Healing the Clan: Alaskan Tigers: Book Ten

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Healing the Clan: Alaskan Tigers: Book Ten Page 6

by Marissa Dobson

  “Who’s Carran? I wondered it before, but it seemed to get lost in everything that happened.”

  “He’s a guard for the Alaskan Tigers. He was in West Virginia meeting with the Alpha there, Jinx, when I committed to Tabitha and Ty, so they sent him here as a precaution while we wait for the others to arrive tomorrow.” He glanced toward their interlocked hands, before looking back at her. “We can discuss your questions now or in the morning, but with them arriving tomorrow afternoon, things are going to be hectic. I’m not demanding that you let me claim you, but we’re going to need to deal with this before they arrive. Ryder knows, and once the clan sees us together, they’ll know too.”

  Realization of what he was saying dawned on her. He didn’t just mean that things were going to become busy once the other guards arrived and training begun. He meant that there would be some who were against what he was doing and that there could be some uproar. Those who approved of how Frank ran the clan would be willing to use his methods to get back at David. She’d be in danger as his mate and not just from outsiders, but from their own clan. The bond between them needed to be in place for her to be connected to the clan. Otherwise, she wouldn’t know who to trust and he wouldn’t know what was happening to her until it was too late. “David, how many here are against what you’re doing?”

  “A few, but I’ll deal with them,” he reassured her.

  “One of them is your father, isn’t it? The comments made at the gate when I arrived…well, they made me think.” She thought back to Tim’s attitude at the gate. Where was Tim? She hadn’t seen him since then. Surely, he’d have come to make it clear to David he was against letting her onto their land.

  “You know Dad, he was always a big supporter of Frank. It doesn’t matter to him that he killed Shelly, Mom, or any of the others who died that day. All he can see is this clan is changing and he doesn’t like it. He was supposed to be guarding the gate with Reece, and he’s nowhere to be found. Reece pulled double duty while we had people looking for him. Still no sign of him. It’s dark now, and I won’t risk my members. He’s on his own. If he’s outside of the compound, he’s on his own. He knew the risks.”

  “Maybe I’ve been on my own for too long, but that sounds harsh. He’s your father.” Maybe it was because she’d give anything to have more time with her parents. It’s why she’d risked coming back. They hadn’t always gotten along and she hadn’t even told them she was leaving, but a day didn’t go by when she didn’t think about them. They had been so supportive of Frank that they couldn’t see past what he wanted, not even for their own daughter, and that had been one of the sore spots between them.

  “The last several weeks have been rough between us. He can’t accept how I choose to run the clan, but unless he’s willing to challenge me, he’s going to have to fall into line with the others.” His gaze left hers to scan the grounds again. “The others who are against this new way of leadership are looking to him, waiting for him to make a move. If he tries, I’ll have to deal with it because no matter his relation, I can’t have a rebel in the ranks if we’re going to make it through this trying time.”

  “I’m sorry.” It didn’t change anything and brought little comfort, but when she left, David’s family had been pretty close, at least as close as any family here could be.

  “Speaking of, I have someone digging into locating your parents. I don’t know if they’ll come up with anything, but we’re trying.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. When was the last time someone had showed her that sweetness? He had mentioned he could help her find them, but there had been interruptions and other things to deal with since then, yet he still found time to do something for her. It meant more to her knowing he must’ve arranged it before he realized they were destined mates. He did it for her, not for his mate.

  “What are the tears for?” He cupped the side of her face with his hand. His thumb rubbed gently under her eye, catching the first tear as it began to roll down her face. “We’ll find them.”

  “It’s not that…it’s the thought of you having someone search for them. With everything that’s happened today, you still found time to do something for me. I’m not even a member of your clan, and until just a little bit ago, you didn’t know I was your mate. Thank you.”

  “You’re a friend, so even if you weren’t a member or my mate, I’d have still done it. We don’t know what we’ll find out and it might take some time, but I’ll see that you get answers as to what happened to them.”

  She met his gaze and nodded. “It’s late, and we’ve both had a long day. I’ll take the sofa, and in the morning, we’ll talk more.”

  “You’ll take the bed,” he corrected as he laced his fingers around hers and led the way inside.

  “I’m too tired to fight with you.” She yawned.

  Stepping inside, she found everything had been cleared up. The only blood that remained was on David’s body, and even that had mostly been cleaned off. The room was tidy, and one might’ve never known by looking at it that there had been a fight to the death. How is Heidi dealing with this? She thought about going to her when her gaze fell on her suitcase sitting next to the door. Someone had brought it in from her car.

  “I had Ryder bring it up,” David explained. “He also made sure Heidi was okay, so don’t worry about her. She’s been through a lot, but we’ll get her through this.”

  “Has anyone called…” Being amongst humans for the last several years almost had her saying her parents but that wasn’t the way of their kind. In cases like this, the Alpha was informed before parents and other family members. Most didn’t stay in the same clans as their families once they matured. Everyone wanted to spread their own wings, and shifters didn’t have that same bond that humans did when it came to families. The only time that changed was when they mated.

  “I’ve informed the Mississippi Alpha, though I didn’t go into any unnecessary details. I told him that Harry challenged me for the clan and that he was killed in the fight. His goons who were waiting at the gate for him have been sent home with their tails between their legs, and by morning, the news should hit those who dare threaten us. Hopefully we will see some of them leave, or at the very least think twice before they descend upon us.”

  “The lurking enemies will realize you’re not someone to mess with and things will get better.” She stepped away from him and picked up her suitcase. “I found out a lot today about the Alaskan Tigers and the changes in our population since I went into hiding. So much that I need to sleep on it, but I think you’re doing the right thing by committing to them. If Tabitha is truly the Queen of the Tigers and will do everything the prophecy says, our kind will once again prosper. I, for one, would like to see that happen. I want to be a part of it.”

  “By my side, you will play a part in it, and together, we can bring this clan back to something great.”

  Clutching the suitcase, she glanced up at him, her lips curling into a smile as she arched her eyebrow. “You seem to think I’m just going to fall into your arms now that we’re supposed to be mates.”

  “We both know this isn’t something that can be denied. We’ll have to face it and accept it. We also need to do it without appearing weak, or what happened here tonight will only be the first. Any sign of weakness and the vultures will descend on us faster than we can fight them off.”

  She nodded. “Mating is supposed to be a joyful time, but there’s a lot I’ll have to adjust to. Accepting being mated to an Alpha is one of the big ones, but not the only one. Much has changed in the last few years, so bear with me while I adjust, and in return, I’ll support you and stand by your side. We’ll be a team.”

  “I can do that.” He tipped his head toward the bed. “The bathroom is through there. Once you’ve changed, I’ll shower. I’ll be quick so I don’t keep you up, but I’ve got to get this blood off me.”

  “I doubt you’d keep me awake. I’m like the walking dead now. All that driving and the stress of today has
taken its toll, so when my head hits the pillow I’ll be out.” She laid her suitcase on the bed. As she popped it open to grab fresh clothes, she was thankful she’d remembered to grab a pair of shorts and a tank top to sleep in. Since breaking free from Frank and not having to share the room with her parents, she had taken to sleeping naked. Nudity provided the freedom she needed as she tossed and turned in her sleep. Tonight, though, nudity wouldn’t do.

  She grabbed her clothes and headed toward the bathroom. As she pushed the bathroom door shut behind her, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her shoulder-length blonde hair looked windblown and wild. The dark circles under her eyes showed her sleep deprivation. If mating was like dating in the human world, she’d have worried more about her physical appearance, but for shifters, their connection was so much deeper than just skin level. Destiny mated them with their perfect match, and as far as she knew, there was never an unhappy couple. At least not those who hadn’t gone rogue or insane like Frank had. Those were exceptions to the rule.

  Changing out of her clothes and into her sleepwear, she thought about how David was trying to make changes in the clan, ones that would be for the better for everyone involved. The Alaskan Tigers were taking things even further by trying to unite their species. What a difference three years could make. Soon, Alphas like Frank would be a thing of the past, and clan members who had been suppressed like they had would be able to live freely. When she made the journey home, she never expected to find this, and just like how she was willing to risk everything including her life to be reunited with her family, she’d take those same risks to see freedom come to other clans like hers. Here’s to a better future for all, one without suffering and needless death. I’ll fight for it with everything I have.


  Chapter Five

  Two days had passed since Victoria arrived at the compound, and she was doing whatever she could to make the transition smoother for everyone and helping David get things done. The guards from the Alaskan Tigers had arrived, and training had begun. She had learned some martial arts skills and self-defense tactics while she was on her own, so she participated in the training sessions whenever she had time. Even though she was the only female taking part in them, no one went any easier on her. Maybe that was because the new and visiting guards knew she was his mate and a time might come when she needed to be able to protect herself. Either way, she was thankful she didn’t have to prove herself just for them to take her seriously.

  They had yet to announce that she was David’s mate to the rest of the members of the clan. It was better to wait until he had claimed her. Her tigress paced within, letting her know the time was nearing. Her body ached for his touch, to feel his fingers on her skin, exploring every curve.

  She had hoped they could have spent some of the last few days getting reacquainted, but they had been so busy they hadn’t had more than a handful of minutes together at any given time except when they fell into bed exhausted. Or in his case, the sofa, as he had been the perfect gentleman, holding off until she was ready.

  One thing kept weighing on her mind. Where was Tim? He hadn’t been seen, and even though David hadn’t said anything about it, she knew it was pressing on his thoughts, too. They had searched the compound for him. There was no sign of him. If he’d left under his own free will, then so be it, but if something happened to him…she took a deep breath and tried not to think of the worst. Hadn’t he followed them back in when she was being escorted to David? Did Reece see him once he drove her car though the gate? It was time to hunt down Reece and see if he knew anything. It was the least she could do, considering all David had done for her. Plus, she wanted her mate to have some closure.

  Once she stepped outside, she shut her eyelids as the cool breeze whipped past her. Her tigress sprang forward, wanting to enjoy the cool air and the sun on her fur. Instead of giving into the desire, she strolled toward to gate. If Reece wasn’t training, he was either at the gatehouse or sleeping.

  Ryder stood a little ways off in the distance talking to Carran and Larry, an electrician from the West Virginia Tigers. They were part of the team that would give a facelift to the living quarters. Ryan from the Alaskan Tigers was busy drawing up plans in the dining hall, while the others began discussing building plans. Everyone was coming together to get David and the clan on the right footing lifted her heart. After everything they had been through, she never expected this, but here they were, lending a helping hand. This is why Tabitha was here—to unite everyone and form a better world for future generations.

  “Victoria, I need to talk to you,” Ryder called as he jogged toward her.

  “Everything okay?” Unease crept into her muscles. She wasn’t used to being the Alpha’s mate, and having people need her attention. She had always been the wallflower and stayed out of everyone’s way as they went about their business. Another change she would have to accept.

  “Depends on how you look at it.” He stopped in front of her, glanced around, and leaned in a bit closer. “Carran let it slip that Mira’s arriving today.”

  “What?” Her eyes widened in disbelief. “He specifically told her to stay away when he spoke to her. Things are too dangerous for her here, and having her mate by her side wouldn’t make things easier. The clan was brainwashed to believe he’d come and kill them for disobeying Frank. To have him show up here is only going to cause chaos.”

  “I know, but they are already on their way. A helicopter will be landing in twenty minutes. The question is, how are we going to handle it and who’s going to tell David?”

  “You’re the Lieutenant. I think it’s your job.” Trying to wiggle out of it, she smirked at him. “Come on. You don’t want to have to deal with an Alpha who killed his mate in a fit of anger, do you?”

  “Oh, and being down a Lieutenant is no big deal, is it?” He shook his head. “Let’s compromise and tell him together. We’ll have each other’s backs, and if he goes ape shit, we run for it.”

  “Let’s do this, but you owe me one.” She turned on her heels and headed back in search of their Alpha.

  “What can I do for you?” he asked, falling into stride with her.

  “I need you to find out what happened to Tim. The last time anyone saw him is when you were escorting me to David. Did Reece see anything? Does anyone know where he might have gone?”

  “I’ve already spoken to my brother. Tim was still outside the gate when Reece drove your car through. He parked it, shut off the engine, and got out. By then, Tim was gone. At the time, he assumed he followed us to bitch more, but my guess is he never came back in. It’s not really a secret that Tim was a supporter of Frank’s and that he wants David to run the clan differently. Isn’t it possible he just had enough and walked out?”

  “Yes, if we knew he did it willingly, but the unknown has to be weighing on David. I wonder how Mira is going to handle this. He said she’s been demanding to come back and see both of them.”

  He nodded. “It got worse once she realized Tim was avoiding her calls. He blames her for what happened that night. If anyone was to blame it was Frank, or even Shelly.”

  “I never asked what happened to Frank’s son? Was he killed, or did he leave?”

  “He’s dead.” He held open the door that would lead back up to the Alpha’s quarters and allowed her to enter before adding, “Fifteen members alive. Two in the hospital area are being attended to, and their fates unknown.”

  “There were three…”

  “Another one gave up on life this morning.” Sadness coated his words.

  A shifter healed quicker than humans and could survive most everything except a blow to the heart or head. No matter their rank within a clan or how fast they could heal, those were killing blows. The only exception would be if they simply gave up. Their will was more powerful than anything, and if they willed their bodies not to fight to live and heal, in essence they’d wither and die. It was a sad prospect, but some couldn’t face life again after what th
ey saw or lost. It was rare, but whenever it happened, it was a deep loss to the community.

  They climbed the steps, and she tried to ready herself. In the back of her mind, she wondered what would happen to the other two that remained in the hospital. Would they find the will to survive, or was it only a matter of time before they gave up, too?

  “What are you doing back already? I thought you were going to check on Heidi.” David sat at the dining table, papers spread out before him, just as she had left him.

  She swore he only stopped working when he was too exhausted to go on. Over the last few days, he had been putting in long hours, trying to balance everything that needed to be done for the clan, training, and her. It was beginning to take its toll. The only thing keeping him going was sheer willpower and caffeine. If only he’d let her help more. Or if not her, then Ryder. Putting this clan back together wasn’t a one-man job; it would take all of them.

  She sat down across from him. “We’ve got to talk.”

  “Can it wait twenty minutes? I’ve got to look over these plans before the meeting with the construction team.” He squeezed the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes.

  “No.” Ryder gripped the back of the chair next to her. “This is important and can’t wait.”

  “Fine.” David leaned back and met his Lieutenant’s glaze. “What’s wrong now?” Impatience and stress made his voice tighter than normal.

  She shared a quick look with Ryder before shaking her head. “I’ll tell him.”


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