Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 13

by Maia Starr

  She got a serious look on her face and held my hand. “Alexandra, what is it? Are you all right? You are scaring me.”

  “I am fine. But I did something that I am not proud of. I made a very big mistake, and so did V.”

  “What? What are you talking about?”

  “V and I got drunk one night. We were both in a vulnerable state and confiding in each other about being sad that we could not get you back. It was just a drunken crying mess and…”

  “And what?” she said sternly.

  “Things went too far, and we slept together,” I said.

  “You had sex with V?” she said with her eyes watering.

  “Yes, it was only one time, and it was not—”

  “Are you kidding me? I was being held prisoner, and you decided to sleep with V? You know how I feel about him. I told you on the ship. How could you do that to me?” she said standing up.

  “I know, I know, but please listen; it was not like I planned it. It only happened because—”

  “I don’t care. Don’t talk to me. I hate you, Alexandra. You are not a friend,” she said. She stomped off to the other side of the bunker. I sat and cried. I could not control the tears in my hormonal pregnant state. But she was right to be mad at me. I would be mad too if I were her. I just wanted her to forgive me and for us to move on and get back to where we were. I missed her so much, and now it was like she was gone again. But I was glad that she was at least safe. It was all that really mattered.



  I landed on top of the large Aeriwana ship so that I could find the hatch opening in the top. The battle was still going on all around me. I gave a signal to a Draqua warrior flying near me. He saw me opening the hatch and nodded. Then he flew over to me.

  “Stay on top of this ship until I return,” I said.

  “Yes, Captain,” he said.

  I entered the ship and dropped down into the chaos. An Aeriwana lunged at me, and I punched him across the jaw. He fell to the ground. I kicked another in the chest, and he hit the wall hard. Now they were both down. I made my way down the hallway. There was a room with an open door where I heard a distinct voice. It was the voice of a Draqua.

  “We will have to retreat, or the entire Aeriwana force will be killed, and all my work would have been for nothing.”

  “Yes, Captain Kibor,” an Aeriwana said.

  Captain Kibor; I had heard that name before. He was talked about when anyone talked about the beginnings of the opposition. He was a close associate to Candless. Candless was a Draqua elder that had started the program to breed Aeriwana in order to fight us Draqua on Kelon. Now it seemed this Captain Kibor was completing his work. I drew my gun and aimed it directly at him.

  “No one moves, or the captain dies,” I said.

  Kibor gasped. “How did you get in here?”

  “That does not matter. What are you doing, Kibor? Why are you doing this?” I said stepping toward him.

  “Do it. Take over his thoughts,” Kibor said to an Aeriwana next to him.

  “Yes, sir,” he said. The Aeriwana stared me down, trying to plant thoughts in my mind. I smiled.

  “Some hybrids have powers, as you know, Kibor. I only have one, and I didn’t know what it was until I came in contact with an Aeriwana the first time. I can block their mind powers. I cannot be persuaded by them,” I said.

  “Of course not, you filthy hybrid,” he growled. He was obviously angry that the Aeriwana had no control over me.

  “I came here to get Harkin, but I am realizing that Harkin is just your puppet. You are the cause of all of this, Kibor.”

  He smiled a devilish grin, “Of course I am. I have been since the beginning. Who do you think started the opposition? It was I.”


  “Because I was able to impregnate my Draqua wife! I had a son, a full-blooded Draqua son, but when he tried to mate, he was unsuccessful. I told him to wait and eventually a female Draqua would become pregnant. But he did not listen. He wanted a human female like everyone else and created a hybrid offspring. I was sick of it. No grandchild of mine would be hybrid! I knew that I had to do something to stop it. Don’t you see the Draqua females will be able to create offspring again in time? None of you see this! You are all crazy!”

  “How much time are you willing to wait? Until the Draqua species has died out?” I asked, circling the room with my gun still aimed at him.

  “If that’s what it takes. I would rather see the Draqua go extinct than for us to go on living this way. We would only be a shadow of ourselves anyway.”

  “That’s because you are mad,” I said.

  “No, I am right.”

  “And the Aeriwana? Why did you create them?”

  “Because we did not have enough Draqua in the opposition to fight. And once we discovered their power, we knew we could use it to defeat you.”

  “That makes no sense at all. You don’t want us to interbreed yet you are creating the Aeriwana by interbreeding. You are insane!”

  “Yes, I did create the Aeriwana, but as soon as we are done with them they will all be put to death. They are not supposed to live; they are only a tool.”

  “You are sick,” I said.

  “No, I am—”


  Kibor took a blast in the head and fell to the ground. I was shocked. I did not shoot my gun. I looked to the door. In the doorway stood Commander Harkin with his blaster gun drawn. I could not believe it.

  “Harkin,” I said.

  “Go, get out of here,” he said to the Aeriwana sitting at the console. The Aeriwana listened and ran out of the room. I pointed my gun at Harkin. He dropped his gun to his side.

  “I never liked him. I did not know why, but I knew there was something about Kibor.”

  “Why did you shoot him?”

  “You heard him. He was going to destroy us all. Your Draqua and the Aeriwana. I can’t say I don’t agree with him though.”

  “I don’t follow,” I said.

  “Us Aeriwana. We are the product of a mad scientist. We are not like the hybrid Draqua trying to keep a species alive. We were bred to be a tool of destruction and nothing else; we should all be destroyed.”

  “And what now?” I asked.

  “Now you have two minutes to get out of here and pull your forces from us. I have initiated self-destruction on every single Aeriwana ship, and the clock is ticking.”

  “You would do that? Destroy your own kind?” I asked confused.

  “You saw what I did to Kibor. It has been my plan all along, but he did not know it.”

  “How do I know that you are not lying? What if I get off this ship and it does not self-destruct and you flee?”

  “Then we will fight another battle another day,” he said. “But if I am right? You are going to die in a minute and a half.”

  Alexandra flashed before my eyes. I lowered my gun and ran out of the room and down the hall to the hatch. I climbed back out onto the roof of the ship.

  “All the Aeriwana ships are going to explode in less than a minute. Go spread the word to our forces.”

  He flew off the ship straight to a command ship. I flew in the opposite direction and landed on one of our ships.

  “Get on the line. Retreat now! The Aeriwana ships are going to explode!”

  “Yes, Captain,” the warrior said as he issued a retreat over the line.

  The ship pulled away from the battle and one by one all our ships and Draqua retreated. Then, boom! Boom! Boom! One by one, the Aeriwana ships exploded. Shit, Harkin was telling the truth. We were all speechless. Was this over, really over? I had unwittingly uncovered the brain behind the entire opposition: Captain Kibor. He had stayed hidden for so long and only because we caught them off guard did I even find him. But did this mean the entire conflict with the opposition was over? Harkin took it upon himself to eradicate the Aeriwana. It was confusing.

  The next day we arrived back on Kelon. T
he first thing I did was find Alexandra. As everyone poured out of the bunker, I saw Camilla, but Alexandra was not with her. I waited until she finally came out.

  “Alexandra!” I shouted. She saw me and her face lit up. She ran to me. I picked her up and kissed her. She wrapped her legs around me.

  “I was so worried Ineq,” she said.

  “I am here. You don’t have to worry,” I said kissing her. I felt the warmth of her body against mine. It felt so damn good to feel her again. I pressed my hands into her bottom as I held her up. She smelled like flowers as I inhaled her delicious scent. Her tongue pressed against mine and I hungrily devoured her kiss. Finally, we came up for air.

  “I want to take you back to my home and show you just how much I missed you,” I groaned.

  “I would like that very much,” she smiled.

  “No! Don’t touch me,” Camilla shouted. We both turned to see her arguing with Commander Roan.

  “Did you tell her? You told Camilla?” I asked.

  She sighed. “Yes, I had too. I was conflicted. I didn’t want to tell her just yet because she has been through too much. But I felt like I was betraying her even more by not telling her.”

  Commander Roan looked our way and narrowed his eyes at Alexandra. Then he stomped after Camilla, trying to talk to her.

  “You are probably right,” I said.

  “How will she know what to do and where to go? She won’t talk to me, and she won’t talk to Roan,” she said.

  I sighed. “I will take care of it. There are always open and empty huts for newly arrived human females. I will take her to one. Maybe she will talk to me,” I said.

  “Yes, please. Will you go now? She has not seen anything but the bunker. I don’t think she even knows that she is walking in the wrong direction,” Alexandra said.

  I growled, “And leave you?”

  “I will be fine. I will meet you at the base of your hut. You can fly up with me then. I will walk back. Go to her, please.”

  “All right. This will only take a few minutes.”

  Alexandra kissed me and then I flew over to Camilla and landed in front of her.

  “I don’t want to talk to you V!” she shouted at Roan.

  “Camilla, would you like me to show you to your new home? You can rest there undisturbed,” I said.

  “Yes, Ineq, thank you,” she said.

  “But, Camilla, if you would just let me—” Commander Roan said.

  “No, I don’t care,” she said, standing in front of me. I scooped her up and flew away. I flew through the village, and I heard her gasp as she saw the beauty of the white sand beach and ocean. Then I landed on a platform outside a hut that I knew was not in use because it was across the bridge from Alexandra’s hut.

  “Here you are. This is yours. There is an opening in the tree around the platform with a staircase that will lead you down into the village if you wish to explore.” I opened the door to the hut and gestured for her to enter. “This is yours. There is food, clothing, and anything else you need. Get some rest. You have been through a lot. In the morning, I will have a human female come to you if you like an escort to explore and learn the ways of the village.”

  “Not Alexandra,” she said.

  “No, unless you want her too.”

  “No, anyone but her. But yes, please send one in the morning. I just want to take a bath and sleep for now. Thank you, Ineq,” she said.

  “You’re welcome.” Then I flew toward my home and waited for Alexandra to emerge from the jungle path. I did not have to wait long.



  Ineq stood at the bottom of the tree that held his hut. He had a large grin on his face. Smears of dirt and grime covered his body. He was fresh from war. I felt my body grow aroused at the sight of my warrior.

  “There is the mother of my child,” he said.

  “And there is my warrior. Look at you. You are filthy,” I said.

  “You have no idea just how filthy I am,” he smiled.

  “I think I do know.”

  “Where were we before I left? We were in the middle of celebrating the news that this is my child,” he said, putting his hand on my belly.

  “Yes, we were interrupted by sirens,” I said.

  “Then let us continue. I know how I want to celebrate,” he scooped me up into his arms. He flew straight up the tree and landed inside his hut. He put my feet on the floor.

  “Let's get the war off of you,” I moved to the tub and ran the hot water.

  “Mmmm, I like coming home from war and having my woman take care of me. This is a new experience for me,” he pulled off his boots and loincloth. I looked at his body, worn and scraped from battle. I touched the scrapes along his arm.

  “It is nothing,” he said.

  “I am just glad that you came back to me.” I leaned my head against his chest. He placed his hands on my back. The safety his hands filled me with relief. I loved feeling his hard and hot body against mine.

  “Come,” I grabbed his hand and led him to the tub. He stepped inside of it and sank into the hot water. I grabbed a natural sea sponge and plunged it into the water. Then I began to rub it over his back, washing away the signs of war. I washed his long, lean, muscular arms. He sighed and moaned in relief. I washed his massive feet and long legs. Then I found myself at the center of his body, his hard cock. I could see the tip of his cock picking out from the water.

  “Captain, you are supposed to be relaxing and letting me take care of you,” I said in response to seeing it.

  “Yes, but you are touching me, and you know what you do to me.”

  “Understood,” I smiled. He grabbed my hand and moved it away from him. He quickly stood up in the tub. He was a vision. His long black hair was dripping wet and stuck against his square jaw. Water dripped from his muscular body. I bit my lower lip as I looked at him. He was the most attractive creature I had ever seen. He stepped out of the tub and pulled me to him. My dress became instantly drenched in water. I ran my hands down his wet back and over his bottom. I loved feeling the water against his smooth skin. He groaned as he rubbed his cock against my belly. We could not hold out any longer. He picked me up from the ground and led me over to the bed.

  “Take that wet clothing off now,” he ordered.

  “Yes, Captain,” I said, standing up on the bed and obeying orders. I pulled off the wet dress and clothing underneath. I stood there naked, waiting for him.

  “This is how I want you to be every night when I come home to you. I want you standing on the bed naked; is that understood?” he playfully ordered.

  “Yes, Captain.”

  “Now lay on your back at the edge of the bed and open yourself to me,” he ordered.

  “Yes, Captain,” I said as I followed orders. He placed himself between my thighs as he stood at the edge of the bed. Then he pushed his thick cock inside of me. He grabbed my hips as I moaned in ecstasy. He moved his hips back and forth, sliding in and out of me as he looked down at me from his height. I twisted the sheets in my fists. Being able to watch his strong abs and strong shoulders and arms had me on the brink of exploding.

  “You are so beautiful, Alexandra,” he whispered.

  “So are you,” I said. He moved in and out of me for almost twenty minutes before I released into orgasmic pleasure. Then he tensed and released his warm fluid inside of me.

  “That was just the beginning. Get some rest; we are going at this all night.”

  “But are you not tired from battle?”

  “No, my desire for you beats out any exhaustion I would ever feel. I want you, and I want you all night. You carry my child. It is official, and you are mine.”

  Two days passed and Camilla still would not talk to me. I tried everything I could to apologize, but she just wouldn't listen to a word I had to say. What was worse was that I knew she was right. I had betrayed her, and I did not deserve her friendship or her trust.

  “What is it? What
is wrong?” Ineq asked as he rolled over and looked at me. We were in bed. We were spending a lot of time in bed. It was the middle of the afternoon, and we had just finished a delicious bout of lovemaking a few minutes before. But the glow was wearing off, and my thoughts once again turned to Camilla. I felt like I did not deserve to be having such a happy time when she was miserable.

  There was so much that needed to be said between us, and she never gave me a chance to say it. I understood why. She had been through a lot, and I wanted to be there for her, and now I could not. I had robbed her of having her best friend to help her through the ordeal that she had been through. I was feeling such immense guilt over all of this.


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