Crucify Thy Demons: Snakes Henchmen MC

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Crucify Thy Demons: Snakes Henchmen MC Page 11

by Grayson, Alivia

  He’s a good man, Leroy.

  My grandparents met in a time when it was social suicide to be with a man of color. My grandmother loved Leroy instantly and met up with him in secret whenever she could. They had a crazy love affair over one summertime. Then her parents found out and sent her away.

  She was sixteen and in love with a black man, whom she thought she’d never see again. It turns out that Leroy got Emelda pregnant. Her father was outraged, not only because the baby would be biracial, but because she was sixteen and underage. He planned to have the baby adopted, and my grandfather charged with rape. The only way he wouldn’t go ahead with his threat to have my grandfather prosecuted was if he left and never came back.

  My grandmother gave birth to her son, Tyrone, three weeks after her seventeenth birthday. She refused to sign him over. She wouldn’t let him go no matter what her father threatened her with. Of course, Emelda’s father was furious and told her that she had to put the baby down sometime. When she did, the baby would be gone, and she’d never find him. Emelda didn’t wait around for her father to take her child, she packed a bag and left in the middle of the night. She went in search of her love and found him in Bardsville.

  They were married three days later after lying about my grandmother’s age. Eighteen months later, they were parents again to another son, Nick. They both worked hard, my grandfather a laborer, my grandmother, a housewife who also cleaned for other families in order to support her family.

  Emelda’s family never came looking for her, and she never went home to them. Those people know nothing of the family their daughter created, and there is a lot of us now. I often wondered if she ever missed them, but she’s never shown any signs of it. I do remember once hearing my grandmother telling my mother how all the family she ever needed was the one she made with Leroy.

  A couple of years after Nick was born, my mother came along, beautiful and green-eyed like her mother, light skinned, loose hair, and my grandfather adored her. Of course, Taylor was born fifteen years later, and their family was complete.

  The struggles Leroy and Emelda faced were then passed onto their children. Tyrone married a mixed race woman, that seemed reasonable in the eyes of society, both of them being of color. Nick married a woman with a mixed-race mother. Some would sneer at them because his wife’s skin was white. Then my mother married a white man, and even though he was of standing, had a good job, it seemed to make the fact she wasn’t white wrong in the eyes of those he grew up around. It didn’t matter that my mother had fair skin, green eyes, almost straight hair, my father still got shit from his friends.

  My Dad once told me how one or two of his friends tried to convince him how strange it was that he’d fallen for this woman. How odd it was that her brother’s had darker skin, that her younger sister had darker skin than she did. He then told me how he ended up beating the shit out of one of his so-called friends. He told that person that nothing would stop him marrying Leona. My father, Rob, was in love and there was nothing in the world that would keep him from his girl. They’ve been married for forty years, and they’re still going strong.

  However, I think Taylor and BlackJack got it worse than most. BlackJack’s parents were the most racist pieces of shit I have ever had the misfortune to meet, and I did meet them when I was about ten. Horrible fuckers. They thought I was Taylor’s brother, and they looked at me like I was an abomination. Taylor is darker skinned than I am, but I’m not exactly white. Those pricks looked at the two of us like we were filth on their shoes, and I hated them on sight.

  They’d come to my grandparent’s house to demand they keep their monkey daughter away from their son. Taylor was sixteen, the same age as my grandmother when she got all the shit from her family. I was just a kid, but I still remember how much it hurt my heart to see Taylor crying. My aunt felt like my big sister, she was my best friend, and I hated that she was hurting. My grandmother was yelling at BlackJack’s mother, and then my grandfather punched BlackJack’s father out for daring to say anything about his little girl. Leroy got arrested, and my father got him off with the charges due to racism.

  However, Taylor was heartbroken, and she just wasn’t the same girl for a long time after that day. I tried so hard to cheer her up whenever I was around. I just wanted to see her smiling the way she used to when we hung out. Taylor would try so hard, but she’d end up crying and say to me, ‘I’m sorry, Tallon. I don’t mean to upset you.’ Because it did upset me, I would tell her that it was okay, and then I’d hug her until her tears subsided.

  Something happened in the months Taylor and BlackJack were apart. He joined the Snakes to be near his best friend, Shepard, who told him to grow a set, pick what he wanted more in life, take the girl, or don’t.

  BlackJack told his father straight that he loved Taylor, couldn’t live without her, and that he never wanted to see his family again if they couldn’t accept his choice. They couldn’t, so he left.

  That very day, BlackJack came by the house, and sat with Leroy and told him how he couldn’t be without Taylor, that the color of Leroy’s skin didn’t bother him because he didn’t see color, he just saw people.

  Leroy gave him a lecture about the importance of Taylor finishing her education so she could become a nurse. Taylor hadn’t long turned seventeen, and my grandparents wanted her to thrive in the life choices she’d made. That meant finishing her education the way her siblings had. BlackJack told Leroy that he wanted Taylor to be his wife, he promised on everything he held dear that Taylor would be the nurse she wanted to be.

  Leroy called Taylor downstairs. I was there, and I saw her eyes lock on BlackJack, the way the tears fell from her eyes as he got out of his seat. BlackJack was in full biker get-up, cut included. Taylor sobbed when BlackJack said, ‘I came for you, baby. I told you I would.’

  She ran into his arms and held on for dear life as she sobbed. My grandmother cried, and my grandfather gave them his blessing. They married as soon as Taylor finished high school, and they’ve been happy ever since.

  I come from a multi-cultural family, and it’s all I know. However, I wonder sometimes how people can be so pathetic when it comes to the color of another’s skin. I know Hawk had to deal with it when it came to Brooke. Her father was a racist cunt too. However, they came through it. I suppose, if you love someone enough, you can come through anything. I hope more than anything that I can come through this and have the woman I love at the end of it. I don’t know what I’ll do if I don’t.

  “Why isn’t her mother with you? I had hoped we would have met her by now.”

  Everyone who doesn’t know what’s going on with me and Marley asks me this question. It’s starting to grate on me, but what can I do? I can’t have my family think poorly of Marley, no fucking way.

  “She’s not feeling so great, Pops. She wanted to come, but I didn’t think it was a good idea when she’s flued up.”

  “Definitely not.” He laughs. “Me ain’t as young as me used to be.” His Jamaican accent makes me laugh. He’s been in this country for over sixty years, and he still hasn’t lost it even a little bit. Though he does try to speak like us when we have visitors. Not that I believe he should change himself for anyone, but he thinks it’s only good manners to try.

  “I’ll bring her next time, though.”

  “It will be good to finally meet the woman who gave me this beautiful little great-granddaughter.” I smile at my seventy-eight-year-old grandmother as she sits rocking my daughter in her arms. I still have memories of her doing that to Wrench when he was born, rocking him, and telling him how special he was.

  The trouble is, the fucker has believed his whole life that he’s special thanks to Emelda. It makes me chuckle because she’s the same way with his son, Kaleb.

  Proves my point that Wrench is her favorite grandson. Hawk and I aren’t jealous; there’s no need to be. Grams loves us all, and that’s all that matters.

  My grandfather suddenly clasps my hand from his seat beside
mine. I look at him curiously. He’s getting frail with age, but his grip is still firm.

  “I’m not gonna pretend to know what’s going on with you and Romany’s mother, Roman, but I know something is not right.”

  The trouble with Leroy is that he reads right through every fucker he meets. It’s like he’s got fucking voodoo powers or some shit like that.

  “She will come back to you, Roman.”

  “I never said she went anywhere.”

  “Maybe not in the physical, maybe not here,” He points to his heart. “But in here,” Now his head. “She off someplace else. She is confused, boy. Don’t fear; she will come back to you, man, soon enough.”

  I narrow my eyes, but he lets go of my hand and sits back in his chair with his eyes closed. This isn’t the first time he’s said something crazy like this. He told Hawk something similar about Brooke when she was gone. It turned out he was right about that, so maybe he’s right about this?

  I don’t know, but I’m willing to wait however long it takes for Marley to come back to me. I’ll wait for fucking ever if I have to.

  “Are you stayin’ for dinner?”

  “No, grams. I need to get Romany back to her mother. I just wanted you to meet her already.”

  She nods while looking down at Romany fast asleep in her arms. “It will all be as God intended, Roman, you’ll see. Nothing will ever take this little one away from you.” I stiffen in my seat. I don’t want to talk about what she’s talking about!

  Grams turns to look at me. “Don’t give me that angry look. It’s different this time, sweetheart. That’s all I’m saying.”

  I have nothing to say to that. I won’t talk about it with my grandmother, not with anyone. I won’t live in the past. I know no one can take Romany from me, I’ll fucking kill anyone who tries, especially that motherfucking ex of Marley’s.

  Marley thinks I’m stupid, but I’ve seen the cogs turning in her eyes. I know doctor dickhead has said something about take Romany away with them, somewhere I won’t find them. He doesn’t have a goddamn clue that I will always fucking find Romany. If Marley wants to go with him, then she can go, but she’s not taking my daughter!

  No, I’m not saying that because I know Marley won’t go without Romany. If she chooses that cunt, then I won’t stop her. I won’t take her back if he fucks off without her either, I ain’t nobody’s second choice.

  However, when it comes to Romany, I will fight to the death to keep her with me, no matter what the fuck I have to do. That baby is mine! I won’t lose another child. I can’t!

  * * *

  I don’t particularly care one way or another about abortion, but I have to wonder what the fuck Lynette was thinking not getting one with VJ. All right, that’s harsh, but the fucker is a lunatic! I’m sick to the back teeth of covering for him with Shepard, and to be quite frank; I want to rip his throat out!

  I don’t know exactly when he got messed up with Draven Vidal, but I know I’ve been trying to get him away from the Don for the past two years. The crazy thing is, Draven has told me VJ can walk away anytime he wants. The little prick won’t; he likes the danger. The deranged little cunt doesn’t give a shit if Shepard finds out what he’s doing behind the clubs back. Nor does he care for the consequences. VJ cares for nothing.

  It comes to something when even Vidal is wondering who the hell VJ really is. Draven called me an hour ago to meet him at his slaughterhouse in Morseton. At first, I told him to go fuck himself. I’m not his beck and call boy. Vidal gave me no choice. He told me that there was something I needed to see and now. He made it sound urgent, and my curiosity was piqued, so I came.

  What I didn’t expect to see was VJ taunting two men hanging from meat hooks. VJ had obviously been torturing them for God knows how long, and it didn’t look like he had any intentions of stopping any time soon.

  I stood by and watched for a moment, and realized just how like myself VJ is. Torture is my specialty, and I have to say that VJ has some skills. Unlike me though, VJ was completely serious through the whole thing. Me? When I’m crucifying someone, I find it humorous, and I often laugh maniacally.

  Draven stood there in his Armani suit, two of his most trusted men behind him, watching VJ with a smirk on his face. I didn’t have time to ask Draven what the fuck he thought he was doing bringing VJ into his sick games, but I guessed he brought me there to show me his little minion at work.

  “Wanna tell me what the fuck this is?” My eyes bore into Draven.

  He smirked at me. “Thought it was time you saw our boy in action. He’s good, isn’t he?”

  “Are you for real?” Draven folded his arms around his chest and raised his eyebrow at me. The sound of breaking bones and tearing flesh could be heard from behind me. “He’s nineteen, Draven. He’s just a kid! This ain’t just a regular biker you’re messing with, this is Shepard’s son. Your fuckin’ brother-in-laws little brother. What the fuck are you playing at?”

  Draven ran his tongue over his teeth before speaking. “I told you, Roman, if you won’t do the jobs I put in front of you, then someone else will. Not that this is a job of my choosing. This is a favor to the boy.” He looked over at VJ and smirked. “I’ve been training that boy for almost three years, but I had no idea just what a psychotic little fucker he really was.”

  I hissed under my breath and scrubbed my hands over my face. I should have put a stop to Draven having anything to do with VJ the moment I found out he was teaching him bare-knuckle fighting. I should have made Shepard more aware of what was going on. How could I have allowed this to happen?

  “Don’t look so glum, Roman,” I turned my head to VJ. The kid was covered in blood, and one of VJ’s victims was dead from the effects of his torture. “The Snakes are my family, I’d do anything for you guys, but with Draven, I can be myself.”

  “You’d pick this Mafia prick over us, VJ?” I was aware someone had cocked a gun behind me, ready to pump me full of lead for being disrespectful to the Don. I don’t now, and never have I given a shit about Draven Vidal and his men, they don’t scare me, even if they should.

  I heard Draven tell his men to lower their guns. I could hear the amusement in his voice. For some reason, he always found me standing up to him funny. Though I know if I were anyone else, he would have killed me before the words were out of my mouth.

  “I’m not picking anyone over my family, Roman. However, there are demons inside of me that I have to let out now and again. If I don’t, those around me will get hurt, and I won’t even care.” I narrowed my eyes, but I could see the kid was being honest with me. “I don’t know how to care like you do, Roman. All this love bullshit, I don’t understand it. People are right in what they say about me.”

  “You are not crazy, VJ,” I told him with conviction. I couldn’t blame him for thinking it when his whole damn life it’s all anyone has drummed into him.

  He laughed sarcastically. “Oh, come on, Roman. You know as well as I do that I’m a born psychopath. All the damn head doctors I’ve seen said the same thing. Emotionally detached, psychopathic, unable to understand the feeling of others, incapable of love.”

  I shook my head as VJ laughed again. At that moment, I felt sorry for him because I could see that he believed all that stuff about himself. The sad thing is, VJ just didn’t give a shit. I have to wonder how such a fucked up kid could have come from Lynette’s body. That woman is one of the most selfless I’ve ever known. Shepard, however, can be a lunatic all on his own, so I guess the combination of genes created the monster before me. Then I realize it must be Shepard’s genes because Nova is as crazy as VJ in many ways.

  “You see these two men here, Roman,” I could do nothing but nod. I wanted to protest and force VJ out of there, but where would it have gotten me? Wouldn’t surprise me if the little fuck tried to kill me. “They deserve what they’re getting.”

  “You’re not Vidal’s minion, VJ. You’re a Snakes Henchmen,”

  “You think I’m doing this
for Draven?” VJ laughed loudly. VJ is a big bastard of a man for his age, and he has a deep booming voice to match, and it echoed all around the room. “I’m not doing this for him, Roman. He’s doing me a favor by having his men catch these bastards and bring them here for me.”

  I looked at Draven, who nodded at me. I looked back at VJ, and the darkness in his eyes shone brightly. I saw his demon soul dancing in those blue irises. “Who are they, VJ?”

  “This one of the right,” The dead one with no face. The sick bastard VJ is had cut the man’s face off before mutilating his body in a way no one should even know about. “Saw Sophie and her friend walking home from school yesterday,”

  Oh, crap. I had no idea at that point what the man had done, but you don’t look at VJ’s baby sister without losing your eyes. VJ may not know what love is, may not think he feels it, but he has love for his family. He’s protective of all his siblings, those younger and older. Sophie and Max are everything to him, and if these men said one word to thirteen-year-old Sophie, and VJ heard about it... Well, this is what happens.

  “I tolerate a lot, but my baby sister, telling me about this fat fuck wolf whistling at her...” He shook his head. “I remember Jett telling me how some prick had done the same to Willow when she was twelve, and how he and Tank beat the shit out of that guy and his friend. Well, it got me thinking how a beatin’ just don’t cut it. You know what I mean?”

  I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. As a family, our MC is taught to protect what’s our, women, children, each other. I couldn’t argue the fact VJ was doing just that. A grown man wolf whistling at a child is never a good thing. However, VJ should have come to us so we could deal with it as a family, not go out on his own like this.

  “So, I decided to show these sick fucks the meaning of pain. Then I realized, just showing them that wasn’t enough either.”


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