Nagant Wars: A LitRPG Novel (Nagant Wars Series Book 1)

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Nagant Wars: A LitRPG Novel (Nagant Wars Series Book 1) Page 33

by Jayden Hunter

“So, anything exciting in town?” Rikuto asked.

  “We found a good magic shop. I had something sort of, kind of like, a hot dog. I think it was just razordillo with spices, but it was still good. I have to admit, I’ve never had better bread.” Dale found a chair and sat. “So, explain this game.”

  Rikuto explained the basics of the game and how players gambled on the outcome.

  By the time the dealer returned Dale and Smith were interested enough to get caught up in the excitement. Rikuto explained his play and the gambling continued until Rikuto asked Dale if they’d had any luck finding information on the dwarf mines.

  “That’s funny, Sam,” a dwarf said. “Every time we get some big city players here they want to know about your stupid mine.” The dwarf laughed and placed a wager.

  “Yeah, I had a big payday,” Sam said.

  “Maybe you can score another bet?” the dwarf said.

  “Sure, you strangers want to doubt that dwarf mines still exist?”

  “What to you mean?” Dale asked. His interest was peaked the moment the dwarf said something about a mine.

  “Oh, just some dumb city gambler a ways back,” the man said. He looked at his cards, frowned, and then placed them on the table. “She bet me that I couldn’t lead her to an old dwarf mine entrance into the mountain. I did, she paid up, and that was that. Some people have more money than brains.”

  “So you took her to the mine?”

  “Yes, of course. That was how I won six bars of gold.”

  “Hmmmm. Do you mind describing the party that traveled with her?”

  “You ask a lot of questions, traveler.” The man looked at Dale, then at Smith, then at Rikuto. “These friends of yours?”

  “Yes, we are traveling together, we have a quest go through the mountain,” Rikuto said.

  The man played his cards. He remained silent for another round and then told Dale the details of the party that he took to the mine.

  “Sounds like the mine we need, will you take us there? We’ll pay you to guide us.”

  “It’ll be seven bars this time,” the dwarf said. He laughed. “Or maybe eight. What do you think, Sam?”

  “I’ll guide you there for five bars of gold. A discount.” The man played with his chips.

  “Three,” Smith said. “That’s a fair rate.”


  “Done,” Dale said. “We leave in the morning. I’m Dale Brown.” Dale stood and extended his hand.

  The man stood. “I’m Sam Treyolum; I’ll meet you at the city gate, first light.” He took Dale’s hand, and they shook.


  You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake.

  ~ Jeannette Rankin

  I hunt for meat and fur. To feed and clothe my family. Killing for a political or religious cause seems vile and profane to me. I thank the great gods of my ancestors that I am a hunter and not a soldier.

  ~ Sam Treyolum


  The air was cold and crisp when the group left Evelake in the morning. The sun wouldn’t rise above the mountains for over an hour, but the dawn gave them enough light to see the path, and they rode their mounts into the forest.

  “Be on guard at all times,” Sam Treyolum said. He was a skilled hunter who had tracked, hunted, and fought beasts in these mountains for many years. He told the group that he knew this side of the mountains like he knew his own face, but that he’d never been to the other side.

  “You’ve never considered going into the mines?” Dale asked.

  “No. Too many dangers. Besides the dwarfs, there are adders, and who knows what else? Lots of risk for little reward, in my opinion. I’d rather hunt bears and wolves.”

  “What about dragons?” Smith asked the hunter.

  “Haven’t heard about a dragon attacking anything in over a generation. They are ancient creatures; I think they spend most of their time hibernating in caverns, deep in the earth, where hot springs keep their lairs warm and moist.”

  “And dragonlings?” Princess Jara asked. “In my time, they were often the cause of entire traveling parties simply disappearing, poof.”

  “Yes,” Sam said. “There are many dragonlings in the forest. I do not hunt them. I know hunting parties from the city sometimes come here seeking dragonlings for their skin. For armor, like what Dale is wearing. Tough stuff, but I have no use for it.”

  The platoon, the Princess, and the huntsman climbed a path that lead to higher elevations. They crossed small bridges over streams and valleys, and went through several open meadows, but mostly they traveled silently through trees. Trees and more trees. Soon the path became the only route they could travel as the trees and brush were too thick for them to move through.

  A good place for an ambush, Dale thought, but they had no choice but to go forward.


  Rikuto was riding point; Dale had taken the rear position. The huntsmen rode behind Rikuto, in case they came upon a fork in the path or any other thing that would require a decision about which direction to take.

  Dale received the message from Rikuto that he’d come upon a dragonling via a series of whispered messages sent party to party down the line. He rode up to the group and dismounted. There was room for the six of them to stand together and discuss a strategy, but the path was not wide enough to pass the creature without disturbing it. The Dragonling had found a patch of sunlight on the path, and it was sunning there.

  “Should we leave the path?” Dale asked.

  “We could, but other dangers…” The huntsmen scratched his head. “If we go off the path, we might run into one of this guys siblings, and we’d be at a disadvantage in the thick of the forest and brush. We could also run into a bear, a wolf, a mountain lion, adders, or we could walk off a sheer cliff and fall to our deaths in a most undignified manner. I think our best chance is to engage the beast. Or wait until the sun moves and it heads back to its cave.”

  “No time for that,” Yingtai said. “We should kill it quickly and move.”

  “I have to agree with you,” Smith said. “This time. We might as well tackle this problem straight on; our battles aren’t likely to be this easy as we go forward on this mission.”

  “I concur,” Dale said. “A plan?”

  Before anyone could suggest a plan, Yingtai had begun firing arrows into the beast.

  “Shit!” Dale didn’t have time to argue with her, he dropped to a knee and began to generate a Fire Magic spell.

  Smith brought out his war hammer and moved down the path, hugging the right side so that arrows and magic would have a clear route down the center of the path to hit the beast.

  Rikuto brought out a spear and moved down the left side of the path.

  The dragonling had lifted its head and spit. It was too young for fire, it came out as a little spurt of oily smoking liquid. The arrows slamming into its hide did not seem to cause any damage. It rotated itself around and screeched at the group. It flapped its wings; they were too undeveloped for the beast to fly, but it used them as a way to intimidate. It was impressive looking.

  Rikuto and Smith got within striking distance, and when they double teamed the creature with a strike from a spear and a smack from a war hammer, the dragonling changed from seeming barely interested in a fight to completely outraged. They’d hurt the beast, but not by much, mostly they’d just managed to pissed it off.

  “Oh, hell,” Dale said. He threw a torch spell at the dragonling and as it hit the dragon, its health increased back to 100%. Dale’s magic had healed it.

  “Crap,” he said. “So much for that. Who has Ice Magic? Maybe that will help?”

  The dragonling then changed from its deep red-purplish color into a shimmering, nearly invisible creature. It dove into the brush. The sound of crashing branches could be heard for a moment, but then, silence.

  Even the sounds of the forest stopped. Nothing chirped. Nothing moved.

sp; “It’s flanking us,” Sam said.

  No sooner than the words came out of his mouth, he was struck with a blow from the dragonlings tail. He dropped to the ground, his health down to 5%, bleeding from the head, and gasping for air.

  “Somebody heal him,” Dale shouted. “We need him to—”

  Dale was struck next. The beast was aiming its tail at sound, and Dale ended up next to the huntsman, his health at 20%, the armor he wore helped him sustain the blow better than the hunter had.

  The rest of the group realized that to survive they needed to remain silent.

  Nobody spoke.

  The hunter sat up. He was dazed but he’d been healed.

  Dale was healed next.

  That much healing power all at once couldn’t be expected to continue, which meant that if the dragonling became more aggressive, they were in deep trouble.


  Princess Jara moved towards Dale in slow, quiet movements.

  “Who has an iron weapon?” she whispered.

  Dale raised his eyebrows. He didn’t know. He whispered, “Why?”

  Jara put her mouth next to his ear. “It’s a magical creature, with fairy blood, iron works.”

  Dale mouthed, “Shit.” He wished he’d known. He crawled like a predatory cat towards Smith and Rikuto.

  “Do you have an iron weapon?” he whispered to Smith.

  Smith shook his head.

  He asked Rikuto, who nodded.

  “Use iron,” Dale whispered. “It’s the creatures weakness.”

  Rikuto nodded again, put away the spear he’d been using, and brought out a second spear which was less ornate, but longer.

  Dale could see why it had not been Rikuto’s first choice; it was too long for such a confined space, and the tip didn’t look nearly as impressive as the one he’d put away, he inspected the spear.


  Greek Doru

  Level 9

  A wooden spear, 3 meters in length, tipped with an iron spearhead.

  Magic: Spearhead can be spelled or poisoned.

  Wiki: Lore Strengths Weaknesses Range


  Dale whispered to Rikuto.

  “I have the weakest spell in Water Magic. It’s barely useful, but it’s something. I’m going to transfer it to you.”

  Rikuto accepted the potion. “What are you thinking? My health is fine.”

  “No,” Dale whispered. “Your spearhead can accept spells. Pour the potion onto the spear. The healing qualities will work in reverse on the dragonling… I think.”

  “It’s worth a try.” Rikuto poured the potion onto the spearhead. Then he nodded to Dale.

  Dale used military hand signals to move the others away from himself and Rikuto. Then he motioned to Rikuto to take a position just behind him.

  Rikuto nodded.

  Dale brought out his shield. He carried no other weapon; he needed both hands to hold the shield.

  “Hey!” Dale shouted.

  The tail of the beast came flying out of the brush faster than Dale had expected. He managed to deflect part of the blow, the tail glanced off the shield, and hit him in the head. He fell, but remained conscious, looking up he watched Rikuto strike.

  The spear penetrated the beast. Dale had to cover his ears, the shriek of the dragonling’s death was the worst sound he’d ever heard.

  The dragonling flopped and flipped as it died, ripping the spear away from Rikuto, and splintering the wooden handle, which also resulted in driving the iron head deeper into its body. When it was finally dead, its head dropped to the ground next to Dale.

  It’s dead black eye stared at him, a lone tear dripped to the ground, and changed into a small stone. Dale picked it up.


  Killed: Arodian Mountain Dragonling

  Dropped: Fire Magic Book

  +10% Fire Magic Skill

  Dropped: 4 iron-tipped arrows

  Dropped: 4 gold bars

  Dropped: Dragon Tear Diamond

  Opened: Dragon Diamond Quest: Collect 25 varieties of Dragon Diamonds.

  Congratulations: You have reached Level 7

  Congratulations: You have moved from Kartikeya Guild Apprentice to Kartikeya Guild Journeyman


  Congratulations: You have opened a new skill tree: Battle Cunning & Strategy


  +5% Skill: Battle Cunning & Strategy


  Congratulations: You have obtained the DNA from a rare beast

  Congratulations: You have moved from Nojus Guild Apprentice to Nojus Guild Journeyman

  +10% Skill: Tracking and Hunting Animals


  They group remounted after retrieving the loot they’d earned. Dale made sure everyone’s health was back up to 100% and all their fixable equipment was repaired. Rikuto’s spear shaft was destroyed to the point of being worthless, but he’d been able to retrieve the spearhead.

  Dale instructed everyone, via whispers, that for the rest of this leg of the journey, silence was mandatory. No talking, hand signals only. The engagement with the dragonling had proved profitable, but it had nearly ended in two or three deaths, and the healers were all dangerously low on mana. Another big attack in the near future would certainly end with fatalities.

  They moved silently for three more hours before they exited the forest.

  The mountain ahead of them rose tall, like a giant who’s head was in the clouds. The peak could not be seen, but the mountain and the sounds of birds and insects that filled the meadow ahead of them made it seem as if they were out for a nature walk and not on a war mission. Dale could see waterfalls in the distance and shafts of sunlight broke through the clouds in various spots and created circular rainbows.

  “It seems safe here,” Dale said.

  “Looks can be deceiving,” Smith said.

  “True, but we need to rest. Set a guard detail.”

  Dale found a place to lie down, and he fell asleep.


  Life is thirst.

  ~ Leonard Michaels

  Love is an attempt drown an unquenchable fire.

  ~ Emi Himura


  When Dale woke up, it was dark.



  “What’s the status?” Dale stood up and moved closer to the fire.

  “We’ve set up a guard. Yingtai and Jara have been pressing me to wake you so we could enter the mines.”

  “We found—”

  “Yes. The hunter recognized the place, true to his word.”

  “You paid—”

  “Yeah, don’t worry, it’s handled.”

  “Good. Your suggestion about when to leave?” Dale wanted Smith’s advice, even though the decision would land on his shoulders.

  “The mines, from what the hunter said, although, admittedly he’d never been in the mines, is that because it’s so dark, day and night become meaningless.”


  “Yes, we need to make sure everyone has enough material for torches. Jara has an enchantment for a glowing orb; she said she can use it several times, but if she…”

  “Understood.” Dale ran his fingers through his hair and then got up and paced. “We leave before dawn. Everyone needs rest.”

  Dale gave his decision to the rest of the party. Jara and Yingtai didn’t object as he’d expected. They were probably too tired themselves to put up much of a fight; everyone knew that too much haste would only end in death, putting them out of the mission, or at least, several days behind. He wondered about Brinkmann, Dyfrig, and even Amy and Emi. Were they all headed back here? Were they given different missions? Were they just waiting for the rest of the platoon to die?

  He had no idea, really, this was all too new. The military could do whatever it wanted to do; it wasn’t required to make sense or exercise
any discernible logic, making it much like two inexperienced lovers.


  Mounts were not allowed in the mines.

  Dale wished that Tom was still with them, his bat form had super night vision and hyper-hearing. But there was no reason to think about things that he wished were true, if that was the case, he might as well be thinking about being back at PTU creating skeletons and programs for games, instead of marching through a foreign land with the intention of killing any Declanians he happened to run across.

  He reflected on the tear of the dragonling.

  Erin, do NPCs feel pain?

  I don’t know. I don’t think so.

  Can you?

  I don’t have a body.

  Where do you exist?

  In you, mostly, Dale. I’m a program.

  Are you alive?

  As alive as some, not as alive as others.

  Thanks, you’re so helpful.

  You’re welcome, good looking.

  Are there any maps of these mines in any of the guides you downloaded?

  No, sorry.

  Well, map, track, and tag as we go. I might have to run this again.

  Will do.

  The five remaining members of their party entered the mine. They were all prepared for beasts, battles, and the unexpected.

  Dale, the Zuharah, a journeyman soldier, and a newbie at Fire Magic.

  Smith, the Sagittalian, a great ape with a war hammer.

  Rikuto, the Naphil, cunning and deceptive, with skills in healing and spells, but not as skilled as the two women.

  Yingtai, the Mugron. Being an undead vampiric creature, she suddenly had a huge advantage in the mines.

  Princess Jara, a non-military member, who seemed to know more about what they were doing than she admitted to knowing, being both helpful, mysterious, and possibly a danger, all in one.


  They walked for what seemed like half a day. No signs of life appeared, neither did anyone find anything, no hidden scrolls, gems, herbs, maps, nothing. The mine shaft had a flat sandy base, smooth walls, and a ceiling supported by massive timbers.


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