Nagant Wars: A LitRPG Novel (Nagant Wars Series Book 1)

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Nagant Wars: A LitRPG Novel (Nagant Wars Series Book 1) Page 35

by Jayden Hunter



  I can work on this quest at any time?

  Yes, it’s an open quest. I’ve stored the info.


  “Got it!” Yingtai yelled.

  Dale turned back towards the other members of his depleted troop, Smith, Yingtai, and Princess Jara. They were standing in front of the puzzle grid, which was flashing in red, blue, and yellow light.

  A hidden panel opened in the wall between where Dale stood and the other three. He walked toward the door, and as he and Smith walked through, he heard Yingtai scream.



  Resistance, however, is useless.

  ~ A.E. van Vogt

  Only the most foolish believe there are rules in war or love. How can one have rules in the midst of irrationality and insanity?

  ~ From the collected sayings of Iyam Amak, Vol. II


  Dale turned and brought out his shield. He looked up and saw that it was Amy and Emi. They were standing in the original doorway, firing arrows at Princess Jara and Yingtai. A wolf-woman, Sidheagin, and an undead Mugron, both fired imbued arrows at the two women who were racing towards Dale and Smith.

  “Fire back!” Yingtai yelled.

  Dale could not. He kept his shield up, but it wasn’t necessary, all the firepower was being delivered against Yingtai and Jara.

  Dale felt a strong hand grab him by the armor; Smith pulled him into the hallway and down a set of stone stairs.

  Yingtai and Jara remained at the top of the stairs. They fired arrows back towards the two assassins.

  “I don’t know what to do,” Dale said.

  “Just sit,” Smith said. He stood and crept back up the steps, but the secret door slammed shut, so there was no longer a difficult decision to make.

  The hallway was pitch dark; the Princess had lost her orb in the boss chamber.

  “Dale, I’m tempted to think you’re on the wrong side,” Yingtai said.

  “Leave him alone,” Smith said. “He’s been through enough without you breaking his balls.”

  “I’ve saved his life twice now; he’s got to enter reality. Amy is a traitor. She and that Emi bitch are trying to kill us.”

  The Princess lit a torch. The fire sent a vermillion glow down the stairs, they seemed to go down forever; but the light only showed about thirty or forty steps before it got too dark to see any farther.

  “We need to move,” Yingtai said. “I know those two bitches are good at math.”

  It was true, at least for Amy. She was a math whiz. She’d figure out the puzzle and open the door. Dale didn’t want to fight her.


  The troop of four walked down the stone stairs. There were ninety-one steps before the floor leveled. Then they walked for an hour. The hallway was dry and made of stone. The floor was sand. There were no doors, symbols, or any signs of life.

  They traded off lighting torches, keeping the torch in the hand of the lead soldier.

  “How’d they catch us so fast?” Yingtai said to nobody in particular.

  “They’re skilled assassins. They’ve been sneaking, not fighting. We need to be prepared at all times,” Jara said. “Dale you’re going to have to accept reality here.”

  Dale ignored her. He didn’t want to think about fighting Amy, in spite of the fact that he might be forced to. She had spared him. He didn’t know what to think. He ran his hands along the stone walls. Maybe he’d find another Lore Book and he could take his mind off their current situation.


  “Report Admiral,” Iyam Amak said.

  “Yes my Lord,” he said. He stood at attention. “The assassins have entered the mine. Our spies cannot report more.”

  “And the platoon?”

  “Five entered, my Lord.”

  “I see.” The Lord Commander stood up and moved away from her desk. She walked to the great window and stared out into the distance. “At ease, Admiral. Come, join me.”

  “Yes, my Lord.” He walked towards her and looked out at the sea. There was a large bay directly north of their headquarters, and along the shore, many dry docks contained large wooden ships that were under construction.

  “The shipbuilding, Admiral. It’s going well?”

  “Yes, my lady. A year perhaps. A year and a half if the winters are as brutal as I suspect.”

  “I see. No matter…” She paced again. “The Asakku Dragon Slayers, tell me of their progress.”

  “I wouldn’t place much confidence in them, my Lord.” The Admiral faced her. “The dragons here, it is said they are like gods, indestructible, and mostly unconcerned with the machinations of lesser beings. The dragonlings, however, are useful, both to harvest their skin, teeth, and bone, but alive as well, as battle pets.”

  “And how, dare I ask, is dragonling training going?” She laughed deeply, knowing the answer to her own question.

  “Impossible.” The Admiral joined her laughter. “Yet they try and try again. It’s a worthy program, perhaps. Shall I order it’s cancellation?”

  “No. A platoon of dragonling trainers would be… Deadly.” She looked out the window again. “Let them continue.”

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  “The Valley of Shadows, Admiral, can you get a platoon of warriors there?”

  “I’ve sent a small group already, my Lord, on Snow Leopard mounts, as they are forced to take a mountainous route part of the way.”

  “And your estimate of their timing?”

  “Perhaps they can enter the valley around the same time as the assassins, my Lord. It’s hard to predict exactly, and my spies are hindered, the mountains are well guarded by the warriors of King Moschatel.”

  “The Dragon Slayer…”

  “Yes, my Lady.”

  “Send word that the mission has changed slightly, Admiral. My only concern is the jewel. I care not what happens to the assassins, the platoon they pursue, Princess Talargo, or any of Moschatel’s clan, although, if we could avoid trouble with the dwarf King, that would be preferable.”

  “Disguise our attack, my Lord?”

  “Disguise, trick, manipulate, cheat, lie, steal, assassinate, destroy, pillage, I don’t care, Admiral. Bring me the jewel.”

  “My Lord.” The Admiral bowed and left the offices of the Lord Commander of the Declan Faction.

  Iyam stayed at the window and watched the sea birds circle high above the harbor. Dwarfs and lizard-men looked like ants from her vantage point, they scurried about, taking materials to the docks, and engaging in commerce, trade, and other businesses both military and civilian.

  War is just another form of commerce, she thought, the gods spend the lives of lesser creatures like pennies.


  The four remaining members in Dale’s party had to climb a stairwell. Endless steps. They seemed to go forever, up and up, and when they reached the final step, they found a large wooden door.

  Yingtai reached for the knob, and Dale slapped her hand away.

  A brown hairy spider jumped out, Dale crushed it with his sword.

  “I’ve repaid a favor,” Dale said. “Those things are nasty.”

  Yingtai said nothing, and Dale opened the door. The meadow in front of them was lit by the late evening sun, the sky was colored, orange and pink clouds were high in the sky. Dark shadows grew away from giant trees. They walked into an open meadow cautiously, the sounds gave them a sense of assurance, insects chirped, and birds sang evening songs.

  Then silence.

  “Be alert,” Dale whispered.

  Yingtai and Jara moved towards a bank of trees on the right side of the meadow. Dale and Smith moved to the left side.

  They quietly watched.

  Dale saw nothing.

  “Smith?” he whispered.

  Smith looked at him.

  “What do you think of Amy’s attack? I m
ean, she didn’t shoot at me. I don’t think I can attack her.”

  “They seemed obsessed with Jara.”

  “True. I don’t know; sometimes I think we’re just pawns in someone else’s chess game.”

  “Welcome to the military.” Smith smiled.

  “Yeah, welcome to life.” Dale stretched and yawned. “I’m hungry, tired, my feet hurt—”

  An arrow flew past Dale’s head and struck a tree.


  Madness, and then illumination.

  ~ Orson Scott Card

  When the tallest of redwood trees falls, after living for centuries, it is as dead as a spring flower that bloomed for a week. To the gods, either event is but a blink. To a king, the flowers remind, while the trees mock.

  ~ Proverbs of King Moschatel


  The Kingdom of Moschatel

  By Order of King Moschatel

  Maker of Time

  Herbal Lord

  Dragon Slayer

  You and your party are ordered to stand down.

  Sheath your weapons.

  Failure will result in your destruction.

  Upon showing your intention of peace, the Lord King Moschatel’s ambassador will approach you.

  Treachery in the Kingdom

  Will result

  In being fed to wraith dragonlings

  In the Dungeon of Bones

  Signed/ Robur Representative of King Moschatel, Long Live the King!


  Dale read the scroll and ordered his party to stand down. He walked out into the open. They were so greatly outnumbered, he assumed, being a party of four, in a strange land, that anything besides accepting an offer of peace would be a breach of logic and common sense.

  He stood in the meadow and watched a dwarf-like creature approach, a Sigtrygg.

  “I am Robur, Ambassador to King Moschatel, Long Live the King! King Moschatel rules the lands from the Castle Pierstone to the great Blue Leaf Meadow in the south, to the Sea of Serpents in the east. You have entered his kingdom uninvited. He is Lord of Herbs, Lord of Time, and Dragon Slayer, he requests that you state your business and intentions.”

  “I am Dale Brown, of the 3rd Platoon, Bravo Company, we are aligned with the Klaharnians, but our mission into your kingdom is by the request of King Talargo. We’ve been sent to aid his daughter, the Princess Talargo.”

  “Indeed, such a mission would be greeted by my Lord King with his full support. But, it is a time of war, and we must ensure your endorsement is pure.”

  “As you wish, Ambassador, I present our Letter of Introduction.” Dale handed the Sigtrygg Ambassador the letter they had been given when they accepted King Talargo’s mission quest.

  Robur took the letter, placed it in a pouch, and then lifted his left arm outward. He wore a thick dragonling leather glove, and upon that, he placed a small white mouse.

  Then he whistled.

  A huge owl swooped silently down from the sky; Dale was startled by how swiftly the bird of prey had come out of nowhere and landed. The owl grasped the mouse in its talons and after tearing it in half, it ate the parts in a few swallows. Then it screeched.

  “Yes, my lovely bird,” Robur spoke to it. “You’ll have more mice at home. But, for now, I have a mission for you.”

  Robur spoke to an aide who placed the letter Dale had provided into a small tube that was attached to the owl’s leg. Robur spoke a chant over the bird and then raised his arm, the bird flew off into the night.

  “Now then, my guests, please accept my invitation to dine and feast with the King’s compliments and blessing.” Robur clapped his hands, and dozens of Sigtrygg appeared out of the forest. They carried tables and chairs and stoves and buckets and all manner of cooking utensils.

  Dale watched in amazement as an outdoor kitchen was set up, and fires blazed.

  A small elven host brought them mugs of mead.

  “Enjoy, my friends,” Robur said.

  “Dale, our mission, it requires haste,” Yingtai said under her breath. Princess Jara also glared at Dale.

  He smiled at them. “Relax, we cannot travel until we have the King’s Blessing. Yingtai, you are ordered to stand by until further orders. Princess, you are free to act on your own, as you know. However, if you cross the King of this Land, I will declare you an enemy of our purposes, as he is our ally.”

  “You speak as a wise leader, Master Dale,” the Princess said. “I remain in your service, our mission will continue, it seems, at first light tomorrow.” The Princess raised her mug, smiled at Dale, and then drained her drink to the dregs.


  Robur assured Dale that he’d posted an adequate guard. Dale told him that two assassins had been following them in the mines, but he said nothing else about them.

  “We shall feast, then, my friends!” he said.

  Dale put on his personal avatar, and Smith followed. After seeing them sit, even Yingtai relaxed and became herself. Dale was amazed at how drastic of a change it was to see her transform from a Mugron to a small and quiet Chinese girl, who looked like she might be all of sixteen.

  The Sigs brought out roasted razordillo and Dale wished they’d brought out a cheeseburger and fries instead. Next they set out various roasted birds: goose, duck, chicken, and pheasant. There were also baked yams, and various local vegetables, all seasoned, baked, or roasted into wonderful combinations, many of which had no comparable Earth food dishes in which to describe them as being like. Dale tried many strange dishes, but he still thought about how nice a cheeseburger and fries would taste.

  “What do you think, there, Corporal Brown?” Smith asked. “A fine feast for us, perhaps to get us fat, happy, and drunk?”

  “Maybe,” Dale said. “But if they slit our throats in the night, we might avoid whatever pain and misery is coming tomorrow.”

  Smith laughed deeply. “You find the bright side in everything, don’t you?”

  “It’s a rare talent.”

  After another round of mead, even Yingtai had a small smile on her face.


  When dessert came, the conversation became more subdued. Everyone was stuffed full and eyes became heavy. The Sig brought out several large pies and a dark drink that tasted like lightly sweetened coffee.

  “Will this keep me up?” Dale asked his host.

  “No, Master Dale, it will give you a deep sleep and dreams of restoration. A healing herb from the King’s garden flavors it.”

  “What the doctor ordered,” Dale said. He had drunk two cups before he’d finished his pie, which was a combination that reminded him of pumpkin-pecan, two flavors he’d only had a few times in his life.

  “What can you tell me of the war?” Princess Jara asked Robur.

  “I only know that in the northern bay, the Declanian forces are building a fleet of ships. For what purpose, I cannot imagine.”

  “Perhaps to circle the continent?”

  “To attack what? The deep south? Perhaps our friends to the east? But the journey by sea is a treacherous and long one. I can only imagine it’s feasible in their minds, or else what use would warships be?”

  “And of Iyam Amok?”

  “A curse on you if you speak that name again in the King’s realm.” Robur spit, and following his lead, all the Sigtrygg spit on the ground. “Do not speak of her again, if you value the King’s Friendship.”

  “My pardon’s Ambassador. Please accept my apologies, I only wish for news of the war.”

  “The name, of which we do not speak, is well established in Ardra, building ships, sending out troops, and our spies claim, and I say this in rumor only, that her orders have the Declanians attempting to train dragonlings.”

  “Indeed. Arrogant, I’d say. Nobody has ever tamed such beasts; they are only good for slaughtering.” Jara raised her mug and looked at Robur. “A curse, then, on the unnamable one and a blessin
g on your King!”

  Everyone at the table raised a mug. Jara drank, and they all followed.

  Dale felt his eyelids get even heavier, and his head dipped.

  “Master Dale, please, allow one of my maids to show you to your quarters,” Robur said. “If you’d like company, you only need to say the word, my friend.”

  Dale grunted, “No, thank you,” and followed two servants to his tent.


  The two elven maids took Dale to a tent, they were pleasant to look at and had soothing voices.

  “Hot water, Master Dale?” the first girl said.

  Before Dale could answer, she was helping him get undressed and providing him with a hot towel and various herbs. He imagined he smelt like an animal.

  “Please, leave me now,” he said.

  The maids left him alone, and he finished bathing. He removed a clean set of sleeping clothes from his folding space backpack and wondered if he couldn’t get his hands on a Deep Sleep Mattress and carry it around with him.

  He forgot that thought when he placed his head onto the pillow the King’s men had provided, made of a fine down, his head sunk into the pillow as if it was a cloud. He fell deeply into sleep and dreamt of meadows, rivers, birds, and Amy.

  “Why do you fear me, Dale?”

  “You have betrayed us.”

  “You know not all the plans of war. Many secrets are kept.”

  “Who then should I trust?”

  Dale watched as Amy changed into Yingtai.

  “Trust me, Dale.”

  Then Yingtai changed into Jara.

  “Trust no one, Dale.”

  Then Jara changed into a tall, beautiful woman. A Zuharah, like himself, except a witch.

  “Who are you?” Dale asked.

  “A friend.”

  “What do you seek?”

  “I seek to deliver you a message.”

  “From whom?”

  “From my Lady, the Princess. She sends word that many signs have been given us, and betrayal awaits all who cross the path of those that seek to destroy. Be careful…”


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