Metamorphosis (Book Boyfriend Series 1)

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Metamorphosis (Book Boyfriend Series 1) Page 12

by Erin Noelle

  The throbbing ache in between my legs was like nothing I had ever felt before. Evie had warned me it would be so much more intense than the way I felt when I would get worked up over a book or movie. She was so right—fantasy lust had nothing on real-life, in-your-face, skin-on-skin desire. I craved his touch to the point I didn’t just want him; I needed him. I needed to be touched. I needed to be wanted. I needed to forget about everyone and everything except how good Mason made me feel in that moment.

  I pulled Mason’s head up from my chest back to my mouth and traced his lips with my tongue until I reached the ring. I looked up at him through my long eyelashes into his smoky gray eyes and flicked it with my tongue like he had done earlier and then closed my lips lightly around it and sucked gently. It was his turn to groan and close his eyes, so I took advantage of his momentary weakness by turning us around so that his back was against the wall.

  “Mmm… my turn to have some fun,” I said as I followed the same path he did with my mouth and teasing tongue—mouth to neck to pierced nipples. His skin tasted both sweet and salty, a perfect mixture of the two. I outlined one of his tattoos with the tip of my tongue, which led me farther down his body until I reached his right hipbone. When I reached the end of the ink, I found myself on my knees in front of him, shirtless and with my hands grasping his hips. I looked up at Mason and saw the need in his eyes, and I moved straight for the button on his pants.

  My hands were trembling I was so nervous. I hoped that all of my books and the damn pornos Evie made me watch last summer so that I would know “how it’s supposed to look” weren’t going to let me down. I thought I probably should’ve practiced this on someone not so experienced my first few times, someone who might not care or realize I don’t know what the hell I’m doing, but it was too late for that.

  I finally managed to get his pants unbuttoned and unzipped, and I pulled the jeans and boxers down in one motion. Again, I looked up at him, staring intimately into his eyes that continued to darken and grow heavy. Not breaking eye contact, I licked the palm of my hand and grabbed his shaft. His entire body tensed, and he leaned back to distribute some of his weight on the wall.

  I stroked him slowly several times before I began kissing and licking his tip. The first time my mouth touched him, he growled, “Oh fuck, Scarlett.” I continued my oral appreciation of his hard cock, paying attention to his different reactions as I tried various techniques. His hands played in my hair. At times, he would tenderly massage my scalp, and at others, he would pull my hair roughly, both of which made me feel so good. I enjoyed watching his facial expressions as I moved my mouth up and down, burying his cock into my throat. Soon, we developed a rhythm of sorts, and I could feel Mason’s erection continue to grow. Suddenly, he pulled my head back so that I released him from my mouth. I looked up at him, confused.

  “Babe, I’m going to come if you don’t stop,” he said in between deep breaths.

  I cocked my head at him and asked, “Isn’t that the point?”

  “I want to take care of you. I want to make you feel good too,” he said through panting breaths, struggling to keep control of himself.

  “Don’t worry about me right now. You can take care of that later. I’m having too much fun pleasing you.” I grinned at him and then gave him my best puppy dog eyes. “Please? Please let me finish you off with my mouth?” I didn’t know who the hell was controlling my voice, but I think my words shocked me as much as they did him. But for some reason, I just couldn’t stop. “I want to know what you taste like,” I begged.

  “Oh shit, are you fucking kidding me?” he moaned and stared down at me.

  I didn’t wait for him to say anything more. I just grabbed his balls and wrapped my lips back around his somewhat softer cock. It didn’t take long to get him back to where he was, and not long after that, I felt his balls get firm in my grasp and he gripped my shoulders. His hips thrust fast and hard in and I could tell by the look on his face he was close. He opened his eyes and we got lost in each other’s gaze as I brought him to an explosive release.

  I collapsed onto the floor in exhaustion. Who knew giving a blowjob could be so draining? Mason pulled up his pants then scooped me up in his strong arms and carried me to a bed.

  “Just rest here while I go clean up and grab you some water.” He kissed me softly on my swollen lips before disappearing into the bathroom. As he walked away, I couldn’t help but stare at his naked back that was tattoo-free other than the portion of his shoulders that were a part of the sleeves that covered both his arms. His jeans sat low on his hips, as if they were resting comfortably on his firm ass that was just as muscular as the rest of his body. I noticed he had removed his shoes at some point as he quietly strode across the room. I had never realized how sensual a barefooted man could be. It felt so intimate. I looked down at my feet and wondered when I had lost my shoes as well.

  It was at that point I had a minor freak-out in my head. Reality set in as I found myself lying topless and shoeless in some strange guy’s secondary bedroom in a warehouse with hundreds of people just on the other side of the wall. A guy, no less, that I just gave head to and swallowed his cum. I swallowed his fucking cum? I knew I had only had a few beers earlier, so I couldn’t blame my current state of senselessness on alcohol. Maybe I had officially gone insane. What was I supposed to say to him now? How was I supposed to act? Why did I feel like hyperventilating?

  I began taking deep breaths and counting backward inside my head to calm myself. Luckily, I had gotten myself somewhat back under control before Mason made his way toward me. Just seeing him, however, put all of my anxiety to rest. I should’ve felt proud that the first person I got to perform a sexual act on was someone as gorgeous as him.

  He approached the bed with a bottle of water in each hand and my shirt and bra slung over his arm. He sat down next to me and dumped the contents of his hands on the covers. With a sweet smile playing at his lips, he leaned over and kissed the side of my mouth. “I brought your clothes to you, even though you’re more than welcome to hang out without them.” He wiggled his eyebrows and then started laughing when I jokingly pushed him off of me and started putting my bra on. Once I was properly redressed, Mason positioned me in between his legs so that his back was propped against the pillows and headboard and my back leaned against his shirtless chest. He handed me a water, and I didn’t realize how thirsty I was until the first drop of liquid hit my tongue. I drank the entire thing in less than a minute.

  “Thirsty much?” He snickered.

  “Shut up before I drink yours too,” I retorted.

  “After the mind-blowing treatment you just gave me, you can have anything you want.” He wrapped his arms tighter around me, leaned down, and kissed the top of my head.

  “How much longer do you have before you go on again?” I asked.

  He looked over at his cell that was sitting on the bedside table. “I gotta head out there in about an hour. Are you going to stay and listen to us? I know you got here right before we finished up earlier.”

  I tilted my head up to look at him, “How did you know when I got here?”

  “I saw you walk in, silly. How could I miss you? You are quite exquisite, Scarlett.” Mason leaned down and kissed me tenderly. I was in so much trouble.

  I turned my head back facing forward, and we sat there in comfortable silence for several minutes. He was rubbing up and down my arms with his strong hands, and it felt so soothing.

  “Who is he?” Mason broke the silence without stopping my massage. “An ex-boyfriend?”

  I tensed a little at his questions but quickly relaxed. I leaned my head back on his chest so that I didn’t have to make eye contact with him while talking about Ash. “No, he’s just a friend,” I said, unable to keep a twinge of bitterness out of my voice.

  “Do y’all fuck?” he asked like it was no big deal.

  “I said we were just friends.”

  “I know lots of just-friends who fuck, angel.”
r />   “Don’t call me angel, and I don’t fuck my just-friends.”

  He laughed, leaned down, and snuggled into my neck after moving all my hair to the opposite side. He kissed the sensitive skin gently. “I didn’t mean to offend you. I’m sorry.”

  Feeling his breath and lips against my flesh made me forget why he was even apologizing. I shivered as I felt the tingles in my pussy reawaken.

  “So why do you want to make this just friend jealous then, if y’all aren’t hooking up? You want to be more than that?” He continued to press the issue but didn’t stop kissing my neck and shoulder.

  “Don’t you find it a bit odd to talk about me wanting to be with another guy while you sit here holding and kissing me?” I asked.

  “Not really,” he answered. “It’s actually kind of hot… to think I’m the lucky one back here with you while he’s sitting out there wanting you like a madman. I’m sure it’s driving him crazy thinking about what I’m doing to you.”

  I shook my head and grinned. “You’re crazy. I bet he’s not even here anymore.”

  “I guarantee you he’s here. He’s going to wait until he sees that I bring you back out in one piece. I saw the way he looked at you, Scarlett, and it wasn’t a just-friend kind of look.”

  I didn’t want to spend my time with Mason talking about Ash, but he obviously wasn’t going to let it go until he got the story. I turned around in his lap so that I could face him. “Okay, the story is I met Ash right after I moved here a few months ago. We were attracted to each other, but he’s a self-admitted playboy type who has no intention of settling down anytime soon, and I’m… well, I’m not. He basically told me that I need to explore the world and figure out who I am and all this other yada-yada. But there’s this weird connection between us and we couldn’t stay away from each other, so we decided to try being friends. At first, it was hard. I would catch myself wanting him to kiss me when we were hanging out or he would leave his hand resting on my thigh a little too long, but it’s gotten easier over time. I’m used to seeing him with a different girl every time I see him. And usually it doesn’t bother me, but tonight I wasn’t expecting to see him here, so it just kind of surprised me.”

  “Is he not used to seeing you with other guys?” he asked.

  “Just Dylan,” I blurted out before even thinking.

  Mason raised his eyebrows at me and smiled mischievously. “Ah, so there’s another poor soul I’m going to have to fight off for your attention? Is this Dylan your boyfriend?”

  I shook my head. “No, not my boyfriend. Dylan is just a guy I have a long-standing date with every Saturday night. We don’t see each other the rest of the week.” I wondered if that sounded as strange to him as it did to me as I said it aloud. “Why are we talking about all of this again?” I asked, gazing into his molten eyes.

  “I told you, I’m just trying to get an inventory of my competition.” He leaned over and kissed me.

  “I must sound like such a slut.” I put my hands over my face, but Mason quickly pulled them away. I refocused on his gaze. “I promise I’m not. I’ve never even…” He froze, and I stopped talking.

  “You’ve never even what, Scarlett?” he demanded. His eyes searched mine, looking for answers.

  I just sat there for a minute, mentally battling myself over what I should tell him. In the end, I opted for the truth. Looking him dead in the eyes, I whispered, “I’ve never even had sex. I’m a virgin.”


  Mason and I sat there staring at each other for I don’t know how long. Finally, I broke the silence. “Well, are you going to say anything?” I asked sheepishly.

  “Yeah, um, sorry… just a little shocked,” he replied. He cocked his head and sucked in his lip ring like he was thinking of just the right thing to say. “First, please tell me you are at least eighteen?”

  I nodded. “Yes, I’m eighteen. I’m a freshman at Rice.”

  His shoulders dropped as he exhaled a sigh of relief. “Okay, so explain this to me. How does a girl who looks like you make it eighteen plus years without having sex?” he asked incredulously. “I mean, I would understand if you were some religious prude or something, but judging from what just happened over there—” A smile teased the corners of his mouth as he nodded at the wall where we had attacked one another earlier. “—I don’t get that impression of you.”

  I looked over at the wall and couldn’t help but smile at the recent memory too. I turned my attention back to Mason and explained. “You’re right. I’m not a religious prude, but I did grow up with crazy-ass, controlling parents who didn’t allow me to have a social life. So that, accompanied by me attending an all-girls private school, means I never had the opportunity to meet any boys, much less sleep with them.”

  “So what’s the story now? Where are your parents?”

  “My parents live in San Antonio. I moved here in August with my best friend to go to school,” I answered.

  “And you haven’t slept with anyone since you’ve been here? Not Ash or Dylan or anyone else?”

  “Nope.” I shook my head. “It’s not that I don’t want to. Believe me, I do. I mean, I don’t just want to sleep with anyone and everyone. I’m not aspiring to be a whore or anything, but I don’t think I need to wait to fall madly in love either. I don’t live in fairy tale land and think Prince Charming is going to roll up in a magical carriage anytime soon.

  “Dylan won’t do much more than kiss me. Even if I try to do more, he keeps telling me that I need to be sure I’m ready. And Ash, well, I already told you about how we are just friends.” I rolled my eyes at the words. “Other than that, before tonight, I really hadn’t met anyone else. I’ve just been pretty busy with school and stuff, ya know?”

  “And tonight? Me?” he asked.

  “And you what? Are you asking if I want to have sex with you?” I raised my eyebrows at him.

  “Yes… no… well, yes and no. I guess I’m just confused on what made you come back here with me. Surely that’s what you thought was going to happen.” He continued to play with his lip ring, and I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his full lips.

  I wanted to kiss him again so bad, and I could feel the butterflies coming alive again in my lower abdomen. Feeling another surge of lust-driven courage, I crawled across the small area of bed that separated Mason and me and straddled his lap, hooking my legs around his back. I ran my hands over his head and down to the back of his neck. He stared deep into my eyes and I felt so safe.

  “Honestly, I didn’t know what was going to happen. I’m just going with what feels right,” I explained. “And coming here with you tonight felt right. I hope I did okay?” I was a little nervous I had sucked, no pun intended, at my initial attempt at giving head.

  “That was the first time you had ever done that?” His eyes grew wide in surprise. I nodded and looked down, embarrassed. He lifted my chin up so that I was staring in his eyes once again. “Scarlett, that was way better than okay. It was… I don’t know the right words to do it justice. Incredible, mind-blowing, stupefying. I just can’t believe you did that for me when you had never…” He shook his head.

  “Look, that’s what I don’t want,” I interrupted. “I don’t want my first time to be some production, some planned event. If it so happens I go out with a guy a few times and it slowly builds to that, great. Or if it so happens that one night at a bar I meet some hot piece of ass who charms me out of my wet panties and screws me against a wall in a back hall, well then great for that too. I just want it to be a natural progression of events, like it is for everyone else. The fact that we are even talking about it right now sucks.”

  He closed the small gap between our faces and pressed his forehead against mine. The look in his eyes was intense, and I thought he was about to say something heartfelt or meaningful, but instead he asked, “So you think I’m a hot piece of ass, huh?” I pulled away from him laughing and swatted his arm.

  “Who said I was talking about you? My hypothetical
‘hot piece of ass’ charmed me out of my panties, and I’m pretty sure my panties have been intact the entire time I’ve been in your presence.”

  Mason rocked his body weight forward so that I was flat on my back on the bed and he was hovering over me. Mischief glimmered in his eyes. “Is that a challenge, angel?” I groaned and rolled my eyes at him. “What?” he asked, confused at my sudden mood change.

  “Angel? Really? What is it with all of the nicknames? Everyone I know has some stupid-ass nickname, and it drives me insane. Yours, by the way, has got to be in the top three of all-time worst ever,” I complained. He threw his head back in laughter.

  “You’re mad because I called you angel?” He shook his head. “You are one intriguing girl, Scarlett. I’ve definitely never met one like you.” He leaned down and brushed my lips with his ever so lightly. Hungry for more of his touch, I moaned and arched my body into his. He pulled away slightly and tsked at me. “Calm down, angel. I have got to start getting ready here in just a bit, and the next time we’re together, I don’t want to rush. I want to spend hours showing you how I can make your body feel.” He gave me a quick peck and rolled off me and the bed in one sweeping motion. My core had slickened at his tempting words, and I growled quietly in frustration when his body left mine. I hoped there was a next time.

  “So have you always hated nicknames or is that something recent?” He picked up our previous unfinished conversation as he pulled his T-shirt on over his head.


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