Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Ineq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 69

by Maia Starr

  "You stupid human! Are you trying to get yourself killed?” he shouted. As if he was trying to be a shield, he covered my entire body with his.

  "Get off of me, you Corillion scum!” I shouted as I tried to wiggle out from underneath him.

  "I am the only thing shielding you from the blaster guns! Even your own people are shooting in this direction!” he shouted, as I felt him lift me off the ground. Then he ran in the same direction from which he came. Suddenly, through the smoke, I saw 10 Corillion warriors emerge. They formed a pattern like a V, preparing a path for us to run into as they shot in the opposite direction. The Corillion warrior that carried me ran down the middle of this V. The other warriors were covering him. I was impressed with their tactical skills and understood why they were considered an alien warrior race. Because of that they were also brute, with no compassion, and were almost like animals. They took what they wanted when they wanted without feeling any remorse at all. I hated them. Now I was in the arms of one, and I was helpless to get away.

  "Go! Go! Open the door!” the warrior shouted above me, as he carried me in his arms. I did not like the sound of those words. Open the door probably meant a door to a ship.

  "Put me down! I demand that you put me down. I order you to get away from me!”

  He looked down at me, and it was the first time that I saw his face clearly. He was very close to me. I was held hard against his chest and I could feel his scales rubbing against my skin. His brown eyes stared directly into mine, and they were framed by thick dark eyebrows. His dark hair fell over in strands on his face. He narrowed his eyes at me and said nothing. He just kept running. Of course he kept running! Why did I think that I could reason with this animal using logic? He was not human.

  "Fire the engine!” he shouted, as he looked straight ahead. I followed his gaze and saw a metallic ship with the door wide open. The Corillion warrior ran up the ramp, as his warriors continued shooting behind him, giving him cover and protecting him.

  "No! No! You cannot take me from this place! Do not put me on this ship!” I shouted at him, pounding my fist against his chest. He just continued to ignore me. Once we were inside the ship, he opened his arms.

  THUD. I fell to the ground.

  "How dare you drop me on the ground like that!” I raged at him from the floor. He ignored me. He was still a warrior in battle, and he was shouting orders to his warriors.

  "Get us out of here! Battle stations everyone behind a gun! Go!" he shouted as I felt the ship jolt as it took off into the air. Warriors were behind the controls for the guns and were shooting their way out of the battle. I could not believe what was happening.

  "Stop this ship!” I demanded, as I got to my feet, which was not easy since I was only wearing one high heel and the ship was in motion, flying wild and crazy. I put my hands against the wall trying to help myself stand.

  No one paid attention to me, especially not the Corillion warrior that had taken me in his arms. He was now sitting in the captain’s chair shouting orders and flying his way out of a massive air battle that had emerged. I noticed that we were not going horizontally in the sky. We were going straight up, and this could only mean one thing.

  "You better not be taking me out of Earth!” I shouted, as I moved toward the captain’s chair.

  "On your right! On your right! Fire!” was the response that I got from the captain of the ship, and it wasn't aimed at me. It was an order for his warrior. I looked to the right and saw the Earth army battalion approaching. I smiled. Now they would not get away. Now they were not fighting the small town police as they were a few minutes ago. The Earth army was trained to do one thing, kill the Corillion.

  "You're not getting away now! They are going to shoot you down!” I yelled as I grabbed onto the captain’s chair, trying to steady myself. That got his attention. He narrowed his eyes and looked at me and said, “If they shoot us down, then you go down to!”

  "I'd rather die than be a Corillion prisoner!" I screamed with as much pride as I could muster, with wild hair, smudged ash on my face, and only wearing one high heel.

  "That can be arranged, human!” he said as he looked at me with murder in his eyes. He hated me. I assumed he didn’t have this same hate for his human female wife. Human females of Earth meant everything to these dirty Corillions; it was the only way that their species would survive. His eyes narrowed and he looked back toward the battle, saying, “Pion, lock this human piece of shit up. I have no time for this now!”

  "What? What did you call me, you stupid Corillion ass!” I shouted at him as another Corillion yanked on my arms and pulled me away from him. I was filled with such anger that I could not control my emotions, and I tried to make my way back to him so that I could slap him. But the Corillion warrior was too strong and easily pulled me away down a narrow hallway, opened the door, and threw me in. He locked the door firmly behind me. I pounded on it. ”Let me out of here!”

  But it was no use. I turned around to see that I was in a small bedroom bunk. It wasn't a prison cell, but living quarters on the ship. There was a small bunk with a thin mattress and a small table next to it. A stool for sitting was in the corner and that’s all that was in there. There was no bathroom or sink to be had. It was very tiny, my tiny prison in space. I took off my shoe and threw it across the room at the wall. “Fuck! Shit!” I shouted. “How did this happen? This can’t be happening to me!” I shouted in anger. I couldn't believe it. I was so fucking angry and raging. I had spent all my life trying to stay away from the Corillion, and now I was going to be taken millions of miles from my planet and family and forced to go to the Corillion galaxy far, far, away from Earth. I would be forced to marry someone I hated. I could not live with myself if that happened to me. There was no way in hell I would let it happen. I had spent my life trying to figure out how to fight these jerks and take them down once and for all, because they continued to take our human females as mates and to kill our human men without any remorse. Now, I was suffering the fate that I had sought to defend so many others from that had been taken prisoner. I was now a statistic, one of those same statistics that I had looked at in my reports from Mr. Richardson. I was now a captive of the Corillion aliens. I moved back and forth in the small room, filled with rage. Then I noticed a porthole on the other wall. It was a window that was covered. I quickly moved over and slid open the shield. I couldn't believe it. Instead of seeing the blue sky of Earth, outside the window was the blackness of space. They really were taking me from Earth, and I despaired at the thought that I wouldn’t see it again. What if I never saw my sister again? We were all that each other had!

  I started to feel my eyes watering, but I would hold back the tears. I would not let these jerks make me cry. I would not be defeated. As I stared out the window something caught my eye. We were not moving into the darkness of space toward the Corillion galaxy. Instead the moon was coming into view outside the window. It grew larger and larger as we grew closer and closer. Why the hell were we going to the moon? I thought.

  We were in the gravity of the moon and shooting around to the dark side away from the Earth, when something else came into view. It was so massive that it took my breath away. It was almost a third of the size of the moon. It was the biggest mother ship that I had ever seen in my life. We had nothing like it on Earth. It could be the size of Rhode Island, for all I knew. One thing was for sure, though, and that was that it was a ship designed to take over a planet.

  "This must be it. This was what the message was about. It was a countdown to a massive invasion of Earth. There is no other reason that the Corillion would bring a ship this large, with so many, many, Corillion warriors in it. There must be 1 million of them or more on that ship. This is unbelievable,” I said to myself.

  I knew then that I had been right about Mr. Richardson and his security council team. They were too late. I blamed him for this. If I had known about that message we could have been warned about this invasion; instead, it snuck up on us and was h
iding directly behind our own moon. He had really fucked up, and his fuck up was going to cause millions of human lives to be lost. It was going to cost us Earth itself.

  As we grew closer, the mothership’s bay door opened and the ship we were in zoomed directly towards it. I wasn't being taken to the Corillion galaxy like I had thought. I was being taken to the mothership that had been sent to invade Earth on a massive scale.

  "Fuck me…” I whispered.

  Chapter 2


  There was one Corillion who was responsible for the entire Corillion galaxy, and that Corillion was me. Sure, we had the High Council that oversaw all the small matters that needed ruling, but I oversaw the High Council. I was good at everything that I did, not just combat as a Corillion skilled warrior, but also ruling with a firm hand and intelligence.

  As the leader I was fed up with the bullshit war between Earth and the Corillion galaxy that we had suffered through for years. It was because the High Council had decided many years ago that the only way to procure the human females needed for breeding, in order to continue the Corillion race, was to secretly steal them. It was not what I had wanted, but I had been out voted and persuaded to do it their way. While they were doing it their way, though, I was secretly planning my way. My way was the only way and it was about damn time that I put my secret plan into action.

  Once my secret preparations were in place, I assembled a massive Corillion army, resources, and practically an entire Corillion city inside one of the biggest motherships that we had ever seen, in all of the galaxies that we had visited. I loaded this mothership for one thing, an invasion of Earth. Once this plan was put into action the High Council could do nothing to stop me. Secretly, I don't think they wanted to stop me. Even though they did protest, I think that they were just making a show out of it. I think they were secretly proud of my efforts and were hiding the fact that they wanted my plan to work. It was a simple plan, and one that would not only give us complete domination over Earth, but would give us an advantage over the human males of Earth for almost a decade. It was perfect. But the plan was not complete. It needed one thing; a code that we were not able to get access to, no matter how many covert operations we made to Earth. It didn’t matter seem to matter how many files of classified information we stole from the Earth counsel. However, I did learn one thing through these covert operations; something very important. The key lay with one human female, the director of the Earth counsel. That was why we set out to launch a raid and steal her. We had needed to abduct Lily Retron.

  "What the hell is this?” She stomped over to me as I opened the door to the living quarters that we had locked her up in.

  "You're coming with me,” I said to her, ready to lead her off the small ship and into the belly of the mothership.

  "No I am not. I am not going anywhere until you tell me what the hell is going on!” she said as she crossed her arms across her chest. I was impressed with her confidence and arrogance, but also annoyed and frustrated by it. Her flaming red hair was a mess around her face where it had fallen from the bun it was in, and I could only assume was from the wreck. We had not planned to shoot her transport out of the sky. We had planned to only disable it enough so that our ship could dock to it and abduct her. But things had not gone as planned and I was glad that she survived, since we needed her badly.

  "You are coming with me. Do you want me to pick you up and take you with me, or do you want to walk?” I said to her sternly. The look on her face changed and her green eyes narrowed. She was wearing a black suit, just like the Earth government humans always did, and her skirt went down to just above her knees. She was now barefoot. She was petite, but she was not slender like some of the human females that I had seen, including the female that I had mated with years ago. This human was curvy and jiggled a little when she moved.

  "You're not going to tell me what's going on here?” She asked.

  "I will tell you when I'm good and ready. Now come with me,” I said as I moved aside, waiting for her to move out the door. She gave me a dirty look but she moved into the hallway. I walked behind her until we were walking down the ramp of the ship.

  "Holy shit,” she whispered to herself as she walked down the ramp onto the floor of the landing port.

  "There must be over 2000 ships in here," she said as she stopped and looked around. I did not need her making any observations about our military strength. She was the enemy. I grabbed her arm and pulled her along.

  "Ow! Jerk!" She said but I ignored her. I did not need to make small talk with her. I did not need her to like me. I needed her to fear me and obey me. I only needed to know one thing and I was going to get it from her. I dragged her along through the landing stages as warriors stopped, turned, and looked. I kept going as she made quiet remarks under her breath as we walked through.

  "It is like an entire city in here… I have never seen so many Corillion in one place… Why is the ship here?” She rambled on and on. I ignored all of it. Then I pushed her into a room. You could call it a prison, but these were not the standard empty cells. It was a small living quarters with a very secure door and no other way out.

  "What is your name?” I asked her.

  She crossed her arms and was silent. “What is your name, human female?” I asked her again.

  She gave me a condescending smirk, but still stayed silent. I smiled back at her and pulled up a projection on the wall. Her mouth fell open and her hands dropped at her side.

  "Exactly. I don't need you to tell me your name, I already know who you are and what you do. It says it all here in our file,” I said as a pointed at the projection composed of several photographs and a repeating video of her along, with all the data about personal identity, family, where she lived, what she did, who she fucked, and anything else that you could possibly know about a human.

  "Where the hell did you get this?" she said, taking a step toward it.

  "We stole it of course. We know everything about you. I have watched quite a bit of personal footage about you, and I have to say that I enjoyed some of it. You can say I am a fan of your private work, not so much your position in office,” I said to her.

  She gasped and said, “How dare you. What exactly do you mean my private work? Have you been spying on me? Have you been spying on my personal romantic life?" She asked as she took steps toward me as though trying to threaten me. It made me want to laugh.

  "Pff... romance. You humans are full of stupid ideals. There is no such thing. Male and female are together for mating and nothing more."

  "Spoken like a true Corillion alien. You are nothing but animals,” she sneered at me.

  "Enough, human female. We know who you are. You are Lily Retron, director of the Earth Council. We came for you today and now we have you,” I said to her.

  Her eyes opened wide. “What do you mean you came for me? You mean all of that was for me? You shot down my transport! If you were coming for me then why shoot me down? I could have died! The passenger that was with me and the pilot died!” She shouted at me.

  "That was not intended to happen. The battle was part of a distraction. It was only to distract the humans from knowing exactly why we were there. The fact that we ended up shooting your transport only helped us. Now the humans will think that you are dead and they will not launch a hunting party. You belong to me now,” I said as I step toward her. I was not trying to intimidate her with my steps, I was just being honest, as she did belong to me. She was now mine.

  "I belong to no one. I do not belong to you, I only belong to myself. My people might think that I am dead, but that won't stop them from completing my work and my mission," she said to me.

  I laughed at her. "You are here and you are my captive. You belong to me even if you do not want to admit it,” I said, moving toward her as she took steps backwards. Suddenly her back was against the wall and she had no escape.

  "You are mine and you are going to give me what I want, and what
I need,” I said getting only a few inches away from her.

  Smack! She slapped my face. It only made me angrier. I growled at her and grabbed her arms and pinned them against the wall above her head. She was so weak and so light, like a feather. She was no match for anyone, especially not a Corillion warrior like me.

  "Get off of me, you Corillion scum. You will not meet with me. You will not touch me. I will die before I let you take me in that way,” she spat at me.


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