Sanguine Spell

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Sanguine Spell Page 7

by Ahava Trivedi

  “Then she was,” came Safi’s reply, “trust it.”

  “Can you do me a favour?”

  “Of course, what is it?” asked Safi.

  “Can you ask Professor Frewin if he knows what she looked like?”

  “Sure, it’s better than asking my mom,” came Safi’s answer, only half joking.

  “Thanks,” I said and we promised to talk as soon as she knew more from her end.

  I left our room and ventured into the common area, where Ulric and Rhonen had parted ways with us the day before. The place was completely empty which at first perplexed me before I twigged that it must have been because classes were in session. Then I walked some more and smelled an inviting aroma which made me realize it was lunchtime. I warily walked towards the canteen and unlike the previous day when there were a few students and they’d chosen to steer clear of us, I was met with the entire room which was full to the brim with students who all fell silent as I walked in.

  “Kat!” called Ulric, waving from a distant table which he’d occupied with Natalie, Valenthia, Rhonen and Xanthe. I walked over, ignoring the gawking expressions and realizing I had indeed become immune to them. At least to a certain extent. I waded through my thoughts that no matter where I went, I was always viewed as an outsider. And that too, apparently one with two heads.

  “Hey!” I said taking the vacant seat between Valenthia and Ulric.

  “I’ll get you some grub,” offered Rhonen, “is there, uh, anything you don’t eat?”

  “No, it’s all good,” I replied, hearing my stomach growl, “thanks.”

  “No probs,” he said making his way through the crowded room.

  “How are you – really?” asked Ulric.

  “Good, you?”

  “I’m good too,” replied Ulric, only when he said it, I could tell he really meant it. “I like it here.”

  “Did you sleep well?” Xanthe asked me.

  “Yeah, thanks. When I finally got to sleep, I was out.”

  “I know Sibel and Esyn were a bit uptight last night but they’re cool,” offered Xanthe, “they haven’t had the best time with vampires,” she elaborated.

  “Me neither,” I said, “but Nat and Val are different, they’ve always had my back.” I looked at my friends and Natalie smiled while Valenthia tucked into her macaroni and cheese, which looked appetizing.

  “You have no idea how excited I am to have you here,” Xanthe continued happily, “to be related directly to Esmeralda Quartz is one thing but to look like her in the flesh is something else!”

  “Isn’t everyone here related to her in some way?” I asked, keeping my voice down.

  “Yes and no,” said Xanthe. It’s not something we tend to focus on,” she whispered, “but some of the students here only have a dash of Esmeralda’s bloodline. Obviously, right? Otherwise we’d be thoroughly inbred. Over time, there had been a lot of mixing with other werewolf packs and even some humans.”

  “No vamps though?” asked Valenthia looking up from her lunch.

  “There is a mutual animosity there that goes back a thousand years,” explained Xanthe, unphased. “Vamps have never treated us like we mattered.”

  “That must be so hard,” said Natalie thoughtfully, taking a bite of her large sandwich.

  Just then, Safi messaged me, “I asked Aviar about this Esmeralda Quartz witch.”

  “Oh?” I sent back, as that squirmy feeling rooted itself in my stomach. Ulric glanced at me and I mimed to him that I was communicating with Safi.

  “He’s never heard of her either,” she said. “He’s going to ask Professor Frewin more today. Oh, and Kat?”


  “I’ve got another update – one of those Black Banes was caught by the S.L.A.”

  “What?” I sent back dreading the answer “What’s the update?”

  “There’s been a bunch of developments at Bloodline Academy.”

  “Like?” I asked wondering why she didn’t just spill everything at once. By now everyone at my table was staring at me, probably because my face said it all. “It’s Safi,” I said aloud, “she’s got some info about St. Erzsebet’s.”

  “The Black Banes have split into two. Their old alpha is missing with a few other of the pack who aren’t taking any more shit from the vamps. And there’s a new alpha in town who’s completely in cahoots with the Dark Legion. Kat, it’s Winnie – Ulric’s missing sister.”

  Rhonen made his way back with my lunch but I’d completely lost my appetite. “Thanks,” I managed as he put the platter down in front of me.

  How could I possibly tell Ulric that his alpha, Kane was on the run and the sister he’d been looking high and low for – fretting tirelessly over – was back? And that she truly was as dark and evil as my instincts had told me?

  “Is it the food?” asked Rhonen, picking up on my angst along with the rest of the table.

  “No, the food is great,” I answered, taking the sandwich and forcing myself to have a bite.

  “Kat was just talking to her friend at Superno,” Ulric filled him in. He tried to fake being unbothered but I immediately got a hit of his thoughts which were anything but.

  “Wow, cool!” said Rhonen getting interested.

  “Telepathy,” said Natalie.

  “Witch abilities,” remarked Valenthia, watching me carefully like she was trying to acquire some to read my mind.

  “Isn’t it neat?” bubbled Xanthe.

  “It doesn’t look neat,” said Ulric, what is it?” he asked looking me in the eyes. His glowed that captivating amber colour they always did when he felt intensely about something.

  “Nothing,” I lied, “we were talking about Esmeralda Quartz.”

  “Ooh!” cheered Xanthe.

  “What did she say?” asked Ulric growing increasingly anxious.

  I took a sip of some soup that Rhonen had brought me. It was tomato. My stomach growled loudly but I found it hard to have more than a spoonful, despite how tasty it was.

  “It’s really odd,” I said putting my spoon back into the bowl, “Safi – she’s my friend – hasn’t heard of her.”

  “That is strange,” agreed Xanthe, wrinkling her nose, “I would have thought every witch and warlock in the world would know her story. She basically saved them from being wiped out between the mortals and the Blood Countess, as much as she saved the Grey Guild.”

  “The thing is, talking to her made me realize that even when I was at the coven, no one ever mentioned her name,” I said, “there’s more to this than I first thought.”

  “Ask us anything about Esmeralda Quartz,” offered Rhonen, “and if you ask our principal, she has a bunch of theories about how things veered off course and the witches that settled in Louisiana became ever distant from their magical sister. Sometimes she shares them.”

  “Like what?” asked Valenthia.

  “She definitely has her own reasons for disliking the S.L.A.”

  “Yeah, like because of her daughter Samantha for one,” filled in Xanthe.

  “What about her?” asked Ulric.

  “Well, we’d get in trouble for talking about it, but it is common knowledge,” Rhonen elaborated, “so, Samantha has always been a bit of a rebel from what I’ve heard. She’s quite a bit older than us so we never went to school with her. But her exploits have kind of taken on a legendary status amongst the Silver Shadows.”

  “Its not that she doesn’t love her mother but apparently, Principal Silverstone had always wanted her to walk in her own footsteps,” said Xanthe excitedly. “You know, attend Silverstone Academy, become a prominent member of the Silver Shadows here. Basically, be a younger version of her.”

  “I’m guessing that didn’t happen?” I said. I was relieved to be able to ponder something other than my own problems, albeit temporarily.

  “No, she never even attended this academy. She said she wanted to go to Superno, which rubbed her mom up the wrong way, no end. Then she went to New Orleans and dropped out o
f school by the third semester,” said Xanthe.

  “She got in with the werewolves there and opened a bar. Mammy wasn’t proud,” smirked Rhonen. “Samantha keeps a thin string attached to the Silver Shadows here but she does whatever she pleases. I must admit I admire her free spirit.”

  I finished up with my lunch, not because it came easily but as a distraction from thinking of what Safi had told me about the Black Banes and Ulric’s sister, Winnie. I felt grateful that the telepathic bond I had with Ulric wasn’t a two-way thing. In fact, I had no idea how and when would be the best time to break something like this to him. And, then my gratitude evaporated as quickly as it had materialized when it dawned on me that if Ulric kept in touch with any of his classmates from Superno, they’d tell him everything anyway.

  “Want to see something magical about Esmeralda?” asked Xanthe, piercing my thought bubble.

  “Err, yeah sure,” I replied, getting up from my seat.

  “I’ve got to get to class soon but I think we have enough time,” chimed in Xanthe, helping me put my tray away, as her sunny curls bounced on her shoulders. “You guys are all welcome to come, it’ll be fun!” she said to Valenthia and Natalie. Natalie looked interested while Valenthia was reserved.

  “Sure,” said Ulric. He smiled at me nervously and I knew he was aware that I hadn’t told him everything.

  “Principal Silverstone will be out running with a handful of professors who are on her A-Team here so let’s go quickly before she gets back!” urged Xanthe, enthusiastically.

  “This sounds good,” said Valenthia perking up.

  I saw Sibel, Glennis and Esyn were behind the food counters serving and Xanthe gestured for us to keep moving. “They wouldn’t approve of what we’re about to do,” Rhonen elaborated with a cheeky smile.

  “Which is?” Natalie asked. Xanthe and Rhonen exchanged cryptic smiles and kept walking down the long hallway.

  “Is everything alright?” Ulric asked, falling into pace with me.

  “Yeah, there’s been a lot going on,” I smiled weakly, beginning to wonder if I should at least mention part of what had been going on at Superno. “A couple of Black Banes, tried to attack some students at Superno,” I whispered between our echoing foot-falls.

  “Oh no, things are getting worse,” Ulric whispered back and as he thought it, he said, “I hope Winnie wasn’t amongst the werewolves that went after those students?”

  “No,” I said feeling guilt like a dull weight in my stomach. Ulric’s question was immediately followed by his worried thought that it was becoming almost certain that his sister was dead. I wished I could tell him otherwise. But I didn’t have the courage. Maybe if we were alone but not like this.

  Before I realized where we were, Xanthe stopped and Rhonen put his finger firmly to his lips, telling us to be quiet. They then looked around to make sure we were alone in the hallway and proceeded to open Principal Silverstone’s office door. Xanthe disappeared inside but Rhonen held the door, ushering us in with one hand.

  “Why do I get the feeling we’re not allowed in here?” said Ulric, looking around properly, like it was his first time there.

  “Because we’re not,” said Xanthe excitedly.

  “And the reason we’re here is?” asked Valenthia.

  “Esmeralda Quartz,” reminded Xanthe, “there’s something you have to see, her leafy eyes glistened, expectantly in my direction.”

  Rhonen gently closed the door but stayed put against it, listening out for any sign that we were about to get sprung. Xanthe went over to the other side of the principal’s desk and fetched a large key on a length of thick rope. She emerged and went over to one end of the room. I assumed she’d open the only cabinet standing in the corner against the wall but instead, she began feeling the wall with her palm flat against it. To my surprise, she started to trace a circle with her index finger. The circle soon began to indent what had seemed like plaster and a metallic lock began to materialize.

  “What the…” said Valenthia, watching as carefully as the rest of us.

  “Moon magic,” said Rhonen proudly, from near the door. Xanthe turned the key in the lock and part of the wall melted into a door that looked exactly like the one we’d entered the office through.

  “Woah!” remarked Ulric going closer to get a better look.

  “Ladies and gentle-wolves, welcome to the heart of Silverstone Academy,” beamed Xanthe, pulling the door open. A silver glow instantly emanated from within the concealed space and called to me invitingly.

  “Wow,” I said, walking towards the magic that flowed out. I felt like I was in a trance and any inhibition I’d had about sneaking into Principal Silverstone’s office was completely gone. “Have you been here before?” I asked, keeping my eyes on the entrance into the hidden room.

  “I have. It was kind of something one of the seniors I dated showed me last semester,” said Xanthe, stepping aside as I walked closer towards it. “He wouldn’t tell me how he knew about it but said that it’s a very significant part of our academy.

  “You’d wonder why our principal keeps it a secret from the students?” said Rhonen, who’d left his post as a lookout and had come to stand only a couple of steps behind me.

  “Security?” I suggested, pondering what the principal would have to say that the location had been disclosed to two-and-a-half vamps and a former Black Bane. I cringed as I thought of Ulric as a Black Bane and it reminded me of the whole situation with Winnie.

  I noticed from the corner of my eye that Valenthia was standing right next to me. The witch in me sensed the deep longing in her for the essence of all that room had to offer – and for the witch-blood that had once been manifest in the woman who’d owned the objects within. I briefly looked over and saw her face with its now pallid complexion and ruby-red eyes, staring past me as the ends of her fangs protruded from behind her top lip. I knew that my state was very similar to hers and as my gums began to itch with anticipation, I quickly refocussed myself so I could summon my magic and channel the Crystal Witch part of me instead of the hungry Sanguine vampire.

  “Let’s go inside!” urged Xanthe, seeing us. She was completely unperturbed by the way we looked and bounded on ahead of us. We all followed her inside and I felt my own blooming tingle intensely as swirls of silver floated up from me and joined the sparkly energy that was already there.

  “Look at that!” said Ulric, walking over to where most of the glow was coming from.

  “It’s the original crystal used by Esmeralda for working her magic!” announced Xanthe, pointing at the soccer ball sized quartz in the centre of the room. there were other objects too and I noticed a beautiful antique looking comb and mirror on a small table in the corner and a few spell books.

  “How do you know that?” asked Valenthia, whose fangs had receded, though her hunger was still apparent.

  “It is,” I agreed, knowing in my very blood and with the whole of my magic, that it was.”

  “Principal Silverstone uses this to make our moonstones receptive to the moonlight and also to Esmeralda Quartz’s magic that lingers on,” said Xanthe.

  “She’s told us. She’s just never shown us,” Rhonen filled us in.

  “This is amazing,” said Natalie, who had been the most tentative of us in entering the space which wasn’t actually a room at all, it was more like a large nook.

  “Touch it,” Xanthe urged me as she saw my magic blending and swirling with that of the crystal. I held out my hand but stopped myself as it occurred to me that there was a small possibility that the crystal and the other objects could have the same effect on vampires as the Dark Spark had had on my mom.

  Before I could express this, Xanthe took my outstretched hand and placed it on the crystal. The most intense pulsating sensation spread throughout my body as the magic from Esmeralda Quartz’s crystal intermingled with mine. I felt a wave of what I could only describe as absolute ecstasy wash over me. Unlike the hit that came with blood and yet so powerful and a
lluring. For a tiny second, the feeling took me away from all that concerned me. Including my need for revenge against Kellum Bathory. I abruptly pulled my hand away. Although I wanted to escape with the magic, the last thing I wanted was to lose the feeling that had brought me to Europe.

  “What happened?” asked Natalie, who was about to say something else but stopped as the door behind us opened.

  “What do you all think you’re doing?” asked Principal Silverstone looking at each of us with intense eyes.

  Chapter 8

  “Principal Silverstone…” said Rhonen spinning around. His voice was even but his posture was far from relaxed.

  “I asked you a question,” said the principal continuing to stare us out.

  “We…we were showing Kat about Esmeralda Quartz,” managed Xanthe.

  “How many times have I mentioned that spaces that aren’t plainly visible are off limits to students?” asked Principal Silverstone, looking from Xanthe to Rhonen.

  “But she’s a spitting image,” answered Rhonen, “and there’s so much stuff that’s been kept from her about who she is and where she’s from…”

  “Do you think that didn’t occur to me when I saw her?”

  “I’m sure it did but – ”

  “As your principal, I’m meant to be the one that makes major decisions directly involving the safety of each and everyone of you here!”

  “We understand,” said Xanthe, more subdued than I’d thought was possible for her. I wondered what the consequences would be. For all of us but especially our two new acquaintances.

  “They didn’t make us or anything,” Xanthe added, making me realize that she was thinking of us before herself.

  “Of course, not silly girl – vampires can’t compel werewolves,” said Principal Silverstone. She ushered us back into her office and took the moonstone sitting in the middle of her desk – the same one she’d handed to Ulric the day before – and held it to the door. Within a few seconds, the door started transforming back into the plastered wall that had previously stood there. “I only wish you’d all have come to me instead of helping yourselves to my office,” she said in a considerably softer tone.


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