Kiss of the Dragon

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Kiss of the Dragon Page 11

by Christina James

  “I have a question for you, boy.”

  “What is that, sir?”

  “I noticed you in the courtyard yesterday when I first arrived. You seem to be a strong lad, a hard worker. Am I correct in my assumptions?”

  “Yea, sir. I work hard.”

  Draco smiled archly to himself and was glad nobody could hear this exchange.

  “Good, then I will just ask you straight out. I am need of a new page as I have been without one for some time, my last one too old to serve in that capacity anymore. I wondered if you might like to fill the role. That is, if you are up to the task?”

  After a moment of silence, Draco asked, “Theron? Did you hear me?”

  “Yea, sir. But I do not think my master will allow me to join your service.”

  “Have no fear of him, Theron. He no longer has any say in the matter. It is entirely up to you, my boy. What do you say?”

  “Yea, sir.” With his simple answer, Theron easily shimmied down from where he had been wedged to come face to face with the great Lord Draco. A jaunty smile of white teeth showed brightly from his soot-blackened face.

  “Good boy, you will start tomorrow. But I warn you. It will be a hard road ahead of you. But if you work hard, it is possible that innumerable opportunities will open up for you in the future.”

  “I won’t let you down, m’lord.”

  With a nod, Draco ducked out of the chimney with Theron in his arms.

  “Oh, thank you, Lord Draco! Thank you!” Bianca cried as she took Theron from his arms and gathered him against her bosom like a mother would a child.

  A bit astonished by the attention he received, Theron acted like any small love-starved child would and greedily clutched the lady to him; tears filled his eyes and trickled down his cheeks as he accepted her tender ministrations. Giving the boy a knowing wink, Draco sat down at the kitchen table.

  “What on earth are you about, Bianca?”

  Turning her head to see who dared to speak so to her with such familiarity, Bianca found Duke Rodolfo standing in the kitchen doorway elaborately dressed in satin and lace looking at her with a horrified expression on his face. His eyes narrowed at the cozy little scene he had come upon, his nose wrinkled with disdain and his lip curled with cruelty. He was the picture of an outraged nobleman who suddenly found himself in the company of soiled commoners. He was the very epitome outraged aristocracy.

  “Unhand that filthy urchin immediately, Bianca. The wretched little bastard should not even be allowed in the same room with a great lady such as yourself much less touching you with his filth.”

  Anger flared in Bianca’s heart as she rose to her full height, pushing Theron protectively behind her back, squeezing him between Lord Draco and her.

  “How dare you speak that way about this child? You know nothing about him. If anyone here is a wretch, it is you, Your Grace. I would be pleased if you would take yourself and your entourage and leave Castle Neige immediately.”

  “But my dear lady, I cannot do that. I have come to claim you as my betrothed. I will be announcing our betrothal as soon as your father gives his permission.” But even as he said the words, he took in her appearance and for a moment he looked very pained. As he gazed upon his future bride who stood defiantly before him, soot covering her clothes and skin, he looked a bit sick. “Go now and wash the cinders from yourself, dear Bianca. We have much to discuss about our marriage.”

  “I think the Lady de Neige gave you her opinion on the matter. It is her wish that you leave forthwith, Duke.” The large nobleman behind Bianca de Neige spoke low but his words held a definite threat.

  Having not noticed Draco who had been sitting at the table behind Bianca, the Spaniard was somewhat disconcerted to have the huge warlord assert himself. The Baron d’Ensoleille stood slowly to his full towering height and took a menacing step forward, shielding both the Lady Bianca and the filthy child with his broad body.

  Bianca watched the exchange, holding back a smile as the Spanish duke cringed, lowering his gaze in self-defense. It seemed he had enough intelligence to know when to pick his battles and now was not the time to push his suit. He gave a stiff bow in her direction before storming out of the kitchen, his small entourage close at his heels.

  Bianca flushed in embarrassment, hoping that it was only her ears that caught the Spaniard’s mutterings pertaining to her and Lord Draco having to deal with what the outraged noble referred to as “the cinder-covered bitch”. She glanced surreptitiously at him, hoping he had not heard.

  She gave a sigh of relief after the offensive Spaniard departed, and turned and faced Lord Draco to thank him for his support. He shrugged his shoulders to her unspoken question.

  “Now you see what kind of protection I need.”

  “Yes, I do understand what you meant about unwanted suitors.” He flashed her a crooked smile as his gaze swept over her small person.

  “You might want to clean up a bit, my lady. You are covered in almost as much soot as young Theron.” Her gasp of outrage died on her lips when she glanced down at herself and realized that he only told her the truth. Black soot had diminished the color of her lovely gown turning it to gray with large spots of black soot. The gown was ruined.

  “Oh, dear! I will have to avoid my stepmother until I have a chance to change. If she catches me in such a state, she will think of some way to punish me.” She glanced at the soot-covered floor and fireplace. “She will probably demand that I clean the chimney.” The last comment was murmured so quietly, she doubted that anyone heard it.

  “Perhaps you should retire immediately to your chambers to clean up. I will take care of this scamp. Come, Theron. I think a goodly amount of soap and water is just what we need as well.”

  At the mention of soap, the small boy edged his way nimbly around the large man and had nearly made it to the door before a large hand clamped down on his shoulder stopping him in his tracks.

  “I think it would go better for you if you just come along with me.” At the whimper of dismay, Draco controlled the smile that threatened to split his face. “It would seem that you are unused to bathing, boy. Now that you are in my service, it will become a common occurrence. My squire will see to it. For now, I think a quick dip in the river to wash off the worst of it will suffice. Tomorrow will be soon enough for you to start your duties as my new page. Of course, there will be no heavy labor until you are completely healed. Is that understood?”

  Theron nodded enthusiastically. The joy that glowed in his eyes was heartwarming. Hope was a beautiful thing to see and Bianca was pleased that she had the opportunity to witness it. Perhaps this was a good omen for her future. If she had any doubts at all about her choice for a husband, this matter would have easily calmed her mind. If a man could find it in him to be kind and generous, as well as strong and fiercely protective, then he was the man with whom she wanted to spend the rest of her life.

  As Draco ushered his new page past her, Bianca spoke softly. “Thank you, Draco.” It was enough to stop him in his tracks. He turned his head and smiled down at her. The scar on his cheek made his smile appear slightly lopsided, but she found it endearing.

  “I think that you need looking after, Bianca.”

  “Perhaps you are correct. But I shall look to your protection and guidance in the matter of picking a likely candidate for my future husband. I have complete trust in you, Draco.”

  “It will be a pleasure to be of service, Bianca. But you must continue to use my given name, especially now that we shall be spending a great deal of time together.”

  Bianca could not stop the blush that colored her cheeks at his words. Without realizing it, she had been addressing him by his given name. It would be hard to return to the previous formality after what had transpired between them. As she made her way up to her chambers, she determined that the relationship between her and Draco proceeded to her satisfaction. That was a very good sign indeed.

  As Bianca walked down the corridor to her chambers
, she found Modesta waiting outside her door. She ran up to her and grasped her hands. She danced her cousin around in a circle, causing her to laugh in merriment.

  “What has you acting so outrageous this bright morning?” asked Modesta.

  Instead of answering immediately, Bianca glanced around and noticed her maid standing a short distance from them. The interested look on her face told her that Leia was interested in what she had to say, despite the yawn she offered. But she was not about to vocalize her most secret desires only to hear later that it had become gossip below stairs. Bianca gave her maid instructions that would take her elsewhere.

  “Leia, please go back to the kitchen and have water sent up for my bath and then you may come and help me bathe.” After the maid reluctantly disappeared back the way they had just come, Bianca invited her cousin into her room before continuing their conversation.

  “I have chosen the man I plan to marry. And I think with but a little persuasion, he will come to realize that I am the only woman who could ever make him truly happy.”

  Gasping at her cousin’s tidings, Modesta stopped dead in her tracks in the middle of the room and gaped at Bianca. “Who?” she breathed.

  Drawing Modesta close, Bianca whispered a name in her ear. Her cousin’s eyes grew wide with astonishment. “But I thought he was preparing to leave this morning? That is what Lord Charles told me last evening.”

  “Apparently he has found a reason to stay, at least for a while. He has agreed to play matchmaker for me and find me a suitable husband.”

  “But I thought you said you were going to marry him.”

  “I am. But as of yet, my Lord Draco denies his fate. I only have his promised protection and advice in all matters pertaining to courtship. I shall simply sit back and accept his objections to any suitor who dares to breach the dragon’s lair in order to court me. It will take either a very brave man to face Lord Draco, or a very stupid one.”

  “You are brave to take on such a quest, cousin. Even the thought of being in the same room with the great Black Dragon makes me faint-hearted. But I have never had the courage you do. Even as children, I would hide in the nursery while you pretended to take on your father’s men-at-arms with that wooden sword you were always playing with.” Modesta smiled at the memory of her cousin’s antics. Then she turned serious. “I am pleased that you have fallen in love, Bianca. It is about time you found a man who takes your fancy. Though I do question your choice. In truth, I find the Black Dragon very frightening.”

  “Thank you for your support, Modesta. I might very well need it.” If I have miscalculated Draco’s hot glances. This last, she kept to herself. There was no reason to share that worry with Modesta. Instead she turned the conversation in a new direction. “What of you, dear cousin? Has Lord Charles asked you to marry him yet?”

  A rosy blush stole over Modesta’s smooth cheeks as her long, delicate eyelashes swept down to hide her lovely green eyes. Her modest reaction was more telling than any words. She had obviously been correct in her guess that Lord Charles had a tendre for her shy cousin. Now it was only a matter of time before their romance would blossom into true love.

  “In truth, I do not know what I should do.”

  Her words were spoken so softly that Bianca barely made out what she said. She pushed Modesta to the bed and urged her to sit as Bianca remained standing. She took Modesta’s hand to reassure her.

  Modesta’s lips formed a sad smile as she continued. “I think that he must find me not unattractive, as we have spent some time together. And I do like being with him. He is so gentle and kind. When he smiles, it’s like the sun breaking through storm clouds. He makes me laugh, he is so witty.” She sighed deeply and dipped her head. “I would accept his proposal in a heartbeat, but….”

  “What is it, Modesta? What troubles you?”

  Her cousin raised her head and Bianca was shocked to see tears streaming down her face. “Oh, Modesta, dear, what is it?” She started to take her cousin in her arms to comfort her when she remembered the filth that covered most of her arms and shoulders and face. She settled for patting her cousin on the shoulder awkwardly wishing she could hold her close even as she watched Modesta’s shoulders shudder with her weeping. She waited patiently as her cousin regained control of her emotions.

  “I am so ashamed of weeping like this. And there is really no reason for it. It is only…he…Lord Charles has not hinted that he wants more than a friendship. Do you think it is too soon to expect a pledge from him? Or mayhap, I am interpreting his glances and tender caresses for more than what they are. It is possible that he does not favor me as well as I had imagined.” Her whispered queries shook Bianca to the core of her being. These were the same questions that she pondered about Lord Draco and the situation she found herself in with him. But she had never had the courage to speak them aloud.

  “It seems, dear cousin, you and I are in the same rowboat, as it were. We have fallen for men who need time sorting out their feelings before they can speak openly of them. It will be a challenge to see how patient we can be with them, and how long it takes the two fools to see what is right before their eyes.

  “Cheer up, Modesta, we must have faith in these two great men. Their intelligence is a boon in this matter. Lord Charles is here to take a bride, albeit not the one he originally came for. But he will not leave without one. We will see to it.”

  “Perhaps Lord Charles hesitates because he sees that wedding me is a poor proposition. I do not have the great fortune that you have to bring him, only a small dower estate left to me by my mother. And it is not worth much. Although your father has promised a dowry to my husband.”

  “The size of your fortune should matter little if Lord Charles truly loves you. And by the way he watches you, I suspect he already possesses a great fondness for you. If the man follows his heart, a bride price should be the last thing he would seek. You, dear Modesta, are worth far more than mere acreage or gold. Your worth is priceless.”

  “I wish it were so, I really do, but I must be more practical than that. A man of Lord Charles’ background is obliged to marry for wealth. He owes that much to his sons. I am not saying that I would not accept a proposal of marriage if he offered it, but I must be honest with myself and accept that it is unlikely. He came here looking to marry a great heiress and since you have no interest in him, he will most likely look elsewhere.” The sad slump of her cousin’s shoulders told Bianca that she had given up hope. It was up to her to do something about the tragedy.

  “Dear cousin, do not give up hope on this matter. We will find a solution to this quandary. Give it a little time. You will see. Everything will turn out well, just wait and see if it does not.”

  Modesta agreed albeit uncertainly, forcing her lips into the resemblance of a smile. “Yea, we will see.”

  “Come, now, cousin, and help me get cleaned up.” She glanced at the smudges of black her hands had left behind as she had patted Modesta’s shoulder. “You might wish to go and put on a clean gown, one of your best. Then we shall go forth and find Lord Draco and Lord Charles and see if we can bring them to their senses.”

  “And what if we cannot?”

  “Then we will simply have to work at convincing them that we are the women of their dreams.” They turned to the door as it swung open and several kitchen boys entered carrying bath water. While Bianca bathed, the two women spent a great deal of time preparing themselves for the battle of hearts that was about to begin.

  Chapter Seven

  “Three cocky young noblemen arrived within the last hour, Beauty. They are here to pay tribute to the legendary Beauty de Neige.” Jabulani’s grin was a white slash of teeth in his hard face. “Are you ready to pummel their high hopes into the dust, or if you are not up to the task, perhaps I should seek out Lady Modesta and she can greet them in your stead.” His mocking statement brought a flush of embarrassment to Bianca’s cheeks but she could not bring herself to criticize him. What happened was entirely her d
oing and it would be a while before she would be allowed to forget it. It had never crossed her mind that her impulsiveness would become fodder for gossip throughout the castle community. As a result, her rashness had come back to haunt her and she faced the ridicule of every servant and noble at Castle Neige for her charade. Her father had been the only one who seemed not to have found out about it or if he had, he cared so little that he ignored her outrageous exploit. His apathy hurt her more than she cared to admit. But on the other hand, did she really wish to witness the disappointment she was sure to see reflected in his eyes?

  Even if he had reprimanded her, the only excuse she could offer for her ruse was that it had been a desperate attempt to take back control of her life. She hated being forced to choose one of the candidates her stepmother had brought to Castle Neige.

  Bianca found it hard to believe that her own father would go along with such a scheme. In the beginning, he had promised her that she would have the opportunity to pick her own husband. But somehow, his new wife had gotten him to go along with her scheme to find Bianca a suitable husband. When Bianca objected, he would not listen. Instead, he told her that she must look seriously at all candidates who arrived at the castle and keep in mind that one of them would be her husband by the end of the summer. His ultimatum had shocked her.

  Could he not understand how much it hurt her to be offered to the highest bidder like a brood mare at a public auction? Had he come to love her so little that he did not care what became of her? The realization that she had lost her only living parent to a cold, unfeeling, self-centered woman like Heloise hurt Bianca almost as much as if her father had passed away.

  Could love truly be so blind?

  “You are too kind in your observation, Jabulani, but I am quite capable of seeing to this myself.” She hid her pain behind sarcasm. It had saved her pride many times during the past year.


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