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Crucify Thy Demons: Snakes Henchmen MC

Page 29

by Grayson, Alivia

  A chance meeting when I was eighteen brought Mom and Grinder back together. That’s when Mom finally found the courage to leave Tom, which I didn’t know about because I was away at Med school. I rarely saw my mother from one month to the next. Any time I did see her in those three years, it would be for a few minutes for lunch. The conversation we needed to have would not have been ideal in thirty minutes; I assume it would have taken hours.

  I was engaged to Marcus by then, and I was happy enough to be in my own little bubble, away from Tom and his punishments, yet wishing my mother could be free also. Whenever we met up, Mom would tell me that she was just fine and never to worry about her. The funny this is that I didn’t worry much, and now I know that’s because the universe was telling me that my mother was okay. She was living with Grinder at the Wild Wolves compound in Texas, she’d divorced Tom, and was getting ready to marry Grinder. First Lady. Grinder’s woman. Finally, they were together. Mom said they were waiting for me to be married before they told me their news and everything else they needed to tell me.

  I was hurt; they kept all of that from me, I would have understood how they were feeling, but Mom wanted me to be safe and happy first. Although I knew back then that Mom didn’t think much of Marcus, she worried he was like Tom in the controlling sense. I tried to make her see that he wasn’t and that he loved me. I can’t deny that she kept what she felt to herself because she never wanted to stand in my way when it came to my happiness.

  Mom asked me not to blame Grinder for not forcing the issue and demanding to be my father. None of it was easy for him, and that he loves me so much. All he ever wanted was my happiness. Grinder didn’t know any of what Tom did to me until Mom fessed up. If he had known, he would have found a way to save us. It’s not easy to believe anyone will save you when you’re the victim of domestic violence.

  I had one more thing I wanted to know, and that was if she’d ever told Grinder the truth about Tom setting him up. She had told him, and Grinder had said that Tom was lying to keep her in check. Tom wasn’t even there that day. Grinder had, in fact, pulled the trigger and killed the guy. He was young and reckless, and he paid the price for what he did.

  I told my mom that Roman had dealt with Marcus and Tom, and she held me while telling me that a man truly loves his woman when he’s willing to go to lengths such as murder. I knew at that moment that she’d had a taste of it herself.

  That’s when the mood was lifted by her telling me about my much younger siblings, my full-blood siblings. I was so happy to hear about them. Gage, Chase, and Lea. The little girl, my parents, named after me in a fashion. We both laughed when I told her that Roman’s sister is called Leah, and how it’s fate that we’re all together now.

  I watch my newfound father kiss my mother’s lips softly the moment he came back into the room, and I know in my heart that he’d never hurt her or me. Grinder is nothing like Tom. My mom can be herself with this man. In my heart, I know I love him. I didn’t see him much growing up, but whenever I did, he would hug me, hold me tight, and tell me how much he loved me. In his own way, that was him telling me; Daddy loves you.

  They both finally notice me watching them, and they smile. I take a deep breath and walk into their open arms. They hold me close to them, both Mom and Dad kissing my head, and telling me that they love me. For the first time in my life, I am complete.

  “I love you, Mom. I love you, Dad.”

  “Daddy loves you, Marley.” I know that he does, and as my mom tells me that she loves me too, I let go of the past with a smile on my face.

  I’m not saying I’m cured of my PTSD, I know I still need help. However, I have let go of all the rest because I am finally free, and it all started with one man and his desire to love me.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven



  Oh, my God, Roman!” I chuckle inwardly. Marley has been like a damn nymph since we’ve been able to have sex after Colt’s birth. Six weeks had never seemed so long before.

  “That’s it, baby, ride me.” With her ass in my hands, I thrust upward, hard and fast, and she’s still twisting her hips. I fucking love it when she does that!

  Marley’s hands slam against my sweaty chest, then slip to either side of my head. Her lips attack mine, and I’m in fucking heaven with this woman. “I’m gonna come all over you fat cock.” She groans loudly and tips her head back enough for me to attack her throat with my tongue, and she rides me even harder.

  “Come for me, Marley. Soak my cock, baby girl.” She grunts, fucks me harder, and screams as she comes, taking me with her. I hold Marley to me until the last tremor ebbs away. I kiss her shoulder and run my hands along her sweaty back. “I love you, baby girl.”

  Marley lifts her head and flips her blonde hair away from her face with her hand and smiles at me. “I love you, man of mine.”

  “We should be getting ready. Your parents will be here soon.”

  “Damn, and I need to get the kids ready!” This time, I do laugh as Marley climbs off of me, and runs for the shower. I join her just because I can.

  The past eight months haven’t been easy. Marley needed a lot of therapy to help her come to terms with the past and put it behind her. She’s not all the way there yet, but her smile is genuine. Each time I hear her laugh, or see her dancing, and especially the way she is with our kids, I see the real Marley shining through.

  Marley gave birth to our son two months ago. Colt Tallon Walker weighed 7LB 12oz, and he was perfectly healthy. My boy is strong like his old man. My Romany is now fourteen months old, and the most beautiful little girl I’ve ever seen. She’s already saying Mama and Dada, and she has a great relationship with both of us.

  Marley and her mother are the best of friends, just as they were before they lost touch. She has a close bond with her dad, and Marley loves her siblings, and they adore her. I couldn’t have asked for more.

  I haven’t been able to keep VJ away from Draven Vidal and his influence. Now it’s getting to the point I’m sure I need to have Shepard step in and deal with his son. VJ is a loose cannon, and when it comes to torture and pain, he’s the master of it. No one on this earth could make me uneasy the way VJ can. I worry that one day, he’ll get us all killed. If not that, he’ll end up getting himself locked up for years. I’d prefer the latter.

  Trace is doing much better since getting help for his own PTSD. I went to most sessions with him at his request, and I’ve breathed a word to no one about it, also at Trace’s request. He seems much calmer than he once was, and I notice him mentally counting down from ten when he feels stressed about something. Just a little trick his therapist taught him.

  The club is thriving and growing, the kids are all growing up quickly, and Dana still swears blind she’s going to be the clubs first female member. I don’t doubt that she’ll one day be a member. Dana has the determination to prove she’s as good as any man out there, and I look forward to seeing it.

  I’ve worked hard these past months to prove to Marley that I meant what I said about never hurting her again. I can’t bear to do anything that would mean she’d shed a single tear. That’s not to say we don’t argue, we’re human, and it happens sometimes. Moreover, I love how Marley will not back down when she’s right. She gives me hell, and I fucking love her for it.

  Marley and I spoke about more kids, but we decided that it wasn’t a good idea. Marley’s pregnancy with Colt was not a good one. She’s a small woman, and Colt was a large baby for her frame. Marley was in pain due to the scarring on her stomach, and I’d often find her crying because of it.

  It broke my heart more than once seeing her in so much pain. I was clueless about how to help her, and I hated that. When our boy was born, it took Marley almost two months to recover. I never want to go through that again as long as I live! That’s why I had a vasectomy six months ago. I didn’t want Marley to put her body through sterilization so soon after the birth, and it’s not like it would kill me to get the vas

  “What are you thinking about, handsome.”

  I smile and stroke Marley’s face. The kids are in their little chairs, both of them watching us. “Just thinking how much I love you, and how grateful I am to have you and the kids.”

  “Funny, I was thinking the same thing.” We both laugh, and I lean down and kiss her.

  I never believed I’d fall in love, but I hadn’t met Marley then. I wouldn’t say I’m glad Wrench got shot; I’m not that much of a cunt. However, I’m glad he brought Marley into my life because now I’m complete.

  About the Author

  So, heres the thing. I’m quirky and crazy, and I’m not afraid to be just who I am. Why should anybody have to be afraid of who they are?

  I live in London, England with my man and three children, whom I love more than life itself.

  I am also a teacher of history and I enjoy every aspect of it. I love children, they can teach you just as much as you can teach them.

  A child’s mind is a sponge that absorbs informations from every person around them. Teach them well and they can do anything, be anyone.

  I’m probably too talkative sometimes, or so I’ve been told by my older siblings once or twice. But I believe it’s good to talk!

  So don’t be afraid to get in touch any time!

  Also by Alivia Grayson

  Snakes Henchmen MC

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  In Reading Order

  The President’s Wife (Shepard, President)

  Strike Fast (Stryker)

  The One I Need (Tank)

  All For You (Hammer)

  Never Give You Up (Jett, VP)

  Kill For Me (Hawk)

  Vidal! (Don Vidal)

  Die For Me (Wrench)




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