Humanity's Hope (Book 1): Camp H

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Humanity's Hope (Book 1): Camp H Page 9

by Greg P. Ferrell

  As she entered the garage, she noticed Ron and Kenny as they stood ready to help her dad and the others already there waiting. Then she saw Storm come bounding through the garage heading her way. As Hope bent down to greet the loyal dog, she heard the door to the bus open. Storm turned and started to growl, as the first person to step out was not one she’d been expecting. Storm immediately started barking as the nearly naked stranger exited the bus. Right behind him was her dad. Once Storm saw Kyle she settled down a bit, but moved to stay between the stranger and Hope.

  Kyle gently guided the stranger over to the corner of the garage and passed him off to Ron and Kenny. They wasted no time and immediately began a thorough inspection of his body, checking for bite marks or any other signs of injury or infection.

  While the others handled the stranger, Kyle walked over to Hope. “Hey, girl, did ya hold down the fort while I was gone?” He gave her a hug.

  “It was quiet today. No biggie. So was the trip worth it?”

  “Yep. Come on over here and help me unload the loot,” said Kyle. “I think we hit the jackpot today.” He headed to the rear of the bus just as David opened the door.

  One by one they unloaded all the duffle bags from the Devastator. After they got them all out and settled them on the tables, Kyle turned to Hope. “Don’t let him see this. Keep it wrapped ’til we move him.” He then proceeded over to join Ron and Kenny as they finished up their examination.

  “Sorry about this, Mr. Waylon,” Kyle said. “But we have to be extremely careful. We’ve had to be even more careful since the last time we picked up a stranger.” He waited for the man to finish redressing. “Now I’m gonna have my guys here walk you over to another location and get you secured.”

  Waylon startled at the statement. He looked at Kyle. “What the hell? Am I a prisoner or what? You ain’t locking me up, man. I would rather be out there than in here, especially with the horde that’s coming.”

  “What do you mean with the horde that’s coming?” He looked over his shoulder to see if Hope had heard them. She was still at the table inspecting the haul they’d just unloaded.

  “Tell you what, let my guys take you over and get cleaned up and fed. Then I’ll come by and we can discuss this in a few. If you don’t want to be here that’s fine. We aren’t gonna keep you. But at least give me a bit to get everything situated here, and then we can figure it all out.”

  “Fine, but don’t take too long. It’s getting dark, and I want to get moving,” Mr. Waylon said as Brian and Kenny escorted him out of the garage.

  “So what do you think guys?” Kyle said to Ron and David as he headed to the tables with the duffle bags on it.

  “Wow! That is the mother-lode,” Ron exclaimed as he looked down at the unzipped duffle bags full of weapons. Kyle started to unload the bags when he heard Leon come barging into the garage.

  “I told ya! I told ya, didn’t I?” Leon exclaimed as he saw the arsenal being unloaded onto the workbenches.

  “Yeah, yeah, even a broken clock is right twice a day.” Kyle chuckled. “This time it paid off, not like the last three quests you’ve sent us on.”

  Then they all began to inventory the current haul with Hope’s assistance.

  “Let’s have our final count,” Hope said. “We have 12 assault rifles, six shotguns, and 14 handguns, all with supporting ammo totaling around 8000 rounds. Assorted holsters, scopes, laser sights, no batteries, and cleaning kits for all. And last, but not least, five knives and three bug-out bags with food and medical kits still inside.”

  “Whoa. That’s awesome. This stash, coupled with the find from the overrun National Guard unit last month, puts at least one gun in everybody’s hand and adequate ammo to go with them,” Kyle claimed. “Ron, I’m gonna go get cleaned up. Can you secure these ’til we decide how to divide them up?”

  Ron gave a nod.

  Kyle walked over to his daughter. “Hope, walk back to the house with me.”

  Dad and daughter exited the garage and headed back toward their home. The day was getting late and all around them they watched as the other members of Camp H were going through their nightly rituals. Camp members all over their little haven were lighting the torches and securing the houses with bars and shutters barring every entrance.

  “So anything happen today while we were gone?” Kyle asked.

  “Nope. Just a typical day. I harvested the garden and got dinner prepped.”

  “What about your sister?”

  “I don’t know,” Hope answered. “Rico said something about taking her target shooting or something. I didn’t pay any attention to the details.”

  Kyle could tell she was a little bothered by Renee and Rico being together, but he also knew not to get too involved.

  “Well I’m gonna go get clean and then catch up with our guest. Go find your sister and get her home. When I get back, we’ll sit down and have supper.” As Kyle turned and began to head inside, he said, “Oh, by the way, you can keep the knife. That’s the one I would’ve given you, anyway.”

  Hope almost denied the accusation, but thought better of it. She knew her dad well enough to know he had her busted or he wouldn’t have said anything. As Hope headed over to find Renee, she pulled the knife out, unbuckled her belt, and attached her new official Marine Ka-Bar to it. “Cool. Wait ’til I show Kenny I have one, too!”


  Kyle and Waylon

  Kyle entered the candlelit house at the end of the street that had been modified into a makeshift clinic. He found Ron’s wife, Josey, the camp’s now de facto nurse, as she tended to their new guest.

  “Sorry about all this, but we have safety measures in place for a reason. With all that’s happened and all that’s still happening, I’m sure you understand.” Kyle motioned to Brian and Kenny to leave him alone with the stranger.

  “We’ll be right outside; just holler if you need us,” Kenny said, as he walked out the door.

  “Josey, how’s our guest look?” Kyle pulled up a seat.

  “He’s in pretty good shape. No bites. No zombie scratches. Just a couple of bruises. I’m gonna let you two chat. I gotta get home and get some supper ready for Ron, unless you got plans for him I don’t know about.”

  “Naw. He’s securing the haul from today, then he’s done for the night,” Kyle responded as Josey headed for the door.

  As the door shut, Waylon finished eating the last of the canned beef stew that they had given to him and turned to Kyle. “So you must be the head honcho around here, huh? Pretty nice place you got. How long ya’ll been surviving here?”

  “Whoa, slow down with these questions. I almost feel like you’re doing recon or something here. Let me ask the questions, then I will determine how much I’m willing to answer.” Kyle stared for a moment. “Now, first things first. Where are you from? Why are you here? And lastly, what’s this about a horde?”

  Waylon leaned back in his chair. “Well, originally, I was from Baltimore when the outbreak happened. Been in Savannah, Georgia, since about two months in when all the big cities were overrun. We were shacked up in a hotel for the last eight months until we were overrun by a large horde moving southward. This ain’t a regular horde like we had seen before. This one just kept going and going. I’m talking thousands. We bailed out in a jeep and started driving west. But every time we would stop, the damn horde was still coming. So, finally, we turned south, and, by way of the back roads, we ended up here. Didn’t even know what city this was at first ’til we came across the FSU campus and saw the stadium. We stopped for the night and awoke this morning to the sound of your vehicle barreling past us. As we tried to catch up to you we ran across a small group of slabs. I was the only one to get away when I found ya’ll.”

  Waylon stopped and looked at Kyle to see if his story had satisfied all the man’s questions. “Now if you don’t mind, I would like to collect my gear and get out of here. By my guess, you have about three to four days before that horde reaches you, and I
want to be in South Florida by then.”

  “You think the South Florida Wall is real?”

  “I have to hope so. If it’s not, my only other option is to hit Key West and try and swim to Cuba.”

  Kyle leaned back and soaked in everything Waylon had told him. “Alright, let’s say I believe you. It’s getting dark, and I wouldn’t feel right sending you out right now. How about you stay here for the night, and we get you on your way first thing in the morning? We can set you up with some supplies and at least give you a fighting chance out there. You can get a good night’s rest, and then you’re on your way.”

  “Nope. I’m ready to go now. I’m telling you, man, you ain’t seen anything like what is heading your way. I want to put as much distance between me and them as I can.”

  “I hear you, but I gotta run this by my guys. Let me tell them your story, and we’ll decide what we we’re gonna do.”

  Suddenly, Waylon lunged at Kyle and knocked him to the ground. Waylon landed on top of Kyle’s midsection and leaned onto his throat with his forearm. “I ain’t your prisoner. You’re going to let me leave or I’m going to crush your windpipe.”

  As he finished his threats, Waylon heard the distinct sound of a 12-gauge pump being cocked behind his head. “Get up off my buddy or the next sound you hear will be your brains hitting the wall!”

  Waylon slowly released the pressure on Kyle’s neck and stood to face the voice behind him. David stood mere feet behind him with a 12-gauge and a grin aimed directly at Waylon.

  “Now he said he was going to try to accommodate you as best as his conscience would allow, and you went and attacked him,” David responded as he leaned over to give Kyle a lift up to his feet. “That to me is a huge insult to our hospitality. I suggest you sit down and shut up while we figure out how much or how little we do for you now.”

  “Well, you made this simple,” Kyle barked at Waylon. “You won’t be staying here long, but until we decide when we’re sending you on your way, you will be confined to this room. If you try anything else, there will be no warning given next time. You understand?”

  “Just want to leave. That’s all.”

  “Sit here. We will be back soon,” Kyle said as he and David exited the room and locked the door on their way out.

  Kyle and David walked over to the garage after collecting Kenny and Brian on the way. “This guy wants to leave, and after that attack, I’m ready to send him out now,” Kyle said as the four friends arrived at the garage. “However, I can’t be 100-percent sure his story is accurate, and he wasn’t sent here to spy on us from some bandits or some such.”

  “Why don’t you let me take him out of here?” a voice from behind sounded out.

  Startled, all four friends turned and drew guns at the same time and aimed toward the voice that wasn’t supposed to be there.



  Rowland and Consorts

  Rowland stood on the mound of dirt as he looked out into the darkness with a pair of night-vision goggles keenly searching for any movement across the vast African Savannah. Save for a lioness moving with her cubs, he saw nothing. Satisfied that all was clear, he put the goggles into the leather satchel slung over his shoulder and turned toward the camp behind him. As he made his way to the largest clay hut in the camp, he saw a lone pair of headlights approaching from the south up the long dirt road that led into the heart of the camp. Rowland dipped his head as he entered through the doorway into his hut. Standing at seven feet tall, he towered above any normal-sized man. He picked up his rifle and exited the hut to meet the approaching vehicle. As he exited, four military-dressed soldiers in full battle gear greeted him.

  “Sir, we have an approaching vehicle. Stay back until we check it out,” one of the soldiers remarked.

  “I am more than capable of handling a few strangers, soldier. Besides, I am expecting these guests,” Rowland said as he pushed past his military guards.

  The truck pulled into camp and parked in the middle of the large dirt opening surrounded by more clay huts comprising the camp. As the driver got out and walked around to the back doors to open them for his passengers, he was startled by the unexpected appearance of Rowland who seemed to merely appear out of the darkness. Rowland placed his hand on the driver’s shoulder and gently pushed him aside as he took his other hand and opened the door.

  Out stepped Eva first, who was startled slightly by the grizzled appearance of Rowland. “Rowland, my dear. I had expected you to meet us upon our arrival at the boat. I did not believe you would make us travel for so long to this dirt hovel before making an appearance,” Eva stated. She then turned and eyed the very humble camp around her, not even attempting to hide her disgust at the simple surroundings.

  “You will find none of your luxuries here, my young consort. We are at war, if you haven’t realized it yet. This is as secure a place in all of Africa that we have for the moment,” Rowland snapped back at the quiet insult from Eva.

  “Please forgive my fellow consort, Rowland. She has been insufferable since we were overrun in London and had to retreat to the back country in Spain,” a voice chimed out from the backseat.

  “Ah, Tovas, and how are you handling the situation?” Rowland asked as he stepped aside to allow Tovas to fully exit the vehicle.

  As the man exited the vehicle, Rowland was shocked by the distinct contrast in clothing of the two consorts. Eva wore a very elegant dress, adorned with jewels and beads, the type of apparel expected from someone attending a formal function. Tovas’ garb, however, was the exact opposite of Eva’s stately attire. He wore faded and ripped blue jeans and a very dirty T-shirt. The only inconsistency in his attire was that his T-shirt had been tucked into his pants, as if he were attempting some semblance of dignity.

  Tovas realized the puzzled look on Rowland’s face and offered an explanation for his appearance. “We were overrun by a herd of the undead monsters right before our evacuation, and my bags were left behind to make sure someone else’s wouldn’t be. Therefore, I had to scrounge up some clothing on our way to the boat you had sent.” Tovas gave a disgusted look towards his fellow consort.

  “Ah, I see. I will have some of my soldiers get you some suitable replacements after I get you settled in. Now, come on inside and let me catch you up on the situation.” Rowland led the new arrivals toward their humble hut.

  As the trio entered, Eva paused and looked around in her condescending way at the basic provisions available. “I cannot believe this. Do you truly expect this to be acceptable for us let alone our Master to stay here?”

  Rowland whipped his head around and grinned. “Young lady, you should be glad you have a roof over your head right now. And as for your master, he has already departed for America to have everything in place for our arrival.”

  Tovas was caught off guard by the comment and looked quizzically at Rowland. “He has already left? I thought he was going to take us with him.”

  “Our illustrious leader decided to take matters into his own hands. He left two days ago for Florida to make sure everything is on schedule with his plans. For now, we are to wait here for our transportation and then we will join him. Now, if you need anything within reason,” he said as he looked directly at Eva, “see my consorts for it. Byron and Ysaac will be returning shortly from an errand and they will be happy to accommodate you.”

  Eva started to speak up, but Rowland quickly exited the hut before her words could even leave her mouth. “Well, that was rude. We should be shown a little more respect. Don’t you think?” she finished, while looking to Tovas for support.

  “I think he’s done enough for now. We are just consorts, and he is a master. If he says this is the way it is, then it is. Now, I’m going to scout around and see what he has for us for nourishment, and then I am going to prepare for some rest. It has been a long journey, and I for one need to find some appropriate clothes and a place to lay my head if we are to be going to be
going to Florida.” Tovas then exited the modest hut and left Eva behind to fume.


  Kyle and Benjy

  The voice in the corner of the garage spoke out again, “And here, I thought Southern hospitality was still alive.”

  “Step out slowly and keep your hands where we can see them!” Kyle growled.

  The owner of the voice stepped out into the light. He was clothed in all black with a ski mask covering his head and face. As he stepped fully into sight with hands held outward, he slowly reached up and pulled the ski mask off.

  As the mask slid up over his face, a beard so light gray as to be nearly white was revealed to match a very light gray head of hair tied back into a ponytail.

  Kyle relaxed as the elderly figure in front of him was identified. “Damn it, Benjy! You scared the crap out of us.”

  The man gave Kyle, who was waiting with open arms, a hug. The other three guys all lowered their guns as they, too, recognized the newcomer. “Hey, Benjy!” all three men said in unison.

  “Where have you been?” Kyle asked. “You haven’t been by in over a month. I was beginning to think the slabs had finally got you, finally.” He stepped back from the hug and held Benjy at arms length and inspected him from head to toe.

  “Just been doing my thing. Surviving and scouting. Made it all the way to Columbus this time.”

  “Any survivors out there?”

  “Made it all the way up there and back without finding another living soul. Lots of slabs, though, and plenty of supplies. Got some antibiotics, ammo, and lots of canned goods. The truck is parked about a quarter-mile back. I always come by to check on you first. Gotta make sure you’re still here and in control before I show up with goodies.” Benjy took a seat. “So what about this visitor you got? Some reason you’re worried about him?”

  “Well, he mysteriously shows up at a supply run today. We bring him back, and he starts ranting about a horde of slabs coming. Claims it’s thousands upon thousands, and he was trying to outrun them to the legendary South Florida Wall.”


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