The Emperor's Concubine

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The Emperor's Concubine Page 23

by Killarney Sheffield

  He looks down at his feet. “I never was a prisoner, but I’m not loyal to the Emperor.”

  The vision of Link’s face as the aircraft descended to capture us flickers through my mind. Oh my God. He didn’t look surprised, or scared. “Liar, you were on the Emperor’s side all along.”

  “Not exactly. Look, I don’t want to talk here. Wait until we get to the hubs.”

  At my stubborn refusal to move he sighs. “If you don’t allow me to escort you, the Emperor won’t let you go.”

  “I will summon Rafel.” Crossing my arms I stand my ground.

  “The emperor doesn’t trust Rafel.”

  Glaring at him I grind out, “And I don’t trust you.”

  Remorse colors his return, “I suppose I deserve that.” With a sigh he steps aside. “Do you want to see your family, or not?”

  Giving him the dirtiest look I can muster, I stalk from the room and down the hall to the elevator. We ride down to the main floor in silence. I’ve been so naive. How could I have ever trusted Link? Some leader I make. A good leader knows who to trust and who not to. Or maybe not. After all, the emperor is trusting Link to keep me under control and quiet. Perhaps I can sway Link. Does he think he and I are the chosen ones? I doubt it. It was all a lie.

  “I’m so excited to see my family again. I can’t wait for you to meet them.”

  Link gives me an odd look before he nods and offers a smile. “You spoke about Petie so often when we were out I feel as if I know him.”

  “Well, it’s too bad I didn’t know you,” I can’t help biting out.

  We cross the Emperor’s compound, exit through the gates and into the official’s compound before Link speaks. “Ocean, you do know me.”

  “I thought you were loyal to the escape, Link, but you lied. You brought me back as a prisoner.”


  He grasps my hand, but I shrug him off.

  “Ocean, I had to. Don’t you see?”

  “No!” I swing around as we reach the tunnel to the medical centre. “I don’t see your motive, Link, beyond betrayal.”

  He sighs. “I will explain it all when we get to your parent’s dorm.”

  “There’s no need to explain. You’re a traitor.” Without waiting for his reply, I head down the tunnel. Glancing up, I grimace. I don’t miss the sickly green lights. Once cleared through the medical centre we enter the subway. The escalator is working today. Down we go to the platform, board the waiting subway car and we’re off to the hubs.

  Link fidgets and looks to me. I do my best to ignore him. I know he wants to talk, but here is not the place and truth be told I really don’t want to hear what he has to say. His betrayal hurts, way more than I want him to see. I loved Link, no, not in the way I love Sol. Link was like a brother to me. I trusted him. Once again I’m scared and alone, this time I don’t even have Sol.

  What is Sol doing right now? Is he massing a force to come rescue me? I give a mental chuckle. Not Sol. He’s not a fighter, he loves too much, that’s his curse, and I love him for it. I have no doubt he’s trying to come up with a plan to rescue me though. The train slows and then comes to a halt. Without a backward look at Link, I exit the car.

  It’s hard to keep to a sedate walk when I’m back in the hubs. I’ve missed it and the people here. It feels different now though. People stare at me as I stroll down the street. No one smiles, or greets me. I spy Sol’s mother. I’ve known her all my life. I lift my hand in greeting. She cracks a tiny smile and then hurries away as if she’s afraid. A fellow who works with my father spits at my feet as I pass by. Why is he angry with me? Then I remember his daughter. She didn’t make the concubine cut. The hubs were seldom cheery, but now they are downright hostile.

  I pause in front of my family’s dorm. It’s strange to not just walk in, yet I feel like a stranger here. My hand rests on the knob, but I can’t bring myself to turn it. It’s best to knock so they can hide anything that shouldn’t be seen by an enforcer. After glancing over my shoulder at Link, I knock.

  It takes a couple minutes before the door opens. Petie looks up at me and then his face breaks into a large grin. “It’s Ocean!” Without warning, he throws himself into my arms.

  “Hey, buddy.” Hugging him close I breathe in his scent and love. How I’ve missed him. Before I can help myself tears are running down my face, dripping into his spikey brown hair.


  Pulling away I smile at my ma as she comes to the door. I allow her to draw me into her embrace. “Hi Ma.”

  She draws back and cradles my face in her work roughened hands. “I can’t believe it’s really you.”

  “Yeah, it’s really me, Ma.” I look past her for my father, but he’s nowhere to be seen. “Where’s Pa?”

  My mother looks down at her hands as a tear slips down her cheek. “He’s gone, Ocean.”

  “Gone?” I try to fathom her meaning, but fail. “What do you mean?”

  “They...” Her voice falters. “It’s not something to be discussed out here in the street. Come in.”

  I stay Link with a hand flat against his chest. “Not you.”

  “Ocean, I have no choice. The emperor will be watching. This is supposed to be a supervised visit.” My only consolation comes from the fact he doesn’t look at all pleased about having to meet my family.

  “Fine.” I enter the house.

  When we are seated in the gathering room I take my mother’s hand. “What happened, Ma?”

  “Enforcers came and tore the house apart looking for you and the other missing concubines. They found the picture.”

  For the first time I notice the portrait of the emperor, which hides the picture of my mother and I in the field, is missing.

  Ma continues, “They took him away. He made me promise not to go to the square, Ocean... I should have gone. He died alone.” She breaks down in tears and I wrap my arms around her.

  “You were right not to go, Ma, I’ve seen the purple shot, what happens to people injected with it.”

  Ma sniffles and wipes her eyes. “Enough of this talk. You escaped. What was it like, Ocean?”

  I cast a stiff glance at Link. “I can’t say, Ma, Link is a traitor and will repeat everything we say to the emperor.”

  Link sighs. “Ocean, please allow me to explain.”

  I’m so angry right now I need to take it out on someone. Link is the logical one to unleash my pain on, even if he isn’t the cause of it. “Shut up! You dragged me back here, all the while pretending to be my friend. Now I’m in here, a prisoner, and Sol’s out there. He’ll never even get to know his child. And his child will never know what it’s like to be free.”

  Ma gasps. “You’re pregnant?”

  When I nod Link hangs his head. “I’m sorry, Ocean. I didn’t know. I was only trying to help.”

  “Help?” Flabbergasted I stare at him. “You call bringing me back to the emperor helping?”

  “I knew we needed someone on the inside to rally the people. We needed you to convince them to uprise.”

  “Me?” I don’t know what to say. Then my return to the hub comes to mind. “Link, the people in the hubs hate me. They think I am the reason all those girls died. They think I brought back a sickness that could kill them all.”

  “They didn’t see the broadcast, remember?” Link points out.

  Narrowing my gaze I ponder him. “How do you know about that?”

  Link rolls his eyes. “I’m on your side, Ocean. I keep trying to tell you that.”

  Stubborn I stand my ground. “But he let you go.”

  “I’ve been playing both sides of the fence. I give just enough information to the emperor to allow him to think I’m on his side and gather enough intelligence to help our cause for freedom.”

  “I don’t believe you.” I want to believe him, yet the fact remains he tricked me into returning to Imram.

  Link runs a hand through his dark hair. “Look, I don’t have time to explain it all now. Meet m
e on the rooftop tonight and I’ll tell you all I know. Right now you need to visit with your family. The emperor has only allotted you an hour.”

  He’s right. I don’t have much time with my family so my questions will have to wait. I favor my little brother with a bright smile. “Did you get the lollipops I sent you?”

  My heart is warmed when he gives an enthusiastic nod and launches into a tale of the last few weeks.

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  Link escorts me back to the Emperor’s after my visit to the hubs. “Meet Rafel and I on the rooftop in twenty minutes.”

  “I don’t know if I can...” I trail off wary of the emperor’s interruption.

  “The emperor will be in his meeting another hour yet.” He hurries off down the hall as the elevator door opens. I duck inside and push button three. After the elevator reaches my floor I make sure no one is about and exit through the door to the rooftop. Less than twenty minutes later Rafel and Link join me.

  Before they can speak I blurt out, “What are we going to do? The emperor means to execute the empress and the rest of the official’s wives this afternoon.”

  Link stays my verbal panic with a hand on my arm. “Relax, we have a plan.”

  “What plan?” I look to Rafel whom I’m ashamed to think I trust more than Link at this point.

  Rafel nods. “The less you know the better.”

  “What about me? The emperor plans a coronation ceremony for the end of the week. I can’t marry him.”

  “Ocean,” Link takes my hands in his. “We are going to do our best to incite a full riot and get you out of here before then. You must be patient.”

  “Give me something to do, Link. I can’t just sit here and wait. I want to help.”

  He ponders my request a moment. “Find out everything you can about how the ceremony is to take place, and perhaps see what you can do about arranging some supplies and food for our escape.”

  “Um... about that...” I give Link a sheepish look. “It seems the emperor is worried about my state of mind. All sharp objects have been removed and the kitchen is under lock and key.”

  Rafel pales. “You aren’t... I mean you wouldn’t... would you?”

  “Kill myself?” I snicker. “I won’t, not that the thought hasn’t crossed my mind once... or twice.” I look down at the roof embarrassed to admit my weakness.

  “Listen to me, Ocean, you must stay strong, we need you.” Link raises my chin to search my gaze. “Your unborn baby and Sol need you.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going to kill myself, Link, I don’t have the guts too, anyway.”

  “Ocean, it takes guts not to kill yourself, not to take the coward’s way out. You’re stronger than that.”

  “Thanks.” Maybe I can trust Link. Perhaps he is really my friend after all. “I have to go and get ready for... you know.”

  Rafel smiles. “Don’t worry, we got this.”

  I hurry back down to my suite to dress for the coming public execution of the empress and the others, hopeful, yet sick to my stomach with dread.

  Just what does one wear to an execution anyway? Widows in the hubs wear a black veil on their heads for thirty days to show their grief, but as the future empress am I required to do the same? I’m not a widow, but I feel I should show some kind of respect for the woman’s death... or maybe I shouldn’t knowing all of Imram is going to be watching and I don’t want to seem sympathetic. In the end I decide on a simple black dress and matching hat.

  The emperor comes to collect me at exactly five minutes to five. “Ready to take the first step to becoming Empress of Imram?”

  I choke back the bile in my throat and force a weak smile to my lips. “Yes.”

  “Good.” He tucks my hand in the crook of his arm and escorts me to the square in hub number one.

  When we arrive the square is jammed with more people than I’ve ever seen before. It appears all of Imram is there, until I scan the monitors set up which show more people from the other hub’s squares watching. The amount of people observing isn’t the worst thing, however, it’s the blood thirsty looks on their faces. It terrifies me to see the hate they have for the emperor’s and officials’ wives. And I am about to become one of them...

  The emperor steps up to the podium and pulls me along to stand beside him. “Citizens of Imram, today we will right the wrongs done to us and start a new leadership. From now on your daughters will have a chance to become the elite in the city and bring forth new generations of leaders. In order to bring in the new, we must purge ourselves of the evil in our society.”

  On cue a line of enforcers exit the subway tunnel each with a robed figure in tow. I assume these are the empress and the official’s wives clad in flowing robes, gloves and sacks over their heads. They struggle against their captors in silence. Why aren’t they crying, screaming, or protesting their innocence? Are the sacks over their heads and the rumbling crowds muffling their cries? More likely they have given themselves to the inevitable. Maybe Link and Rafel have let them in on their eminent rescue...

  “Good people of Imram, today marks the turning of a new page in the story of mankind. It starts with the execution of those who ordered the death of your innocent daughters, sisters and nieces.” The Emperor raises his hand to signal the women in the purple gloves from the medical centre to step forward.

  The crowd hushes to absolute silence so eerie it makes the hair on my arms prickle. I don’t want to watch, yet some morbid desire to glues my eyes to the scene. Each syringe of purple liquid is primed. One by one a tiny squirt exits the tip of each needle. The women from the medical centre stand before the prisoners.

  “Let the execution begin.” The emperor nods to the masked enforcer in charge.

  Instead of injecting the serum into the prisoner’s feet the needles are stabbed into their necks right through the hoods.

  “No!” I can’t help my scream of protest and all eyes turn to me. Weak kneed I clutch the podium. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. The Empress wasn’t supposed to be executed. I promised I’d save her.

  Each victim stiffens and then begins to convulse. Why has the usual routine been changed?

  As if reading my mind the emperor leans over. “It was suggested the execution carry some semblance of dignity since those being disposed of were the elite in society.”

  I look to the commanding enforcer. Despite his helmet and dark visor I can tell by his body language it is Link. Was it his idea to offer what little kindness he could to the empress because he knew he’d fail to save her?

  Bile rises in my mouth and I bolt for the concealment of the subway tunnel to wretch. You’d think I’d be used to death by now. Maybe a person never gets used to it. Maybe I just don’t have the substance to lead.

  “Hurry now, this way.”

  Wiping my mouth I look up.

  An enforcer beckons me and heads further in the tunnel. “Ocean, come quickly.”

  Recognizing Rafel’s voice I get to my feet, look over my shoulder to see if anyone is watching and then hurry after him. “Rafel? What happened? Why didn’t you save the empress?”

  “Shhh, we did. Come with me quickly now.” He grasps my hand and tows me to a ventilation shaft. After looking both ways he pops it open. “Get in.”

  I do as I’m told without question.

  “Give me your arm.”

  When I hold out my arm he slips metal cutters beneath my tracking bracelet and snips it in half. He takes the tracker off. “Stay here, don’t make a sound no matter what you hear. I will be back for you as soon as I can.” Without another word he, tucks the bracelet in his pocket, re-secures the vent and jogs off down the tunnel. A moment later a loud explosion rocks the subway. Dirt, cement and debris roll past where I’m crouched in the vent. The lights go out and I’m left in complete blackness. Covering my nose I try to block out the dust and not cough.

  Screams rent the air. A light bobs back and forth. Footsteps pound past. Shouts echo in the tunnel. “223
? Where are you?” I’m undecided whether to answer or not. Rafel told me to stay quiet no matter what and I trust him. Pulling my jacket over my nose I keep silent. More footsteps pass. “She’s gone, Emperor. There’s no sign of her. The subway car is a mangled mess. She’s likely dead.”

  “Lock down the hubs, now!” the emperor commands.

  “Yes, sir. We need to get you safely back to the compound, sir. We’ll have to use the maintenance shaft because the tunnel is blocked by debris.”

  “Lead on.”

  The group moves off down the tunnel. Again I’m left in the dark. The only sounds now are a steady dripping and dirt shifting down the tunnel walls. A whirling sound fills the shaft followed by a cool breeze. The air ventilation system has kicked on. It makes it easier to breathe as it forces clean air past me. Unfortunately, it makes it impossible to hear. Despite the fresh air, I’m sweating. Not because I’m hot, but because I’m starting to feel panicked stuck in the tight dark space. Is Rafel coming back for me? Maybe he’s forgotten me. Maybe he can’t get back to me due to damage...

  The minutes tick by. My throat is dry and the dust is tickling it. Try as I might I can’t summon enough saliva to wet it. The tickle gets progressively worse and worse until I can’t hold back anymore. Choking and sputtering, I try and muffle my coughing fit in my sleeve. Oh no! What if someone hears me? I’m frozen in fear, straining to catch any sound of discovery. When no one comes to investigate I relax and shift into a sitting position with my back up against the cement wall.

  The minutes turn to hours and before long my eyelids start to droop. I know I should stay awake. It won’t hurt to close them for just a moment, will it? Dropping my head to rest on my folded arms,I close my eyes. What is going on in the hubs? Has the emperor doubted the claim I am dead? How are Rafel and Link going to hide me in the hubs? Without the tracking bracelet I can move about, yet the cameras that are almost everywhere will still see me... Yawning, I put the thought from my mind and let sleep claim me.


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