The Case of the Stolen Rosaries (Sisters of the Last Straw Book 3)

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The Case of the Stolen Rosaries (Sisters of the Last Straw Book 3) Page 2

by Karen Kelly Boyce

  When the sun came up, Sister Lacey did not know where she was. Everything was peaceful. Then she remembered that she had slept in the gift shop to catch the robber.

  She stood up and stretched. Then she looked at the counter. “Rosary-Robbing Rascals! I don’t believe it!” she screamed. All of the rosaries were gone!

  © 2014 Chesterton

  Chapter 3

  Planning a Surprise

  When Sister Lacey screamed, Mother Mercy and all the Sisters came running. Everyone was worried that something bad had happened to Sister Lacey.

  But all they saw was Sister Lacey in her bathrobe. She was staring at the empty counter.

  “Son of a Thuggish Thief!” yelled Sister Lacey. “How did they do it?”

  “What happened? Where are the rosaries?” asked Mother Mercy, as her face went white.

  “The robber got in again! I don’t know how he did it! I was sleeping here all night and I didn’t hear a thing!” said the gray-haired sister.

  “Did you lock the door?” asked Sister Shiny

  “Oh! Latching Lock! I checked that the door was locked before I fell asleep,” said Sister Lacey.

  “Was the window open?” asked Sister Wanda.

  “Blessed Blowing Breezes….yes! But I slept right beneath the window. If anyone came in they would have stepped right on me!”

  “Why were the rosaries on the counter?” asked Mother Mercy.

  Sister Lacey was afraid she would make Mother Mercy lose her temper. She did not want to tell her the truth. But she decided to be brave. “I put them there. I thought they would be safe since I was in the room.”

  Everyone looked at Mother Mercy. They thought she would yell. They thought she would stamp her feet. But she did not say anything. She did not look mad. Instead, she looked sad.

  The Sisters were used to Mother Mercy getting mad. They were not used to her being sad.

  “We better call Officer Mallon. He’ll know what to do!” Sister Krumbles said.

  Mother Mercy shook her head. “I am sorry. You are right! We’d better do that.”

  “I’ll do it!” said Sister Wanda, as she ran to the hallway phone. She quickly made the call. But then she forgot where she was. Instead of running back to the gift shop, she ran out the front door.

  By the time she realized where she was, the door had shut behind her. The lock clicked.

  Sister Wanda pulled on the door handle but it was locked! Sister Wanda was stuck out on the front porch!

  Sister Wanda turned red. Oh no! I don’t want the others to know that I made another mistake, she thought. So she sat in the porch rocking chair. I will just wait here for the police to come. Then I will go back inside with them, she decided. She closed her eyes.

  After five minutes, someone came up the walk. Thinking it was the police, Sister Wanda rose with a smile.

  But the man was not a police officer. It was the Sister’s next-door neighbor, Mr. Lemon.

  “W—what can I do for you, Mr. Lemon?” Sister Wanda whispered. She did not want to make a scene.

  “Get that boss nun out here! I’ve been robbed and I know it has something to do with you nuns!” the older man yelled.

  A police car pulled up to the curb. “Sh….” whispered Sister Wanda. “We’ve been robbed too, and here are the police. There’s no need to shout.”

  Mr. Lemon said, “I’ll shout as loud as I want! There’s been nothing but trouble since you nuns moved here!”

  Officer Mallon came up just as Mother Mercy opened the door.

  “Now, now, Mr. Lemon, you can hardly blame the Sisters for the robberies in the neighborhood! They have been robbed a number of times too.” Officer Mallon said.

  Mr. Lemon pointed his finger at Mother Mercy. “But they are bringing in all the riff-raff. ‘The poor…the poor…!’ That’s all you hear them talking about. ‘Let’s help the poor!’ Well, the poor are probably the ones who doing the stealing!”

  Mother Mercy smiled. “Jesus loved the poor. And He said it was a sin to judge others.”

  Mr. Lemon’s face turned red. “It is also a sin to steal! I am sure once we catch the robber, it will be someone you nuns know!”

  Officer Mallon was cross, but he stayed calm. “What did the robbers take from you, Mr. Lemon?”

  Mr. Lemon said, “My gold cufflinks! I left them on my nightstand last night. When I got up this morning, they were gone! I looked on the table, the floor, and even under the bed. They’ve been stolen!”

  “I will make a report as soon as I am done here,” Officer Mallon said. “Excuse us, Mr. Lemon.”

  Officer Mallon and all the Sisters went inside. Sister Wanda slipped in with them. She was glad no one noticed that she had locked herself out.

  Officer Mallon listened to Sister Lacey’s story. “Are you sure the door was locked?” he asked. “And you slept right under the window?”

  “Yes and yes! How did they do it?”

  “It really is a mystery! We will send out extra patrols tonight. Please make sure that all the doors and windows are locked,” he said.

  When Officer Mallon had gone, Mother Mercy was very quiet. She walked slowly to her office. She closed her office door with a sigh.

  Sister Lovely watched her. When Sister Lovely was sad or worried, she could only think of one thing. Her bad habit was smoking. She had never been able to quit.

  After the other Sisters went back to work, Sister Lovely snuck downstairs to the basement. She had hidden a pack of cigarettes there. She wanted to smoke so badly!

  She reached for the cigarettes. Then she put them down. She thought of all the trouble she had caused by smoking in the past. She always felt bad after she smoked. She knew Jesus did not like her to sneak and hide.

  Sister Lovely sat down on an old metal chair. She began to pray. “Jesus, please help me not to smoke!” She knew she smoked when she was upset. And she was upset to see Mother Mercy so sad. She began to pray for Mother Mercy, too.

  Suddenly, she thought of something! Jumping up, she threw the pack of smokes in the trash. She ran up the stairs to find the other Sisters.

  Running through the kitchen door, Sister Lovely found the other Sisters having tea at the table. Mother Mercy was not there.

  “I’ve got a great idea!” she said. “Next week is Mother Mercy’s birthday! What do you think of giving her a surprise birthday party?”

  All the Sisters happily began to plan.

  © 2014 Chesterton

  Chapter 4

  A Visit to the Farm

  The next day, Sister Krumbles went out to feed the animals. Everything was so different! She didn’t have to carry a staff to protect herself. She didn’t have to look around. She didn’t have to listen for the crows of Ronnie the Rooster. She was safe now.

  Smiling, she fed the chickens and goats. Then she took a cup of cracked corn to Ronnie’s cage. But when she saw Ronnie, she did not know what to think. Ronnie lay in the back of the cage. His feathers were crumpled and dull. He didn’t pick up his head to look at Sister Krumbles.

  She opened the door just enough to fit the cup of corn and the bowl of water. Quickly she closed the door again. Nothing happened. Ronnie did not come to eat his food or to drink his water. He did not even look up.

  Why, he looks sad! Sister Krumbles thought. She felt sorry for the rooster. But she couldn’t just set him free. Maybe I can teach him to be nice, she thought. But how?

  Then she knew what to do. I’ll ask Farmer Murphy!

  Farmer Murphy had given the Sisters the chickens. Sister Krumbles had never been to his farm. But surely he would know about roosters!

  She ran back to the convent. She could not wait to get to the farm.

  Mother Mercy gave her permission to go. Soon Sister Krumbles and Sister Wanda were off on the trip. Sister Krumbles was driving and Sister Wanda was holding the map. She told Sister Krumbles which way to go in order to get to the farm.

  They left the village on a road that led into a fo
rest. They drove for a long time through woods. First they turned left. Then they turned right. After they turned, the road became a dirt road. Sister Krumbles had to slow down. Dirt and rocks flew in the air.

  “We’re going to have to wash the car after this trip!” laughed Sister Krumbles.

  Sister Wanda was a little scared. This trip was taking too long. I hope we’re not lost! she thought. She looked at the map again.

  Then she saw the map was upside down. She had been telling Sister Krumbles to drive the wrong way!

  Sister Krumbles was smiling and humming. She loved road trips. Poor Sister Krumbles, thought Sister Wanda, I hate to tell her that we are lost!

  Sister Wanda was afraid to say something. But then the road dipped down by a river. There was mud and trash all over the road. There was no sign of a farm.

  “I can’t see the farm anywhere,” Sister Krumbles said, “I don’t understand what happened.”

  “I—I think I made a mistake,” said Sister Wanda “I think I was holding the map upside down.”

  Sister Krumbles slammed on the brakes. The brakes screeched as the car came to a stop.

  “Are you sure?” asked Sister Krumbles.

  Sister Wanda hung her head. “I’m sorry! We are going the wrong way. We have to go back and it is all my fault.”

  Sister Krumbles was surprised, but then she smiled. “Well! Don’t be upset. We all make mistakes! I have made many mistakes and made many messes. No sense in making a fuss!”

  Sister Wanda smiled too. “I’m so glad that you’re not mad. You make everything so much fun!”

  “Let’s get out of the car and stretch. We’ll take a good look at that map, too,” said Sister Krumbles.

  The two Sisters got out of the car. They spread the map open on the hood of the car. “Can you see where we are?” Sister Wanda asked.

  Sister Krumbles looked and looked. “Ah ha!” she said. She pointed to a small thin road. “Here is where we are!”

  Just then, a big wind came and blew the map high into the air!

  Sister Wanda jumped to grab the map. But it was too high up. The two sisters ran after the map. It dipped and skipped. Each time it dipped they tried to grab it—but they could not catch it.

  Sister Krumbles ran as fast as she could. Her veil was flapping. She put her hands in the air to catch the map. She didn’t see the large rock in front of her. Tripping, she fell off the side of the bank.

  “Oh……….!” she cried as she skidded down. She landed in the muddy river. Her veil flipped over her face. She pushed it away and looked around. Then she saw the map as it blew into the woods and out of sight. “Oh….no!” she shouted.

  Sister Wanda had stopped to help Sister Krumbles out of the river. Sister Krumbles was wet and muddy.

  “What can we do now?” she asked.

  For a moment Sister Krumbles was sad, but then her face lit up. “We can pray! We can pray to St. Anthony. He is the saint who is good at helping us find lost things!”

  Sister Wanda was glad. “Yes! We may not know where the map is, but Jesus knows. I’m sure St. Anthony could ask Jesus to help us.”

  Sister Krumbles was excited now. “Of course Jesus will help us! Especially when a good friend like St. Anthony asks Him a favor. I always like to help everyone, but I especially like to help people my friends tell me about!”

  The two Sisters sat on the river bank and bowed their heads. After making the sign of the cross they both prayed, “St. Anthony, St. Anthony—please come around! Something’s lost that can’t be found!”

  Suddenly, the wind changed. The map flew right toward the Sisters. It flew right into Sister Krumbles’ face!

  Sister Wanda laughed as she peeled the map off the muddy Sister Krumbles. “Well, that was a quick answer to prayer!”

  “Yes! Let’s not forget to thank Him! Then we will get back to the car before we lose the map again!” said Sister Krumbles.

  Soon the Sisters were back on the road. They headed back the way they had come. After a while, they saw the sign for the farm.

  The farm had white fences and a big red barn. When the Sisters drove up, they saw Farmer Murphy. He was putting hay in his truck. He waved at the Sisters.

  “Well, hello!” he said. “What brings you to the farm?”

  Sister Krumbles told him about Ronnie the Rooster. She said, “I want to make friends with Ronnie so he can be free. I just don’t know how.”

  Farmer Murphy rubbed his chin. “In order to make friends with an animal, you must think as he thinks. God made roosters to protect hens and their eggs. Ronnie thinks that he has to protect his flock. He uses his claws and his beak to peck at strange animals. He runs with his wings out to scare them away. He thinks of you as a strange animal. Why, he’s just doing his job!”

  Sister Krumbles understood. “I want to help him do his job! But how do I make him know that I am his friend?” she asked

  “It is not too hard,” said Farmer Murphy. He walked over to the chicken coop. “Watch me!”

  Farmer Murphy scattered some grain. As the chickens ran to peck at the ground, he grabbed one of the roosters by both feet.

  Upside down, the rooster spread his wings and went limp.

  The farmer turned the rooster around. He held him in his arms like a baby. He stroked his feathers. The rooster started to coo. Farmer Murphy fed the bird grain right from his hand. “Now he knows that I mean him no harm. He will come up to me and eat out of my hand without fear.”

  The Sisters were amazed. “I did not know it would be so easy,” Sister Krumbles said. “I am so glad we came!”

  “How can we thank you?” Sister Wanda asked.

  “I know!” said Sister Krumbles. “You can come to the party we are giving Mother Mercy for her birthday! We would love to have you!”

  “I will be happy to come,” smiled the farmer.

  On the way home, Sister Wanda was careful to hold the map the right way. And Sister Krumbles drove fast. She couldn’t wait to get home and make friends with Ronnie.

  © 2014 Chesterton

  Chapter 5

  Making Friends

  Mother Mercy spent a lot of time packing her suitcase. She wanted to be sure she had her toothbrush and a change of habit. She added a Bible and some books she had been trying to find time to read. She sat on the stuffed suitcase. It would not close. She had to bounce up and down to squish the suitcase shut. At last it closed. She was ready.

  Each year, the heads of all the convents had to meet with the Bishop. They prayed together and went over their plans for the next year.

  Mother Mercy usually hated to leave her friends behind. But this year she was looking forward to it.

  I will be glad to have a day or two without worrying about stolen rosaries! she thought.

  She carried her suitcase down the stairs. All the nuns gathered in the hallway to wish Mother Mercy a safe trip. Mary the housekeeper and her children were there too.

  Mother Mercy gave each Sister a hug goodbye. “While I’m away, Sister Shiny will be in charge. I should be back tomorrow evening or the next morning. And don’t forget to pray for me.” All the Sisters waved goodbye as Mother Mercy drove away.

  “Whew! I thought she’d never leave!” said Sister Shiny.

  “Slow-to-Leave Superior!” laughed Sister Lacey. “Now that she’s gone, we can plan her party.”

  “I’ll clean the house,” said Sister Shiny. She wanted to make the house sparkle.

  “I’ll go shopping for party treats!” said Sister Wanda. “I can get balloons, hats, and streamers.”

  “What should we buy her for a present?” asked Sister Lovely.

  “Blistering Birthday Bash! I know the perfect present! I’ll go buy it!” said Sister Lacey.

  “I’ll cook all the food,” said Sister Lovely.

  Michael and Anna wanted to help. “We can make the invitations! We have construction paper and glue!”

  Sister Krumbles shouted, “And I’ll make her favorite
cake—strawberry shortcake!”

  The doorbell rang. Mary went to the door. She came back, and said, “Sisters, Officer Mallon and Mr. Lemon are at the front door!”

  “And Mother Mercy is not here!” said Sister Wanda. “What shall we do?”

  “We must go and talk to them,” Sister Shiny said. Everyone followed Mary back to the open front door.

  Mr. Lemon stood with a scowl on his face. He looked more mad than ever. Officer Mallon said, “Sisters—were you robbed last night? Mr. Lemon was robbed of a very costly lighter. We were wondering if you heard or saw anything.”

  Since Mother Mercy was not there, all the Sisters began to talk at once. No one could be understood.

  Mr. Lemon shouted, “You see? They know something! They must be covering up for the robber.”

  “Brother of a Bad-Mouthing Barbarian!” cried Sister Lacey. “We had nothing to do with your stolen lighter!”

  “Are you sure you didn’t just lose it?” asked Sister Shiny.

  “I am sure!” snarled Mr. Lemon. “Last night, I put it on my night stand. When I woke up in the morning, it was gone. I searched the floor and under the bed. It’s not lost—it’s stolen!”

  “Were your windows locked?” asked Sister Krumbles.

  “The downstairs windows were locked, but I left my bedroom window open for fresh air,” said Mr. Lemon.

  “We are sorry that it is missing,” said Sister Lovely, “We’ll keep our eyes open for it.”

  Mr. Lemon stomped down the stairs. Before he left, Officer Mallon said, “Please be careful. The robber is still out there.”

  Back inside the convent, the Sisters went to work. They only had a day to get ready for Mother Mercy’s birthday party. They were not about to let Mr. Lemon’s complaints stop them.

  Sisters Lacey and Wanda went out to catch the bus to go shopping. Sister Shiny began to clean. Sister Lovely and Sister Krumbles went to the kitchen.


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