The Pleasure of Pain 3

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The Pleasure of Pain 3 Page 1

by Shameek Speight


  - A Novel Written by -

  Shameek A. Speight

  Copyright © 2013 by True Glory Publications

  Published by True Glory Publications LLC

  First Edition

  Email: [email protected]


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  This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to actual events, real people, living or dead, organization, establishments, locales are products of the author’s imagination. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously.

  Cover design/Graphics:

  Editors: Kelly Klem and Dextanie Henry

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by information storage and retrieval system without the written permission from the publisher and writer.

  Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any Web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid.

  The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


  It has only been the power of God, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, that I have been able to persevere through many of the trials I’ve been dealt in my life. I thank him for giving me the strength to move on.

  To my family; my beloved sisters, thank you for believing in me. To my mother, I love you very much. To my aunt, I love you. To my daughter Niomi, I do all this for you Princess. To all the men and women who are locked up, hold your head up and keep your faith; there will be a brighter day. To everyone that ever doubted me, I told you I could sell books. To Antoine Inch Thomas, thank you for teaching me all about the book game. To all the fans, thank you for all your support. To my Facebook Group, Team True Glory, you all are the best and I love every one of you. We’re more than just a team, we’re family.

  Table of Contents





























  Tess's eyes twitched as she tried to comprehend what the doctor had said. She had heard him clearly, but her heart wouldn’t and couldn’t allow her to accept what he had said was true. She swiftly pulled out her 40 caliber from the holster on her thick thigh and aimed the barrel of the gun at the Dominican doctor’s forehead. Sweat profusely dripped down his side burns and eyebrows as he held his hands up in fear. His heart was beating so fast he thought that he was going to have a heart attack

  “Now, repeat what the fuck you said to me doc. And, if I were you, I’d choose my words very carefully or they will be your last,” Tess warned through her clenched teeth.

  The doctor's body trembled in fear he was going to lose control of his bowels as he nervously opened his mouth to speak, “I said both girls are in critical conditions facing a life or death situation. They were shot with a small caliber gun. The only reason they are still alive is because their father is giving blood to them as we speak. Both girls were shot in one of the lungs, unsure of the probable cause of how that happened. I was able to locate the area of hemorrhaging, but unable to close the wombs as of yet. I don’t know if their bodies are strong enough to survive surgery with only one lung. It's a fifty percent chance that they might not survive. Because they are the same age and blood type, I can use the lung of one of them to save the life of the other, but you will have to choose which one.” the doctor nervously said while looking cross eyed at the barrel of the gun resting on his skull.

  “Motherfucker, you want me to choose between my niece and my daughter!” Tess shouted.

  “Señora, I can’t save them both,” the man said in a deep Spanish accent.

  Tess gently squeezed the trigger.

  “No!” Layla yelled while rushing over to Tess and knocking the hand she held the gun up making the bullet miss the doctor’s head.

  Tess took a spin while squatting low with one leg out sweep kicking Layla’s feet out from under her, then popped up and pointed the 40 caliber at her feet.

  “Tess, what the hell are you doing?” Layla asked on the ground with a confused look on her face. “Tess, it’s me,” Layla said realizing Tess wasn’t completely mentally there. The situation at hand may have taken Tess out of her normal state of mind. 'Out of all the years of knowing her, I have never seen her lose her cool. And in no way would she ever hurt me. She’s like my mother,' Layla thought to herself.

  Tess inhaled and exhaled deeply as she snapped back into reality realizing what she was doing. “I’m so sorry, Layla, it was a reflex. I didn’t mean to attack you,” Tess said as she lowered her gun and placing it back into the holster on her thigh and stretched her hand out to help Layla up. “I’m sorry you know I love you, but this is just too much for me to bear to even think I have to choose between my child and Isis, who I’ve raised as my own daughter. They are both innocent,” Tess said as she cried hysterically.

  Layla opened her arms to embrace Tess. It was rare to see her cry. She was the strongest. “Tess, there has to be a way for us to save them both,” Layla replied.

  “That’s not what this fucker is saying,” Tess said as she broke the embrace and looked at the doctor shaking and his pants saturated with urine.

  “No, señora that’s not what I’m saying. You can save them both, but not here. You are in the middle of the jungle at a refugee camp. Our supplies and equipment are very limited to none here. You need to be in a hospital, then yes, there would be a way to save them both,” the doctor said praying that Tess wouldn’t pull the gun back out and take another shot at his head.

  “Tess he’s right. All we have to do is get to a city that have a hospital and we can save them both.” Layla stated.

  “That’s easier said than done. We’re down to a handful of henchmen and there's pretty much a whole damn army after us with iris leading them. It’s only a matter of time before they find out about this camp. We can’t go to any hospital in the city and the Santiago Cartel will be guarding the airport for any escape,” Tess said thinking out loud then pulled out her smartphone and clicked on the GPS app. A map popped up on the screen showing her where they were located and a smirky smile spread across her face.

  “Tess what is it? What have you came up with?” Layla asked.

  “We’re going to Haiti,” Tess replied.

  The doctor lips trembled, 'I know I shouldn’t say anything, but it’s only right that I do,' he thought to himself, but then said, "The girls won’t make it through the jungle. It would be four days of hard traveling to make it to the south border at Jimani. Even if I close their wombs they would still have less than forty-eight hours to receive serious medical treatment,” th
e doctor said while backing away.

  Tess smiled, “Great all I need is forty-eight hours. It’ll take a day in a half if we go north to Santiago to Port-au-Prince, Haiti.”

  Layla's eyes opened wide, “Are you crazy, Tess? You want us to go back the way we came from and through a town named after the damn cartel that owns it? Its suicide, it can’t be done. We are outnumbered and out gunned,” Layla said trying to understand the logic of her mentors plan. 'I've always trusted Tess with my life and never once questioned her, but I truly pray she is thinking straight after all that have taken place,' Layla thought to herself.

  Tess placed her hand on Layla’s shoulder, “You’re pretty much my daughter. I raised you and never once let anything happen to you. Do you trust me?” Tess asked while staring in Layla's light brown eyes.

  “Yes with all my heart,” Layla replied.

  “Good then there is no need to question me. Now strap up, find the tallest tree, and place to look out. It’s getting dark so order Vanessa to the portal the area,” Tess ordered then looked at the doctor.

  “You better close my baby's wombs up and prepare them for traveling. We leave in the morning and if either one of those children lose their lives God won’t be able to help you. I’ll burn your dick with a blow torch until it pops then take my time sticking long needles through every part of your body before I end your life,” Tess said meaning every word as she fought back her tears.

  “Yes, yes!" the doctor said and took off running back to the tent where Isis and Ayoyna laid on cot beds with Bless between them with IV's in both his arms transfusing his blood into theirs.

  “I just met you my precious daughters. I can’t lose you now,” Bless mumbled.


  Bless carefully watched the doctor tend to Ayoyna and Isis's wombs as he removed the IV from his arms. “Will they be okay?” he asked.

  Doctor Sanchez looked up from what he was doing, “Si señor,” he replied not wanting to piss off another one of the children’s parents. Tess had already scared the shit out of him and made him lose his bowels on himself. He could still smell the dry piss on his pants.

  “Good and thank you," Bless replied as he looked at his daughters one more time. He could see so much of himself in them along with their mothers. He shook his head in amazement then walked out of the tent feeling a little weak and lightheaded from the blood transfusions.

  The wind was blowing, but the air was hot and humid. Bless looked around studying his environment. They were deep in the Dominican jungle. He looked at the tents in the refugee camp. There were more than a hundred families living in the jungle to get away from the laws and rules of the government and escaping the many drug cartels that murder innocent families and use others to cook their drugs. Bless scanned the large area and spotted Tess eight tents to his left and walked towards her. The closer to her he got he couldn’t help but smile. Even though the situation they were in was the worst kind, Tess's beauty seemed to take his mind away from it all. As he approached Tess, she swiftly turned around while drawing her 9mm luger out of the holster from her thigh and jammed the gun into Bless’ face.

  “Damn baby, I see the years haven’t slowed you down one bit. If anything, you have gotten faster love,” Bless said seductively and smiled.

  “I’m sorry. I’m just a little jumpy," she replied as Tess felt her heart begin to skip a beat while starring at his white teeth and dimples, “Damn, how I’ve missed that smile,” she said out loud thinking that she thought it.

  “I missed your smile as well. I can’t believe I’ve been in a coma for five years and have two daughters and you are stronger than ever. It feels like I’ve been under hypnosis all these years, but now I’m able to see. I’m so happy God has opened my eyes and let me see the woman you have become,” Bless stated.

  Tess lowered her gun and placed it back in the holster and lowered her head in shame, “Strong woman I’ve become, huh? Shit my world has turned upside down and I’m scared of breaking completely the fuck down. My daughter and niece are on their death beds and I have to find a way to save them both. And my best friend in the world has been behind all these fucked up events that have been happening for the past five years,” Tess said with pain in her voice.

  Bless opened his arms and pulled her into them squeezing and holding her tight. Tess held him back as she couldn’t fight the tears anymore as they fell freely.

  “It’s been so long since I’ve felt so safe and comfortable in a man’s arms. And no other touch would do unless it’s yours,” Tess said crying.

  “Yes my love, you are strong being able to use your knowledge and confidence to help navigate through these areas of life that what makes you a boss, a leader, and I respect you. And I know you have a plan to save both Ayoyna and Isis then kill that bitch Iris then we can finally be a family,” Bless replied while lifting up her chin that was buried in his chest. He slowly placed kisses on her cheeks and forehead while wiping her tears away.

  “Shhhs,” she let out a low moaning sound as her pussy throbbed as she became turned on, “Damn after all these years, you still have the same effect on me like when we were kids. I can remember the first time you cleaned my wombs and made love to me the first time. I had the same butterfly feelings in my stomach as I do now,” Tess said in a seductive tone.

  “That’s because we were always meant to be baby. Our legacy has been written by God himself and kept in our hearts to be played like a movie my queen,” Bless replied as he broke their embrace and led her to the tent closing it behind her.

  The tent looked more like a hotel room or your own small private room on the inside in the middle of nowhere. It had a light dangling from the middle of the ceiling. Bless turned his head and looked at the small thin bed that resembled the beds they have when you join the army for boot camp and he knew there was no way they were both going to fit on it.

  “Ahh yes! Shhh yes!” Tess moaned as Bless lips placed wet kisses, each kiss more intense than the last, on her neck. He slowly pulled down the zipper on the back of her bullet proof armor body suit. Tess slowly worked her way out of her boots then the body suit as Bless kissed her shoulder blades while easing out of his own suit. “Sshhh, damn I miss you so fucking much. This feels so much like the dream I had every night that turned into a nightmare because I woke up reaching for you, Bless, and you’re not there. You were never there,” Tess said while tears ran down her cheeks.

  Bless unclipped her bra with one finger and smiled looking at her perky size C breasts. He grabbed one and lightly let his tongue flicker her nipple up and down barely touching it teasing her. Bless dropped to his knees as she kicked away her body suit. “God, it’s like this body has gotten even better,” Bless groaned while scanning every inch and curve on her.

  At 170 pounds Tess was far from skinny, but she kept her body in shape with exercising and training daily. Her thighs were thick, yet soft. Her ass was perfectly shaped and jiggled when she walked and her hips poked out giving her that coke bottle shape. Tess's stomach was flat with six pack abs that amazed Bless. He looked up at her and grinned showing off his perfect white teeth and dimples.

  “I thought that I would never see another day like this again with your lips touching my body. You can’t possibly know how much I've yearned for this to the point that it left my heart and body in pain. I have never let another man touch me and never will. You’ll always be the only man for me baby,” Tess said sincerely while looking down at Bless on his knees fully naked noticing five years in a coma haven’t weakened him one bit.

  She could tell that he have been working out because the muscles in his shoulders were popping out. His body looked as though it was 90 percent pure muscle with that dark skin complexion. His gorgeous smile made her pussy throb and become wetter as he slide down her black lace boy shorts from her huge ass and thighs.

  Bless kissed in between her thighs.

  “Ssshhh yes! Baby yes!" Tess moaned as Bless tongue lightly flicked up and down her
clit then he began the combination of kissing her inner thigh and clit at the same time. His juicy lips sent chills down her spine. She grabbed the back of his head pushing it into her love box,

  “Sssh, stop teasing me,” she said while making a sexy hissing sound.

  Bless opened his full lips and took her whole clit into his mouth. “Mmm,” he let out loud moans while sucking and twisting his head from side to side to send different sweet chills through her body while sucking it hard then gently. He then begin to start back flicking his tongue up and down on the tip of her clit.

  “Oooh ahh shit baby! Ahh damn daddy,” Tess screamed as she felt as if she was about to explode.

  While working his magic, he pushed her backwards until she was now sitting on the edge of the bed then he pushed her back making her lay flat on her back as he gripped her thick thighs and spread her legs wide bopping his head back and forth while inserting his tongue into her wet sweet pussy.

  “Fuck! Sssh, fuck yes, baby,” Tess groaned while holding the back of his head with her left hand and letting her fingers run through his smooth wavy hair. With her right hand, she used three fingers to rub her clit real fast. The faster she went, the wetter she became.

  “Mmm,” Bless moaned as he sucked her pussy lips then stuck his tongue back into her sweet box moving his tongue all around.

  “Ahhh mmm,” Tess screamed as her juices squirted out of her pussy.

  Bless moved his head from side to side slopping up her pussy juices sending sweet sensations through her body. He stood up straight and looked at Tess as a huge smile went across her face. As she looked at Bless's nine inch thick chocolate dick, she could see the veins on it throb. He leaned forward and their lips met then kissed deeply and passionately as their tongues danced around in each other’s mouth.


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