by Brian Murphy
Search for Iceberg Inez, 37–39, 50–51
odds of rescue, 27–30
Selfridge, Thomas, 210–211
Service, Robert W., 145, 167
Shackleton, Ernest, 146
Shpola (Ukraine), 82, 85
Sibert, James B., 152
discovery of body, 213
fate of, 23, 54, 113
flight preparation and, 15–16, 17, 18
interment of remains, 216
Sibert, Margaret, 197
Situational awareness logs, 194
6th Depot Repair Squadron, 13
Skookum, 190
Slaven, Frank, 186
Sledges, 137, 141, 142, 145, 147, 148, 168–169
Smith, “Mudhole,” 41
Smith, Valentine “Woodchopper,” 185–186
Smoke signaling, 72
Snow, thirst and, 61
Snowshoes, 141, 184
in Fairbanks, 122–124
spy rumors regarding, 123–124
Soviet Union, Lend-Lease program with United States, 12, 117–122
Spirit of St. Louis (airplane), 81
Squamish winds, 172
SS Ben Lomond, 31
SS Illinois, 77–78
Starvation, loss of mental acuity and, 90. See also Hunger
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 126
Stevens Village (Alaska), 41
Stevinson, Harry, 29
Stewart, Jimmy, 55
Stinson V77 plane, 191, 195
Sugden, Leonard, 167
Survival, psychology of, 145–148
Survival stories, 30–31
Survivor’s guilt, Crane and, 217–218
Tanana River (Alaska), 37, 64, 100, 101, 139
Test crews, for military flights, 12
Thanksgiving menu, at Ladd Field, 64
Thirst, snow and, 61
Tintina Fault, 173
Titanic (ship), 77
“To Build a Fire” (London), 71
Trans Alaska Corporation, 40–41
Transcendentalists, 69–71
Trappers, 181
Treasure Island (film), 40
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Verne), 126
Twin Mountain (Alaska), 143
U-boat attacks, 51–52, 55
Umnak (Alaska), 47
United States
Lend-Lease program with Soviet Union, 12, 117–124
Manhattan Project, 123
U.S. Army Dirigible Balloon No. 1, 211
US military
aviation program (see Military aviation)
B-24 Liberator and, 58
counteroffensive for Attu, 49–50
letters to families regarding crash, 152
propaganda efforts, 49
study of Far North survival techniques, 90
University of Alaska, 39
University of Pennsylvania, 83
USS Monitor, 112
Vacuum selector valves, 203
Vertical stabilizers, 202
Vietnam, search for MIAs, 111
Vitamin A poisoning, 146–147
Wada, Jujiro, 133
Washington-Alaska Bank, 101
Weeks Field (Alaska), 42
Welch, Jack, 186–187
Welch, Kate, 186–187
Wenz, Carol, 216
Wenz, Ralph, 152
airfield named after, 216
crash and, 21, 23
discovery of body, 213
failure to make last radio call, 28–29, 201
fate of, 113
flight preparation and, 16
radio contact with Ladd Field, 18
Western Union telegrams, 73–76
Wheeler, Burton, 118
White, John, 123–124
White, Sam O., 40
White Pass Trail, 167
Wickersham, James, 101, 186
Wien, Noel, 181
Wien, Ralph, 40
Wien Alaska, 181, 188, 191
Wilderness survival, enemies of, 89–90
Wilkins, Hubert, 126
Williwaws, 171–172
Willow Run Aircraft Factory, 56–57, 59
Windmilling, 14
Winds, 144, 174
williwaws, 171–172
Wiseman (Alaska), 41
Wolf packs, 143
Women’s Army Corps, 121
Woodchopper (Alaska), 106, 131, 134, 185–191
Woodchopper Creek, 131, 185
dredge mining on, 134–135
Woodchopper Roadhouse, 185–188
World War I, end of immigration wave, 79–80
World War II
Alaska and, 11–13
Allied progress in, 136
cold weather gear, 8
development of new technologies for war, 55
JPAC and, 111–112
Lend-Lease program, 12, 117–124
missing in action, 2, 112
WP (cold-weather survivor), 34–35
Wright, Orville, 210–211
Wright Field (Ohio), 84
Yega, 68
Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve, exploration of Iceberg Inez crash site, 53–54, 59–60
Yukon River, as reference point, 26
Yukon Sun (newspaper), 133
Zero fighters, 55