Do what?”

  “Bite that pretty pink lip. It makes me want another taste, but I won’t stop there.”<
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  “You...you won’t?” she asked breathlessly.

  He slowly shook his head. “I want you, Mya. I want your skin against mine, your legs wrapped around me. There won’t be an inch of you that I won’t touch, stroke and taste. I want to learn what you like. What makes you shiver. And when I do, I’ll do it over and over again until I have you screaming my name as you come.”

  “Oh my…”

  “Once you are hot and wet for me, I’ll slide my cock deep inside you, filling you full of me. Your body will welcome me, needing me to satisfy the ache that will build inside you. And I will. I’ll give you pleasure, fulfill your every need. But not until you’re ready. If you want me to wait, I will. For as long as you need. But don’t push me. If you issue an invitation, I’m going to take it, and there will be no going back.”

  Mya had to clear her throat before she could speak. Her breathing was fast, her heart thundering rapidly in her chest. She saw the hunger burning in his dark eyes, and felt singed to her core. “I…I knew you were good with words, but I didn’t have a clue just how good you were.”

  “Sweetheart, you have no idea just how good I can be.”

  Holy nova!

  Her knees went weak from the sensual promise in his voice, and she knew she had a decision to make. Right now. Then she realized the choice was already made. She wanted him just as much as he wanted her, and there was no reason to hold back.

  Be bold, she told herself. This was the excitement she’d been craving. To be wanted like this by a male who made her skin tingle with anticipation and her heart beat with pulsing need. “Are you sure you’re up to fulfilling that promise?”

  “I always keep my promises, tava.”

  There was that word again. It was driving her crazy not knowing what it meant, but she didn’t care about that right now. She was ready to take the next step with him. “Show me, Tavius. Show me how much you want me.”

  He growled before slamming his mouth back down on hers in a heated kiss. His tongue plunged deep, showing her without words how much he desired her. Pleasure exploded inside her when she felt the hard, hot length of his cock against her stomach. She met his passion with her own as she leaned against his strong, muscular body, rubbing against him sensually.

  He ripped his mouth away from hers and snarled, “Computer. Begin Alpha Tavius, Mya program two.”

  “Program is activated and running.”

  Around them, the snow stopped. The day had turned to night in the blink of an eye, and a million stars glittered overhead. The winter landscape remained, but a small ice castle appeared in the center of the clearing. Mya’s eyes widened when she saw it, and she let out a gasp as he swept her into his arms. He strode through the entrance of the ice castle, taking her to a huge bed covered with silky silver colored sheets.

  He set her on her feet again and slowly lowered to his knees before her. Balancing one of her feet on his knee, he pulled the zipper of her boot down, then tossed it aside. After her second boot was removed, he gripped her waist and pulled her close, pressing kissed on her stomach through the material of her dress. Her hands lifted to cradle his head, stroking the soft strands of his dark hair back from his face.

  His head lifted so his dark eyes met hers. “You are a gift, Mya. A treasure beyond compare.”

  She felt seduced. Completely taken over by him.

  Touching him, she sensed the truth of his words. The way he felt about her took her breath away. It was like being handed a dream, to have such a powerful male down on his knees in front of her. She wanted to lift her dress off, to remove any barriers between them, but she held herself still…waiting.

  Tavius’ nostrils flared as he scented her sweet heat. The beast inside him stirred, pushing him to rip off her clothes so he could cover her body with his. He wanted to spread her thighs wide and shove into her, taking her until neither of them could move.

  But he couldn’t. She was far too delicate for that. He might hurt her if he simply pounced on her like a wild animal. No, she deserved romance, gentle touches and soft kisses, but he was so hard, he felt as if his cock was going to rip right through his pants.

  Waiting was no longer an option.

  He wanted her so damn bad, his hands were shaking as he reached for the hem of her dress. Lifting it slowly, he watched her eyes to gage her reaction.

  “I’ve imagined this moment since the first time I saw you. I wanted you then, and my need had grown stronger with every passing minute.”

  Mya heard the need in his strained voice. The intensity of his gaze held hers, making it impossible for her to look away. Not that she wanted to. She could stare at him for hours…days. Taking her courage in hand, she caught the bottom of her dress and quickly lifted it. She jerked it over her head, tossing it to the floor.

  Tavius felt like he’d taken a blow to the stomach as he stared at the vision before him. Mya was naked. Completely, utterly bare. His voice was strained when he could finally speak. “You are absolutely perfect. All day you’ve been walking around with nothing underneath your dress?”

  Her cheeks flooded with color. “I…wanted to feel sexy when I was with you today. Pia suggested it might help me get over my nerves when I was with you.”

  “May the gods bless her.” Feeling her shaking slightly, he gentled her by stroking his hands lightly over her hips, down her legs, then back again. Her big gray eyes were watching him with a combination of desire and fear. It was the fear that made him fight for control. “You’re nervous around me?”

  Her head bobbed in a jerky nod. “You…all of you. But from the second we met, you made me want…I need you, Tavius. I—”

  In a heartbeat, he was up on his feet, his mouth fused to hers in a searing kiss. He groaned as he tried to keep his lips on hers while he undressed. The sound of fabric tearing cut through the silence, but he didn’t care.

  When he was naked, he lifted her and laid her back on the center of the large bed. He lowered her massive body over her, careful to keep some of his weight off as he kept kissing her. Moving one hand between them, he cupped her breast. He pinched her small nipple, drinking down her cry as she squirmed beneath him.

  Her legs and arms wrapped around him, holding him to her as he pushed inside her, sliding deep into her slick pussy. She welcomed him in, her tight muscles parting for him until the head of his cock was lodged against the entrance to her womb.

  Rotating his hips, he waited as she adjusted to his invasion. He loved the way her tight pussy clenched at his cock. She felt so damn good wrapped around him, he thought he’d go insane from the pleasure.

  “You okay?”

  “More than okay. You feel so good inside me.”

  Tavius pulled his hips back before thrusting deep again, repeating the motion with long, slow strokes. “You’re so tight…so perfect. It’s better than I dreamed.”

  “Tavius, I…”

  “Tell me what you want, sweetheart. Tell me, and I’ll give it to you.”

  She blushed furiously. “I was wondering if I could be on top.”

  Tavius sucked in a sharp breath, then rolled them so she was sitting on his cock, her legs straddling his hips. They both groaned as she sank all the way down on him, clenching her muscles around him tight.

  “It’s different this way,” he explained as he reached up to cup her breasts. “With you on top of me, I can play with your beautiful breasts. You like that, don’t you?”

  Mya moaned as he pinched both of her nipples, then massaged them lightly. Last night, she’d been so overwhelmed by Maddox that she’d let him take complete control of their lovemaking. But with Tavius, she felt safe asking to be allowed to change their position. She lifted her hips, feeling every inch of him sliding out of her, then she slowly lowered herself back down. “I want to please you, but I don’t really know how. Am I doing it right?”

  “Stars, yes. You please me, Mya. Trust me, I’ll enjoy anything you do to me.”

  She smiled down at him and wiggled a little, f
eeling his big cock flex and jerk inside of her. “I think I can feel how much you enjoy this.”

  Humor forgotten, he growled, “Fuck my cock, sweetheart. Ride me for your pleasure.”

  “Our pleasure,” she corrected, and watched his eyes darken with approval.

  Bracing her hands on his chest, she started to move faster, sliding up and down his cock as she stared into his passion-filled eyes. She felt the tension building in her body, warning her that she was close to coming. Racing toward it, her movements became erratic, her leg muscles beginning to tremble. He gripped her waist and thrust up into her, helping to guide her when she lost the rhythm.

  After a few more strokes, she ground herself against him hard as her orgasm tore through her. She tried to cry out, but his name came out in a whimper as wave after wave of pleasure pulsed through her body. The force of her release left her shaky and weak, and she fell forward, only to be caught safely in strong arms.

  “My turn…”

  Mya didn’t understand until Tavius rolled again, taking her beneath him once more. Her breath left in gasps as he began pounding into her, shaking her entire body with each forceful thrust.

  “You are mine, Mya. Say it. Tell me now!”

  “I am,” she cried out, lost in the pleasure he was giving her. “I’m yours!”

  Tavius growled with the satisfaction of hearing the words. He continued to drive himself into her over and over until his world dissolved. He let out a wild roar as he exploded inside her, jetting his seed into her with hard, hot pulses.

  And in that moment, he knew that nothing would ever be the same.



  It’s now or never…

  Mya paced back and forth in front of the Adaro’s suite, trying to get the courage to knock on the door. Maddox and Tavius were both working, but she knew Daimon was inside…and he was the one she wanted to see.

  She had spent the night making love with Tavius. Her time with him in the holo-room had been magical, and it had only continued when they’d gotten dressed, laughing and whispering together like two naughty children as they hurried down the hallway back to her suite.


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