Haven (The Breadwinner Trilogy)

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Haven (The Breadwinner Trilogy) Page 13

by Kopas, Stevie

  Catherine’s eyes filled with tears. “Where the fuck is my husband?!” She began to scream, leaning her body out over the ledge. “Where is Desmond?! Where is my fucking husband?!” Andrew pulled her back from the ledge, she squirmed in his arms, screaming at him. The eaters who had previously lost interest were most definitely interested in the roof again. Their decrepit arms reaching up, rotten fingers clawing at the stucco. Michelle saw this as her chance and bolted out from behind the sedan toward the back of the building. She cleared the group of eaters, but they howled as she flew by. She turned and began firing at them, completely missing and falling on her ass. She heard Lulu call out to her as the fire door opened. Michelle raised her weapon and pulled the trigger at the last second, the body of an elderly woman nearly toppling over onto her. She scrambled and made it just in time as a complete stranger pulled her into the building and fired a round into the skull of the closest eater to the door. Its skull shattered and it dropped. Gary spit onto its lifeless body and slammed the door closed, Lulu locking it. Andrew could barely keep Catherine contained, she writhed and screamed in his oversized arms on the roof. “Let her go!” Ben hollered over the music. Andrew loosened his grip and she collapsed to the gravel. Free to move, but lacking the desire to. She quietly moaned to herself. The tears subsiding. She willed her body to go, to seek out Michelle and utter from her lips the question that burned a hole in her brain. But she knew it in her heart, her husband was gone.


  Michelle shoved the heavy duffle bag forward with her foot and it rolled over on its side. She panted and pulled her thick curly hair from its ponytail, shaking it out and exhaling loudly.

  “Michelle, where’s Francis and Desmond?” Lulu’s voice trembled, she knew what Michelle was going to say. She could see the blood on her best friend’s clothing.

  “Who’s this guy?” Michelle ignored Lulu. Her face stern.

  “I’m Gary.” He introduced himself to the tall woman with the multicolored hair.

  “What are you doing here?” The two stared at one another, Lulu stood off to the side, hugging her arms into her chest, her hands over her mouth. She held back the tears but her efforts were futile once Catherine began slowly climbing down the ladder from the roof. The tears streamed down her face silently as she pushed herself passed Michelle and Gary. She opened her arms to Catherine but the doctor shoved her gently to the side.

  “Catherine.” Michelle turned to her, holstering one of her guns and opened her mouth to speak but it was shut for her as Catherine marched forward and grabbed Michelle by her shoulders, throwing her up against the wall. For a small woman, Catherine was strong, and Michelle knew she was in full aggression mode. After all, she did return to safety without the woman’s husband. Neither woman spoke, Michelle could feel the heat of Catherine’s breath on her face, her green eyes full of anguish. “Catherine.” Michelle spoke her name again. This time more sweetly, with a pain in her face, and a tear in her eye. “I’m sorry.”

  Catherine let go of Michelle and backed away. She felt overwhelmed. She looked Michelle up and down. Whose blood is that? Is that Desmond’s blood? What happened to Francis? How did you make it back by yourself? Why are you alive and why is my husband dead? What happened out there? All these questions running through Catherine’s brain and yet not an ounce of strength to bring them out of her mouth. Michelle’s face showed Catherine what she wanted to see. A woman haunted by the loss she’d just experienced. But her posture was the opposite of a defeated warrior; she had an unexplainable intensity in her stance, one that stunk of arrogance and one that sickened Catherine to her core. Michelle stepped forward and put a hand out toward her, “I’m sorry, there wasn’t anything I could do.”

  Catherine slowly brushed the hand away. “I need to be alone.” She stormed off backward toward the roof, she was silent as she waited for Ben and Andrew to clear the ladder.

  “How many more of you are there?” Michelle dropped the backpack gently to the floor, glass bottles lightly clinked together as it settled on its side. Gun still in hand, she awaited a response.

  “Those two brutes would be Andrew and Ben.” Gary was the first to speak. “We’ve got one more, a girl, she was injured. She’s asleep in the spa.” Michelle enjoyed how formal Gary was when he spoke to her. He was respectful that this was not his home, they were guests and he didn’t yet know if they were truly welcome. “She wasn’t bitten, I know that’ll be your first question. We were pretty shit out of luck though. Your friend, the doctor, she helped us to safety and patched up Veronica. We owe her big time.”

  “What are your intentions here?”

  “It was my idea to come. I wanted to further explore the area, gather as many supplies as we could. Perhaps find others like us, bring them back with us, to safety.”

  “You mean you have some place else?” Lulu chimed in. Suddenly interested. Andrew hadn’t mentioned anything to her on the roof about where they’d come from.

  “Indeed. A few kilometers from here, quite the place.” Andrew shot Gary a look. He didn’t want him to give up their location. His brother and girlfriend were there and he didn’t want any trouble for them. Gary understood and kept his mouth shut.

  “Well you sure picked the right place at the right time.” Michelle finally holstered her other weapon, one now on each hip. “I’m sure we can work something out with the supplies. Looks like you’re already nice and cozy for now. My name’s Michelle.” She held out a hand and Gary returned the gesture. She approached Ben and Andrew and did the same, exchanging names and handshakes. “There was an unexpected turn of events today. I’m sure you can piece it together for yourselves.” Her eyes wandered to Lulu. She could see the hurt in her friend’s face. “I’m sorry about Francis, sweetie.” She pulled her in and hugged her tightly. “If ya’ll don’t mind. I’m gonna go ahead and get cleaned up. Then I’d suggest you take turns doing the same.”

  Michelle snatched her backpack up from the floor and grabbed the strap of the duffle bag, dragging it behind her and into the Luxe Salon. “I’m gonna go with Michelle. You three can hang out in one of the other stores for now. I’d leave Catherine be if I were you.”

  The three men nodded and filed into the cell phone store, shutting the door behind them. Lulu entered the salon. Michelle was lighting candles and placing them around the washing sink. The thick coating of paint on the windows was a blessing and a curse; it kept them from being noticed by the eaters, but it also completely blocked out any natural light. Not that it would have mattered with nightfall upon them, but Lulu found her favorite place being on the roof. The stores in the building felt too much like prison cells. Michelle poured some water into the sink and began to undress. “What happened out there today?” Lulu asked her.

  “I don’t think we should talk about it.” Michelle kicked away her dirty clothes and began scrubbing at her skin. Between the candles and the bath soap, the salon smelled of delicate lavender. “One day. But not today.”

  “I understand.” Lulu approached her friend and dipped her hands into the clean water, splashing them on her face. “Did they feel pain?”

  “No.” Michelle said flatly. She gave her friend a look that told her the conversation was over and finished cleaning herself up. She redressed and tiptoed to the back of the spa. Michelle put her ear up to the door of her private quarters and listened. She was satisfied that the girl inside wasn’t awake and cracked the door open. A flashlight in the corner of the room was left on and pointed toward the ceiling, Michelle could barely make out the girl’s form in the poorly lit room. She was definitely asleep.

  “What do you think of these people?” Michelle turned to Lulu, whispering.

  “I like them.”

  “You like everyone.”

  “I know, but, I mean it. They’re good people and we finally helped somebody else besides ourselves today. As shitty as it is out there, we’re not alone anymore. We’re not the only people left out there.”

  Michelle tho
ught of the stranger in the liquor store from earlier that day. She wondered if anyone would go looking for him when he didn’t return to his camp. She thought of Francis and Desmond, lifeless on the highway. If anyone did go looking for the man in the liquor store, would they end up coming this far? Would they find Francis and Desmond, clearly not turned, with bullet holes in their heads?

  “Michelle?” Lulu lightly brushed her face. “Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine.” She walked back toward the front of the salon and returned with both the duffle bag and the backpack. She placed them onto one of the massage tables and opened them.

  “That’s a lot of guns.” Lulu remarked, reaching out for one of the weapons.

  Michelle slapped at her hand. “No. You don’t need one of these yet.” Lulu looked hurt. “You need to learn how to handle one first. We keep this between you and I, we don’t need our visitors to know what I brought back with me just yet. Got it?”

  Lulu nodded. “What’s in the other bag?”

  Her question elicited a smile from Michelle. She proudly produced 4 bottles of top shelf liquor from the backpack. “Only the best. Glad this was even left. The place was in pretty bad shape.” Lulu pointed at one of the bottles and Michelle grinned again. “Yes, these are for sharing.”


  Ben, Andrew and Gary sat around in some office chairs in the break room of the cell phone store. Gary spun around like a child, out of harm’s way, he felt like his mission had been accomplished.

  “What do you make of all this?” Andrew asked Ben.

  “They’ve obviously been able to survive, this place is set up well.” Ben fiddled with the lantern on the desk as he spoke. “I think that just like us they’ve seen their fair share of bad luck. Especially today, for all of us. Seems like the shit’s hit the fan.”

  “Don’t I know it.” Andrew rested his forehead on the top of the chair he sat backwards on.

  Gary stopped spinning and planted his feet firmly on the floor. “I’ve got to say, I’m sorry about Samson.” They both looked up at him. “I didn’t know him quite as well as the rest of you, but that doesn’t mean I’m any less sorry for the loss.”

  “We didn’t know him all that well either.” Ben replied, “Veronica got hit the hardest on this one. I think he was a good dude though.”

  “Well, I don’t think it’s about how long you’ve known someone anymore. I think we should all be glad to know anyone at all these days.” Gary’s perpetual positivity shone through once again, at the right moment.

  There was a light knock at the back door and Lulu stepped into the break room. “The salon is free, if ya’ll are ready to get cleaned up.”

  “Thank you, love.” Gary nodded his head at her. “How are your friends?”

  “I don’t know.” She smoothed her black hair over the top of her head and adjusted her ponytail. “Um, we’re going to eat some dinner. We would like you to join us. So whenever you’re ready. Just come find us in the jewelry store.” She left the room and went to check on Catherine.

  “Alright, let’s get to it then.” Ben was the first to make his way to the salon. He checked on Veronica to make sure she was still asleep and sat on the floor beside her makeshift bed while Andrew and Gary cleaned themselves up. He heard Andrew whistle and he quietly left the room. He quickly scrubbed himself and reluctantly put his dirty clothes back on. He was simply tired of in one way or another being constantly covered in apocalyptic filth. He couldn’t wait to get back to the Emerald City and just stay put for once. He heard the door to the salon open and looked up. It was Michelle, who looked remarkably good for the day she’d apparently had. She padded up to him in bare feet and smelled of flowers, she held something out to him. “A little bird told me you were out.” He looked down and saw a pack of cigarettes in her hand. “Go on, I’ve got more than enough for everyone here and then some.” She appeared delighted when he accepted her offer and put them in his pocket. She watched him carefully as he pulled a gore stained white t-shirt over his head. She smirked, “We do have extra clothes. You should probably change before we eat. I’ll take you to the extra stuff we’ve got.”

  Her brilliant curls framed her face as she leaned on the sink and tilted her head at him. This woman was gorgeous, but Ben was mildly disgusted by her straightforward flirtation. He’d known plenty of easy chicks just like Michelle in his life; he wasn’t the type of man that usually went for easy. “I appreciate it.” He forced a smile at her and put his hand out, “After you.” She walked slowly toward the door, purposely swaying her hips as she walked. Her short white skirt barely left anything to the imagination and she wore a pale yellow halter top that complimented her warm skin tone. Ben chuckled to himself and shook his head. Way too easy, he thought as he followed her out the door on a quest to find clean clothes.

  Michelle had the capability of making even Ben feel slight discomfort. She watched him every second she could, making as much eye contact as possible and flashing her perfect smile at him. Despite the day’s events, she seemed completely recovered and ready to socialize. Everyone had finally settled in to the dining area that the jewelry store’s oversized vault had become and gorged themselves on food. The women of Emerald Park clearly had an overabundance of it and were more than happy to share with their guests. Once Lulu had downed her first drink she began to smile more, she wasn’t so hesitant to speak and she didn’t seem so overshadowed by Michelle’s bold personality. The two women created a certain chemistry when in each other’s presence. It was easy for anyone on the outside looking in to see the bond that they shared.

  Ben’s mind kept wandering to Catherine, who remained alone on the roof. He tried to enjoy himself but between Veronica sleeping alone in the other room and Catherine mourning above them, he found it hard to concentrate. The Patron Gold wasn’t helping much with his concentration either. Andrew began to open up a little bit to the new female acquaintances, letting them know that he had a brother and a girlfriend back at their safe house. Gary incessantly babbled on and on about how he knew he’d find other survivors, the importance of positive mental attitude and learning to trust others. Ben could tell what he was doing, he was trying to recruit these girls to join up with their group while simultaneously attempting to get into bed with one of them tonight. Everyone exchanged stories, both of the new world and the old. The stories of their lives from before the end of the world took center stage. No one wanted to think about the atrocities that lie beyond the comfort of the building anymore. At least not at that moment.

  Ben was the only one drinking tequila, so rather than pouring himself another drink, he grabbed the bottle and tucked it under his arm. “Did anyone bring Catherine any food?”

  “Yeah, last time I went to the little girl’s room. I don’t think she’s eating it though.” Lulu was starting to slur her words.

  “Cool, I’m gonna take a walk, check on Veronica, check in on Catherine.”

  “What?!” Gary hollered at him, clearly on his way to a drunken stupor. “We’re just getting this party started!”

  “Man, you’re a mess.” Ben laughed and patted Gary on the back.

  “Yes, but aren’t I a fuckin’ lovely one?” Gary cracked himself up and Andrew clapped and guffawed at the Brit. Lulu giggled uncontrollably. Michelle eyed Ben as he wandered out of the vault.

  He checked in on Veronica, still sound asleep. It was a quarter past midnight now, whatever Catherine gave her he wished he had some for himself. He was glad she could get as much peace as she could. He hoped her sleep was deep and dreamless. He turned to leave the spa and was startled by Michelle, who had snuck up behind him.

  “Jesus Christ.” He murmured as he backed away from her. “Nearly scared me half to death.” He started walking toward the exit.

  “Wait a second there, soldier. I came in here to find you and that bottle of tequila.” She seductively took his arm but he pulled back.

  “I’m not a soldier anymore.” He thrust the bottle toward her, �
�Here, take it if you want.”

  “That’s not what I want.” She leaned in toward him, letting her long hair fall over her shoulders. “You know what I want.”

  He gently pushed her away from him. “Well I’m sorry, that’s all you’re gonna get.” He held out the bottle toward her again and she rolled her eyes at him.

  “Oh come on, you don’t have to be shy with me.” She put her hands on her hips. The first available, but more importantly, attractive man she meets since the world ended was playing hard to get.

  “Lady, I ain’t shy. No offense, but you could probably learn a lesson or two in modesty.” Her jaw dropped open at the sudden kick to her ego and he nodded at her, smiling. “Have a good night.”

  “Faggot!” She screamed at him, infuriated at his rejection of her advances. Michelle silently threw a fit in the salon. Her face was red with embarrassment and fury, she was not used to things not going her way.


  Ben poked his head out of the roof access hatch and squinted in the darkness, trying to find Catherine. The dead were riled up tonight, he could hear them screeching in the streets below, crying out in what sounded almost like frustration. He quickly found out why as the faint melody of music drifted toward him from the opposite end of the roof.

  Catherine sat alone in the corner of the north end, surrounded by wireless music speakers that played a cacophony of different songs all at once. Ben grimaced as he grew nearer to her, there could be no way she was enjoying what she was listening to up here. He gave a slight wave but she didn’t look up at him approaching so she didn’t notice. He cleared his throat and yet she still didn’t look up. He sat himself down across from her, the gravel digging into the palm of his hands as he lowered himself gently. He undid the top from the bottle of tequila and took a small swig. She finally looked up at him and put her hand out.


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