Healing the Clan: Alaskan Tigers: Book Ten

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Healing the Clan: Alaskan Tigers: Book Ten Page 4

by Marissa Dobson

  He wasn’t sure why he couldn’t get her off of his mind. His sisters had been close to her, more Shelly than Mira, so she had been around the family since they were very young. Now, though, she was different. He didn’t see her as the same girl who’d left here. She’d matured into a beautiful woman, but her trust had been damaged by Frank’s persistent desire for her. While she had grown more confident, there was still a lack of trust not only of him but of everyone it seemed.

  Footsteps clicked off the steps that led to his quarters, and a moment later, Victoria strolled toward him. “Escorted back to your quarters twice in one day. I’m starting to feel like a prisoner.”

  “I didn’t drag you back here kicking or screaming. I just asked if you’d come with me because he wished to speak with you.” Ryder shook his head as he strolled in behind her. “Prisoners wouldn’t have the run of the compound.”

  “I wouldn’t say that. Frank kept us all captives even if it wasn’t under lock and key.” She sank down on the sofa. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

  “We didn’t quite finish things before.”

  “It’s getting late, and I’ve been on the road for the last two days,” she reminded him.

  “Ryder can show you to the guest’s quarters if you’d like to stay the night. We can continue our discussion in the morning or—”

  “You want me to stay here?” Her mouth dropped open, and she glared at him.

  David came around the sofa and sat down. “Sure. There are dangers out there, and being an unprotected female—”

  Once again, she cut him off before he could finish. “I haven’t survived all this time without knowing how to stay under the radar and out of trouble. If I could do it when I thought Frank was after me, I can do it now.”

  “There’s a key difference. Frank wasn’t hunting for you, but there are people out there watching the clan’s movements ready to swoop in and take over this clan. If you leave here unprotected, you’ll be a target. They’ll see you as an extra prize, one they can claim early. Now, trust me when I say you don’t want that. There are things worse than Frank out there.”

  “Are you trying to frighten me?” Fear peeked through her eyes.

  He wanted to go to her and comfort her. She wasn’t a clan member, so he couldn’t force her to stay, but he’d be damned if he’d have her blood on his hands because she chose to leave. “No. I just want you to understand the consequences if you leave.”

  “Frank lied about some things, but one thing was true, and that’s how vicious the Washington D.C. Tigers are.” Ryder looked to David. When he received a nod, he continued. “I’ve seen a couple of their members lurking, watching.”

  “How do you know it’s them?”

  “Their leather jackets with the image of a tiger sewn on the right hand side and a big one on the back are pretty unmistakable. Not to mention their head-to-toe leather biker outfits,” Ryder explained.

  “They are as dangerous as Frank said, if not worse. Even the residences of D.C. know to stay out of their way. Even though the citizens didn’t realize they were shifters, they knew the biker gang was dangerous, and they do their best to avoid them.” David placed his elbows on his thighs. “Mira had a run in with them, and if help hadn’t arrived on time, she wouldn’t have wanted to live through the encounter.”

  “If they’re as bad as Frank said, she wouldn’t have.”

  He shook his head. “An unprotected female shifter…let’s just say are rare enough that they’d put off the killing until they had some fun with her. That’s not to say there wouldn’t have been plenty of blood before they got to that point though.”

  “So, what, I’m supposed to stay here for how long? Weeks? Months? Or forever? What is your plan?” Heat spilled off her words, flowing toward him like lava.

  “As I said before, you can stay as long as you’d like. It’s not my plan that matters; it’s yours. If you leave here, are you planning to go back to your little cabin? Do you think your tigress will be stuffed back deep within you again so you can live in hiding? There’s no reason for you to live like that any longer. Frank is no longer a threat to you, but there are plenty of other threats out there. I’m offering you a chance to live again. If you don’t want to stay here, there are plenty of other clans you can commit to, but I would choose wisely because those who stand against Tabitha will soon realize what they’re up against. The battle for our freedom from Alphas like Frank and from the shadows is just beginning. Which side are you on?”

  She sat there in silence, wringing her hands. “I know of the legacy, but I don’t know what Tabitha’s actually trying to do. I mean, I’ve heard a little here and there, but not enough for me to be able to judge.”

  “You need somewhere safe to stay until you figure it out. It’s dangerous out there, and no matter what you think about me or this clan, I don’t want to see you getting hurt. Stay here for a few days, and figure it out for yourself. Talk to the other members, ask questions you might have, whatever it takes. The guards from the Alaskan Tigers will arrive tomorrow morning, and I’m sure any of them will answer whatever questions you have. That is, when they’re not training my men. That needs to come first. You could even call Mira and talk to her.”

  “She’s not coming home?”

  “Home…” He couldn’t stop his lips from curling down in a frown. “Alaska’s her home, with her mate, and they’ve got a bigger destiny than even she could have seen. I’m happy for her. I just wish she could be a part of the new future for our clan.”

  “You two were always close. Shelly never felt like she fit in with you. I think that’s why we became so close. She felt alone and I was alone, so we came together to ease the loneliness.”

  “Shelly was younger than us, and by the time I realized how much she wanted to be a part of what I had with Mira, it was too late. She was acting up, getting into trouble, and pushing Frank at every turn. I warned her that my threat wouldn’t protect her much longer and Frank would retaliate. He’d do it in front of the clan because he would have to show that it didn’t matter who it was that overstepped, that he would take action regardless. Only I didn’t realize it would be so disastrous. I lost my whole family that night, mated couples torn apart by death…” Images of Heidi and her mate floated through his memory. “The past is a screwed-up mess, but I’m going to make the future brighter.”

  “Tell me how. Why should I trust that things will be different with you in charge?”

  He smirked and tipped his head to Ryder. “You might as well have a seat. I have a feeling this is going to get interesting.” As Ryder joined them, David turned back to her. “I’ve already begun some of the changes. Ryder is my Lieutenant, and I just met with Reece this afternoon about being the Captain of my guards. Many Alphas don’t have guards until they are mated, and even then, they’re more for their mates than themselves, but some have them for protection when leaving the compound to deal with business. I’ve promoted Reece to his position because of the threats that surround this clan right now. He’ll be trained by the Alaskan Tiger guards and will continue on the training with the guards here after they leave. He will be in charge of more than just my protection and will work closely with Ryder and myself to select other guards for the compound perimeter. His duties will grow as things with the clan progress.”

  “With selecting guards for yourself, are you concerned with members of the clan seeking retaliation for Frank’s death?”

  He smirked. “You always got straight to the meat of things. But to answer your question, no, I’m not concerned. There’s only one person who has voiced his displeasure as to how I’m running things, and he’s not going to challenge me because he knows he won’t win. If there is a challenge to take over this clan, it will come from an outside source.”

  The only person he worried about trying to challenge him was his very own father, and the thought made his stomach turn. He’d told Heidi that he’d lost his family in the fight. In truth, it had only
been half of them, but the other two were still gone to him. Mira was in Alaska, and his father wasn’t the same. It wasn’t just grief that had him acting as he was, it was also anger that David wasn’t doing things Frank’s way. Eventually the time would come when he’d have to make a decision to release him from the clan or kill him. Allowing him to take over wasn’t an option.

  “Some of the clan women were talking saying they saw Heidi coming out of your quarters. How does she play into all of this?”

  “Gossip at its finest,” Ryder complained.

  “Heidi’s mate was killed, and her brother demanded to come and retrieve her. I had her here to find out what she wanted and thankfully so, because she wants to stay. I left a message for her brother, and hopefully we can stop him before he comes after her. Either way, she’s vowed to this clan and won’t be leaving. She’ll be playing a key role in this clan’s future. You can also be a part of it, if you choose to commit yourself to me.”

  “And what would that be?” Suspicion coated each of her words.

  “To be out there among the clan.” He leaned back against the sofa. “You’d be the first to know of problems that might arise, those who aren’t adjusting to the clan’s new lifestyle, and those who might need additional help.”

  “You’re placing spies! So you can kill the members before they cause any problems?”

  “Was she always so quick to jump to conclusions?” Ryder asked David.

  “I’m afraid so.” David chuckled. “But this distrust and fear are new.”

  “I’m not afraid.”

  “Tell that to your tigress. Your scent is telling me different, and even though you’re trying hard to mask the distress, it’s there.”

  Raised voices in the distance caught his attention, and he sat up straight.

  “What’s going on? You’ve gone on high alert.” Even she wouldn’t have been able to deny the fear in her voice.

  He shot out of the chair and headed for the door. “Stay here.”

  “Lock the door behind us and don’t let anyone in but us or Reece,” Ryder told her as he followed David to the door.

  “What’s happening? Are we in danger?” She rose to her feet.

  Instead of answering, David jogged down the steps. The commotion sounded from near the gate, and he hoped it was Heidi’s brother. The alternative would be much worse. He could deal with the situation with Heidi and her brother. What he couldn’t deal with was the Washington D.C. Tigers or one of the other looming threats. Not now. They weren’t ready yet.

  He jogged toward the main gate and the raised voices. At least there was talking and not tiger growls. No one had shifted yet, and they hadn’t made it into the compound.

  “I have direct orders not to let anyone in,” Reece stated firmly.

  “I don’t care what your orders are. I’m coming in, even by force if I have to, to get my sister. Not get out of my way.” A deep voice growled.

  David came around the edge of the building and tried to take in the situation. He took note of the fact that his father was nowhere to be seen and Reece was alone at the gate. He’d have to deal with him later. Right now, a tall, well-built man looked ready to pounce on Reece. Anger permeated the air, bringing David’s tiger closer to the surface.

  “Let me deal with this,” Ryder offered.

  He knew his Lieutenant was concerned about the threats watching them from the hills surrounding the compound, but he couldn’t go back to the safety of his quarters when there was an uproar happening at the gate. He was Alpha here and that meant he had to deal with it. Now that Heidi had vowed herself to him, it was his duty to protect her.

  “Heidi’s brother, I assume.” David glared at the man standing before Reece.

  “Harry. And you must be the new Alpha.” His lips curled into a snarl. “What have you done to my sister?”

  “She’s safe, and she’s not leaving.”

  “The hell she isn’t. I told her to be ready, that I was coming for her. Since her mate is dead, she has no reason to be here. I’m taking her home.”

  “She’s committed herself to me and is a member of my clan. I left a message telling you that.”

  “I don’t give a shit about your message. I want to see my sister.” Harry stepped forward.

  Ryder matched the movement, coming just slightly ahead of David, in a move of protection.

  “If you calm down, I’ll allow you in to speak with your sister, but it changes nothing.” David wasn’t sure that it was the best decision, but it was the only idea he had at the moment. He nodded to the two goons who were a few paces behind Harry and looking uneasy. “Your buddies will have to wait out here.”

  “Fine, but if you hurt my sister, they won’t be the ones you’ll have to worry about. I’ll kill you myself.”

  “You will not come here and threaten our Alpha.” Reece growled.

  “It’s okay, Reece. He’s just upset. In a few minutes, he’ll see that Heidi is fine and he’ll be on his way.” David turned slightly. His father was still not around, and he needed someone to fetch Heidi so Reece could stay at the gate and watch the two goons. “Hey, Matt.” He called to one of the clan members as he stepped out of the building.

  “Yes, sir?” The blond teen strolled toward him.

  “Could you go get Heidi and escort her to my quarters? Tell her that her brother is here.”

  He nodded and headed back in the direction he’d come from.

  David turned to Reece. “Keep an eye on them. No one is allowed in. When you see Tim, tell him I’m looking for him.”

  “David, I can see him there if you want to go ahead of us and—”

  “What, so he can cover something up? Some tortured victim,” Harry snapped. “This is exactly why I’ve come to collect Heidi.”

  “There’s no tortured victim.” David’s annoyance was apparent in his voice. “I was visiting with a guest when you showed up unannounced, and she’s waiting in my quarters. My Lieutenant was suggesting I ask her to wait somewhere else while I deal with you, but it’s fine. We have nothing to hide. You can search this compound, and you will not find one member that has been tortured under my reign. Those who are injured are from the fight. There are two clan members still under sedation as their bodies repair the damage Frank was able to do to them before I killed him.”

  David led the way toward his quarters, desperate to get this over with and finish his conversation with Victoria, hopefully without future interruption. Then he could finally get some sleep.

  “Heidi told me you were under Frank for years, so how am I to believe you didn’t pick up some unfortunate traits from him?”

  “I’m nothing like him. You’ll have to ask your sister; maybe she can convince you. After all, she must believe in me to vow her commitment to me.”

  He was quickly growing tired of everyone doubting him. The time he’d spent under Frank had left him with a clear understanding of how he didn’t want to run his clan. Frank had been a malicious Alpha who wanted to torture those under him to prove he was in charge. Because of what had been the staple of this clan for so long, David would have his work cut out for him just to prove they were different now. He hoped that committing to the Alaskan Tigers would help other clans see him in a different light. Tabitha and Ty wouldn’t stand for any of the crap Frank had done, not under their watch or from one of their supporters.

  He knew of the legacy of what she could accomplish and had believed it was too good to be true. Maybe he secretly hoped that it was true and they would free the clan from the torture they had suffered, but now he realized that if they had, things would have been bloodier. More would have died, and who knew what the future of the clan would have been. Instead, he took that final killing shot and claimed the clan. He still wasn’t sure where he got the courage to do what he had done, but it didn’t matter. It freed him and the clan. It didn’t bring Shelly back or his mother who’d stepped in to try to save her, only to be killed herself, but it gave him a chance to live a
gain and offer a future to the clan.

  As they made their way up the steps, he wondered if he was Alpha material. Could he run this clan and remove the stigma without anyone else being killed? Dangers lurked all around them, putting every one of them at risk. He was making the decisions he thought were right, but it wasn’t like he had a good role model as to how a clan should be presided over. Did it come naturally, or was he screwing this up?

  He reached for the door handle before remembering Ryder’s instructions as they headed out. “Victoria, it’s me, David. Open up.”

  “Your quarters and you don’t have your own key?” Harry asked doubtfully.

  “With the commotion at the gate, I ordered her to lock up behind us,” Ryder explained.

  Victoria opened the door. “Is everything okay?” She stepped back to allow them to enter.

  He wasn’t sure how to answer her question. “This is Heidi’s brother, Harry. I need to deal with this…if you don’t mind waiting a few minutes.” He couldn’t ask her to leave because they hadn’t been able to show her to her room yet. Just five minutes of uninterrupted time so he could finish his conversation with her, that was all he needed.

  “I can—”

  He brought up his hand to stop her before she said leave. “It’s fine. Make yourself at home and give me a few minutes.”

  She nodded and stepped back farther.

  He motioned for Harry and Ryder to go to the living room. “Harry, have a seat. Heidi will be with us in a few minutes.” Instead of joining them in the living area, he stayed close to Victoria. He leaned in a little closer to her and kept his voice low. “This shouldn’t take long, but if you’re tired, I can have Matt show you where you can stay and we can continue this in the morning.”

  “I’m fine. Do what you must. It’s part of being an Alpha. I’ll wait.” She tucked a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear and smiled. “We’ll talk…alone…about the…future.” She stumbled for the last word before she settled on one.


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