Tyler's Transformation [The Men of the Crazy Angle Ranch 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Tyler's Transformation [The Men of the Crazy Angle Ranch 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 7

by Bellann Summer

  In the last twenty-four hours, Tyler had learned that Graham was a voracious lover. He had woken Tyler up once more during the night to love on him, and again in the shower this morning. Tyler had never been with a man before that had wanted him physically with such extreme need and made him want and need that person right back.

  Ms. Lucy hadn’t been irritated by the extra work they had made her by missing breakfast with the others. She had just started the stove, brought out a frying pan, and the next thing Tyler knew, he was holding a homemade breakfast sandwich with egg, bacon, onion, and peppers in it that he could hold with his good hand. Tyler was touched by her thoughtfulness.

  They had planned to spend the day with Graham showing him around the ranch, but then Graham received an important business call that he had to take. Tyler made his way through the kitchen, down a short hall to the back entrance the hired hands used, and wandered outside to wait for him. Never one to sit still for very long, except when he was drugged up on pain pills, Tyler started walking toward the buildings.

  It was a beautiful day, with the sun shining and a slight breeze. Tyler enjoyed being able to stretch his legs again. About halfway to the area where the big red barn and the other buildings stood, the road split off to the right. At the end of that short driveway was a large, old two-story farmhouse. Tyler could see it had been maintained with bright white siding, black shutters, and a green metal roof that matched the big house. There was a dark-blue truck parked next to it with “The Crazy Angle Ranch” painted on the door. There were also a couple of four-wheelers sitting there. Tyler realized he must be looking at the house the ranch hands lived in. Although Graham had explained, Adam had a bedroom suite in the main house right across from the master bedroom and Ms. Lucy had her own set of rooms off the kitchen. Tyler figured it would take a while for him to search out all the nooks and crannies of the big house.

  Tyler’s attention was drawn to the barn as a beautiful, massive horse burst through a door into the corral attached to it. As the stunning horse high-stepped around in a circle, it shook its flaxen mane as it moved. One of the first things Graham had told him about the Belgians he raised was that they weren’t brown in color. It was called sorrel. This creature’s sorrel coat shone in the sunlight, displaying its good health and beauty for all to see.

  Tyler walked up nearer to the fence, not sure how close was a safe distance. A tall blond man came out of the barn, saw Tyler standing there, and walked over by him.

  “Hi, I’m Callum Leeman. Can I help you?”

  “Nice to meet you, I’m Tyler Hayward.”

  “You’re the pretty baseball player Graham brought home. I’ve seen you play and I have to say, I thought you were a shoo-in for MVP. Sorry to hear about the accident.”

  “Thank you. You’re the vet, right? Graham said you took care of all of the horses around the area.”

  “Yes, I’m the ranch vet and the surrounding ranches pay Graham for my services. Graham, Adam, and I also train all the horses.”

  “It sure is an enormous place.” Tyler looked around at all of the large red sheds and acres of fields. He could see different pastures with giant Belgians in them.

  “Graham has one of the largest draft horse programs in the country. He also uses the land in many other ways to make money. But you’ll have to talk with him about that.”

  “He’s already told me about growing crops, the fig trees, and the oil rigs in one corner of the property. I won’t lie, it’s pretty impressive.”

  “That it is. Don’t take it the wrong way, but you looked bigger on television.”

  Tyler chuckled. If he had a nickel for every time someone said that, he’d be an even richer man then he was already.

  “Yeah, I get that a lot. They say television adds twenty pounds.”

  “I guess, but to be honest you’re downright scrawny.”

  “Well, I have noticed that all of the men of the Crazy Angle Ranch are oversized in height and muscle,” Tyler said.

  “Yep, we’re Texan men.” Callum flexed a bulging, muscled arm.

  “Hey, no flirting with my man.” Graham walked up and put an arm around Tyler’s shoulders.

  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” Callum said. “Just to let you know, Becky is real close and I’ve put her in the foaling barn.”

  “Sounds good,” Graham answered. “Keep me posted.”

  With a wave, Callum walked back into the barn. Graham turned to face Tyler and pulled him closer, bringing their lips together. The kiss deepened and Tyler pushed tight against Graham, wrapping his arms around his waist. Tyler opened his mouth, loving the feel of their tongues sliding against one another.

  Graham lifted his head and green eyes blazing with passion caught Tyler in their web. It wasn’t until the horse in the corral put his head over the fence and huffed that the spell was broken.

  “I think someone is looking for attention.” Graham laughed and stroked the side of the big horse’s head. “Come say hi to Caesar.”

  Tyler wasn’t sure about getting closer to an animal that big. “He’s not going to eat me, is he?” Hey, it seemed like a reasonable question.

  “Of course not. Just let him smell your hand and then you can pet him.” When Tyler still hesitated, Graham assured him. “I would never let anything happen to you.”

  Tyler stepped forward and watched as the horse’s huge nostrils blew air in and out above his hand. When no teeth ate his hand completely off, he slowly brought his hand up and ran it up and down the side of the horse’s face. He was surprised how soft it was.

  “He sure is a gorgeous animal. He looks like he could pull a house if he wanted.”

  “Caesar is one of the top-rated pull geldings in the country.”

  “That’s so cool.”

  “Yes, it is. Now let’s go see the rest of the ranch.”

  Graham entwined their fingers and together they went into the horse barn. It was very large, with everything oversized. Graham pointed out that the doorways and ceilings were taller than a normal barn. The stalls were also bigger and even the walkways were wider. Tyler found it all fascinating and was starting to realize that he could be interested in something other than baseball.

  They walked back out into the sunshine and Graham took him to a slightly smaller barn. Inside, Tyler was delighted to watch foals dance around their mothers and see all the very pregnant mares, ready to give birth.

  Graham walked up to one stall that contained a mare that Tyler could see was ready to have her baby at any second.

  “This is Becky. We bred her with one of the top draft stallions in the country. Callum has said the foal is very large and so we’re keeping an extra close eye on her.” Graham pointed to the corner of the stall. “That camera is connected to monitors in the house and in the farm house. Callum can even monitor her from his cell phone.”

  “Wow, I never imagined anything like this before. It’s a whole new world to me.”

  “See that little guy over there?” Graham pointed to a stall where a colt was dancing around, kicking up his heels. “In another week, we’ll put a halter on him and start touching him, getting him used to the idea that people are all right.”

  “Really? Can I watch?” Tyler wished he knew enough about horses to be able to do stuff with them. But with the shape his hand was in, he couldn’t even shovel shit right now.

  “Of course you can watch. After you get more comfortable around the horses, and if you want to, I think we could find a few things for you to do.”

  Tyler looked Graham right in the eye, trying to show him how serious he was. “Everything you have showed me so far is incredible. I would like really like to learn more and if I can, I would like to try to help.”

  Graham drew Tyler into his arms, putting his hand around the back of his neck, and kissed him. Lifting his head, he looked at the man who was stealing more of his heart every minute they were together. “We have time, honey. You can spend as much time down here in the barns as you want. We al
so have to set you up with the rehab facility at the hospital in town. You should also know that I have to travel for meetings and events sometimes, and I was hoping you would want to come along with me.”

  “So you’re saying we should take this one step at a time and we’ll figure this whole thing out as we go?”

  “If you’re willing.”

  Tyler studied the handsome cowboy that, in a roundabout way, had just asked him to commit to a relationship with him. “I’m willing, but I need us to promise one another that we stick together through everything, thick and thin.”

  Graham knew this promise Tyler was asking for had something to do with whatever he was still holding back. But it didn’t matter right now. What mattered was the answer.

  “I promise.”

  In the middle of the barn, with the pungent smell of hay and horses in the air, they sealed their promise to each other with a kiss.

  Chapter Ten

  The days flew by as Tyler and Graham set up a routine. Graham worked in his office in the mornings and Tyler would exercise, swimming in the pool, working to strengthen his shoulder and elbow. Ten days after the surgery, Graham drove him to the clinic and they removed the stitches in his hand.

  While they were there, they were both tested so they could forgo the condoms when they were ready. Tyler also set up a schedule with the physical therapy department to go in the late mornings, at least three times a week. As they were walking to the truck, Graham looked at Tyler, green eyes dancing. “What do you think about tattoos?”

  Tyler thought about it for a second. “I always thought I’d get one someday, but I could never find anything I’d actually want on my body forever.”

  “What about piercings?” Graham asked.

  Tyler blinked at that. “What kind of piercings? There is no way I’m piercing my cock for anyone.”

  “No. I was thinking more along the line of putting my rings in your pretty nipples.”

  For a moment there was a buzzing in Tyler’s ears at the thought of the needle sliding through his nipples. Shit, the nipples in discussion were now beaded tight, standing up through his shirt. There was another part of his body also standing up, trying to break through the barrier of his zipper.

  “You’re not talking about right now, are you?”

  “No, I was just wondering what you thought about the idea. By the condition of you t-shirt and jeans, I’d say when the time is right, we’ll make it happen.”

  “You really are a kinky asshole, aren’t you?”

  “Honey, you haven’t seen my kinky side yet. You still have hair around that pretty dick of yours don’t you?”

  Tyler could feel his face turning red and his eyes widen as far as they would go. Without saying another word, he walked to the passenger side of the truck and waited for Graham to unlock it. Getting into the truck was both difficult and painful with the full hard-on he had filling his jeans.

  There wasn’t much talking on the way back to the ranch. Graham knew he had both shocked and intrigued his lover. He figured he would give Tyler time to work through all the images that had to be going through his mind right now. Then when they got home, he would pounce.

  * * * *

  Forty-five minutes later, Tyler found himself lying on a bath sheet in the middle of floor of the master bathroom. Shaving cream was smeared around his dick and lower belly, and his lover was holding a razor. Graham had already taken a scissors and clipped his pubic hair very short. Now he was lowering the razor toward his dick. Sweet mother of mercy, Tyler couldn’t figure out how he had gotten himself into this situation.

  “Okay, honey. Don’t move. If I need you to, I’ll move you the way I want you.” Tyler heard Graham instruct him through the roaring of the blood pounding through his ears. Then Tyler felt the razor touch his abdomen just below his belly button. His treasure line was gone in seconds. Graham continued down with swift, firm swipes of the blade and the hair around his hard, straining dick was gone. Now Graham was gently lifting his sack and running the razor over it. Before long, Tyler’s leg was lifted, moved sideways, and the razor was removing hair from parts of Tyler’s body he never imagined a razor near. More shaving cream was applied to his legs and then that razor was doing its thing on his legs. Tyler wanted to object when his arms were lifted and Graham removed the hair from his underarms, too. But then Tyler was too busy receiving deep, sucking kisses from Graham and couldn’t find it in him to do anything but to let Graham have his way.

  Not nearly soon enough, Graham tossed the razor into the sink and pulled Tyler to his feet. “Let’s get you rinsed off in the shower.”

  Tyler found himself washed and rinsed from head to foot. Graham dried him off and then put lotion on him. Tyler couldn’t believe how good it felt on the newly shaved areas. Then he was led into the bedroom and placed in the middle of the bed.

  Graham climbed onto the bed where Tyler lay, seeing that he was still looking a little dazed by everything. The poor guy didn’t realize how magnificent he was, all smooth, with no hair marring his body. Graham couldn’t stop himself from running his hands all over Tyler’s chest, belly, groin, and legs. Grabbing the lube and a condom out from under the pillow, Graham made short work of gloving up and making sure he was coated thoroughly.

  Graham leaned over and took one of Tyler’s nipples into his mouth and sucked hard. He enjoyed Tyler’s moan and kept licking and sucking while he lifted Tyler’s leg so he could reach down and circle his hole with his finger. It didn’t take much to loosen Tyler enough to be ready for him, and Graham wasn’t wasting any time. Graham pushed the head of his cock in until it popped through that ring of muscle. He took a few minutes to let Tyler adjust and then started the age-old dance of pushing in and pulling out until his balls were snug against Tyler’s ass.

  “Are you okay, honey?” he asked.

  Tyler looked at him, pretty blue eyes glazed and face flushed with excitement. “Graham, you just shaved my whole body and are balls-deep inside me. And now you ask me if I’m okay? Of course I’m not okay, but I would be if you would please start to move!”

  That was all Graham needed to hear. He drove into Tyler, making sure to hit his hot spot every time. The more Tyler moaned, the harder and faster Graham went. Suddenly they both stiffened and together, Tyler shot all over their bellies and Graham filled the condom.

  Several soft, deep kisses later, the two men left the bed to clean up. More kisses were exchanged in the bathroom, and again back in their bed, where they both fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  * * * *

  Tyler drove Graham’s truck away from the hospital one afternoon. He had just finished a physical therapy session and was thinking about the big upcoming meeting. In a little under two weeks, he had to be back in California to meet with the hospital and team doctors. It was hard to believe three months had already passed since he had come to Texas with Graham. He had tried to tell his parents that they didn’t have to attend the meeting, but they insisted they would. Graham had cleared his schedule and Tyler had talked to his agent several times over the phone. Tyler knew this could very well be the end of his career.

  Last week, his lover had driven them into town and Tyler now sported a gold ring in each of his nipples. Tyler trusted and loved Graham more every day and sometimes couldn’t believe the things he did to him. Since that first time, Graham had shaved Tyler all over several times more. Tyler had a feeling that, except for his head, hair was a thing of the past on his body.

  Tyler had found that, after his therapy, he sometimes liked to drive around town and look at all the old buildings and discover new places to shop and explore. Today was one of those days. Making a few turns past downtown and up a side street, Tyler saw a group of school buildings. Driving down the street, he first passed the elementary school. A little further was the middle school, and then the high school. It was after three o’clock, so Tyler knew classes were done for the day. But he could see a running track was full of students practicing their
track and field skills. A little further down, all kinds of cars were parked along the street next to a fenced-in ball diamond. There were bleachers full of people as two different teams of young men filled the playing field.

  Tyler found a place to park and went to watch the game. Sitting near the home team dugout, Tyler ended up watching the last two innings of the game before the home team lost. Soon, most of the parents had left, along with the visiting team. The home team stayed and it looked like they were going to have a short practice, along with going over the game they had just played.

  As some of the players went out and took their places by the bases or in the outfield, others lined up to bat. One of the players was standing next to where Tyler was sitting and looked at him for a moment before his eyes grew big.

  “You’re Tyler Hayward, aren’t you?”

  “Um, yeah, I am,” Tyler answered.

  “What are you doing here? You’re famous!” the teenager exclaimed.

  “I was watching you play baseball. You know if you lifted your elbow a little higher and put your hands a little closer when you hold the bat, you would probably be able to hit a little better.”

  “Would you show me?”

  What proceeded was Tyler talking with the coaches, and soon the whole team was gathered around him. He answered all their questions concerning his career and then started working with the young men on swinging the bat better. He also gave them tips on playing the bases in the infield, and how to cover the most ground in the outfield. Tyler found a lot of satisfaction helping the players and was invited back for the next practice.

  As he walked back to his truck, feeling at peace and happy, his cell phone rang, playing the tune, “Take Me Out to the Ball Game.” He answered, knowing it was one of his family calling.

  “Tyler, it’s Brian.” Tyler’s heart stopped. He loved his brother with all of his heart, but to Tyler, Brian also meant his partner Jack. Jack was a member of a team of experts that rescued people from disasters. One of Jack’s teammates was Tony, his former lover who Tyler betrayed with Vanessa. Not only did he betray Tony, he had set it up so Tony found him in bed screwing Vanessa. Tyler still felt like puking every time he thought about it.


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