Chosen Fool (Forever Evermore Book 5)

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Chosen Fool (Forever Evermore Book 5) Page 14

by Scarlett Dawn

  He grunted. The man of many words.

  “Hey, you made a sound. We’re getting somewhere.”

  No comment.

  Not even a grunt this time.

  “Well, one step forward and two steps back. And all that shit.”

  I didn’t peer into his eyes. They were trapping pools of complexity.

  When I placed my lips on his, I tried not to freeze at their delectable softness.

  Those lips were made for sinful pleasures.

  His wolf huffed long and hard as my power filled him—and it was a possibility I took a little longer than I did with the others. It was out of spite. The lone wolf deserved it.

  His hands crushed the windowsill he was holding on to, the wood creaking beneath his strong grip. Then it splintered and broke, shredded wood slivers littering the ground.

  When I pulled away, he still said nothing. His gaze instantly landed on the carpet beneath his feet, and he shook his head roughly. Definitely a wolf in there.

  I took the liberty to pat his broad shoulder. “That was fun, huh?”

  His wolf…kind of…huffed.

  I tried not to laugh. The man wouldn’t admit it, but his wolf was affected.

  Rolling my head on my shoulders and staring at the incapacitated powerful men around the room, I muttered, “I have to prepare for the performance of my fucking life.” With that, I lay down on the vacant couch and stared at the ceiling, trying to numb myself to the absolute betrayal, the anger and disgust coursing through my system, and the definite mental collapse I would eventually have when it was safe to. The men didn’t bother me while they periodically chuckled or griped or sang from their positions, now protected from the Walker who could no longer read their minds.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Breathing in steadily, I stared a bit vacantly at the door to the private dining hall, the room reserved for us to eat dinner in. Elder Farrar had spelled the room for privacy and protection—that was his story, since we had been attacked just yesterday. Everyone was already in there, including Tristan since Brann had said later the tiger also smelled of death. I had hid in Elder Farrar’s room, and then my own room, when everyone had gone to work doing as I had ordered, but I knew I couldn’t stall any longer. With my white solace wrapped around me as tightly as I could, as I had been doing all afternoon, I opened the door and walked inside.

  All eyes turned to me as I made my way toward the table.

  I headed straight for Leric—the Walker—and smiled at him peacefully.

  He stood and in a gallant move pulled my chair out for me.

  I murmured, “Sorry I’m late. I was taking a nap and overslept.”

  “That’s all right.” He placed his hand on my back, helping me take my seat.

  I was so proud I didn’t completely lose it at his touch, not even outwardly shuddering like my insides did. I peered down at my food, asking him, “You ordered for me?”

  He held up a hand. “Don’t be mad. I just knew you’d want to eat if everyone else was.”

  “Right.” I glanced at his plate—chicken fettuccini. Mine was a hamburger. “Thank you.”

  He draped his napkin on his lap. “I wasn’t a hundred per cent sure what you would want, so if you want to switch we can.”

  I blinked up into his silver eyes. “No.” I grabbed my napkin, placing it on my lap.

  He tilted his head to peer into my eyes. “Are you all right, Sprite? You seem a little distant.”

  “I’m still tired from yesterday. I could have slept even longer than I did.”

  “Ah,” he whispered. I tried to keep my body relaxed as he bent, placing his lips on my temple. “Are you still mad at me? Or have I been forgiven?”

  I swallowed the bile that rose in my throat, keeping my head dipped. “I guess we’ll see.” I nudged his arm, lifting my own burger. “Try to behave with your parents here.” I looked up, making my lips curve. “Or forgiveness won’t happen. Ever.”

  He winked. “Duly noted.”

  He started eating as I did.

  He didn’t even notice when I took a roll off his plate, feeding it to Tristan where he sat behind my chair.

  Mrs Damon stated between bites of her meal, “I think I would have liked to see that play the others went to.” She flipped an agitated wrist at King Collins. “Next time, please inform us if there’s a change in activities, so we can attend if we wish.”

  King Collins’s nod was humble, properly chastised. “I’ll do that in the future.”

  Mr Damon grinned at me from across the table, munching on his own burger. “So, Caro, it’s not every day someone gets the slip on my son at the Temple. Not only that, you stole from him.” He winked. “Your background suited you well to escape our clutches.”

  “Dad…” Leric growled before shaking his head at me. “I’m sorry, but decorum hasn’t ever been one of his finer traits.”

  I forced a chuckle. “Your dad’s fine.”

  Mr Damon examined my features. “What did you steal, anyway?”

  “A way home,” I murmured, lifting a fry that tasted absolutely dreadful, my stomach still churning. “I achieved my goal.”

  He blinked slowly. “You wanted to go home…so you snuck into his bedroom?”

  I waved an absent-minded hand. “I stole the…” My brows puckered, glancing to Leric. “What was it called? The Pono Diamond, or something like that?” I shrugged a shoulder, my attention swinging back to Mr Damon. “You saw me use it in the memory. The Pono Diamond thing gave me that access.”

  Leric chuckled quietly. “The Primal Diamond.” He tapped my nose lightly. “You stole it, and you didn’t even know what it was called?”

  “I just knew it would take me home,” I stated candidly, gnawing on another fry.

  His mom huffed. “You stole the Primal Diamond?” Her eyes were enormous as they swung to Leric. “She did give it back to you, didn’t she?”

  Leric waved a hand. “Calm down, mom. I’m sure she’ll give it back soon.” He blinked, glancing down at me. “Sprite, you do know where my token is, don’t you?” Another blink, his eyes narrowing. “That bastard Philip Masterson didn’t take it from you, did he?”

  Realizing a large majority of the spirits at the table were listening to the conversation, quiet as they ate, I went with the safe answer. I kept my tone apologetic. “I don’t have it anymore, Leric.” I made my gaze worried, darting my eyes back and forth between his. “I lost it a long time ago when Sin and I had to run.”

  “What?” Mrs Damon practically shouted across the table.

  Interesting. But I kept my worried gaze on Leric.

  Waving a hand at his mom, he cupped my cheek with his other hand. “It’s all right, Sprite.” Again, I had to swallow down a shit-ton of bile as he kissed my forehead. “We can figure it out eventually, don’t upset yourself over it.”

  “I am sorry,” I murmured, pulling my head away from him to peer up into his eyes.

  “I know.” His lips quirked.

  Acting properly remorseful, I peered down. My eyes dipped to everyone’s plates.

  Which were empty enough.

  And I sneezed.

  All hell broke loose in that instant.

  Elder Merrick, sitting on Leric’s other side, smashed his fist against Leric’s face.

  Both of them tumbled onto the ground behind me.

  King Collins blasted Mr Damon with a spray of icy water from his outstretched hands, throwing him across the room. He jumped to his feet, following and holding him immobile.

  Brann tossed Mrs Damon across the room right behind her husband.

  King Zeller blurred, grabbing Reese by the throat. He tackled him onto the table, and plates flew everywhere.

  Elder Zeller blurred, knocking into Roselle when she stood shouting and throwing her arms out, and both of them hit the ground hard as he took her down.

  Elder Farrar just raised a hand, a beam of gold shooting from his palm, and Tristan was floating in the air inside a gold bubbl
e…until Elder Farrar flicked his hand. The bubble slammed to the ground, cracking, and knocked Tristan unconscious.

  I bent over Tristan’s limp form as I glowed white, hearing all of the supposed spirit Elementals shouting when their power wouldn’t work. I chose a diamond dagger from my secret cache…and knifed Tristan with my glowing blade.

  He awoke from the vicious stab, a wild noise erupting from his mouth. White ash poured from the wound, and abruptly he was no longer there. Except for a pile of tiger bones, a diamond collar, and a mist of pure white floating to the heavens.

  “Holy shit,” King Zeller shouted over some of the few still battling, disgusted and shocked at the same time. He kept a hand on an unconscious Reese, staring wide-eyed at the bones then back to Reese. “They’re fucking zombies, or some shit?”

  Close enough.

  Not saying a word, I quickly raced toward him before Reese woke. Pulling the stars’ fire down through the blade of my dagger, I stabbed him in the arm King Zeller held out for me. Like Tristan, white ash poured from the wound before Reese instantly became a pile of bones and clothes, a white mist rising into the air and disappearing.

  This was how I worked, taking care of Roselle next.

  Then Mr and Mrs Damon.

  I saved the worst for last. I walked around the table with the shell-shocked Kings and Elders behind me, where Elder Merrick had Leric on his stomach in a complicated position so the Elemental couldn’t move at all. I motioned for the Elder to lift Leric’s head as I squatted in front of them. Elder Merrick grabbed a handful of Leric’s hair, yanking his bloody face up while keeping a firm grip on him.

  My smile was cruel as I stared down into silver eyes. “Whoever you are, you will die for this little game you played.”

  A disgusting sneer lifted his lips. “I’m surprised you figured it out, you stupid bitch.”

  I hummed lightly, twirling my dagger. “It definitely took me longer than it should have. But you’ll still die in the end.” My lips curved even further. “Especially when I tell the One what you’ve been up to.”

  He laughed, one bloody eyebrow lifting. “You mean, like fucking you?”

  My chuckle was breathless, and I spoke in a high-pitched, fake sympathetic voice. “Whatever do you mean?” I lifted my dagger straight. “We didn’t fuck because you couldn’t, what was that again?” I let the dagger point downward. “Oh yeah. You couldn’t get it up.” An innocent expression. “Or don’t you remember?”

  His eyes narrowed instantly. “That was this body’s fault.”

  I didn’t need Brann snorting to tell me that was a lie. The first one told by this ‘mind’ that was caught.

  “Somehow, I doubt that, since the real Leric Damon has many women who just love to talk around the Temple about his prowess.” I shook my head, my eyes guiltless. “I do believe that problem belongs to the mind behind that body.” I faked a gasp, throwing a hand over my mouth, before I flicked a finger at his face. “That would be…you.”

  I smiled, then I pulled out my silver knife from under my jacket. “I just want to test a quick theory.” I twirled the silver knife through my fingers before I stabbed his right hand.

  He grunted, shaking the barest bit.

  “Oh, God. I’m right.” I smiled happily, seriously thrilled with this aspect. Many cruel thoughts ran rapidly inside my mind with the proof he could feel pain.

  “Fuck you, bitch. You were more than happy with everything I gave and said to you.”

  “Mostly. When you didn’t have to mind-spell it.” I lifted the silver knife, running the blade up his arm slowly, cutting him in a very fine line. “You played the perfect role, getting into not only my psyche, but the others’. Which only makes me wonder why you wanted to be ‘in’ so badly. Why you wanted everyone to trust you. Why you wanted everyone indebted to you.” I sighed, enjoying watching him shiver in pain, his teeth grinding. “But, I know what you’re doing right now.” I glanced into his silver eyes. “Stalling as you are. It won’t work.” I wiped my silver knife on his shirt, the red blood smearing grotesquely against the white cotton. “It’s time for you to go away.”

  I arced my dagger of stars’ fire viciously into his head, stabbing him right through the temple. White ash poured out around my blade before his body disappeared. Elder Merrick quickly adjusted when only bones and clothes appeared under him.

  The white mist lifted and disappeared, heading back to its true owner.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Emerging from my room at the Manor a week later, overly tired from night after night of nightmares—my subconscious was screaming at me—I went down to breakfast. I had been holed up in my room since we returned to New York. The only time I left my room was to send Sin one spelled letter. But I was done with my girlish crying jags and self-pity, and done trying to mentally work through the betrayal and the fury of being deceived so badly. The complete mortification. Those gripping emotions had me in the corner at times, my body trembling.

  But I understood now. I had been a victim. There was no blaming myself anymore.

  Revenge…that was a different story. I was game for revenge.

  Hell yes, I was.

  There was a journey I needed to first take to understand the mind behind the Walkers. It was a mission I had been thinking back and forth about as I sat in my bedroom, the green and white walls at times feeling like they were swallowing me. This was step one to catching the bastard who had done this.

  When I entered the Elemental kitchen during breakfast, everyone stopped eating, their eyes going to me. All of their expressions quickly altered. Careful. Neutral. I muttered, “I’m not going to break. I’m done with that, so don’t you dare pity me.” I moved toward the food, my black boots at odds with the colorful tiles. “You were all screwed over too, so don’t pretend like you’re fine for my sake.”

  King Collins cleared his throat. “We are angry. But it’s not the same for us.”

  I grabbed a plate, maybe a bit too forcefully. “Yes, I know this. You don’t need to remind me. My point is, I wasn’t the only one hurt in this.” I scooped oatmeal on my plate, and a few pieces of toast, and claimed my empty seat at the silent table. I hung my black purse with the hot pink skull on the back of my chair, my attention on King Collins. “I know everyone’s been discussing what happened and ways to keep it from happening again. And I know you’re still working on the issue of Philip Masterson, but I need to do what I said that night. I thought everyone could compile a list of pertinent questions to ask when I go.”

  King Collins stared at me for a long moment. “You’re going to the Temple.”

  It wasn’t a question, but I answered anyway. “Yes.”

  “To speak with the real Leric Damon?”

  I nodded once, eating a large spoonful of oatmeal. “I don’t want to.” I shook my head, glancing down at my plate. “But I have to.” I ran a hand through my hair before peering back up to him. “Plus, he may be able to answer questions for us.”

  Queen Cooper placed her folded hands on the table, asking in a soothing voice, “Are you sure this is the best route?” For you, her golden gaze said.

  My head dropped backward on my chair, and I stared blindly at the ceiling. “It’s my only option. We’re up against a powerful Mystical. And the One will know them all. With the right questions, we may be able to track down this fucker before he attacks us again.” I tilted my head to King Collins. “You all understand that a Mystical was the orchestrator behind both attacks, correct?” I still couldn’t say too much, as no secrets were revealed outside the Temple.

  “You mean the Shadows?” My King’s blue eyebrows rose. “Yes, we’ve deduced that much. It was too coincidental.” He smirked, slow and steady. “The Mystical was also the orchestrator behind the…Walkers.”

  I blinked at him. “You should probably tuck away whatever book you’ve been reading, because if I came across it…you would no longer have it.”

  King Collins’s head jerked to Queen Ruckl
er. She nodded once for my truth. He muttered, “Well, hell. I’ll have to hide the damn thing then.” He scowled at me a moment. “That would have been nice to know beforehand.”

  “I’ve learned to talk in code now.” I took a few bites of my oatmeal. “Anyway, I’ll want that list of questions as soon as possible.”

  Elder Farrar cleared his throat, and we all peered to him as he lifted a yellow pad of paper off the breakfast table, handing it and a pencil to me. “I took notes during the meetings, writing down our most important questions, but you may want to add a few of your own.” I held the pad of paper and pencil in one hand, gaping. He merely tapped his temple before shrugging his shoulders. “I knew you were going.”

  “Right.” I stared at the pad of paper and pencil in my hand. Seeing the scribbled list made it that much more real. “Thank you.”

  “You’ll do fine,” Elder Farrar murmured in a gentle voice. My wide, slightly scared eyes lifted to him. “Just be yourself, tell the truth.” He tilted his head. “Or the truth you need to tell. But ask questions. You won’t faint or throw up or cry or do anything else when you’re in front of him that you’re afraid of.” Slow words. “Even though I can’t see it, I know you’ll be fine.”

  Air rushed past my lips, my chest heaving. “I’m not scared.”

  His smile was tender. “Anyone would be in your situation.”

  My nostrils flared. I tapped my own temple. “Can you tell me why that goddamn mother-fucker targeted me specifically?”

  He shook his head slowly.

  I sucked in a shaky breath. “All right.” I stared down at the notes, not even seeing the words. “No time like the present, it appears.” A glance to King Collins. “I’ll be back in a while.”

  “If you need me, just…” King Collins’s brows pinched. “Hell, I don’t know where the Temple is, but if you need me, and you have a way to contact me spirit-style, do so. I’ll be there for you.”

  Quiet words. “Thank you.” I glanced at Brann. “Do you still have my swords?”


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