Hostile Vengeance

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Hostile Vengeance Page 11

by Tamala Callaway

  Vince and Trevor both leaned forward, as this was what they had waited through her long drawn out story for.

  She continued, “He grabbed me by both of my arms, his eyes wild and his face hardened. It was like looking at another person, evil spirited. 'You see what you made me do? This is just as much your fault as it is mine!' he snarled at me, spitting his words in my face. I told him that I had nothing to do with it, and demanded he leave, but he wouldn't. He wanted to hide out with me, because at the moment, he didn't want to go back home. He insisted that I help them cover their tracks but I threatened to call the police if he didn't leave. After that, his actions were so fast that I didn't see it coming. His hands were around my throat, squeezing, digging into my skin, causing great pain. I coughed and wheezed as I gasped to take even one breath. His face became a blur and my head began to swim. I believed that was it for me. My only thought at the time was Dylan. My voice had gone higher than a strained whisper when I agreed to help him. After several exhausting minutes of me catching my breath once he let go, I asked what he wanted me to do. That's when he told me how it all went down,” she paused for another exhausted breath.

  “He had gone to the Delvine mansion and posed as a representative of the homeowner's association and needed to discuss some new plans going in to effect in the coming weeks for their development. She was very trusting and as long as she didn't feel threatened, than neither did her little yapping Yorkie. Once he was inside, he checked to see if any of the staff were there, but apparently this was one of the days Mrs. Delvine had the house all to herself, with the exception of her dog. Jake followed her to the great room where she gestured him to a seat to explain what the plans were. When she turned to take a seat herself, he pulled out his pistol and shot her in the back of her head,” Carla shivered as she said it aloud.

  Then she gulped down what seemed to be a huge pool of saliva, the sound was harsh and somewhat difficult, but she pressed on.

  “Jake said that it stunned him at first. He had frozen where he stood, dumbfounded at his own actions. It wasn't until he heard a voice, the voice of Senator Delvine as he rushed from his home office toward the sound of the shot. He had caught Jake off guard and he turned the gun on him then. The Senator raised his hands in surrender, but choked back vomit, tearing up at the sight of his wife's body lying unconscious in a pool of her own blood. Parts of her br…brain scattered around her,” Carla swallowed hard, Trevor and Vince both gazing intently at her as she spilled her story.

  “Jake made him kneel on the floor beside his wife, and before he could talk himself out of it, he stuck the tip of the pistol to the Senator's head and pulled the trigger. He said the only thing he could think to do, was cover his tracks by making it look like Senator Delvine had shot his wife, then took his own life. That's when Jake decided to find the Senator's phone and scroll open his messages, scrolling to a texting conversation between him and Heather, then letting the screen close at that point, where whoever found it would realize that this was the reason for the murder. He wiped his prints from the phone and placed it in Mrs. Delvine's hand, then wiped his prints from the pistol as well and put it in the Senator's hand, then left,” her shoulder raised then dropped, her head falling forward, shaking at what she had become unintentionally involved in.

  “Why did Jake give you so much information?” Trevor was skeptical of how much she knew for her not to have been there.

  “If you know Jake, he's a talker. He told me that he only wanted to reveal the evidence that there was an affair to give a reason for the crime, but that he didn't want Heather to know what happened, to protect her if she were ever questioned. She would never admit to having a relationship of any kind with someone like Jake. I asked him why would he protect her, but want me to get my hands dirty when I have a son to protect? He told me that I wasn't as important to him as she was, that she could more than likely reestablish herself financially with another politician. That I was just better in bed than she was,” her head fell as her eyes pooled with tears.

  They both could tell the comparison damaged her confidence.

  Vince cleared his throat, “Carla…where were you when all of this happened?”

  “I told you, I was at work. I had gotten off at six, then stopped and got dinner before picking Dylan up from the sitter's,” she breathed.

  “How did you purchase dinner, cash or credit?” Trevor asked.

  She thought about it, then remembered, “I used my debit card. It was also Friday and payday, so I also wrote Mrs. Clark, Dylan's babysitter, a check for the week. It's dated,” she sounded relieved, understanding the reasons behind their questioning.

  “So you wouldn't have any objections to us verifying this information?” Trevor asked.

  “Absolutely not. By all means, I can give you her phone number, you can call her right now, if you want?” she was eager to clear herself of any possible connection to the murders.

  “Thank you so much for your time and cooperation Carla,” said Trevor, glancing at his partner. “Vince? Could you see to it that Miss Prichard and her son get ample security? I have a couple of phone calls to make before we leave.”

  Vince nodded, then jerked his head toward the door of the conference room for Carla to follow him. Only going as far as the main lobby, they stopped while Vince put in a call to order security. It would take ten minutes for an agent to arrive, and by that time, Trevor would be through with his phone calls.

  While they waited, Trevor joined them in the lobby and assured Carla that she more than likely would get her wish. Then cautioned her to keep quiet about this meeting, her involvement, or that she may be moving, to anyone including her employer. She was to go along with her normal day to day activities until she was needed to testify. Her security would remain covert as to not tip Jake or anyone else off about her involvement.

  Chapter 12

  Finally making it home after finalizing the investigation of today's findings, Trevor practically drug himself inside the house, Drew taking the takeout from him as he came through the garage door.

  “Awe, babe…you're exhausted,” Symóne approached him with her arms open to welcome him home. He melted into her embrace, his head resting against hers. He felt relaxed where he stood.

  “Trevor…son, why don't you go get out of that suit and take a hot bath? Spend some alone time with your wife,” his mother suggested, seeing the overwhelming fatigue taking over him with every passing second.

  He looked to Symóne just as she looked to him, a simple smile answering the question between them. He took her hand and led her upstairs.

  “We'll be back down shortly mom. Can you and Drew hold out a little longer so that we can all eat together?” he asked, pausing halfway up the stairs.

  This request made her smile. Of course she would take every opportunity to spend time with them. “Absolutely. Let me know when you're ready and I'll reheat dinner.”

  “Sure thing.”

  He continued up the stairs towing Symóne, then pulled off his jacket when he reached the bedroom. He rushed to run bath water, then came out to his dresser and pulled out a pair of loose fitting charcoal sweats, a pair of boxer briefs, and a plain white T-shirt. Symóne had already gotten comfortable when she'd gotten home earlier, so she chose to sit on the ottoman in the bathroom and keep him company.

  Once the tub was filled, Trevor finished undressing and got in, easing his way into the almost scorching water. He hissed at the tension that was already releasing as he submerged himself until the water was up to his neck. His eyes fell closed and he inhaled a deep breath and released it slowly.

  Symóne gazed at the man she loved more than he could possibly understand. He was strong, intelligent, powerful, dependable, faithful, yet kind, gentle, and humble. He was everything she never knew she needed and wanted. To be creating a legacy with him, was so surreal.

  As she had gone into thought, Symóne hadn't realized that he was watching her intently, cautious not to disturb what seemed
to be a reflection of content. Her smile was so serene and her eyes floated from nothingness down to his awaiting face.

  “Oh, hey,” she smiled.

  A slight curve of his mouth, his eyes twinkling at the sight of her, he breathed, “You are so beautiful.”

  Her head fell forward, her face blushing pink, her hands automatically cradling her stomach.

  “How was your day?” she asked, finally looking back up at him.

  He sat up, re-positioning himself and began to bathe while he talked.

  “Our new witness, turned out to be a key witness. A missing link that ties up all of our loose ends. With further investigation, we could have gotten all of the same information, but her testimony saved us a lot of time and money. When the trial reconvenes tomorrow, our prime suspect will take the stand, and we are going to nail his worthless, cowardice ass to the wall,” Trevor spit with a tinge of venom.

  Although his job was a meaningful one, bringing wrong doers to justice, he hated dealing with murder cases. The outcome was so final, and it was to those who had lost their lives so senselessly.

  “You can't tell me anything, can you?”

  “No babe. But you'll hear about it soon enough. Vince and I agreed to be apart of the book deal and movie deal, with the exception of keeping our personal lives completely out of it. They can only involve our firm where it's essential to the story.”

  He finished bathing, then stood to rinse himself. The sudden interest Symóne took in the view before her, was comical.

  Trevor chuckled, “Mom and Drew are waiting to eat dinner,” he quickly grabbed a towel to cover himself, to hopefully ease her thirst for him.

  She frowned, a pouty glare weakening his intentions, but she knew he was right. What kind of hosts would they be, keeping their guest waiting, starving while they played around for a while.

  Symóne gave her husband a We'll talk later look, and he gave her an agreeing nod, then chuckled at her attempt to avoid further torture by rushing out of the bathroom while he dressed.

  She headed downstairs to help Julia reheat dinner and wondered where had Drew disappeared to.

  “He's on the patio talking on the phone to Madeline,” she said in a sort of catty way.

  Apparently Drew spends a lot of time talking to her, that Julia had to buy him a cell phone because she had one, and they needed to be able to text each other as well.

  Symóne snickered at the jealousy on her mother-in-law's face. She obviously hadn't prepared herself for this stage of her youngest son's life. Of course she didn't disapprove of his relationship, but she was no longer the woman in his life.

  “Oh, well, he's okay out by the pool, right?” Symóne checked.

  “Oh yes. He won't go anywhere near that thing without Trevor. He's just sitting on that glider thingy out by the garden,” she assured Symóne.

  “Alright,” Trevor crowed, clapping his hands together loudly. “What's a man gotta do to get some food around here?” he sounded energized.

  “Go get your brother off the patio, we were just about to take dinner out of the oven,” Symóne chuckled at his silliness.

  Trevor went through the glass patio doors and saw Drew lying on the glider with his feet propped up on the end of it, laughing and talking.

  “Hey little brother, it's time to come in and eat.”

  “Kay. Be right there,” he said coolly.

  Trevor snorted, surprised at his brother's behavior now that he was hooked up. He seemed…mature, less playful or should he say, less interested in the things he used to be interested in.

  “He says he'll be in, in a minute,” he smiled and leaned in for a kiss with Symóne. Julia had set the table and started serving the food, when Drew came in smiling, sticking his phone in his pocket. He was just about to sit down when his mom told him to wash up first.

  Without a word, he went to the sink and washed his hands, then took a paper towel and dried them, then returned to the table.

  During the meal, Trevor decided to have a mild version of 'the talk' with his younger brother. It didn't seem so urgent before, but now, he needed to know some things. If Drew was feeling a certain way about this girlfriend of his, then he wanted his brother to be prepared for what may be coming next.

  His questions were simple and to the point, “So Drew, have you kissed her yet?”

  He flashed a glance at his mother, then smiled. “Just once.”

  Julia gasped.

  “Mom—” Trevor stopped her rant, giving her a reminding look that he would handle this. She worked to stay out of it, but her facial expressions at every question and every answer, had Symóne fighting back giggles.

  “So, do you two hold hands a lot?” Trevor continued.

  “Yes. She likes that,” Drew grinned hard.

  “Mmm hmm,” Trevor took another bite of his food, then asked one last question in front of his wife and mother, then the rest of the talk would have to be between just him and Drew.

  “Has she hugged you yet, or have you hugged her?”

  Drew's mouth fell open with a smile, then he shook his head no. The excitement on his face at the mere thought of that kind of closeness with her, confirmed Trevor's instincts that it was indeed time for the talk. An embrace would cause other reactions that his brother may not be prepared for.

  Trevor changed the subject to ease the tension his mother was sending across the table, and went on to more pleasant things, at least for everyone else.

  “So mom, Symóne and I are having some photos taken of us this weekend. I was thinking that you and Drew should be in a few of them, that way you'll have some of your own to take back home with you?” he offered.

  “Really? That would be great Trevor! Of course we want to be in your pictures,” she beamed. “Oh, I need to have my hair done first. Symóne? Where do you get yours done?” she asked.

  “Back at the Plaza. Virginia is a master of all things hair. Would you like for me to call her and set up an appointment for you?” she offered.

  “Yes, if you don't mind? Thank you so much Trevor for including us. You two can get to bed now. I know you're both exhausted from work. I'll take care of the dishes,” she said as they all got up from the table.

  “Drew, you should be getting in the shower and getting ready for bed,” she told him, as he was headed for the great room.

  “Aw mom…! Can't I have just twenty more minutes? I need to say goodnight to Madeline,” he complained.

  “It takes you twenty minutes to say goodnight?” she questioned.

  “Mom—” Trevor cautioned her again.

  “Fine. Twenty minutes and not a minute longer,” she ordered.

  Trevor shook his head and remembered how it was for him when he first showed an interest in a girl. He and Symóne hurried upstairs and darted inside their bedroom, closing the door and racing to the bed for some much needed play time and exertion before calling it a night.

  Chapter 13

  A week later, after the Harrison and Moore team got a conviction, they sent Carla and her son on their way to Anchorage Alaska. Jake would never see the outside of a prison again, but if it made her feel safer to be completely away from Texas, Trevor and Vince kept their word. Anchorage was another choice location of hers, and they set her up with housing and a job. She had a great start for her and her son, and they appreciated her testimony.

  * * *

  Trevor decided to take some time off and help Symóne with her project to spend more time with her. Faye was spending all of her free time harassing the builders with details for their new home. They were three weeks from completion, but they also were planning a wedding.

  “So, lovely lady. What do you need for me to do?” he asked, following her around her studio like a lost puppy. Trevor didn't do so well with idle time. He needed to be kept busy or he would go insane.

  Symóne had to think of something that would keep him from distracting her too much. She was in sketch mode, and liked it quiet when she was designing and pl

  “How about…you put those amazing muscles of yours to work for a change, and go get those big boxes of candles from the warehouse cooler and bring them inside the store and restock the candle shelves? Faye will show you how to place them.

  Ready to do something, he quickly agreed and headed out to the warehouse. He opened the cooler and the smell was euphoric. He was so overwhelmed at the scents lingering inside, that it sort of made him light-headed. He grabbed the hand truck from the side wall and began stacking boxes on top of each other. Only three would fit, then he towed them inside the store and called out to Faye.

  “Hey, where do I put these?” he smirked instead of smiling. His eyes were dreamy and his posture way too relaxed for what he was doing.

  Faye's mouth fell open and she burst into laughter. She almost hyperventilated at his expression, and he cocked his head to the side in confusion. He was still smiling, but wondered what she found so humorous in his question.

  “Trevor…oh my gosh! You are high!” she continued to laugh.

  Desperate to take another breath, she wheezed her question. “Didn't Symóne tell you not to inhale when you first open the cooler?” she continued to chuckle, finally calming down enough to guide him and the boxes to the candle display.

  “No. She only said to get the big boxes and get you to show me where to put them.”

  A wave of vertigo suddenly hit Trevor, and his head swayed, and he closed his eyes tight for a moment, then reopened them. After shaking his head, Faye fought the urge to burst into laughter again.

  “How and why did that just happen?” he asked her.

  “The candle scents are concentrated and mixed with the cool air, they ignite senses in your brain to relax, I mean really relax,” she explained.

  “Oh. Well, why do you keep them in the cooler then?”


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