Her Wired Dom (The Dungeon Fantasy Club Book 8)

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Her Wired Dom (The Dungeon Fantasy Club Book 8) Page 9

by Anya Summers

  In all the years since Sonya, Will had never allowed a woman to get under his skin this way. And if he was honest, even Sonya had never tied him up in knots like this. His relationship with her, looking back, had been purely physical. Not that he was trying to lessen the impact she'd had on his life or do a disservice to her memory, but he doubted they would have gone the distance.

  With Kat, it was deep in the gut life altering. It flummoxed him how much he craved to be near her, how she drew out the beast in him, wasn't fazed by it in the least, and in turn calmed him. He'd thought after that first wild night, he surely would have had his fill of her charms.

  Oh, how fucking wrong he had been. Will couldn't get enough of Kat and kept coming back for more, certain each time that it would be the last time, that they couldn't go on like this, that eventually she would uncover his sins and recoil from him. And yet her surrender, her submission, called to him in such an elemental way, he floundered and grasped at reasons not to see her.

  Kat fit him, as crazy as it might sound, considering his sheer mammoth size compared with her diminutive frame, but she did. All the dominant urges he had buried a decade ago alongside Sonya's grave, had come blasting to the surface. He couldn't seem to make head nor tail of the desire she evoked within. He craved being inside her again, feeling her body contract and clench around him as she came. She was sensual and submissive in every sense.

  Kat made him want to retract the vow he'd made at Sonya's grave to never get involved in a Dom/sub relationship again. And, more importantly, she made him want to unleash all of his pent-up Dom tendencies. He hungered to take a flogger to her porcelain skin, redden that taut ass of hers, with a desire that bordered on agony.

  He wanted to know more about her. It wasn't just the sex—not that it wasn't fucking fantastic, because it was, although he could spend weeks sinking himself into that pretty pussy of hers and not have enough. He'd looked her up online because, well, computers were his life and he could dig up anything on anyone.

  There were images of her as prima ballerina with her ballet company. She danced with this focus and passion that blazed across the pictures. Especially since he had witnessed some of those looks firsthand, when he'd been buried to the hilt inside her as she writhed beneath him. He'd not witnessed her dance in person but he wanted to after seeing the photos. She was lithe and graceful, and just fucking gorgeous. Everything in him, the beast rattling its cage, said mine.

  He wanted to own her body and soul. She made him want things he had no business wanting.

  Except, as he had perused the images, he'd noticed in some of them, her light, her essential charisma that made up her essence, had begun fading. The difference was so shocking, he had organized the photos to figure out the pattern, figure her out. With a few key strokes he had put them in a timeline order and sure enough, as the years had passed, the passion had apparently diminished into this hollow melancholy.

  He rubbed his chest. Her pain made him ache for her. Will wanted to wipe away whatever sorrows haunted her and revive all the passion he had witnessed in those first photos. He eschewed alcohol tonight in favor of a clear head. He was certain he'd see her and wanted all of his senses functioning at one hundred percent. While he may be holding himself back slightly because there were some lines within the BDSM world he wouldn't cross again, he had a wealth of stored up kinky fantasies in which he had placed Kat in the leading role.

  "Will, I didn't expect to see you," Ophelia said from his right. He turned and spied her, with her rounded tummy increasing a bit more each time. Tobias helped her up onto the stool next to him. Will had to hand it to Tobias, he was every inch a Master, and he was what Lia had needed in her life. In all the years he'd known her, Lia had never looked happier.

  Will gave her a hug, mindful of the baby bump. He'd never thought of Lia as anything but his kid sister. And now the child she carried was his niece.

  "Will." Tobias held out his hand and Will shook it congenially.

  "I'm surprised to see you here tonight. You haven't been here lately," Will murmured.

  "That's because little Miss Lily has been doing the two step inside me and keeping me awake at night. I finally got some sleep today and wanted to come in before I get much larger. Pretty soon, Tobias won't be able to do a scene with me," Lia said.

  Tobias stood behind her, massaging her shoulders, and said, "Only a pause, sweetness, not forever."

  "I know. It just blows," Lia said, suddenly so dejected that Will feared she might start blubbering. He was useless around weepy females, even hormonal, kid sister ones.

  "Is Kat coming tonight as well?" Will asked casually, doing his utmost not to give the impression that the answer interested him in the slightest.

  Lia shook her head. "No. She's had daily double performances this past week. In fact, we just saw her afternoon performance today. It was incredible, you really should go see it. I have no clue how she's not exhausted after the first thirty minutes. Twice in one day, I cannot even imagine it. Granted, I'm carrying a small bowling ball around with me everywhere I go right now that makes me tired even thinking about her fortitude."

  "I see." That sucked the big one. She wasn't coming tonight.

  "Yeah, apparently she doesn't have another day off until next weekend. I don't know when she'll be back to visit the club, or even if she will, with her schedule. I'm not sure how she does it."

  Will did. He understood chasing after the thing you wanted, the burning, driving urge to achieve your dreams, and allowing it to be the one thing that guided you. Not to mention the dedication it required of a person toward acquiring an elite discipline. There had been countless hours of his life spent in front of a computer which he would never get back. He didn't regret it for a minute because now, at thirty-three, his life was his own, but he understood the sacrifices one made in their pursuit. It was why he hadn't known Lia was pregnant, or that Zoey had fled to Scotland until he had received the wedding invitation.

  Will chatted with them for a few minutes before Tobias interrupted. "Sweetness, it's time."

  "Good to see you, Will," Ophelia said as she slid off the stool. Tobias was at her side with a hand on the small of her back.

  "You too. I'll see you guys later."

  Ophelia pouted a bit but nodded and gave him a hug. Tobias studied Will with a raised brow, like he understood what Will was about regarding Kat, and found it amusing. Considering he didn't know himself, Will figured that Tobias, with his smug expression, could fuck off.

  He checked his watch as he left Dungeon Pleasures with a destination in mind.


  Fatigue dogged her every step. Kat was nearly dropping where she stood. The director had been brutal this week. They'd had two principals go down with the flu and Nicolai had added additional morning practices to ensure the two understudies were prepared for their performances.

  This was the part of the life she'd led for a decade that was beginning to test her patience. She knew her part backwards and forwards, could dance it blindfolded if pressed. But with the extra practices, she was dancing more than eight hours a day, and while it didn't used to make her tired, now it exhausted her. Not to mention, she was getting fed up with putting the needs of the company before her own. She'd like to be in charge of her schedule and her day for once, not beholden to the dance gods.

  Kat was so tired she hadn't even walked the half mile back to her hotel but had taken a cab. How pathetic was that? She should get herself dolled up and head to Dungeon Pleasures but she just didn't have the energy. Her plans for the rest of her evening consisted of a hot bubble bath and her bed. Anything more strenuous or pleasurable would have to wait until after she'd gone horizontal for eight hours. Besides, the Dom she wanted wouldn't be there.

  His rejection last Sunday night still stung. She'd not heard from him since then. Kat knew when she was getting the brush off from a man. Hell, he'd turned her down flat in Scotland, and she'd acted like a high school girl with a crush that h
adn't gotten the memo that the football captain wasn't interested. It was far past time she faced up to that fact, however difficult it may be.

  In her heart, Kat realized she needed to move on from her obsession over Will. Just the thought of it made her heart squeeze. It was so rare for her to feel such a strong connection with someone. For the first time in forever, she'd believed she had found a Dom she could submit to body and soul. Except the stark reality was that their relationship had never been anything more than a casual fling, at least on his end. That truth felt like a knife being plunged straight into her heart.

  During their dalliance, she'd begun to consider him hers. Stupid of her, she knew that. Will had never once said or indicated that he wanted more from her than just sex, however amazing, melt your bones, it's going to be hard to work the next day type of sex it had been. Kat should have seen the writing on the wall. Will had never let her in and had kept it to purely physical interaction, nothing deeper or more meaningful.

  And she needed more than that. Hell she deserved more. She wanted a Dom who wanted to keep her, maybe even collar her.

  In order to get over Will and their almost romance, the best thing Kat could do was find a new Dom to enjoy. Even if her heart wanted Will, on her next day off, she had a date at Dungeon Pleasures with the objective of finding a new Dom—maybe two, if Dax and Nate were available—to scene with. If luck was on her side, she'd move on from her obsession with Will.

  She didn't regret being with Will. She'd wanted, hoped for so much more. A part of her still did, so much that it hurt her heart.

  In a bizarre twist of fate, Will had served as a catalyst in her life. She could be thankful for her time with him. Their conversation last week when he'd driven her to her hotel had been a game changer. Until he had made her take a frank, startling look at her career, she hadn't faced the fact that she wasn't happy in the company anymore. And that she hadn't been for quite some time. Kat wasn't certain when she'd lost her love of it, only she knew it had been a gradual extinguishing. That wasn't to say she didn't adore ballet, and had thrilled at the challenge of performing around the globe. Except now her heart was no longer in performing and touring non-stop. Kat needed more stability. She wanted to inject more life into her days, maybe even consider having a child one day.

  Her mom wouldn't be pleased by her decision, but she'd get over it, eventually. This was Kat's life, and it was long past time she started acting like it. Because if she allowed herself to continue the way she had been all these years, she'd become bitter, resentful, and would wind up alone.

  And Kat was lonely. Even within the tight knit group of the company, she was lonely. Then there were the politics and the drama that she no longer had the patience for running amuck. Among other things, she wanted to wake up in her own bed, amongst her belongings, and not be living out of a suitcase any longer.

  She alighted from the cab, tossing the driver a twenty for his trouble.

  Manhattan held no appeal. The thought of returning to that dreary and lifeless apartment depressed the hell out of her. She didn't want to go back other than to pack her things. In fact, she'd already contacted a realtor about putting her apartment on the market. Considering her location was near Broadway, she'd have very little trouble finding a buyer. Kat was confident she'd be able to offload it.

  Kat adored Burbank, liked the hominess of the tree-lined streets with their cute, Spanish style homes, and small town feel of the city. If she went with Burbank, she could walk to the studio and nearly everywhere else until she learned to drive. There was a vacancy she'd spied along Magnolia Avenue where a restaurant had once sat, that was available for rent. It was large enough to house a dance studio. Out of curiosity, she'd contacted the landlord, and the asking price was reasonable.

  She had money saved up. Hell, she never had time to spend it. And years ago, Declan had helped her make some smart investments, so coming up with capital to fund her own studio wouldn't be an issue. She'd noticed a few houses for sale in that area when she'd visited Ophelia and Tobias last weekend. There was one in particular on a corner lot that had piqued her interest. It wasn't large but it was close enough that if she wanted to, she could walk to her dance studio.

  Her heart fluttered at the challenge, and because she knew deep inside her soul it was the change she needed. She should inform the director of the ballet, Nicolai, regarding her plans to resign from the company. As much as she loved him and the company, appreciated the fact that he had given her the opportunity to be a prima ballerina, it was past time she said goodbye. Her heart felt lighter than it had in an age with her decision. It made her know it was the right one for her. She'd give Nicolai the news at the end of the tour. That way she wouldn't cause a disruption to the production, or the cast and crew.

  Kat trudged through the lobby, not really paying attention where she was headed, too mired in her own thoughts to give it much more than a brief glance. And then she ran into a brick wall where the elevator banks were supposed to be located, or at least it felt like a brick wall. An incredibly tall brick wall, she realized, as her eyes trailed up a thickly muscled, masculine chest covered by a black tee shirt. Kat's belly fluttered when she took in the bemused chocolate gaze.

  "Will? What are you doing here?" she sputtered, unsure what to think or feel. Although her body seemed to know exactly what it wanted, no longer dead tired but perking up at the possibility of multiple orgasms. She'd not heard peep from him in nearly a week, and in truth, hadn't thought she'd ever hear from him again.

  His hands steadied her, clasping her forearms. "Come home with me tonight."

  Her body sizzled where he touched. Lust simmered in her veins. She felt her nipples harden, and yearned to cuddle into his strength. She hated that she was even considering going back with him. His absence from her life this past week had made it pretty clear how he felt about her. "I'm not sure that's a good idea. I'm exhausted and have to be back at practice early tomorrow morning."

  Way the hell too early in her mind, but then again, she wasn't the one in charge—yet.

  "I have a hot tub you can relax in a bit and ease your muscles." He dangled a lovely little carrot.

  A hot tub with its bubbles and massaging jets against her sore muscles sounded divine. Kat worried that if she accepted his offer and went home with him, it would lead to other things, like hot monkey sex. The same hot monkey sex she was doing her utmost to forget and move on from.

  "I'm not sure." If only he would remove his hands, then she could think clearly. As it was, she leaned into his touch, drawn to his magnetic energy like a moth to a flame. Only she wanted the burn only he seemed capable of providing.

  "If I promise to behave?"

  He sounded so genuine and earnest, more like an eagle scout than a Dom. But what if she didn't want him to behave, what if she had a naughty list of things she'd like to experience with him? If she said yes, then he wouldn't touch her, and she didn't know what was worse, being with him as he held parts of himself back, or being near him but unable to touch him.

  And sometimes a girl just had to say to hell with the logical safe choice and follow her heart. "I'll go, on one condition."

  "Which is?" He'd not released her arms and that whole melty thing was happening to her insides. She wanted to burrow against his big chest and forget the rest of the world for a time.

  "No promises."

  He hesitated a minute, observing her intently, before he conceded with a slight nod and smile. "Done. Let's get going. Unless you need to grab something from your room."

  "No. I'm ready." There wasn't a thing in her room she couldn't live without until the morning, not when what she wanted and needed was standing in front of her. Will escorted her out of the hotel with his hand placed against the small of her back, and led her to his high tech speed racer. She only hoped she'd made the right decision as he pulled away from the curb and they sped toward his home.


  Will had surprised himself by his offer to
take her home. When he had arrived at her hotel, he'd wanted to see her, perhaps convince her to invite him up. And then she'd walked into the lobby looking so dejected and alone, he wanted to cuddle her until she smiled again.

  His desire to care for her had overridden his common sense and was more in line with a committed Dom/sub relationship. As much as a part of him scoffed at his actions, the Dom part shoved it aside, recognizing that the woman he had staked his claim on needed his aid. She was asleep before he left the freeway and pulled into his garage.

  Instead of waking her, after he parked and shut the garage door, he hoisted her into his arms, where she instinctively burrowed into his chest. Will carried her sleeping form up to his room. Laying her on his bed after he pulled the covers down, he stripped her out of her clothes. Grabbing one of his tee shirts, he fashioned it into a nightgown and slid it on her.

  Then Will readied himself for bed. He'd never be able to concentrate on work and would only end up thinking of Kat. He stripped himself and climbed into bed, pulling her close. She sighed against him in her sleep, and contentment unlike anything he'd ever experienced suffused him. Will shut his eyes, breathing in her scent as sleep claimed him.


  Kat noticed three things when she woke. First, it was morning already, with the faint shimmer of dawn's light streaming into the room. Second, she wasn't in her bed or room at the hotel, but Will's giant lake of a bed and didn't remember precisely how she'd gotten here. The last thing she remembered was getting into Will's car. From there, it was lights out. She knew she'd been exhausted but this was pushing it to the extreme. Third, Will's body spooned hers, surrounded her in a cocoon of protective warmth. Kat smelled his scent. It made her want to burrow further into his heat. And one of his huge hands was cupping one of her breasts. Glancing down, she noticed she was in one of his shirts. His hand must have snaked underneath the fabric as they slept.


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