Forbidden Love

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by Maura Seger

  But not even his desperate need could prevent him from assuring that she understood his feelings. Huskily, he murmured, "Roanna, if we had met at any other time, I would have done everything in my power to court you properly and win the approval of your family. You would have become my wife with full observance of all the proprieties. But we both know that is not possible." Echoing her thoughts of a short time before, he said, "We must find another way for I love you far too much to face life without you."

  Joy turned Roanna radiant. Golden flecks shone in her thick-lashed eyes. A becoming flush warmed her cheeks as her arms came up to caress the silken fire of his hair. Wonder trembled through her. "Then show me, Colin. Please."

  The man wasn't born who could resist such entreating. Lifting her gently, he crossed the room in swift strides. With infinite tenderness, he laid her on the large bed covered by a down-filled mattress and soft blankets. His touch never left her as he slipped down beside her.

  His hands gently smoothed her hair as he nestled her into the curve of his arms. After long, tender moments, he asked huskily, "Do you understand what happens between a man and woman when they love?"

  Roanna nodded hesitantly. She knew she was far better informed than most unmarried women of her class. She had grown up surrounded by kind, sensible guardians who saw no reason to make a mystery of anything so fundamental as sex. But she was just now discovering that knowing about something was not the same as doing it

  A shiver of inadequacy ran through her. Colin was undoubtedly accustomed to experienced, skillful women. What if he thought her clumsy or boring?

  The man who held her so tenderly did not miss the trembling of her body, nor did he misjudge its source. A smile touched his hard mouth as he considered how much more confident she would be by morning.

  "Good," he murmured softly, "then you know there is nothing to fear. What will happen between us is natural and beautiful, I promise you that. Now I want you to promise me something in return."

  Wide-eyed, Roanna stared up at him. He was so close she could see the molten glints of his eyes, the shadowy planes and angles of his face giving way to the firm line of his mouth and jaw. Longing to reach out and stroke the faint scar above one eyebrow, she murmured, "Promise what?"

  "That from this moment, you will consider yourself my wife in every way and as such you will withhold nothing from me. If anything displeases or frightens you, you will tell me at once. Later we will fully share the joys of lovemaking, but this time your pleasure is far more important than mine. I want this to be perfect for you."

  Roanna opened her mouth to protest, to tell him she cared far more for his satisfaction. But the words were stopped by lips hard and demanding against her own.


  The word echoed in her-mind as big hands cupped her breasts, the thumbs rubbing with sensual roughness against her nipples. Shivers of rapture undulated through her.

  Helpless, she nodded.

  Chapter 6

  Nothing in Roanna's imaginings had prepared her for the heaven Colin took her to.

  He did not, as she expected, remove her clothes at once and lay her on her back. Rather he seemed determined to prolong the slow buildup of desire until she teetered on the sharp edge between pain and pleasure.

  For long moments, he did no more than kiss and caress her gently. His warm, searching mouth explored the delicate line of her jaw before slipping up to nibble lightly on her ear lobe. Unerringly he found the ultrasensitive pulse points of her throat and savored each. Only then did he at last honor her wordless plea and bring his mouth to hers.

  She learned the feel of his probing tongue and the taste of him, the way his rougher skin teased the softness of her cheeks, the lean strength of his fingers that stroked all around the curve of her breasts while refusing to return to the thrusting nipples that throbbed for his touch.

  Through the thin fabric of her gown, she could feel the straining hardness of his manhood. Men in such a state, she believed, were impatient to satisfy their desire. But Colin was clearly in no such hurry. He laughed throatily at the little purrs coming from her as he slowly slipped the gown from her shoulders. When it rested on the peaks of her breasts, he tilted her head back and smiled tenderly.

  "You are so beautiful, my love. Like a dream come to life."

  To him the words seemed inadequate. They said so little of what he truly felt about the loveliness of her body and spirit But to Roanna, they were exactly the reassurance she needed at that moment

  Nor did he stop there. As each portion of her body was slowly revealed, it was gently, tantalizingly savored until she thought she would go mad from the delicacy of his touch. Still fully clothed, Colin bent over her reverently. Never before in his life had he so delighted in a woman. Not even the burning ache of his fully erect penis could hurry him to completion. Oblivious to the discomfort that was increasing with each moment, he indulged in a full, unbridled exploration of her.

  Roanna moaned brokenly as her small hands pulled at his tunic. She desperately needed to feel his flesh against her own. The warm wetness of his tongue circling her nipples made her arch wildly. When he at last pulled the straining peaks within his mouth to suckle them gently, she writhed beneath him, the smooth softness of her thighs instinctively parting.

  Colin's hand slid down across the silken curve of her belly, His fingers tangled in the honeyed curls, stroking the slight mound before slipping gently between the satiny folds of her womanhood. A groan of delight tore from him as he found her warmly moist

  Rising slightly, he quickly stripped off his clothes. They fell forgotten beside the bed as their bodies lovingly entwined.

  Despite the red haze of rapture engulfing her, Roanna was not content to be only the recipient of pleasure. Her hands roamed over him at will, discovering the bulging muscles of his shoulders and back, the taut line of his waist and hips, the hard contours of his buttocks.

  Nor was the rest of her body still. Her breasts, brushing against the velvety steel of his chest, relished each sinewy contour. A tiny gasp escaped her as she encountered the big, straining hardness lying hot against her. Tentatively she moved her leg, touching him with the inner softness of her thigh.

  An agonized gasp tore from Colin. He had at all cost to prevent her from arousing him further. One more brush of her flesh against him and he would have no choice but to enter her swiftly.

  Determined to prevent that, he slid lower in the bed, Roanna murmured in protest, until she realized what he intended. The murmur turned to a gasp of shock.

  Gently but inexorably, Colin forced her legs wide apart. Big hands squeezed her buttocks as he lifted them high enough to slide a pillow beneath her.

  Some remnant of modesty made her realize that she was now fully exposed to his gaze. She tried to draw her legs together, but Colin would not allow it. Holding her open, he explored the silken cleft of her womanhood with his eyes and hand.

  When she was twisting frantically on the bed, soft mews tearing from her, he allowed his finger to circle the tiny entrance to her lingeringly before slipping carefully inside. Her passage was gratifyingly wet but also small and tight and he could easily feel her maidenhead.

  He had hoped that with the vigorous life she led, the barrier would be thin and fragile. But instead it firmly resisted the slight pressure he applied.

  The reminder of her vulnerability to pain was sufficient to restore his hard-pressed control. Slipping an arm beneath her hips, he held her firmly. The downy curls were brushed aside as he found the hidden bud glistening with her desire. Carefully, he touched the calloused tip of his finger to it pressing gently in a slow, circular motion.

  Roanna bit down hard on her lip to stifle a scream, found that she could not and was forced to let it out. The sound exalted Colin. Her sensuality thrilled him. Achingly aware of how much trust she must place in him to respond so unrestrainedly, he moved to taste her intimately.

  Roanna's head jerked up, stunned surprise darkening her
amber eyes. "Oh, no! Don't. . . !"

  "Oh, yes!" Colin laughed. He held her immobile as she struggled.

  In the small part of her mind still capable of thought, Roanna was shocked that he would want to touch her like that With all the superstitions she knew men harbored about menstrual blood and other womanly mysteries, she had thought her private places would be felt only by his manhood. Now realizing what he intended, she was terrified that he might find her taste or smell displeasing. Far too innocent to guess how exciting Colin considered both, she could only twist futilely in his hold.

  "Y-you said you would not do anything ... if I-I asked you not to. . . ."

  For a brief moment conscience warred with certain knowledge. He had promised her.. . . But on the other hand, she could not begin to suspect how he could make her feel.

  "Roanna, trust me. You'll find this very. . . pleasant ..."

  Pleasant? Surely he must know how far beyond simple pleasure he had already taken her? Her body felt about to explode into a thousand shimmering fragments. The sensation both awed and frightened her. Once more she tried to close her legs.

  Colin hesitated, but only for an instant. Carefully yet with resolute intent he bent her to his will. His strength was so overwhelming that there was no possibility she could escape. Her eyes glistened briefly with frustration, but the tears vanished as waves of ecstasy undulated through her.

  Her knees were bent her small, perfectly formed feet resting over his shoulders. His arms were stretched between her limbs, holding her in exactly the position he wanted, his hands grasping her buttocks. Implacably he lifted her into his caress.

  At the first touch of his tongue against her, Roanna cried out. Surely she could not survive this. Her body was turning to molten flame. She was an incandescent being swept by an ever increasing firestorm of rapture. The muscles of her abdomen clenched spasmodically. Her back arched, her head tossing widely.

  That tiny, hidden part of her that she had been only distantly aware of was swelling into radiant Me. The soft tissues beneath it tightened with exquisitely building tension that could be freed only by his touch. But Colin withheld it He savored her everywhere else, but not until she was almost delirious with need did he bring her to release. As gently as he had with her nipples, he first licked and tasted her before drawing her into his mouth. His teeth raked carefully at the soft, palpitating bud as his tongue flicked over her relentlessly.

  Roanna's hands grasped his massive shoulders in desperation. Nothing mattered except to somehow hold onto him as the world quaked through long, powerful shudders that built and built until at last the pressure could no longer be sustained. The explosion shattered her very sense of herself. She was hurtled far from consciousness to a realm where there was no thought reason, or restraint. Only absolute, blinding ecstasy that left her at once utterly satisfied and drained. It was almost too great an effort to open her eyes, but when she did so she was rewarded by the sight of Colin smiling down at her with infinite tenderness. He looked highly pleased with both himself and her.

  "I suppose it would be ungentlemanly to say I told you so."

  "I might manage to forgive you," Roanna murmured breathlessly. She had traveled such a great distance that she could hardly believe she was back in the quiet room with the man who had taken her to such ecstasy. The expression in his eyes made her throat tighten. It was so .. . loving. .. .

  Sitting up slightly so that she could see him more clearly, she smiled shyly. "I'm beginning to understand what all the fuss is about"

  "Just beginning?" he whispered, his lips moving against her throat

  "Well... I might need a few more lessons."

  He was relieved to hear it After the intense orgasm she had just experienced, she might have wanted only to sleep. If that were the case, he would be left in acute distress. But instead she seemed to more than eager to continue. Silently thanking God for sending him such an incredible woman, Colin drew her closer.

  Roanna's eyes widened in surprise. Not crediting what she had felt against her thigh, she reached a hand down hesitantly. The long, thick hardness it encountered amazed her.

  "Oh! You're still... I mean, you didn't. .." flustered, she broke off. Her mind told her she was behaving with incredible immodesty and should remove her hand at once. Some other, far stronger voice told her the time for modesty was long passed. She kept her hand where it was.

  Colin's huge body shook with joy at her touch. Gently, reassuringly, he moved his own hand over hers, showing her how best to please him. She caught on instantly, and was delighted by the results. Fascinated at being able to stir him so, she was disappointed when Colin abruptly moved away from her.

  No vestige of prudery remained to prevent her from protesting, "I don't want to stop. . . Please. . ."

  "We aren't stopping," he assured her huskily. "But I want to be inside you now." Roanna's instinctive skill made his need urgent His self-control was on the verge of shattering.

  "Oh . . ." The words shivered through her. Of course, he would want that. And suddenly she found that she did too, very much.

  The moment she had heard girls speak of with so much dread passed in such gentle beauty that Roanna could scarcely believe it. Lying above her, Colin carefully opened and stretched her passage before moving to take her fully. He caught her tiny cry, far more of pleasure than of pain, in his mouth as he thrust slowly and cautiously within her. The barrier so weakened by his gentle touch and by the ecstasy he had already given her broke easily.

  With his weight supported by his arms and legs, Roanna was free to move beneath him. She caught his pace quickly, her hips rising and falling with each exquisite stroke.

  The full possession of her body was so enticing that Colin knew he could not endure much longer. To his delight, he found he did not have to. The hot, moist velvet sheathing him began to contract in long, slow undulations.

  Groaning with pleasure, Colin took one rosy nipple into his mouth, suckling it with the same rhythm of his manhood moving within her. Not even the ecstasy Roanna had experienced a few minutes before had prepared her for the explosion of joy that tore through her now, made all the more intense by the knowledge that this time Colin was with her. Together they found the furthest limits of rapture before drifting slowly back to earth.

  "Yes," she murmured a long time later when she was at last able to speak. "I finally understand why this is so popular."

  "I'm delighted to hear it," Colin teased. "Otherwise, I wouldn't be sure you had enjoyed yourself."

  Blushing, she took a playful swat at him. "You look rather content yourself."

  "Far more than that." Bantering gave way to loving sincerity. "You are the woman I have longed for all my life, but had almost given up all hope of ever finding."

  Tears of happiness turned Roanna's eyes to shimmering topazes. Utterly satisfied, she snuggled against him. They drifted off to sleep entwined in each other's arms.

  After such exertion, they might have expected to slumber through the night But their bodies had other ideas. The moon was still high in the sky when hunger of a different but no less compelling sort woke them.

  Giggling like children, they scampered into their clothes and made their way to the kitchen occupying a long wooden building next to the great hall. The watch guards who noted their progress hand in hand across the bailey kept their expressions rigorously blank. If their lord had decided to avenge his cousin in some way which left his hostage looking languorously radiant, that was entirely his affair.

  Back in Roanna's chamber, they happily devoured slices of chicken and mutton, bread baked with honey and chopped nuts, and fragrant cheeses washed down by wine. Throughout the meal they talked of what most interested them, each other.

  "Why haven't you married?" Roanna asked, finally daring to voice the question that had bothered her for days. How had such a magnificent man who was clearly aware of his duty to his people managed to escape the bonds of matrimony? Or had he?

  "I was marrie
d," Colin explained gently, "ten years ago when I was eighteen. My wife's name was Catherine. She was the daughter of one of my father's closest allies. It was his last wish that we wed."

  "What happened to her?" Roanna murmured, fighting down her resentment at the thought of him belonging to any other woman.

  "She died in childbed about a year later. The child died with her. I blamed myself because she was so young, only fifteen, and she hadn't wanted the marriage, hadn't wanted to be a wife in any way. Afterward, when I was able to put at least some of the grief behind me, I resolved to learn two things: how to bring a woman to the pleasure men take for granted but which I was never able to give to my wife, and how to heal so that I would never again have to watch someone's life drain away while I stood by helpless."

  Deeply moved by his revelation, Roanna reached out to gently stroke his cheek. "You learned both most thoroughly. For you have saved my life and shown me ecstasy beyond anything I could have imagined."

  Colin drank in the comfort she offered like a man parched by the unrelenting sun. He had never spoken of his wife since her death, burying his guilt deep within him even as it spurred him to become the man he now was. But the gentle balm Roanna gave allowed him to see the past in proper perspective. Whatever he should or should not have done, it was over. This was the present bright with the promise of everything he had ever longed for. He marveled at his immense good fortune as he gently gathered her into his arms.

  "What about you? How did you reach the elderly age of nineteen without being at least betrothed?"

  Roanna laughed softly against his bare chest. Once back inside they had not hesitated to strip off their clothes. She was finding the sight of him naked in the firelight Iflte a bronzed god to be highly distracting.

  "You can thank—or blame—my brother for that. He has been reluctant to inflict me on any poor male."


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