Cast An Evil Eye

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Cast An Evil Eye Page 8

by Ruthe Ogilvie

  “It’s AB negative—a very rare type.”

  “Good. That’s a big help. Where can I reach you, Monsieur?” she asked Zack.

  “I’ll be at La Grande Veue Hotel. I don’t know the room number yet, but you can find out from the clerk. How long do you think these tests will take?”

  “We’ll rush them through,” Renee Aumont told him. “I realize the urgency. We should have the results by early tomorrow morning. We’ll call you as soon as we get the report from the lab.”

  After thanking her, Zack went immediately to the taxi area and hailed a cab. “La Grande Veue Hotel, please,” he told the driver.

  As they drove through the streets of Paris, the night lights twinkled gaily. City Of Lights. But Zack paid no attention. He was too worried about Gus Johnson.

  As soon as he registered at the hotel he went to his room and to bed. Being rested, he knew, would be very important to keep him alert and able to help Gus.

  He tossed and turned until two in the morning, but finally he fell asleep. He was awakened by the phone at six-thirty.

  He picked it up quickly. “Yes!” he said. “This is Zack Davis.”

  “This is Renee Aumont at the police station, Monsieur. We have a report on the specimens I took last night. Your friend’s fingerprints were faxed to us from Los Angeles. They match the ones we found on the telephone last night, and the blood type was AB Negative.”

  “Thank you!” Zack exclaimed. “Now we have something to go on. I’ll go back to the airport and start looking around.”

  “Tell me where I can meet you,” Renee said. “I will join you in the search.”

  “How about the same place where we met last night?” Zack suggested.

  “Fine!” Renee agreed. “How soon can you be there?”

  “As soon as I get dressed I’ll take a cab. Have you had anything to eat this morning?”

  “Not yet. I wanted to call you immediately as soon as I got this report.”

  “There’s a food counter where we met last night,” Zack reminded her. “We can pick up some Danish pastries and coffee and plan our strategy. This isn’t something we should do on an empty stomach. I’ll be there in an hour, give or take a few minutes. See you then.”

  In ten minutes he was showered and dressed. He picked up the phone and ordered a cab, and was on his way out the door and down to the lobby. The cab was waiting. He was eager to get to the airport—not only because of Gus, but he was strangely anxious to see Renee again. This was a new emotion for him, and he wasn’t sure exactly how to handle it.

  He felt encouraged now that the first steps to finding Gus had been taken. The rest would be up to him and Sergeant Renee Aumont.

  Zack arrived at the meeting spot in fifty-five minutes from the time Renee called him. She was already there waiting. When she saw him approaching she went to the food counter and bought some Danish and coffee, and brought them over to Zack on a tray. “Let’s sit here on the bench while we eat and plan how to go about this,” she suggested.

  They were silent as they ate, each with their own thoughts, trying to plan what to do next.

  Suddenly Renee rose from her seat. “I think we should look in the allies first,” she told Zack.

  He looked at in surprise. “You read my mind,” he said. Let’s go!”

  Renee instructed the driver of the garbage truck to leave and make room for the paramedics to enter the alley. They were there in ten minutes, and lifted Gus on to the stretcher, placing an oxygen mask over his face.

  Zack and Renee accompanied Gus in the ambulance with sirens screeching as they rode through the streets toward the nearest hospital.

  “Hang in there, Gus,” Zack murmured.

  After calling headquarters and requesting that someone pick up her squad car, Renee turned to Zack. “How did you know we’d find Gus there?” she asked him.

  Zack managed a wry smile. “I’ve had a gift of very strong intuition all my life,” he replied.

  “So have I!” she said in awe. “I know just what you mean.”

  “That’s what makes me such a good detective,” they said in chorus.

  This brought a laugh to both of them—the first time Zack had laughed since he received that desperate call from Gus.

  “I thank God for it,” Zack told Renee. “Without it we never would have found Gus.”

  She stared at him intently. “Too bad you don’t live in France. We could use you on our force.”

  In ten minutes the ambulance drove in by the emergency entrance. The orderlies rushed Gus into the emergency room while Zack and Renee waited outside.

  Five minutes went by—ten—fifteen—twenty.

  Zack rose to his feet and began to pace. “What’s taking them so long?” he fumed.

  Renee tried to soothe him. “These things take a while. He’s still alive. We must trust that we found him in time.”

  Zack nodded and stopped pacing.

  In another few minutes one of the doctors came out.

  “How is he?” Zack asked him.

  “He has a very strong constitution,” the doctor told him. “Thank God you found him when you did. He’s still unconscious, but I have every reason to believe he’ll make it. He received a vicious blow to the head. We have to keep him for a while. We’ll put him in a private room and wait to see what happens. Do you have any idea who did this to him?”

  Renee showed the doctor her badge. Her lips were tightly pursed. “We don’t know yet but we intend to find out,” she replied. “How soon do you think he’ll be able to answer some questions?”

  “Perhaps in another twenty-four hours. He needs to regain consciousness and get some rest. He’s been through a grim ordeal. Most people wouldn’t have survived it.”

  Zack spoke up. “Doctor, do you think you can find me a room here in the hospital? I feel I should stay near him in case he needs me. He used to be my business partner, and I feel responsible for him.”

  “I’ll see what I can do,” the doctor promised, and left.

  Renee put a comforting hand on Zack’s arm. “You should be proud of yourself,” she told him. “You’ve done an excellent job. Call me as soon as your friend comes to. I need to talk to him. This is a case of attempted murder, and we need clues to catch the person who tried to kill him.”

  By this time the doctor had returned. “We have a vacant room right next to your friend. I’ve made arrangements for you to stay there until he regains consciousness.”

  “Thank you, doctor,” a grateful Zack told him. He turned to Renee. “I’ll call you as soon as Gus comes to,” he promised.


  Cammie had been working diligently with Courtney every day and evening for a week at Stuart Manor.

  Courtney was tired, and becoming cranky.

  But Cammie was prepared for this. “I know you don’t believe me at this point,” she told Courtney, “but it’s going to pay off, and when you walk out on that stage for your debut, you’ll be thrilled!”

  Courtney gave her a dubious look that said she had to be out of her mind.

  “Just remember,” Cammie continued, “you’re saving ‘Déjà Vu’ from being closed. That should keep you going!”

  Soon the time came when both Cammie and Glen felt they should be rehearsing at the theatre so Courtney would get a real feel for the stage she’d be working on.

  Glen attended every rehearsal, and Courtney was nothing less than magnificent! On the breaks between scenes she was busy being fitted to the costumes she’d be wearing. They didn’t need much altering. She and the one who was vacating the role were the same size and build. Courtney would be ready to step right in the day after she left. “Déjà Vu” wouldn’t miss a beat.

  The three of them—Cammie, Courtney, and Glen—laughed together, ate toge
ther, worked together—did everything but sleep together—and a close bond developed. Cammie decided it would be better while they were rehearsing to move into a nearby hotel in New York City, away from Stuart Manor. This would not only be handier to the theatre, but would be out of reach of Manny who was calling every day, interrupting rehearsals. Whenever the phone rang, Jay explained it was a business call, and Courtney returned to her practice.

  In two weeks time she was ready. Having written the dialogue, she had no trouble remembering the lines. Her sweet singing voice was nothing less than glorious. With a range of almost four octaves, the softest tone carried easily to the last row of the balcony.

  Cammie was thrilled.

  Glen was even more thrilled. His admiration for Courtney grew each day. By the time she was ready for opening night he had fallen hopelessly in love with her.

  Jeremy attended dress rehearsal. When he heard Courtney sing, tears came to his eyes. Cammie made no effort to fight back her tears, but let them flow freely.

  Jeremy bent over and whispered to her. “This is the best thing that could have happened to Courtney. She seems to have all but forgotten Manny.”

  “Have you heard anything further from him?”

  “He’s called almost every day. I didn’t tell you while you were rehearsing at home. The last thing you needed was an interruption from him. I let Jay handle the calls.”

  “I wish he’d leave her alone,” Cammie muttered. “She has her hands full right now with the opening coming up tomorrow night.”

  Jeremy squeezed Cammie’s hand assuringly. “It’s a good thing you decided to stay in New York. You made the right decision. Manny has no idea where she is. I hope it stays that way. Whatever Dr. Drake did to bring her out of that hypnotic trance, it worked. We can’t let Manny get hold of her again. Why do you suppose he hypnotized her in the first place?”

  “I don’t know,” Cammie told him. “I have a feeling Zack knows. But he’s away right now so we can’t ask him. I hope the friend he went to help is okay, and he comes back soon. I always feel so much safer when he’s around.”

  Jeremy nodded. “I know what you mean. He’s been a great friend all these years.”

  “Has Jay heard from him since he left?” Cammie asked him.

  “Not that I know of. Do you have the feeling that Jay knows more than he’s telling us?”

  “I haven’t had a chance to think about it. I’ve been too busy getting Courtney ready for her opening. Are Fran and Andre coming tomorrow night?”

  “Nothing could keep them away! They’re as thrilled as we are.”

  Cammie grew pensive. “Glen seems genuinely interested in Courtney. I think he’s falling in love with her.”

  Jeremy looked triumphant. “That should push Manny right out of the picture! How do you think Courtney feels?”

  “I’m sure she likes him. Just how much I really don’t know. But I’ve seen them with their heads together laughing and talking. They’d make a great pair. Just like Mom and Dad! The composer and the producer. Déjà vu! Wouldn’t that be great!?”

  Together they watched as Glen, on stage with Courtney, was helping her with one of the scenes. They could see plainly what a great rapport they had, working together.

  “Time to break for dinner,” Glen announced from the stage. “Everyone is dismissed. Have a great meal and take the day off tomorrow. Get plenty of rest and be here by six o’clock sharp, ready for the big debut.” He grabbed Courtney’s hand and together they made their way down the aisle to where Cammie and Jeremy were sitting. “Let’s go to a quiet place where we can relax with some good food and wine. How about Trader Vic’s?”

  “Sounds great!” Cammie enthused.

  Glen pulled his cellular phone from his pocket. “I’ll alert the limousine.”

  It was after nine when they arrived at the restaurant.

  But as Jeremy approached the maitre’d, he suddenly spied Manny at one of the tables. He turned abruptly and sped back to the others. “The maitre’d tells me all the tables are filled,” he announced. “We’d better go to Sardi’s.” He took Courtney’s hand and led her out of the restaurant. He rushed her into the limo which was waiting outside.

  Cammie spoke to him in a whisper. “What was that all about?”

  He mouthed the words to her. “Manny is there!” He breathed a sigh of relief and put his arm around Cammie. “That was close!” he muttered.

  “What was close?” Courtney asked him.

  “Oh, nothing, sweetheart. Sorry we have to go somewhere else, but Trader Vic’s was full. We’re all hungry, and it didn’t make sense to wait for half an hour.”

  This satisfied Courtney. She snuggled up to Glen.

  Jeremy winked at Cammie, who nodded approval.

  Sardi’s was almost empty when they arrived.

  By this time they were very hungry. One of the waiters seated them at a dimly lit booth in a secluded corner, and took their orders.

  Cammie smiled fondly at Courtney. “Tomorrow’s the big night! We’re all looking forward to it.”

  Courtney looked troubled. “I hope I don’t disappoint everyone. I’m scared.”

  “You wouldn’t be normal if you weren’t,” Jeremy reminded her. “I remember how nervous your mother got before every performance. She was always afraid she wouldn’t do as well as she did the night before. But she was always brilliant. You will be too.”

  Glen tightened his arm around Courtney. “Just sing the way you did tonight at dress rehearsal,” he told her, “and everything will be fine. I know you’ll be great. You’re number one in my book—even better than the one who played the role before.”

  Again Cammie and Jeremy exchanged knowing looks. Thank God Jeremy spied Manny when he did, she thought. We can’t have anything go wrong now, on the eve of Courtney’s success.

  All the papers had been notified that the composer of “Déjà Vu” was taking over the leading role, and the theatre was sold out. Let’s hope that Manny didn’t see the notice, and doesn’t show up, Cammie prayed. All we need now is for him to get her in his clutches again.

  Why is he so anxious to have a hold over her?

  I wish Zack were here. He’d know how to handle it.


  It was four o’clock in the morning in Paris. Bustling activity in the room next to Zack woke him up.


  He jumped out of bed. No need to dress. He had slept all night in his clothes, ready to help Gus if he needed it.

  He rushed into Gus’ room. The doctor was there and Gus was propped up on pillows. He had a blank stare and looked frightened.

  Zack went over to his side. “Gus! Thank God! How do you feel?”

  Gus gave him a blank stare. “Who are you?” He looked around. “Where am I? What am I doing here?”

  Zack took a backward step. He was stunned. This was the last thing he expected.

  He looked at the doctor. He looked at Gus, and stepped up to the bed. “Gus,” he said gently, “I’m Zack, your former partner. Don’t you remember?”

  Again, a blank stare. A look of fear crept over his face. “Zack—Gus—who’s Gus?”

  Zack’s heart left his chest and touched his toes. “You’re Gus Johnson. We ran a detective agency together.”

  Gus gulped and rubbed his eyes. He winced as one of his fingernails brushed over the cut on his forehead. He looked as though he was in a trance. “I don’t remember—” His voice trailed off. “I’m so tired—”

  The doctor nodded to Zack. “We’d better leave and let this man get some rest. Maybe when he wakes up he’ll remember. This sometimes happens when someone’s been hit on the head. It’s usually temporary.”

  The nurse lowered the bed and made Gus comfortable. He fell asleep almost immediately, leaving a very disturbed
Zack hoping the doctor was right—that this was only a temporary setback.

  He debated whether or not to call Renee Aumont. It was only five o’clock in the morning. He decided to wait till Gus woke up. His memory might be clearer, and he’d be able to answer Renee’s questions. But just as he came to this decision, Renee appeared.

  “How’s your friend?” she asked eagerly. “Has he regained consciousness yet?”

  Zack looked at her with a hopeless expression.

  Renee sat down on the bench beside him and put a comforting arm around his shoulder. She spoke with great compassion. “Zack.” It was the first time she had called him by his given name. “What’s wrong?”

  Zack shook his head in disbelief. “Gus can’t remember anything. Not me—not even who he is. It’s all my fault.” His voice broke as he tried desperately to gain control.

  Renee did something totally unexpected. She put both arms around Zack and pulled him over so his head rested on her shoulder. She stroked his head gently.

  This caught Zack off guard. He was exhausted from lack of sleep and worry over Gus. At this point he was extremely vulnerable. He was used to taking over in a tough situation—always the strong one—and this feminine gesture touched him deeply. His defenses broke down and he did something he didn’t remember ever having done before. His shoulders heaved and a sob escaped his lips.

  “Go ahead. Cry it out,” she said, as a mother would soothe a child. “It’s okay to cry. I wouldn’t give two cents for a man who couldn’t.”

  She held him until he calmed down.

  “Sorry,” he apologized as he straightened up. “That was stupid.”

  “No,” Renee disagreed, “just human.” She changed the subject. “I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry. Let’s go to the cafeteria and get something to eat. Some hot coffee will do us good.”

  Zack shook his head and looked toward Gus’ room. “I’m not hungry. You go.”

  “Nonsense!” Renee took hold of Zack’s hand and pulled him up. “Come on,” she chided. “You have to keep up your strength. You won’t be any use to Gus if you don’t.”


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