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Crucify Thy Demons: Snakes Henchmen MC

Page 3

by Grayson, Alivia

  Coral told me that should I ever need anything all I had to do was call her and she’d be there. She also promised not to mention to Roman that she’d heard from me. I could tell it pained her to say that, but I was grateful.

  Of course, Wrench called me just an hour later to let me know Kaleb had been born safe and well. Elie was doing fine, but she was again asking to see me. Wrench offered to come and collect me, but I told him I’d drive down and call him once I arrived to make sure no one was there. I didn’t want anyone telling Roman.

  When I arrived, Elie was sleeping, and Wrench was holding his tiny son and telling him all the things they were going to do together. I couldn’t help smiling at him. As if she sensed me there, Elie opened her eyes and called my name. I held her tightly and told her how proud I was of her. I told her that I loved her and that I would never be too far away that I couldn’t get to her.

  Then I held Kaleb, and I fell so deeply in love with him that I knew I’d never be the same again. We have a special bond Kaleb and I. We might not see each other every day, but he never forgets me.

  I move aside for Elie to enter before closing the door behind her. She goes to the living room with Kaleb while I make some decaf tea for us. I take a seat on my couch and place a cup of tea on the coffee table in front of Elie. “How are you feeling?” She asks me.

  “Scared,” I tell her honestly.

  “That’s totally normal. Trust me.” She smiles. “I was like that the whole way through.”

  “With good reason, Elie.”

  “True.” She smiles at Kaleb now lying in my arms asleep. It doesn’t take this boy long to drop off. “You need to speak with Roman. You can’t put this off any longer, Marley, he needs to know. He has rights, and I can’t keep this secret forever. When Roman finds out that I’ve known where you’ve been this whole time, he’s going to be angry with us both. Not to mention Wrench and the fact he knew. It will cause all sorts of trouble between them, which will cause trouble with the MC.”

  “I know, and I’m sorry.”

  I should never have put this on Elie and Wrench. I never intended to. I planned to leave and never contact anyone again, but Jett urged me to keep in touch with Elie after he brought me here. He told me a person never knew when they’d need a friend, and I did need one. Elie may not yet be twenty-one, but she’s more mature than most thirty-year-olds. I’ve been selfish in making her keep this secret.

  Oh, did I forget to mention? I’m eight months pregnant with an outlaws baby. Lucky me, right?

  I am terrified of telling Roman because I know he won’t be happy. I’m scared of what will happen when he finds out that both Jett and Wrench, along with Elie and Coral have known where I was the whole time. He’ll feel betrayed by his MC family, and he’ll never trust them again.

  “I just don’t know what to do, Elie. Every time I think I’ve found the courage to call him, I lose my bottle seconds later. What if he won’t see me? Or doesn’t believe the baby is his?”

  “Sweetheart, the what ifs will drive you crazy. You have to tell him, no more stalling. I will be with you if that’s what you want, and I won’t leave you even for a second, but you have to do this for the baby, for you, and Roman.”

  I nod my head because I know she’s right.

  Please don’t hate me, Roman. I need you so badly right now, even if you don’t need me.

  Chapter Three


  There’s nothing like emptying my dick inside a willing pussy. Fuck it, then throw it out of my room. I don’t give a shit who’s on the end of my dick; any whore will do. However, I don’t like fucking the same whore twice.

  Not that that seems to bother Sasha. I swear that bitch thinks I’m going to make her my old lady. In fact, I know she does. I’ve heard her myself and the things she’s said to some of the other club whores about how I’m about to claim her. Any day now because I can’t keep my hands off her.

  Not going to happen.

  I can keep my hands off the bitch; she’s nothing special. It’s not like she’s the only slut I’m fucking right now. I’ll fuck any bitch with a cunt between its legs. Always have always will.

  Judge me all you want, most do. I’m the clichéd biker when it comes to fucking. It doesn’t make me a bad man. These whores know what they’re getting into with me. One and done. Well, most of the time. If I’m drunk and they come on to me, I’ll take them to bed, the closet, the bathroom, or wherever I feel like.

  Love and claiming bitches isn’t in me. It was once, but that time has long since past.

  Maybe I shouldn’t let Sasha wake me up by sucking my dick dry. I shouldn’t get drunk and drag her to my room and fuck sixty shades of shit out of her, but she reminds me of Marley from the back. That’s the only way I fuck her, from behind. It’s the only way I fuck any whore these days.

  Sasha has been with almost every guy in this place. She’s foul-mouthed, drinks like a man, and hits like one too. Why on this earth would she ever think I’d want someone like her as my old lady? Her pussy isn’t even tight; it’s been stretched out by all those men.

  Not that I’m opposed to a woman who knows how to handle her liquor and herself, that shits hot. However, there’s taking care of yourself, and then there’s being a cunt. Sasha is a cunt and a half. I don’t want that bitch for anything but a fucking cum dumpster. As vile as that may sound.

  I had perfection, even if it was only for one night. God, Marley was beautiful, how is it fair that I got just one night with her?

  One night with the girl who changed me and the way I thought about women. I never wanted to claim one before. Too much pussy for me to pleasure before then, but I wanted to claim that woman. I’d fallen for Marley, and I was willing to be everything she needed me to be because that’s what she did to me. Marley made me want to be a better man, but she left me in the middle of the damn night! Gone and I’ve never been able to find her since.

  I looked, trust me. I looked for Marley everywhere. I even went to her old cabin and stayed a couple of days, thinking maybe she’d go there and I’d be able to tell her how I’d fallen for her, that I wanted to make her mine, take care of her, and protect her from all things evil in this world.

  However, Marley didn’t come.

  I even bugged the hell out of Wrench for weeks thinking he knew where she was. If he did, he’s a damn good actor and liar because he wouldn’t give anything up. Same with Elie, and I swear some of the others are keeping something from me. I swear to God above if I find that out to be true, I’ll kill the lot of them!

  I gave up asking about Marley after a couple of months because I realized it was pointless. No one was going to tell me anything. It hurt to know my family would rather watch me going crazy searching for Marley and keep her secret. I had to face the fact though that Marley didn’t want to be found. She’d already spent two years living like a recluse, hiding away from the world, what made me think I could make her mine and bring her back to the real world?

  I’ve tried to move on, believe me, I have. However, the truth is, I’m just going through the motions of life, fucking any willing woman, fighting, working, anything to forget her and the way she made me feel. Nothing makes sense to me anymore. How can one little woman have invaded my life like this? She isn’t even around, yet I see her every waking moment. Marley is always there, no matter where I look, I see her. Every damn blonde reminds me of her.

  I guess that’s why I prefer fucking brunettes. Fucking them means I don’t have to see Marley. However, as I said, there’s the odd blonde, like Sasha, that I fuck from behind so that I can pretend they’re Marley. I can punish them and pretend I’m punishing Marley for leaving me.

  God, this fucking shit has to end. I can’t go on like this, and I can’t keep wishing I’ll see her one day, that she’ll realize we belong together and come home to me. I have to sort my fucking head out once and for all.

  How does any man do that when he can’t get through a day without thinking about th
e woman he wishes he could forget, the way she’s forgotten him?

  I’m turning into a bastard where women are concerned, and it’s all Marley’s fault. I’m angry with her, and I’m taking it out on every woman I fuck. I fucking hate that about myself, but I can’t stop it. It’s like I have the devil inside of me, and even though I would never physically hurt a woman, I know I’m hurting their hearts. I’m losing myself in drink and women, and I don’t know how to stop myself.

  No woman has ever gotten to me like this before. I haven’t been in love before, but I fucking fell for Marley in a way I didn’t even know was possible, and it’s fucking crushing me that I’ve lost her – lost her before I’d even made her mine.

  I press my palms against the shower wall, my head hanging down, letting the hot water pound down on my back as I again allow thoughts of Marley to fill my head. I saw such a future for us. The house we’d live in, the day we got married – yeah, I went there – the kids we’d have. I didn’t give a shit that she was younger than me; what the fuck is thirteen years when you love someone?

  I growl in frustration. Why the fuck can’t I stop thinking about her? When the hell will this shit get easier?

  All I need to do is go back to being me before Marley. Easier said than done, but I have to do it. I can’t spend the rest of my life wondering where Marley is and if she’s okay out there. She chose to leave me and move on with her life, and now I need to do the same.

  “Roman?!” The pounding on my bathroom door drags me away from thoughts of Marley. “Roman, man, get out here!”

  I roll my eyes, turn off the shower and rush to dry myself off.

  I tear open the door. “What the fuck do you want, Trace?”

  Trace is a complete asshole of a guy, fucks anything that moves, doesn’t need an old lady, much like myself. He was once engaged to Willow, our Sergeant-At-Arms, Hammer’s now wife, but he lost her through his own damn fault at not being able to keep his dick in his pants.

  Who the fuck am I to judge when I can’t keep my dick in my pants either? I’m no different from Trace, not really. Except for the fact I wouldn’t cheat on any woman I’d committed to, I just wasn’t raised that way.

  “You need to get out there and sort your girl, man,” I narrow my eyes at him while pulling on clean jeans and t-shirt. “She’s going batshit out there.”

  I sit on the edge of my bed, pulling my boots on. “She’s not my girl, Trace. How many fuckin’ times do I have to say it?”


  “Do you want me to knock your fucking teeth out?” I yank on my cut and bare my teeth to the prick. I’m one of the biggest guys in this MC, the only guys bigger are Red and Hammer. This cunt would be like squashing a damn bug on my shoe.

  “How about Marley, is she still your girl?”

  What the fuck is all this about?

  I take a deep breath and a step toward him. I’m not above smacking this asshole in the head.

  “Back up, Superman. I was sent in here to get you because Sasha is out there threatening Marley with death.”

  “Marley is here?” My heart speeds up.

  Why the hell would she come here?

  It’s been months since she left, months with no word. All these months wishing she’d come home to me and now she’s here. Finally.

  My heart starts to race, adrenaline pumping through me.

  Marley is here!

  “Marley asked a couple of prospects where to find you, and they told her that you were in your room. Marley was on her way here when Sasha grabbed her. Look, stand here talkin’ all fuckin’ day if you like, but Sasha’s...” Trace doesn’t get to finish what he’s saying before I’m out the door like lightning. Marley is here, and she wants to see me. I don’t know what changed, why she wants to see me now, but it must be important if she’s willing to come out of hiding to find me.

  I should be as mad as hell with Marley for the way she used me that night, for leaving me like I was nothing, and I think maybe I am a little, but all I want is to hold her in my arms and tell her everything is okay. I want her to tell me what made her run from me. Christ, Marley fucking made me soft in the fucking head, but only where she’s concerned.

  “... I mean it!”

  What the hell is this?

  I see Marley, her back to me, leaning against the wall on her left arm, kind of like a kid being bullied at school, and they can’t face their tormentor. She’s wearing a pair of black leggings with a pair of brown ankle boots. I can see the long navy cardigan she’s wearing, but I can’t see the front of her at all. Her blond hair is braided down her back, but it’s messy.

  What the fuck has Sasha done to her?

  Speaking of Sasha. She’s being held back by Tank, but she’s hitting out at Marley, who isn’t even trying to protect her face. What the fuck? She’s doing nothing more than leaning her front toward the wall.

  “He’s mine now, bitch! Come back here again, and I’ll kill you!”

  “What the fuck did you just say? You do not get to tell people whether they can come here or not! You are a club whore and have no right to act this way in my clubhouse!” Shit, the Prez. “You think you can stand here screaming like this, Sasha?”

  “I’m sorry, Shepard. It’s just that this stupid bitch...”

  “I’m not a bitch.” I barely heard Marley’s voice. Why the hell isn’t she defending herself? She’s stronger than this; I know she is. “I just needed to speak with Roman.” Just the sound of my name on her lips is enough to give me an instant hard-on.

  “And I told you to stay away!”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cause any trouble. I didn’t know you were together. I’ll go now.”

  “You’re not going anywhere!” I snap while making my move toward her. All heads turn in my direction. My eyes lock with Sasha’s. She looks at me, her mouth hanging open slightly; I shake my head and turn away.

  I reach Marley. She isn’t looking at me; her head is leaning against the wall, her arms folded around herself. “Baby, are you okay?” She looks up at me as I cup her face. “What the fuck?!” Her bottom lip is swollen on one side. “Did she hit you?” She nods her head before turning her eyes away from me.

  I don’t hit women, that’s not what this MC is about, but I swear to God, I could make an exception for Sasha right now.

  “You hit her.” It wasn’t a question. “None of you fuckin’ stopped her?!”

  “I stopped her, jackass!” Tank yells at me, still holding Sasha’s arm.

  “I didn’t mean to hit her that hard, Roman. I was just...”

  “Again telling people that you’re with me.” I lean into her. “You are not now, and you never will be my old lady. Stop telling people that you are! She is my old lady!” I yell and point at Marley. No matter the fuck, she’s mine.

  “She left you! She didn’t want you!” Sasha yells in retaliation. Brave girl. Her fucking job here is to take care of any free guy that needs taking care of, not act like a big bad girl who’s somebody here. She’s nobody. That’s the position she put herself in by becoming a club whore. No one forced her into it. It’s what she wanted.

  “Eight months she’s been gone, why the hell aren’t you over her yet? She doesn’t love you, Roman!”

  “Yes, I do!” I turn my head a little. Marley is now right beside me, her hand on my arm. “I love him.” Her eyes lock with mine for a second before she turns back to Sasha. “I left for reasons I need tell no one but Roman, but I love him more than you know.”

  “And you think he loves you back?” Sasha laughs and rips her arm from Tank’s grasp. “He doesn’t love you. All the time you’ve been gone, he’s been fucking me, and any other girl he can get his hands on, anything to forget you!”

  I wrap my arm around Marley’s shoulder. She’s stiff but doesn’t push me away. “I really don’t care what he got up to while I was gone. He thought I wasn’t coming back, and he had every right to move on with his life. However, I thought he would’ve had mo
re class than to lower himself to sink it inside someone like you.” A few of the guys snigger around me. I’d laugh if I weren’t so angry. “He must’ve been either really low and missing me, or extremely drunk.”


  “One more word!” Is all the Prez yells before Sasha is ripped away from us.

  I watch Nova spin Sasha around and punch her in the jaw, knocking her off her too high heels. Nova then straddles Sasha’s body and continues to beat on her. This is nothing new where Nova is concerned, I might add.

  Tank stands by with a smirk on his face, watching his wife, the Prez’s youngest daughter, beat the hell out of Sasha. I’d break it up, but I care nothing for the whore. She laid hands on my woman, and now she’ll get what’s coming to her.

  “Listen to me,” Nova says while grabbing Sasha’s face in her hand. “You are nothing but a club whore. Your job here is to relieve the men that require your services. That’s what you signed up for when you asked my father for a job. You ever touch one of my sisters again, and I will kill you.”

  Sisters. Yes, that’s what Nova refers to all the old ladies as, and for her to refer to Marley as such speaks volumes.

  “Now get to your fuckin’ feet, get your shit together, and get the fuck outta here. You are no longer welcome in this clubhouse.”

  “That’s enough, Nova,” Prez tells her with little effort.

  Dragged to her feet, Nova pulls Sasha toward Marley. “Did she hurt you?” Marley shakes her head. “The baby?” Baby? I look down at Marley; she’s looking up at me, her face red, her eyes scared.

  My eyes travel the length of her body. Sure enough, there it is, a small bump under her shirt. “Shit, this is what you came here to tell me? That you got knocked up? Why the fuck would you think I’d give a shit?!”

  Did she just come here to rub salt in the wound? She got knocked up by some douchebag, and she came to tell me? What sick shit is this?!

  “No, it’s not...”

  “Go home, Marley!” I walk away from her.


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