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ATONEMENT (Alfonzo) Page 12

by Frank, S. W.

  “You rehearsed the lie you want to tell me, is that it?”

  The pressure boiled. Alfonzo muscles constricted. Something happened, that much he knew but calling him a liar crossed the line. “Esposa, cuidado cómo me hablas!” He warned, “I mean it, tread carefully how you speak to me.”

  “By the way, I got your flowers. I threw them in the garbage!” She hissed, “You sleep around then send me flowers, goddamn hypocrite!” Then Selange hung-up.

  That’s it, he dialed Nico.

  “You doing security detail, that true?”

  “Yeah, what’s up?”

  “What’s my wife been up to?”

  “Sightseeing. Women stuff with the women.”

  “That’s it?”

  “That’s it.”

  “So why do I get the feeling there’s a problem, huh?”

  Nico’s voice remained calm. “She’s fine.”

  “She doesn’t sound fine.”

  “Talking and walking, I’d say she’s good.”

  “That’s not what I’m talking about.”

  “I don’t mediate personal problems, only security.”

  The conversation had taken an interesting turn; apparently Selange filled Nico in on their marital issues. “And what problem is that?”

  “Whatever you’re asking isn’t for me to answer, got it?”

  “Are you two sipping the same agua, hombre?”

  There was an edge to Nico’s voice Alfonzo had not heard before, “Totally sober, I just don’t like the line of questioning.”

  Alfonzo detected the subtle change in his friend and he knew why. “Look, sorry to hear things didn’t work out.”

  “Tell my brother he talks too damn much.”

  “Atleast he talks.”

  “I talk when I’ve got something to say.”

  Alfonzo felt there was something Nico wasn’t sharing. Selange was too upset a few minutes ago. “We’ll talk soon. Keep an eye on my wife.”


  “Listen, keep her safe,” then he added, “if there’s anyone who can, it’s you.”

  There was a brief pause, a somber release of breath then Nico said, “You have too much faith in me, sometimes. The truth is I bleed.”

  “We all do. Adios.”

  Alfonzo frowned; Nico was a man of few words. Yet, when he did speak the wisdom of them brought pause to the listener. In this case, Alfonzo realized he was right. Nico had given his life protecting him and his wife over the years. He bled more than any of them. Maybe, he was bleeding out.

  After his conversation with Nico he called and requested the plane to be on stand-by for a flight to Italy tomorrow morning. He planned to leave a day earlier. This misunderstanding with his wife was killing him –and he missed her.


  Alfonzo’s mother, Maria and Anita were looking through Sal’s clothes, choosing outfits and laying them on the bed. Sal, Allie and his goddaughters were playing videogames nearby.

  “We’re leaving in six hours.” Alfonzo announced from the doorway.

  “What, I thought we were leaving tomorrow, hijo?”

  “Change of plans mama.’


  He turned his back and walked to his bedroom, opened the closet and took down the garment bag with his tuxedo and three suits. He planned to travel light. He would purchase a few more suits in Italy, their tailors were top-notch, besides with everyone else’s luggage he expected the pilot to remind him of the plane’s load capacity, something he knew by heart. Everyone was being limited to two suitcases. No more. The crate of rum was already sent and the only other loose end was making sure the security was heightened in their absence.

  Alfonzo’s brain was ticking non-stop. Eversince, speaking to Selange he’d gotten a weird sensation running up and down his nerves. Yes, she was justified in the anger but days passed and she still was not willing to listen or even talk to him. Nah…nah…nah…it was unlike her.

  He tossed the items on the divan, and then went to Selange’s side of the room to the walk-in closet. Yeah, chica had a custom made closet, that’s where their luggage was stored. She’d bought a matching designer set and thank goodness, his was not colorful like hers. He seized the blue medium size case from a far corner after passing rows of her clothing and shoes. The last time he was in her domain was right after the renovation, four months ago. At the time of completion, they decided to sequester themselves here and officially christen the expanded space. He smiled at the memory then turned to leave, but something caught his eye. It was an insignificant thing to some, he supposed, people forget to update their paper calendars all the time, especially with the convenience of the ever present tech devices. Those old-fashioned reminders were becoming less necessary. Selange had a small flip over one sitting there on her vanity. It hadn’t been flipped in months, since July to be exact. The 15th was circled in red marker. The color of blood, a day Alfonzo could not forget. Certainly, his wife could not either. How could she? Years were only time, horrific memories survived its passing. They hide, waiting like a thief to leap out when we least expect it, then rob our souls of peace and security. He’d always been with his wife on the solemn anniversary. Except, this once. He walked to it, flipped it to October then frowned. Come to think of it, Nico was here. They’d been alone before in the past, there wasn’t any reason not to trust his wife or Nico for that matter –but …Alfonzo froze.

  No…no…he tried to stop thinking but his mind was screaming…putting pieces of a puzzle together…ones he hadn’t seen before or thought to look at. Nico’s bruised mouth the day after, Selange’s strange behavior and moodiness, were all making sense now. The image of them insinuated itself into his psyche and his feet began to move swiftly. He was downstairs in a flash, almost jogging to the lower level of the house to the basement where the interior home surveillance equipment was stored. He punched in the code to the door and stepped inside the cubicle size room, took a seat and went through the systems footage. He input a date on the laptop and it was blank. July 16th was there, as well as July 14th. He typed July 15th, carefully this time, hoping in his haste, he’d hit a wrong digit. Still nothing!

  He checked the hard-drive and searched stored footage, anything to disprove his suspicion. He frantically checked back-up discs, attempted a reboot and restore from the date, repetitively as if he had OCD. Two hours of this and he finally relented. Denial seeped in as he considered alternative explanations, wanting to give his sweet, loyal wife and friend the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps, there was an electrical outage, maybe the computer malfunctioned or someone accidentally deleted the data.

  He sat there, staring at the computer screen, dumbfounded. A vein protruded from his forehead, pulsing under the pressure building inside. He was a furnace, overheating and on the brink of a catastrophic explosion. The omission of the video-recordings served as affirmation. Nico must have deleted the memory. Selange would not have been as thorough.

  Denial turned to anger and his fist pound the hard steel desk, “Pendejo…motherfucker!” He snarled. “I’m going to kill that sonovabitch!”

  First he’d confront his wife, she was a horrible liar and he’d see the truth in those lovely cheating eyes!


  Nico met Alberti at a secluded area of the estate, behind the guest house, near one of the many gardens. They walked in silence until they reached the end of the property cordoned off by a high stone wall. Beyond this point was treacherously hilly terrain. It served as both protection and a deterrent to trespassers who may be foolish enough to attempt the climb.

  “Are you sure he said nothing else?” Alberti asked when they stopped at a stone fountain in the center of a circular bed of flowers.

  “Only what I told you.”

  “How is Selange?”

  “She’s okay.”

  “Good.” Alberti said thoughtfully, “Security has been reinforced for the wedding. Remain diligent.”

  “Umm.” Nico mum
bled, shoving his hands in his pockets then surveying the perimeter.

  Alberti took a puff from the cigar. “You have yet to complain. I thought the women may have driven you mad by now.”

  “They have.”

  The senior man laughed, “A cluster of women are like an angry beehive, better to keep a distance.”

  Nico frowned, “I’m glad you find humor in it.”

  Alberti changed the subject. “Sophie tells me she is concerned for you.”

  Nico’s expression turned quizzical. “And why is that?”

  Alberti studied the younger man’s face. He’d known him since he was an infant. Always quiet, even then. He watched Nico grow and he acquired the same temperament as his mother. Dutiful, private and yet, an unwavering stubbornness. “You love her?”


  It was night but Alberti did not need the assistance of the miniature garden lights to see love in a man’s eyes. He felt it permeating from Nico’s spirit. “She is not yours.”

  “You’re speaking riddles, as always. Get to the point.”

  “Still your tongue. Do not deny the obvious, little brother.”

  Twenty-five years separated the men. Yes, his parents raised Alberti but they were not blood brothers, of this Nico was fully aware. “My tongue speaks whenever it wants. You’ve crossed the line many times. I’m not a little boy, remember that!”

  “You commit the worst of sins by repeating the mistakes of the past and turning against the man who has caused you no ill, Nico. My father did this long ago with the wife of Frank Monticelli. You know this history, yet you persist in defiance? Blood spills with treacheries, young brother. Do not make me choose between you and Alfonzo!”

  Nico’s stance changed. Every muscle in his body constricted. He never dismissed a threat. “Goddammit, then make your choice and give me peace!”

  Alberti faced down the younger man. “What peace are you seeking, is death really what you want?”

  “If peace is found in the ground then put me there and stop with the posturing. I’m sick to death of your shit!”

  Nico detected the movement in the shadows and was prepared for the order but Alberti eyed him, wondering if he had made a horrible mistake by extracting Nico from his paradise. Perhaps, death truly is what Nico wanted and the rebellion he’d seen of late was a man suffering from the loss of love. The cigar was snubbed out on the side of the fountain and Alberti gripped it between his fingers looking down at it. “She is young and easily distracted by your charm, Nico. I do not doubt what you feel, but it is wrong.” His eyes moved upward to the chiseled face of the angry man. He could be a statute in the garden he was so rigid. His posture was that of a fighter with the taut muscles, defiant scowl and fierce eyes set upon Alberti, unafraid and prepared for a deadly battle.

  “I have no sense of right and wrong anymore.” Nico looked around at the shadows. He made out their faces in the dark. There was Crane, gun at his side, Ricky and Franco. All ready to take Nico out on the spot and he sneered at Alberti, “Kill me yourself, you’re more than experienced. I’ll welcome the reunion with my mother. Mi manca, fratello!”

  “Cosí faccio, so do I.”

  Nico’s expression revealed his anger as he stared into the blackness. Yes, he’d gladly join the people he called his parents. Life held nothing but heartache. He’d betrayed the woman he pledged to love and forbidden to love the woman he desired. Alberti would be doing him a favor.

  “Nico, how could you forget your honor?”

  “What the hell are we talking about, here? It’s not as if you haven’t strayed on your wife. Were you less than honorable when you did? This has nothing to do with honor and you know it. It’s who I’m seeing that’s upset you. Get over it!”

  “Hate me if you like but I will not let you do this to someone you’re sworn to protect.”

  “I’ve sworn another oath to the living.”

  “Nico, I warn you.”

  “Why is it you say we’re brothers when it’s convenient but the moment I disappoint you, you’re quick to denounce me, huh fratello?”

  “I denounce this, I will not sanction betrayal. Selange is Alfonzo’s wife and I would do the same if the situation were reversed!”

  “No, you wouldn’t. You’d mind your business and in that proper speech give witticisms but you wouldn’t threaten a man whose heart’s in turmoil.”

  “If you love her that deeply then I assume you are willing to die for her?”

  “You ask so many questions to get the answer you already know.”

  “Don’t be a fool, Alfonzo is your friend as well.”

  “Do you think I chose this goddammit…do you?” He growled, “I didn’t and shit…I don’t have a choice.” He said no more. He would not share the fact Selange may be having his child or his pledge to her. Alberti’s unassuming demeanor hid a lethal side.

  Alberti noticed the torment there. Of course, he tried to fight it. Nico would never willfully betray Alfonzo. The power of one woman could kill an army of men. A man would do many things to appease a love, even start wars. Alberti became saddened. Until now, Nico had been a true professional, a man with no equal and it pained Alberti to say the truth. He was left no choice. “I love you as a brother but Alfonzo is blood. Out of love for you and the debts I can never repay your parents, I will give you time to end this before I am forced to intervene. In this life, a man must live by honor or else he is nothing!”

  This brought a scoff to Nico’s lips and a knowing glint to his eyes, “Once again, honor spoken from the mouth of a hypocrite. Speak of it as if you have an ounce in your soul. I know who you are and you can’t hide under a cloak with me. Confess your goddamn sin out loud, then we can speak of honor like the vile men we truly are.”

  “And what sin must I confess?”

  This is the first time Alberti saw Nico’s eyes shine with hurt. He saw the boy he once was in the forty-year old man. The child who smiled at him each time he visited and brought sweets and tales of his travels, the child who looked at Alberti in this moment to confirm his suspicions. A man seeking truth about himself.

  “You and my mother, do you think I’m stupid? My parents after twenty five years have children, by what miracle? My father was impotent, my mother a young vibrant woman and you a man when it happened. Confess the filthy truth to me...speak it instead of fucking riddles…babbo!”

  “I confess no such thing. Boy!” Alberti spat in anger. How dare Nico insinuate such a base theory? The boy knew nothing. Alberti stormed away for fear he’d injure the man for his offense to the memory of his beloved mother!


  The bachelorette party was held on the lower level of the stately home. Its spacious entertainment room was transformed into a nightclub scene with dim lights, live music and small tables along two walls. The center of the room served as the dance floor and toward the front where the band played was a gold colored seat draped with silver ribbons cascading to the black marble floor.

  Neatly stacked presents covered a long rectangular table sitting in the back close to the bar. The table overflowed with gifts, some were required to wait it out on the floor.

  An Italian band played an American R & B hit which they reinterpreted and Selange had to admit they were pretty good. One musician was smiling at Alfonzo’s stepsister Adrianna as she danced provocatively close and she could tell the moment he caught a break where his interests lie.

  Marcella, Sophie and several of the elderly women were at tables, talking and laughing as they waited for the guest of honor. Selange decided to join Lucia at the bar instead of the tables. She didn’t want to be the lone woman out with no one to talk to. Lucia was ogling the shirtless bartender with a silver black bow tie around his neck as he mixed a Chocolate Coconut Cream Pie, a coconut rum concoction that Selange actually tasted once and loved. –This evening, alcoholic drinks were off-limits. She settled beside Lucia, waited until he was done then requested a non-alcoholic Cranberry Tonic.

p; “You look nice.” Lucia complimented before lowering her head and sipping from the thin straw protruding out of the creamy liquid.

  “Thanks, so do you.”

  “Ummm, when Amelda comes we begin.”

  “Where is she?”

  “Getting ready. Renalda will have her here soon.”

  This was how the evening began, but the moment Amelda arrived in her beautiful aqua mini dress, the party turned into a tame display of Hedonism. A quartet of scantily clad men made their rounds, giving lap dances to the modest, gyrating and blowing kisses to the blushing elder women. Amelda was serenaded, entertained and lavishly adorned with sparkly male G-strings as the women ‘hooped’ and ‘whistled’ from their ring-size seats.

  Selange was having a blast, for the night her dispute with Lucia was put aside in celebration. They’d come to a momentary truce, dancing and smiling like old friends during the contagious joyfulness.

  After the gifts were opened and raunchy jokes were told, there were words of advice from the older guests. Many of the sentiments were identical to the one’s Selange received at her bachelorette part many years ago. When it came her turn to offer advice she became quiet, contemplative. What truth could she share with this sophisticated woman, who knew her mind and body?

  When she finally spoke, her words were filled with emotion. “Amelda, everyone here knows you much better than I do, but in the time we’ve shared, I can see there’s no advice I can or will give you. You come prepared, not only with the unwavering love for Matteo but also a sense of self, a community of family and friends and a giving heart. I only wish you continuous love and my hand in sisterhood.”

  Everyone clapped and Amelda smiled, rising from her chair to hug Selange and whisper, “Grazie sorella.”

  Soon, the celebration kicked up again with more food, drink and music. The night did not stop the celebration, a raucous upstairs did.


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