Last Chance Baby

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Last Chance Baby Page 14

by Gallegos, Ashley

  “I feel exactly the same way. I want to marry you and only you, Chuck. I love you so much.” She kissed him and knew it was time to say goodbye. “Besides, once this is all over, we can hock this ring and live off it for the next thirty years.” Together they laughed and Chuck watched as Hailey grabbed the closest dress and walked back out to Cate and Maggie. He could hear the girls gush about the dress just in case anyone could hear. Maggie doing so to protect Hailey and Cate doing so because he had slipped her $5,000 to keep his secret.

  Fifty Five

  As soon as Chuck got back into his car, he used his burner phone to call John. After he filled him in on the situation with Maggie and Hailey, he crossed his fingers that John had some information for him. He needed to move fast to get Hailey out of there before Dalton could force her into marriage. “John, please tell me you found something with the credit card. I need some good news right about now.”

  “Actually, Chuck, we got lucky. You were right and she used her card. Her name is Jessica Smythers. I was able to track down the address to her condo too. I’ll text it to your cell. It looks like she’s downtown so it’s interesting that she would go with Dalton to a hotel right nearby her own condo.”

  “Hmmm…. good point. I wonder if she didn’t quite trust Dalton fully or didn’t want people to track her back to her place. Either way, I think it’s time to learn more about her. Thanks again, John.” As Chuck hung up the phone, he realized that he was hearing more and more stress in John’s voice each time he spoke to him. He didn’t blame him. Having the women so close to danger and feeling so helpless with it was killing Chuck too.

  Chuck spent the day getting acquainted with the area around Jessica’s apartment. He greased the palm of the doorman and found that Jessica usually left the condo around 8 pm each night to go eat out and meet with various people. Across the street from the condo was a quaint coffee shop where Chuck could sit outside with a cup of coffee and watch the condo without drawing attention. He made sure to bring a newspaper with him to appear fully engrossed and waited for the infamous redhead to make her appearance.

  Once Jessica made her way out of the condo to hail a taxi, there was no question in Chuck’s mind that he had found the right girl. Her red hair, pale skin, and long legs matched every description he had read about her. He made a note of the taxi company and car number. After the car pulled away, he called the taxi company.

  “Hi there. I am so sorry - I am always losing things. I think I forgot my wallet in your cab earlier. The number was 3244. Is there anyway to find out where it is so I can peek in and just double check? I promise to be in and out and not be disruptive.” The receptionist at the taxi company sounded annoyed but radioed the taxi and reported that it would be pulling up to China Ginger restaurant within the next 15 minutes. Chuck thanked the receptionist and hopped in his car to make his way to the restaurant. Just in case Jessica saw him at the coffee shop, Chuck made sure to change his shirt and remove his sunglasses.

  At the restaurant Chuck asked to be seated at the bar. He was pleased to find that the bar itself looked busy but had tall tables and stools that provided an ample view of the restaurant. He quickly spotted Jessica’s signature red hair and claimed a table where he could see without being seen. To blend in, he ordered an egg roll appetizer and one of the restaurant’s signature drinks. After he settled in, Chuck saw that Jessica had two men at the table with her. One was a well dressed Chinese man with a goatee and sideburns. The other man sat with his back to Chuck and it was hard to tell who he was. While he waited for the second man to turn so he could identify him, Chuck acted like he was playing with his cell phone and took a picture of the Chinese man and quickly sent it to John for identification.

  The waitress brought Chuck’s appetizer and drink. She was very interested in chatting with him and flirting but Chuck came to accomplish something. When he didn’t respond to her overt offering of herself, she moved onto the next potential date and left Chuck to his surveillance. However, when the second man finally turned around, Chuck almost choked on his egg roll. He was shocked to see that the man was Dalton himself.

  Chuck knew he had to get out of there before Dalton spotted him and paid the bill quickly. He sent a quick update to John via text and made his way back to Jessica’s condo. He knew from previous behavior that it was unlikely that Jessica would take Dalton back there and this was clearly not a romantic encounter with the second man. He would learn the most by surprising her at the condo so that is where he needed to be.

  On his drive back to the condo, his phone began to buzz. “Hey, John. What did you find?” He slowed the car as he came into traffic the closer he got to downtown.

  “Well, my domestic contacts turned up absolutely nothing. So I took a chance and reached out to an Interpol contact. Your man is Hai Chang. He is wanted by Interpol for human trafficking. They recently busted a den in the seedier parts of Hong Kong that had over 35 women being trafficked. The bust ended in the arrest of 10 different men and none of them would give up Chang. They all said that they had never heard of him and refused to give up any contacts. He must be a powerful player for people to be willing to go to such lengths to protect themselves from his retribution.”

  “It makes sense. If Dalton is involved with human trafficking, that would definitely be something that he would not have been able to ask Erin to fund.”

  “I checked the dates and the suspected embezzlement happened at Dalton Enterprises right before the big Hong Kong bust. Dalton may have invested the funds expecting a fast return to replace them and then Interpol messed up the plan. My contact at Interpol said to fax him anything we find. He said to consider yourself deputized and they will rush in to make any arrest necessary. He said they can also provide protection for Hailey and the baby if we find anything.”

  Chuck was grateful for that offer. Dalton was in deeper than he had anticipated. If something went wrong and he could not personally see to Hailey’s safety, he felt better knowing that Interpol would step in. “Thanks, John. I’m going to see what I can get out of Jessica. I’ll keep you updated.” Chuck ended the call and parked the car around the corner. Then he went to go bribe the doorman once again but this time to let him into Jessica’s condo.

  Fifty Six

  Hailey had a hard time staying awake waiting for Chris to get home. She had sent Maggie home long ago. She hated having Maggie here any more than absolutely necessary. Hailey had decided to make some hot chocolate and wait for Chris in the living room so she could speak with him as soon as he was home. It was half past midnight when she finally heard his key turn in the lock.

  “Hailey? Darling, why are you still up so late?” Chris ran over to where she was sitting. “Is it the baby? You know you can always have Cassandra stay with you if need be. You’re getting much closer to time and I don’t like the idea of you being alone.”

  Hailey smiled up at him, the picture of the loving woman. “Oh, the baby’s fine. I just wanted to speak with you, if that’s okay?” Chris looked at her with questions in his eyes, clearly curious about where this conversation would go. He sat down next to her and motioned for her to proceed.

  “I don’t think I have been terribly fair to you. See, I was Erin’s friend when I met you so all I went on with my judgment of you was her stories. And usually when friends talk about their spouses, it is to complain. I based my complete opinion on you from times when she complained and that did not take in the fact that two people make a marriage. Of course Erin would never say anything that she did wrong - she wouldn’t want to look bad.” Hailey turned to Chris and grabbed his hand. “I guess what I am trying to say is that I have misjudged you. In the time that I have been here, you have been nothing but caring and kind towards both me and the baby. And… I think in time we could truly fall in love with each other. So, after much consideration, I think you are right. I want to be a real family.”

  Chris looked surprised but pleased. “Oh, Hailey. You have no idea how happy it makes me
to hear that.” He grabbed her into a hug and pulled back to kiss her forehead and then kiss her pregnant stomach.

  “I am happy you are happy, Chris. That’s all I want is for us to be happy. But I want to do this right. You have no idea how sad it makes me that when it comes to the baby, I am stepmom or surrogate. I want to be this baby’s real mother, Chris. I want to adopt the baby before it comes, before we get married. I want to be part of this family in every way possible.” Hailey looked at Chris with the most longing expression that she could muster.

  “Hailey, I don’t think anyone has ever legally adopted a baby before it’s birth before. I don’t know that it is possible.” Chris shook his head and lifted his hands in defeat.

  “Come on, Chris. This situation is so far from usual. It’s probably never even be seen before so the precedent won’t even apply. Besides, I know that you are a man of ways. I want to marry you, I really do. I just want to do it right.” Hailey turned her body, pregnant girth and all, and did something she never could have thought she would be capable. She kissed Chris. It was a long, passionate kiss designed to convince him that she was giving him everything he wanted, that she was cooperating fully, once and for all. She could do this. She could do her part to make sure that Chuck had the time he needed to free her from this life once and for all.

  When Hailey pulled away from Chris, she could see the desire in his eyes. She knew that he wanted her desperately. It was the oldest trick in the world but she would use it.

  “I see we may be better suited than I had even anticipated, darling. You’re right. Let’s do this right. I’ll contact my attorney tomorrow and see what he can push through. It’s worth it for a lifetime of kisses like that.” Chris squeezed her shoulders and groaned. “I can just imagine our future. And it is going to be very… satisfying.” He got up and held out his hand for her. “Now let me escort you to your bed. You’ll need your rest. Being a bride is an exciting time and I want you to be able to enjoy it.”

  Fifty Seven

  Jessica walked past Joaquin the doorman and gave him a smile. She loved seeing him as she came home from conducting business because it meant that she was home safe and Joaquin would be protecting her from any of the ugliness of the world following her home. When she was home, she didn’t have to be the sex symbol using her wiles to survive. She learned a long time ago that it was play nice or suffer the consequences.

  Jessica got off of the elevator and made her way to the condo that was her safe zone. She opened the door and flicked on the lights. Her attention was immediately drawn to taking off the painful heels and taking down her hair. It wasn’t until she heard the click of the gun that she realized she wasn’t alone. She turned to find a handsome man sitting in her favorite arm chair with a gun pointed at her. She thought she may have seen him somewhere before as he was vaguely familiar to her but she couldn’t place him.

  “Well, it seems I am at a disadvantage here. You clearly know me and have something to accomplish here while I don’t even know who you are.” Jessica came to sit on the couch across from him. “You went to a lot of trouble to get into my condo. No one has ever made it in before. You must have a big goal to go through all of that.” She tucked her legs underneath her in her usual manner and waited.

  For a moment, Chuck was surprised. The sex kitten that he had come to recognize in Jessica through his tracking and reading the notes wasn’t there. She seemed like a just a girl. She even reminded him of Hailey, an innocent caught up in something bigger than herself. But that couldn’t be right. He knew that she was an associate of Dalton and Chang. You don’t become an equal with one of those men without getting some dirt under your fingernails.

  “Jessica Smythers. The infamous redhead who plays with the big boys. Tell me exactly what your relationship is with Chris Dalton.” Chuck kept the gun pointed at her. He was tempted to just fire but he needed the information more than he needed a body count. Jessica lit a cigarette and took a deep inhale.

  “Actually, this all started with Chang. He introduced me to Dalton. I assume you are aware of Chang’s background, what he does?” Chuck nodded and Jessica continued. “They’re going to kill me, you know, for telling you this. But at this point, that might be a relief. What’s on the other side of this world has to be better than what I’ve been through.” Just as quick as Jessica lit the cigarette, she stubbed it out on the ashtray next to her on the end table. “Years ago, I was on vacation with some college friends in Honduras when all three of us were snatched by Chang’s men. When Chang’s group snatches the girls, they like to test the merchandise themselves so that you start from the beginning feeling like you are property. My friends refused and they were shot dead in front of me. I was devastated but the men acted like it as simple as deciding if they wanted cream or sugar in their coffee. I realized then that I was the only one in that room who cared if I lived or died and I made the decision to live.”

  Jessica uncurled her legs and stretched. She had held all of this in for so long that it felt good to tell someone, anyone. She knew it was going to result in her death. Maybe she should have made the same choice as her friends all those years ago. Maybe that really had been the only option. She didn’t even recognize herself anymore. If she wasn’t herself, did she even truly survive?

  “Put the gun down. You already know you aren’t going to shoot me until the end of the story anyway. And if you don’t kill me, they will. So at least let me finish without looking down the barrel of the gun, will you?” Jessica nodded at the weapon and Chuck realized she was right. Her destiny was likely sealed by the fact that she was volunteering information. Besides, the gun was still within reach if she tried anything. Chuck put down his gun on the arm of the chair and waited patiently for her continue.

  “Chang made a practice of visiting the places where they kept the girls. It was a win win for him. He could strike fear into this associates to ensure loyalty and also find any girls that he wanted for himself. He was intrigued by my red hair and pale skin. After he had me a few times and realized that I was willing to do anything to save my own skin, and I do mean anything, he began to loan me out to his biggest clients. He realized that I was good at listening and observing. His clients were careless around me because I was a girl and then I would report back information to Chang. He’s owned me for six years now. This condo? It was paid for by a ‘bonus’ he gave me after I landed Dalton.”

  “So you were the one to approach Dalton? Not Chang?” This was a surprise to Chuck. When he thought that Jessica was the complete brains behind the operation, it would have been the obvious choice. But knowing that she was Chang’s pawn, it surprised him that Chang would have put so much trust into her. Then again, she had made her willingness and loyalty clear.

  “Yes, Dalton was mine. I met him through some of Chang’s clients. He made his disdain for his wife clear and that made it easy for me to approach him. Once I gained his trust, I realized his hate for his wife was more than just the usual marriage blues. He resented her control of the money and was desperate for his own wealth, even if it came by less than proud means. I brought him to Chang of my own accord. I hoped that by showing Chang how well I was playing ball, he would grant me more freedom and I could at least live somewhat of a life. Instead, he just drew me further into the life.”

  “So what exactly is Dalton’s role? Is he just the investor?” Chuck sat back in the armchair. Despite his misgivings about Jessica, he was beginning to feel some sympathy towards the girl.

  “He started that way. But once his initial investment was lost in the raid, he realized he needed money quickly to cover up his embezzlement from Dalton Enterprises before his wife caught on. He asked Chang for his help but Chang refused so Dalton went to the Gamboli family for a loan. However, during pillow talk one night, Dalton told me that he had no intention of paying Gamboli back. Instead, he wanted to get further in with Chang. He figured that if he was an equal with Chang, Gamboli wouldn’t be brave enough to approach him. He’s b
een desperate since then to earn favor and protection with Chang. He confided in me one night about killing his wife. He told me all about how once that was behind him, that baby was going to be his cash cow and he would be just as powerful as Chang. What he doesn’t know if that Chang plans to dispose of him and take that money for himself.”

  “What about the girl carrying the baby and the baby? What is his plan for them?” Chuck didn’t like where this was headed. He knew from his Navy SEAL days that these criminal organizations tended to kill first and ask questions later.

  “Ah, I see. That’s what all of this is about. A girl. Of course it is. You’re in love with her, aren’t you? Well, maybe you can save her. But you’ll have to be smart about it. Chang has international ties that would surprise you. He is in the pockets of some of the kings and presidents of the kind of countries where people simply disappear.” Jessica shuddered. “That’s probably where they will dump me. My body will never be found and my parents will wonder for the rest of their days about what happened to me. I’m guessing that whatever they imagine is better than the truth.”

  Chuck put the safety back on his gun and leaned forward. “Not if we work together.”

  Fifty Eight

  Hailey woke up and prayed that her plan about the adoption would stall the wedding that Chris had in mind. Otherwise, today was meant to be her wedding day. Chris had paid the bridal shop a tidy sum to have the dress ready for her. He had even mentioned that he picked out the perfect wedding band to match her engagement ring. So far he seemed intent on moving forward.


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