Cracked & Crushed

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Cracked & Crushed Page 15

by A. J. Downey

  “Oh? About what?” I asked, genuinely curious but knowing the answer.

  “About you, Beautiful,” he said.

  “What about me?” I asked softly.

  “About what you need and the best way of gettin’ it to you,” he said.

  “And what do you two think I need?” I asked, already knowing the answer to that too but wondering to myself if they weren’t wrong.

  “Baby you know as much as we do what you need. You’re getting a taste of it right now and you’re drinking it up like it was the last drop of water in an eternal desert,” he said and I blinked.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked, genuinely perplexed.

  “I’m talking about this,” he said and gave me a little squeeze.

  “This?” I asked.

  “Touch, affection… love, at least from Reaver anyways,” he said. I frowned and looked up into his tan and handsome face, some tendrils of his long brown hair had come loose from his pony tail and artfully framed his face in these fine curls that whipped sideways in the coming wind. He looked suddenly solemn.

  “Let us take care of you tonight… what do you say L’il Bit?” he asked me.

  I looked back behind us at Reaver whose expression was carefully schooled into a blank mask, giving nothing away. I beseeched him with my eyes and he started across the sand towards us. I looked up at him when he drew even with us.

  “Cutter says I should let you both take care of me,” I said. Reaver’s smile was patient and kind and held just the barest hint of sadness.

  “I think that’s a fine idea, don’t you?” he asked me. I tipped my head up and he brought his lips to mine, a careful, chaste press of lips.

  “I don’t know what I’m doing,” I said softly against his mouth.

  “You don’t have to do anything Baby,” Cutter said, “That’s the whole point. Let us take care of you, let us spoil you and hold you,” he pressed a light kiss to my shoulder, “and make you feel good,” he said.

  “Let us show you how beautiful you are to us,” Reaver murmured and he kissed me again, only deeper this time. I kissed him back and gasped into his mouth when Cutter lightly nipped the side of my neck.

  “Say yes,” Cutter pleaded and I looked into Reaver’s eyes, silently asking if this is what he really wanted because I was pretty sure it was what I wanted.

  “I want you to feel good, I want you to be happy, I want to show you a good time tonight and later, much later when we’re alone I want to show you what it’s like to play on the darker side of things, like I started to before.” He swallowed hard. “I just want you to be happy Doll. I want you to look in a mirror tomorrow morning and see what we see every time we look at you.” I gazed up into Reaver’s so blue eyes, the firelight dancing along their icy depths. “Let us take care of you?” he pleaded and I nodded.

  “Okay,” I said, heart in my throat. That sensation you get, not when you’re afraid, or terrified of doing something wrong, but rather the one you get when you’re in the front car of the biggest tallest rollercoaster you’ve ever seen, poised at the top looking down that long stretch of track just before you go over the edge and your stomach drops out. It was like that. It was like that a lot.

  We went by the fire and collected our beach bag of things. Cutter instructed his people to pack it in in the next thirty minutes that the thunderstorm was coming in faster than expected. He and Reaver walked with me between them, safe in the curves of their arms, Reaver’s across my shoulders, Cutter’s around my hips.

  Cutter led us back to the marina, keying us inside one of the gates and down a long gangway onto one of the docks. We walked to his slip and he said to us, “Welcome aboard.” Leaping up onto his boat. Reaver handed me up to him and leapt up after us.

  “I hope I don’t get sea sick,” I worried and he laughed.

  “Shouldn’t be too much wind, just a shit ton of rain, thunder and lightning,” he said. Water shouldn’t be too choppy, not going to be smooth though either.” He led us below deck into a very nice living room with deep brown leather furniture.

  “Make yourselves at home,” Cutter said, “I’ll uh, be back in a sec,” and he disappeared into a narrow hall toward the front of the boat and off into a narrow doorway to one side, the bathroom I think. Reaver and I were alone.

  “I talked to my father today,” I said suddenly, looking at Reaver. He stilled and frowned.

  “What, after you got off the phone with Ashton?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” I said.

  “What did he have to say?” he asked and I gave him an impish grin.

  “Really?” I asked.

  “Really what?” his frown deepened.

  “Rhett Butler?” the look on his face was priceless, his blue eyes got wide and wider and his face just fell. I started to laugh but caught myself in time and it died before ever making it past my lips.

  “You gotta understand, my mother was thrilled when she realized my biological father had knocked her up. She thought they were going to get married have the white picket fence, the whole nine yards. She was a diehard Gone with the Wind fan so it was just a bonus that his last name was Butler.” He swallowed hard.

  “He ditched her when she was six months pregnant. She had me, named me Rhett, put his name on the birth certificate and was just sure he’d come back. He never did. She crawled into a bottle, met Rick and called me her biggest goddamned mistake of her life.” He smoothed down the front of his hair. “Only name I hate more than Rhett is the name Butler,” he said and I went to him, wrapping my arms around his waist, pressing my ear over his heart. He held me back.

  “Not even Trig knows my real fuckin’ name,” he said and I blinked.

  “I thought the club gave you the name Reaver,” I whispered.

  “They did. I was Tweak before that, ‘cause of the meth habit before I went chasing the dragon.” He crushed me to him and kissed the top of my head. I turned my face up to his.

  “Your secret is safe with me,” I whispered and he kissed me. We stood inside the circle of each other’s arms and kissed in Cutter’s living room, the boat gently swaying and rocking. Hands descended onto my shoulders and I startled. Reaver pressed a hand to the back of my head to keep me from breaking the kiss. Cutter smoothed my beach cover up off my shoulders and kissed from one shoulder to my neck, a line of soft, sweet presses of his lips to my skin.

  “Off,” he whispered in my ear and I unwound my arms from around Reaver’s neck and let him slip the cover up off my shoulders and down my arms. Reaver broke the kiss and looked down into my eyes, his blue ones soulful and deep and the warmest I had ever seen them.

  “You’re going to let us take care of you tonight, right Baby?” he asked me. I nodded.

  “Wanna hear you say it L’il Bit,” Cutter said against my skin, breath warm against the back of my shoulder. I swallowed.

  “Yes,” I said and swallowed again, my heart beating a fierce tattoo against the inside of my ribs. Reaver’s hands cupped my face and he leveled me with his clear, still, blue gaze.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked me with a tremulous smile and all of the tension eased from my body.

  “Yes,” I said. Steady, calmer.

  “Good,” he whispered.

  “Tonight’s not about fear, or kinky reindeer games L’il Bit. Tonight’s about making you feel good and giving you what you need.” Cutter’s hands massaged my neck and shoulders, skin on skin, my bikini top leaving nothing in the way of cover on me. He bent and laid a line of gentle barely there kisses on the back of my neck, taking his time to trail them, softer than a touch of butterfly’s wings down my spine. I shivered, my body breaking out in a sweep of goose flesh.

  “Come on back to the bedroom,” he said softly getting back to his feet.

  Cutter took my hand and led me down the narrow passage to the front of the boat. Reaver trailed right behind me, a warm comforting presence at my back, his energy still and content. His hands rested warm on my shoulders, his
thumbs stroking lightly at the base of my neck.

  Cutter opened the door to his small bedroom and I blinked. The bed was right up against the door so that you had to climb up into it and was much larger than I anticipated it would be. Cutter grinned. It was easily big enough to hold the three of us and must have been custom made because it was triangular in shape. Filling out wall to wall, following the natural shape of the bow.

  “You don’t need these anymore,” he said, bringing his mouth to mine. I let him kiss me, his fingers tugging the button on my waistband free; the material of my shorts giving a little cloth sigh of relief as he lowered the zipper.

  He fed at my mouth. His tongue warm and sure in its strokes against mine. His kiss was different from Reaver’s but no less enticing. There was something more demanding about Cutter’s kiss, but less controlled than Reaver’s.

  I whimpered as Reaver’s long sure fingers unclasped my bikini top at the back of my neck. He trailed his fingertips down along the surface of my skin from my neck, between my shoulder blades, lower until he reached the clasp at my back. He unhooked that as well and whisked the top away, the warm sultry air spilling across my breasts, the nipples hardening to sensitive peaks.

  “You got an incredible body L’il Bit,” Cutter breathed. He shrugged out of his cut and hung it on a hook just inside the door and held out his hand past me. Reaver passed his cut to Cutter who hung it on another hook on the other side of the door. I gasped as Reaver gently set his teeth into that sweet spot where my neck met my shoulder and shivered.

  Reaver’s hands rested high on my hips, thumbs pressing into my lower back just below the waistband of my shorts and bikini bottoms, massaging, skin smooth and warm against mine. Cutter’s hands had returned to my breasts, his mouth to mine and he eased his hands down my ribs in a silky smooth caress. I sighed and gave myself over to the sensation of their hands on my body.

  Cutter drew back from kissing me, and his hands slipped from my body going to the worn brown leather belt holding up his cargo shorts. I let my gaze roam his body, specifically over the large tattoo that spilled over the right side of his ribs. It was a pirate ship in full sail that started just below his armpit, the keel or bottom of the ship disappearing into his shorts, waves licking just over his hip and waistband.

  The leather of his belt gave a little moan of protest and the buckle jangled and he let the shorts drop. He bobbed, long and perfect in front of me and I reflexively wrapped my fingers around him. His penis burned to the touch where it rested hard against my palm. I teased the engorged head with the pad of my thumb and he sucked in a breath and shivered his brown eyes on mine. I swallowed hard and he captured my wrist in a light grip and moved his hips back from my hand. I let him go.

  He put his hands back onto the mattress and hoisted himself up and back into the bed, beckoning me forward. Reaver was warm and close against my back, pressing against me, grinding his hips forward into my ass. I felt the hard press of him through our layers of clothes and reached up and back, palming the back of his neck.

  He bent his head and kissed my waiting mouth, hungry for it, his hands slipping around my waist he delved his fingers into the front of my bikini bottoms beneath my shorts and slid the offending scraps of material that would cover me from their sight down my legs. I moaned into Reaver’s mouth, a desperate plea for him to touch more of me and he smiled against my mouth. He broke the kiss and turned me around to face him.

  I caught a glimpse of Cutter fisting his cock, rubbing up and down his length with sure, slow, firm strokes as he watched me and Reaver together and I felt a little thrill of something other than anxiety… Desire pulsed at the apex of my thighs and I let my hands go to Reaver’s waistband. His blue eyes held mine and I couldn’t turn away if I wanted to.

  His gaze telegraphed so many things as I worked the buttons of his fly. Heat and desire flickered in their depths as the lightning did out over the sea. His eyes also spoke of deeper darker things but for the most part all I saw when he looked at me was just how in love with me he was, how beautiful he thought me to be and just how much he wanted to be near me and it was so beautiful, so precisely what I wanted, what I needed I felt tears of joy spring to my eyes.

  Reaver smiled that panty soaking boyish grin of his that made my heart leap into my throat and my pulse quicken. I slid his shorts to a puddle on the floor and ran my hands along his hips, following the carved ‘V’ of his hip flexors with my fingers to the prize at the end.

  “I want you in my mouth,” I whispered and he smiled even broader in the dark hallway. I wrapped my fingers around him and looked down and smiled. The tattoos I had glimpsed earlier were on full display in the dim blue-tinged light coming through the portholes in the doorway behind me.

  Lightning flashed, much closer this time and I could see the rounded loops of the throwing knives inked under his skin, the points begging me to look at what I had in my hands. Reaver put his hands on my hips and lifted me up and back so I sat on the bed. He prowled forward like a caged panther and covered my mouth with his and leaned me back. I was forced to let go of him and push myself back further still as he crawled up after me.

  “Oh damn that’s a beautiful sight,” Cutter breathed and I smiled against Reaver’s mouth.

  “Lay down Baby, close your eyes,” Reaver whispered and I did as I was told, the laying back part at least. The men knelt to either side of me, the ceiling barely clearing their heads. Cutter swung the door shut and we were suddenly in a very intimate and very enclosed space. The three of us could lay comfortably on the large bed, but there was very little room for anything else. It was close and with as close as we would be entwined it was incredibly intimate.

  Cutter lay on his side facing me, head propped in his hand and Reaver mirrored him. They trailed their fingertips of their free hands across my skin and I shivered which made them both grin. Cutter reached to the side and flipped open a compartment.

  “Condoms, lube, massage oil… what do we want to do to her first?” he asked. Reaver grinned.

  “You do come prepared. I like that. Condoms needed for sure…” they discussed my safety and wellbeing for several moments as if I weren’t nude between them, their hands touching me everywhere and I was surprised to find I didn’t mind. I let my eyes drift shut and simply concentrated on their roaming hands and just how aroused I had become.

  “Hayden have you ever tried anal?” Reaver asked me and I looked at him with uncertainty.

  “No,” I answered honestly.

  “Do you trust us, Angel?” Cutter asked and I chewed my bottom lip. I nodded apprehensively.

  “Doesn’t it hurt?” I asked.

  “Not if it’s done right Baby,” Reaver said and leaned down for a kiss. I turned into him and his arm went around my waist holding me, my front against his front. His erection pressing hot between us, into my stomach. Cutter kissed and nipped along my back and I groaned, it felt just so good to be touched.

  I reached behind me and wrapped fingers around Cutter and stoked up his length. I didn’t want him to feel like I wasn’t here for him too, because, I was startled to realize, that as much as I wanted Reaver, I wanted Cutter too even if my desire for him was much less. They were both so sweet and so kind and so giving, and now that my mind had fallen quiescent, like my constant frantic jumble of thoughts had been switched off, I found that my body craved so much to be touched and I wanted all three of us to enjoy it as much as I was.

  A hand palmed my breast and tweaked my nipple and I gasped. Another hand skated down over my ass, the fingers dipping into the crevice of my thighs to graze my vulva.

  “Oh man she’s wet!” Cutter said in a deep, husky tone filled with his desire.

  Reaver’s hand left my breast and trailed down my body to see for himself. He broke the kiss and Cutters fingers were at my chin tilting my head back to claim my mouth. I cried out around Cutter’s tongue as it massaged my own when Reaver slid the long middle finger of his hand up inside me.

sp; “Oh yeah Baby. Hang on I’m gonna make you come,” he said, voice husky with promise and dominance. He placed the pad of his thumb against my clit and felt around inside me until my hips jerked of their own accord and I gave a pleasured involuntary cry. Cutter broke the kiss and nipped my bottom lip.

  A slow, heavy sensation began low in my body as Reaver’s hand moved in me and against me. I gasped, breaths coming in steady pants. I squeezed my eyes shut and so I felt rather than saw the smooth head of Cutters cock graze my lower lip. I opened my mouth and took him in and oh God I loved the feel of a man in my mouth.

  I felt my pussy throb around Reaver and he spoke, encouragingly.

  “There you go Baby, yeah, almost there aren’t you? Come on Hayden, let go, come for me Doll.” I felt myself tighten around his fingers, two now, stretching me, filling me, but not too full, not to the point of pain, no this was just intense purest pleasure.

  Cutter was thrusting into my mouth, sure short little strokes going deeper every time. I let him glide across my tongue, timing my breathing for every time he hit the back of my throat, drawing breath every time he drew back. Reaver changed the way he stroked over that spot inside me and I cried out around Cutter. I felt my pussy contract around his invading fingers and then I was flying apart.

  I was vaguely aware of a hand on my pelvis keeping me pinned to the sheets as Reaver knelt and worked my body into wave after wave after wave of pure sweet bliss that went singing sweetly through every vein, every nerve, every fiber of my being. Lightning flashed and there was no distant rumble of thunder, it cracked overhead and the Heaven’s opened up and we were surrounded by the dull roar of the rain pounding on the deck overhead.

  Cutter laughed, “A few seconds earlier that would have been perfect.” He stated dryly.

  “I know right?” Reaver said and his hand slipped from me. Cutter slid himself free from my mouth and Reaver touched my face lightly with his fingertips. I turned my head towards him and he kissed me. I kissed him back languorously.


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