Sanguine Spell

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Sanguine Spell Page 13

by Ahava Trivedi

  The moon had appeared through the clouds and was making everything glisten, though it was a very muted version of Silver Scape. I wished there was something I could do to return the favour he’d done and the many more he’d do to make our alliance. I couldn’t imagine what Ulric would say. Or even Natalie and Valenthia, though I was quite certain Principal Silverstone would be happy that I was making inroads to defeat the enemy. Kellum Bathory.

  “And Kat?” said Moldark, thankfully breaking the silence.


  “Stream with me?” Moldark held out his hand.


  “Come on, it’ll be fun – I can show you around the forest a bit.”

  “Err, sure,” I said feeling like I had no other option but also weird because it was exactly what I felt like doing with my newfound strength.

  Moldark took my hand and I felt a rush of energy throughout my body as we navigated our way through the trees. I’d never streamed with anyone before and it was surreal as the blood high mingled with my speed. No longer did I find myself dragging as I went faster and faster, not even with someone by my side. In fact, having Moldark there, seemed to give me an even bigger boost. We streamed to the edge of the forest and we went parallel to the valley.

  I looked over to the other side, where I could see Cachtice Academy. It appeared to be the ruins of a castle that had been abandoned a long time ago. And yet nestled somewhere deep inside it was a school for snotty vampires far superior to what had now become of Bloodline Academy. Kellum Bathory was right there and I wondered if he sensed how close I was. The cool breeze was refreshing instead of chilling and the high from my experience made me want to stalk down the mountain range and put an end to the seething pain I felt about my mom. To put an end to Principal Silverstone’s grief with the murder of her father at the hands of a common culprit.

  “What are you thinking?” asked Moldark as we streamed back to where we’d started our journey only a few short moments ago.

  “Nothing much,” I replied and as we came to a standstill, he continued to hold my hand. I almost asked him the same question but found something completely inappropriate about it. we were going to be allies. That was it. Not only did I already have a boyfriend and an amazing one at that, I wasn’t interested in Moldark in that way period. And wouldn’t have been even if I had been single. Which I wasn’t.

  “You should get back to wherever you are,” said Moldark pulling his hand away before I could.

  “Yes,” I said exhaling as I looked around, sensing my surroundings once more.

  “There is one more thing,” said Moldark, “it’s a heads-up actually.”

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Those vampires that attacked your coven’s head witch – Lilith, Nyx and Riskel.”

  “What about them?” I asked suddenly feeling like someone had taken all the air away. I still felt high and yet at the same time, like I was suffocating.

  “In case you ever wondered what happened to them – they’re alive and well at Cachtice Academy,” said Moldark, “I thought you should know.”

  “Err, thanks,” I said wanting to keel over into the soft earth. They couldn’t be here. They were the last vampires on the planet I needed in my path and once they knew I was here they’d do everything in their power to make sure all of us paid for their foiled attempt to kill Lorna. The same High Priestess who’d never once looked back since I’d saved her skin.

  “Are you okay?” asked Moldark.

  “Fine, we didn’t see eye-to-eye,” I replied calculatedly.

  “No shit, and don’t worry, if you guys ever end up facing off again, hopefully you’ll be backed by the most powerful vampires that exist. And if that fails, I’ll stake them for you,” said Moldark and though he smirked, he was pensive.

  “Thanks,” I replied.

  “We’ll meet again,” he said, “enjoy the blood.”

  We parted ways and I decided to tell my friends and Principal Silverstone of the prospective inroads I’d make with the Sanguine Guild of Europe. I also knew my revelation that Lilith was alive and well Ulric would ask questions about his sister as she’d been part of their gang. He needed to find out about Winnie and her return to New Orleans separately from this. Things were already complicated enough without throwing Goth Girl and her disciples into the mix.

  I easily managed to locate the thick tree trunk with the crescent moon that Xanthe had described. Moldark’s presence was gone and strangely, I had really felt him leave. I placed both hands on the gnarled wood, ready to go back to Silverstone Academy with the bag full of blood and more information than I’d wanted. The tingle in my blooming instantly intensified as I touched the tree. But before I could concentrate on getting back inside, I sensed another presence and heard the rustle of its’ walk, coming towards me.

  “What were you doing with Moldark?” asked Ulric, as his intense amber eyes looked into mine. I didn’t need to read his mind to know how he felt.

  Chapter 12

  “I’m sure he’ll come around and see you only did what you had to,” soothed Natalie, as I pulled on my Silverstone Academy hoodie and adjusted my hair. First thing, we were going to see Principal Silverstone whom Professor Norden had told us was normally only free at the beginning of each day. Now, I not only had to report to her on the mayhem going on at Superno that Safi had told me about but also that I had a lead on getting in with the Sanguine Guild of Europe.

  “I’ve never seen him this way,” I sighed.

  “Angry?” asked Valenthia, running a hairbrush through her poker straight and silky as could be, violet tresses.

  “Hurt,” I replied, really feeling the pain held within that word.

  “He’ll get over it,” she replied, smiling at the bag as she put on a rush of pink lipstick, which somehow worked well with her violet hair and pale eyes.

  “Actually, before you dig in, there’s something we need to talk about,” I said pulling the bag away from her. Of course, when they’d first heard about my jaunt into the Carpathian wilderness alone, they’d both been mad. If anything, Valenthia had been worse than Natalie, despite routinely going out on her own to hunt humans. And terrible ones at that.

  “Can I just have a little as we talk?” asked Valenthia and Natalie nodded with her eyes fixed on the backpack.

  “You can,” I said, to Natalie.

  “Hey! What gives?” exclaimed Valenthia.

  “I was wondering if you were still hungry – you know, after hunting mortal members of the Dark Legion, alone in the forest?” I said.

  “Val!” said Natalie gaping at Valenthia with her eyes wide.

  “What can you expect – I was this close to drinking my own blood!” Valenthia retorted back, holding her thumb and index fingers almost together.

  “So was I – but I didn’t even think of doing anything like that!” said Natalie.

  “Because you weren’t banned from Silver Scape,” snapped Valenthia not even pretending to look remorseful.

  “But I’m still a vampire! And a starving one at that!” protested Natalie.

  “As am I – or at least I was until I had a bottle,” I said as Valenthia glared at me.

  “No offense and I fully mean this not to piss you both off but you’re half Crystal Witch and you’re a five-year-old Novus vamp with the heart of a frickin’ faery!” hissed Valenthia.

  “Well, if that’s how you really feel!” said Natalie, clearly crushed. I didn’t care what she’d said about me but I’d always gotten the feeling that Natalie looked up to Valenthia and found what she’d said to be a needlessly low blow. Natalie got up and was about to walk out of the room. I needed us to band together at a time like this, not split apart and weaken even further.

  “Have some blood, before you go,” I said opening the bag and trying to tempt Natalie back. When she didn’t respond, I added, “please?” She slowly made her way back and took a bottle from the bag. Instead of drinking it, she silently handed it to Va

  “I’m sorry, I spoke out of turn,” said Valenthia, genuinely sounding it.

  “You did,” replied Natalie, sniffing back a tear, “whatever, I don’t care how anyone else sees me. As long as I feel like I’m doing the right thing.”

  “It’s what I admire about you the most,” said Valenthia. I handed Natalie another bottle.

  “Same here,” I agreed, feeling relief as the two of them drank down their blood. “Why don’t we just put what you did, down to you being hungry – as long as you promise not to do it again?” I suggested happy at how the blood – and Natalie’s good nature – had helped to take away the tension.

  “There’s more,” I said hiding my face in my hands, “Safi told me something to do with Winnie that I haven’t had the chance to share with Ulric yet.”

  “Is she alive?” asked Natalie, tamely.

  “Yes. She’s now the new alpha at Bloodline Academy.” I gulped down my angst and added, “and as we suspected, Goth Girl and the gang are around too – they’re here at Cachtice.”

  “I knew it!” announced Valenthia while Natalie said nothing but looked pale in spite of the blood bottle she’d had. Her own history with Lilith – a.k.a Goth Girl – was obviously a traumatic one, having once been staked by her and her friends.

  “It’ll be okay, I promise,” I consoled Natalie, “you stay here, and they won’t get anywhere near you.” Natalie continued to look glum and I couldn’t tell what she was thinking.

  “Why haven’t you told Ulric about Winnie’s return?” asked Valenthia.

  “I don’t know what to say – how can I tell him that his sister, whom he’s been so worried about, has turned up and she’s darker than ever?”

  “You need to tell him, Kat,” pushed Valenthia, “he needs to know. And, this is the kind of thing that could really come between the two of you if you leave it too long.”

  “I agree,” said Natalie, quietly.

  “I don’t know if anything I say will make much of a difference anymore,” I said.

  “Maybe not for you but it will to him,” insisted Valenthia and I knew that she was right.

  We made our way out of the dorm and into the hallway in the direction of the principal’s office. It was still early and I guessed that most of the students were either at breakfast or those that liked power naps at the beginning of the day were asleep.

  “Hey,” said Ulric who was already waiting outside Principal Silverstone’s office, leaning against a wall. He was wearing his white academy t-shirt and had his hoodie hooked on his finger, draped over his shoulder. He looked pissed and his greeting was a general one, meant for all three of us. He made no secret that he wasn’t talking to me. I hadn’t figured out how long he’d hidden away and been watching us together. If he’d seen us streaming, he hadn’t said anything. For the sake of my sanity I was assuming he had only seen me as Moldark had departed. Even then, I cringed realizing that Ulric may have seen us holding hands when I hadn’t even wanted to. That was my story and I was sticking to it.

  “This should be interesting,” said Valenthia, as Professor Norden strolled towards us.

  “She should be ready for us,” he said, knocking gently on the door and easing it open. We followed him inside and Principal Silverstone was looking less like staff and more like a student. She’d been running and although assumedly it had been in her shifted werewolf form, she was dressed like one of us apart from that her jogging pants and hoodie were white with the tiniest hint of grey.

  “Good morning,” said Principal Silverstone, “do come in.”

  “Thanks,” I said looking around. The office had been immaculately tidy each time I’d been there but there was something even cleaner or rather clearer about it this morning. It was like the air had been distilled and was crisper.

  “Just you two for now, please,” interjected the principal as Ulric walked in behind me and she gestured for him to close the door. I felt so bad for Natalie and Valenthia who had been there with me the whole time and now they were being treated like the outsiders. And, being divided like that with no warning made me uncomfortable. Ulric conveyed her wishes and closed the door. We sat down on the couch and Principal Silverstone took a seat beside me. I involuntarily shuffled slightly away from her as it was more informal than I was used to. “I won’t bite,” she said before giving me a warm and unguarded smile.

  “Sorry,” I replied trying to relax, only her demeanour along with my friends not being allowed into her office had only served to send mixed signals and I didn’t quite know what to make of it. Maybe she’d heard about Valenthia’s forays into stalking mortals who were Dark Legion wannabes and no longer trusted her like before?

  “How’s it going?” asked Principal Silverstone like she was no longer a stuffy figure of authority and an acquaintance instead.

  “Okay,” I said warily, “I’m wondering, is there a reason that Nat and Val couldn’t come in?” I thought I saw Principal Silverstone stiffen in her seat. After the moment had passed, she loosened up again.

  “I wanted it to be less like an interrogation and more like a coffee chat,” she smiled. “I always find that the more people there are, the more defensive everyone is.” I probably didn’t look convinced so she added, “I’m going to do the same thing with Natalie and Valenthia, later this week. A cozy chat to see how each of you is settling in. I asked Ulric to stay because I’ve already had the chance to get to know him a little and I thought having him here would help put you at ease,” she nodded.

  “Right,” I said, feeling the opposite. How was she to know that things had deteriorated between us so quickly?

  “So, how is everything?” asked Principal Silverstone tilting her head to one side.

  “I do have some updates from my friend back in New Orleans,” I told her, filling her in on Professor Frewin’s incarceration. I fell silent as I was about to recall the part about the new alpha of the Black Banes in town.

  “That’s terrible but certainly not unexpected,” replied Principal Silverstone narrowing her eyes as she mulled it over.

  “What are you thinking?” asked Professor Norden.

  “We’ll help him – obviously,” replied Principal Silverstone after walking over to her desk and picking up the moonstone.

  “How? What can I do to start working on getting him out of there?” asked Norden with a sincerity matched with the principal. And that of Professor Frewin.

  “Leave it with me,” said Principal Silverstone, massaging the moonstone with her fingers, “but be on alert, we’ll have to act fast.”

  “It seems that both sides are as bad as each other,” remarked Ulric looking directly at the principal and avoiding my gaze completely.

  “Oh, they are,” said Principal Silverstone as Norden nodded in agreement, “and in some cases, the S.L.A. is worse than the Dark Legion and the Sanguine Guild put together because it does what it does under the guise of being nice and protecting people. Nothing grinds my gears more.”

  “How can I help?” asked Ulric with a familiar look of determination on his face.

  “We’ll let you know when the time is right,” said Professor Norden.

  “And related to that, I’d like you to stay behind after Katrina leaves,” added Principal Silverstone. I watched Ulric, who seemed pleased by the request. Unlike me. What did she need him to do that she couldn’t tell him in front of me? “Did your friend say anything else about the situation in New Orleans?” she asked, turning her attention to me once more.

  “She said that Superno is in chaos,” I said, feeling like I’d be hiding something too big if I didn’t mention the other piece of information Safi had given me, “and the Black Banes have a new alpha.”

  “Who?” said all three of the others in the room.

  “Not sure,” I lied as I felt Ulric’s piercing gaze on me. He continued to stare at me as I moved on and explained the possibility of making contact with a member of the Sanguine Guild of Europe, through Moldark. Thi
s time it was me who avoided looking in his direction as I spoke.

  “This is very promising,” said Principal Silverstone, appearing impressed. “Of course, I want you to take all necessary precautions to make sure you’re safe,” she added, completely unaware of mine and Ulric’s interaction.

  “I will,” I agreed, although I didn’t really know what I could do. I mean, it was what it was. Then we talked about lessons and how Principal Silverstone wanted me to come to a few as well – when of course, I had time from my other pursuits. Again, totally oblivious to the tension between Ulric and I, she suggested that Ulric fill me in on some of his classes and I could use my magical side to improvise and gain the benefits of the lessons. She said Natalie and Valenthia could come along too but she was still thinking of a modified approach they could take to the physical teachings. She was leaning towards letting them follow a nocturnal schedule.

  As I stepped out of the principal’s office, I saw that my friends had left and likely gone off to get some breakfast so I walked towards the food hall in search of them, trying to distract myself from what Principal Silverstone may have been discussing with Ulric. I could have zoned into his mind but decided it best not to.

  “Fight, fight, fight!” I heard as I approached where I thought Natalie and Valenthia would be found. I found myself hoping they weren’t in the food hall as I picked up my pace and ran towards it.

  My hopes were dashed as I instantly caught sight of Valenthia standing there, in the middle if the refectory. But for the fact that it was daytime, I could easily imagine that she’d have had her fangs bared and been her full vampiric self. Judging from the look on her face, she was hellishly peeved.

  “What on earth is going on?” I asked Natalie in a raised voice, trying to hear myself above the chanting.

  “Things kind of got out of control,” stuttered Natalie with a pained look about her.

  “All I was saying was that you guys need to yield to our rules,” yelled Esyn, “this isn’t vampire town you’re in!”


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