The Girl Who Knew Da Vinci: An Out of Time Thriller (Out of Time Thriller Series Book 1)

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The Girl Who Knew Da Vinci: An Out of Time Thriller (Out of Time Thriller Series Book 1) Page 5

by Belle Ami

  She could hear the two men speaking in hushed whispers and then breaking out in laughter. She was determined to behave with dignity and bring Giuliano Medici down from his high horse. As for Leonardo, she’d give him a piece of her mind later.

  When she returned to the studio she was perfectly attired. She’d loosened her hair and because she had no comb to tame it with, it fell wild about her shoulders. She heard Giuliano suck in his breath when he looked at her. He bowed again. “I apologize, Fioretta, for my unbecoming behavior. Please forgive me.”

  “In truth, you owe me two apologies.” Her deep curtsy emphasized her dignity.


  “Please excuse me for a few minutes.” Leonardo gathered up his drawings. “I need to make some notes on our sitting, Fioretta. I’m sure you can entertain our guest accordingly.”

  Frowning at Leonardo, she watched him retreat to the back of the house, then she turned to Giuliano. “Yes, two.” She held up two fingers, fixing her gaze on him. “The second is for the discomfort you caused me at your palazzo.”

  “I beg your forgiveness. I’m afraid I was swept away by your beauty and unable to find anything that compared to you with favor. I’ve been inquiring about you ever since.”

  “A poet you are not, sir. Just because you found me in compromising attire, do not think you can seduce me with such declarations.”

  Giuliano’s countenance sank. “Please indulge me, Fioretta. I do not wish to insult, deceive, or seduce you. I’m simply speaking from my heart.”

  “You would do well to teach your heart to be respectful of this woman.”

  Giuliano dropped to his knee and took her hand, pressing it to his lips. “I am your servant. I only wish to know you better, Fioretta. Please allow me a chance to prove myself to you.”

  His lips on her hand heated her blood. She didn’t understand what was happening to her. Her anger had dissipated, replaced by a longing to share his company. Never had a man knelt before her. It made her giddy, her face flushed.

  Giuliano rose, still holding her hand in his. “Do you think we might start over. I feel destiny at work here. I believe God has brought us together.”

  Her eyes dropped to her hand in his. “Perhaps we can get past the awkwardness of those first moments. But let us leave God out of this.”

  “I’d like that very much.”

  She smiled, meeting his gaze. “Can I get you a glass of wine?”

  “Yes, if you will share one with me.”

  She returned with two glasses. “Shall we sit in the garden? The weather is lovely.”

  “Yes, wherever you wish. I am your servant.”

  She led him outside and they sat on a bench near the fountain. The sound of water trickling and bees buzzing provided an accompaniment to their conversation.

  “Fioretta, might I be so bold to ask how you came to know Leonardo, and why, in a city as small as Florence, I have never laid eyes on you before I saw you at the palazzo? You’re not betrothed, are you?”

  “I’m not from Florence but rather Siena.” She smiled. “I’m not betrothed, and I don’t mind telling you how I came to be posing for the Maestro.”

  “Please tell. This is a story of the greatest interest to me.”

  “Very well.” She told him about her meeting in the marketplace with Leonardo and his desire to paint her. She had Giuliano laughing uproariously about her first meeting with the artist and how they bickered over an eggplant at the mercato, each trying to dissuade the other from purchasing it. She also shared the sad story of the death of her parents and being forced to live with her aunt, a woman with no compassion for her. Giuliano touched her hand, his eyes radiating warmth and understanding. The minutes flew to an hour. Giuliano seemed to have nowhere on earth he’d rather be. And then, as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do, he leaned in and kissed her.

  Her eyes closed and she pressed her lips more fully against his. It was the first time she’d ever been kissed. When they broke the kiss, they were both breathless.

  She opened her eyes and found him gazing at her. She leaned in closer. “Again, please.”

  A breeze tickled the back of her neck and the garden began to spin around her. Caught up in a whirlwind, she flew through a dark tunnel, away from the light. The force of the wind overwhelmed her. She fought to breathe, but her lungs refused to fill.

  “Giuliano help me…”

  Strong arms wrapped around her, anchoring her.

  She awoke with a start, gulping air as if hours had passed since she’d taken her last breath. Her body was coated in sweat and her eyes brimmed with tears. She pressed her fingers to her lips, still feeling the burning imprint of a kiss.

  She opened her eyes and realized Alex was holding her, comforting her. It didn’t make sense. “Alex…” She shook her head, trying to focus on the here and now. “Why are you holding me?”

  “I heard you calling me.”

  “I was calling you?”

  “You must have had one of those dreams.”

  “No, not a dream…” This was different. Somehow, she’d projected into the past by her own volition. Her head throbbed. “Please, I need a glass of water.”

  While Alex went to get the water, she stared at the ceiling, wondering what significance was to be found in her dream or vision. She didn’t even know what to call it. What did it all mean? Was her vision connected to the missing da Vinci that Alex was searching for? Were her previous dreams somehow part of the puzzle? And if so, had she and Alex been fated to meet? Her mind twisted and turned from all of the unanswered questions plaguing her.

  Alex handed her a glass and she gulped down the cool liquid. It revived her.

  “Do you want more?”

  “No, I’m better, but I don’t feel like talking about the dream.”

  “Okay, I’m not going to press you, but I can’t help you, if you don’t trust me.”

  “I know, Alex.” She gave him a wobbly smile. “I just need to get some sleep and get through tomorrow. Thank you for everything you’re doing for me.” She reached for his hand and felt an immediate jolt of warmth surge through her.

  He felt it, too. She could see it in his eyes.

  He could see it in her eyes, that attraction between them. Every time they touched his world tilted. He wanted to comfort her, but he also just plain wanted her. He needed her to trust him. It wasn’t just because of Scordato and the investigation—it was something more. Something deep in his gut.

  “Angela, I have a confession to make to you.”

  “What kind of confession?”

  “We met before—well not actually met but we interacted.” Shit, he was already blowing the explanation. “Let me start at the beginning. Yesterday, when I went to the Getty to see Scordato, I had some time to kill before the meeting, so I wandered around the museum. I saw a woman sitting in front of Botticelli’s portrait of Giuliano Medici.” He paused, searching her eyes for some recollection, but there was none.

  “I don’t understand. If we’d met I would have remembered, Alex. What are you talking about?”

  “The woman was speaking Italian, which I’m fluent in, and I was irresistibly drawn to her.”


  “Let me make this perfectly clear—I know what I saw and heard, and I don’t experience visions, at least not that kind. Angela, the painting and the woman spoke to each other, and I saw and heard them.”

  “That’s pretty weird.”

  “Trust me, it only gets weirder. The woman turned to me and said, I will love you forever. You are the only man I will ever love. She also said, We are in this together. You must help me. It is our destiny. Then she kissed me.”

  “Okaaaaay… So, what does this have to do with me?”

  “Everything. You’re the woman.”

  Angela drew back as if
he were a snake coiled to attack. “I don’t remember any of this. How could you not have told me? At the restaurant, you acted like it was our first meeting.”

  “I didn’t know the woman in the trance at the Getty was you, until you walked through the door at the bistro. I was completely blown away that you didn’t recognize me, let alone that you had no memory of that kiss.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me when we got here?”

  “Are you kidding? Your house was broken into. Your safety was all I could think about. I guess it slipped my mind. I apologize.”

  “You said I spoke Italian?”


  “And I told you that we were destined to be together?”


  “I don’t understand any of this or what it means.”

  “Believe me, neither do I.” He scrubbed his hands through his hair. “But I have a feeling my encounter with you at the Getty is connected to your dreams.”

  “It’s all so strange. We need to figure this out.”

  “We will. We’ll talk about it more tomorrow.” He glanced at his watch; it was 3 a.m. “But in the meantime, I think we both need sleep.”

  She nodded, but seemed to hesitate. “Can I ask you something else?”


  “Did you enjoy it?”


  “The kiss.”

  “You’re damn right I enjoyed it.”

  Her lips quirked in a smile. “I’m glad, at least one of us remembers it.”

  “Remember it? I’ll never forget it.”

  Her smile turned into a grin. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome. Now get some sleep.”

  Chapter 5

  Los Angeles, California

  August 4, 2018

  The aroma of freshly brewed coffee greeted her.

  Slipping on her robe Angela scooted from the bathroom to the bedroom, a smile on her face at Alex’s thoughtful gesture. A few minutes later she emerged, securing the belt of her wraparound, floral-print dress. Noting the changes to the living room on her way to the kitchen, she shook her head in wonder. Had she imagined the break-in last night? How had Alex accomplished putting everything back without making any noise?

  In the kitchen, she found him standing at the Keurig, unshaven, still wearing his clothes from the night before, and looking sexy as hell. Seeing a man in her kitchen was so out of the ordinary, but with him it felt natural.

  “Good morning, Alex. Did you get any sleep last night?”

  “Morning Angel.” His lips quirked as he set two steaming cups of coffee on the table. “Military service has its plusses. Functioning on less sleep is one of them.”

  She tilted her head at the unfamiliar nickname. “You called me Angel.”

  “So I did. Does that bother you?” His brows shot up in question.

  Heat suffused her face. “No, of course not. It’s—no one’s ever called me Angel. My dad calls me Angie, but everyone else uses my full name. I guess I never inspired a nickname in anyone other than my dad…”

  “I’m a nickname kind of guy.” He winked.

  “Really?” She couldn’t help but smile at his cheeky expression. “What’s your nickname?”


  She threw her head back and laughed.

  “I’m serious. The guys in my unit named me Stud.”

  “Hmm, why doesn’t that surprise me?” She crossed her arms over her chest, an exaggerated smirk on her face.

  “Hey, it’s not what you think.” His hands went up in mock entreaty. “I love to cook and that got me a lot of attention.”

  “Ah, I see. You woo women with your flair for food.”

  “Among other things.”

  “Well Stud, you’ll have to cook for me—” Catching herself at her forward remark, her face flushed at his slow smile. “Um, thanks for making coffee and cleaning up the living room. I didn’t hear a thing. Not a chair being moved or a drawer being opened. I didn’t hear you shower either.”

  “Another plus of military service, stealth.”

  She stepped forward to get to the fridge at the same time as he moved to sit down. Bumping into each other they both laughed. Alex reached out and steadied her shoulders.

  “Oops, bad timing,” she quipped.

  “I think, good timing.” He smiled, his hands warm on her shoulders. His extraordinary eyes held a roguish gleam as though he were contemplating teasing her with sexy banter. But he completely surprised her by stepping back, extending his arm with a knightly flourish and executing a courtly bow.

  “After you m’lady.”

  “Why thank you, m’lord.” She curtsied. Damn, he’s way too attractive.

  “How’d you sleep?” He pulled out a chair at the bistro table and sat.

  Taking a carton of milk out of the fridge, she turned back to the table. “Not bad, after that dream or vision or whatever it was. I guess your presence kept the boogeyman away.”

  “Happy to serve. Do you have time to stop for pancakes? We don’t have any iHops in Florence and I have a hankering.”

  She couldn’t keep herself from grinning. “iHop? I’m having visions of Renaissance Florence and Leonardo da Vinci and you’re having visions of pancakes?”

  “I told you food plays a big role in my happiness. And breakfast tops my list.”

  “Blueberry pancakes sound like heaven. You certainly know the way to a girl’s heart. Let’s do it.”

  I like him, hell I like him a lot.

  Alex dropped her at the Getty after their iHop pancake extravaganza. She couldn’t remember having so much fun with anyone while doing what amounted to nothing.

  Opening her laptop, she fell into a groove and immersed herself in research and analysis. She was so focused on her work that she didn’t notice her phone light up or hear the low buzz of the conference line. She picked up and got an earful from Scordato.

  “I want you in my office now.”

  Before she could even answer he hung up.

  So much for avoiding him. She squared her shoulders for yet another confrontation.

  “Angela, my dear.” He came around his desk, his teeth bared in a grin. “It’s time we had a heart-to-heart talk.” His hand landed on her shoulder, pressing into the tendons of her collarbone.

  Her back stiffened and she shrugged off his hand.

  His eyes narrowed, his smile shifted into a frown.

  He’s Jekyll and Hyde in an Armani suit. I can’t do this anymore.

  He moved forward trapping her against the desk. “You’re aware hundreds of applicants vied for this internship.” His index finger traced a line down her cheek. “And you were hand-picked by me for this important position. But that bright future you envisioned for yourself can only be achieved if you work with me, not against me. Through hard work, commitment, and dedication.” His finger moved to the opening of her blouse. “And most of all, passion.”

  “I beg your pardon? I—” Before she could pull away, his hand grabbed her around her throat and he pushed her against his desk. The pressure of his hand forcing her mouth open and vulnerable to the invasion of his tongue.

  Gagging, she struggled to push him away as he ground his cock against her and, with his other hand, yanked up her dress.

  Gasping for air, she struggled against his iron grip. “Stop! No!”

  His lips traveled down her neck and bit hard into the sensitive skin of her shoulder. She managed to free her arm and reaching down, squeezed his balls as hard as she could while smashing down on his foot with the heel of her shoe.

  He released her with a howl. “You bitch.”

  Run. Run. Run. She stumbled out the door, moving as fast as she could.

  “Alex, you’re telling me that, besides this proof of Scordato’s self-dealing and k
ickbacks, he also made unwanted advances to one of the interns?”

  Alex sat in a plush suite of offices, in a high-rise in Beverly Hills, across from Carl Fellows, the chair of the Getty board of directors.

  “He’s a menace to the well-being and reputation of your organization.” Alex leaned forward. “I’m certain if you speak with female employees as well as past female interns, you’ll find a pattern of despicable behavior.”

  Fellows nodded as he made notes on his tablet. A real-estate mogul and an avid art collector, Fellows had been elected chair of the board last year. He also happened to be an old friend of Alex’s mother. Six months ago, he’d reached out to Alex and privately hired him to look into Scordato. There had been too many rumors circulating over the years and Fellows wanted to get to the bottom of it. When Jaeger contacted Alex about the da Vinci painting, Alex had to wonder why Scordato had resigned from the side-gig as Jaeger’s consultant, considering Jaeger had basically given him carte blanche when it came to payment as well as a lavish expense account. It didn’t fit into Scordato’s MO. Alex was certain the bastard wanted the painting for himself and was trying to dissuade Jaeger from continuing his own investigation.

  “You’ve given me everything I need to present to the board,” Fellows said, placing the file in his briefcase.

  “I hope you’ll agree that Scordato needs to be fired at the very least. If you want my advice, you should consider legal action against him.”

  Carl plucked at his well-groomed goatee. “You’re absolutely correct, the board won’t condone any scandals. I’ve heard rumors about Scordato’s predatory behavior, but never had any proof.”

  “Why the hell didn’t you investigate sooner, if you had an inkling?” Alex’s stomach turned. “Who knows how many other women have been subjected to this prick’s vile tactics?”

  “Do you think this young woman is going to bring charges?”

  “I don’t know, but my advice to her would be to do it.”

  “Alex, for God’s sake.” Fellows held up his hand. “I promise you, I’ll handle Scordato and he won’t be in any position to wield any power over anyone ever again.”


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