The Distance Between Us (Mac Security Series Book 3)

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The Distance Between Us (Mac Security Series Book 3) Page 9

by Abigail Davies

I open my mouth but words don’t come. He’s never been like this with me, never claiming me as his. I’m just a stop-gap, something to get his rocks off. But this, this has never happened before.

  “God, I love this pussy,” he confesses, right before his hand comes between us, flicking at my clit and sending me off like a rocket for the second time.

  My pussy clamps around him, milking him as his own orgasm slams through him.

  It feels like it lasts forever and by the time his head rests on my chest, I know I don’t have much longer before all this is over.

  It’s always over.

  “I should go,” I say, my voice soft and gentle.

  “No,” he murmurs into my neck, pulling back slightly and smiling softly at me. “You’re not going anywhere.”


  “You’re gonna get your sexy ass into that shower and I’m gonna join you, then you’re gonna put on one of my t-shirts and we’re gonna sit and watch some crappy TV together.”

  “We are?” I ask, the frown on my forehead deepening with every word he says.

  “We are, just like we used to.”

  He pulls out of me, pushing up off the bed and holds his hand out to me, his brows raised, waiting to see what I do.

  I look from his hand to his face and back again.

  It somehow feels like taking his hand is a big decision, like some kind of barrier will be broken down by doing so. I don’t know when or how it happened, but I know that if I don’t take his hand, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life.

  My brain is screaming at me to run, but my heart, my heart is telling me to grab his hand and to never let go. My stomach tenses at the thought of getting dressed and walking out of here like I have every other single time. It’s not what I want, I know that much and as my eyes meet his again, the brown in them sparkling with nothing but the truth, I know that this is where I should be, right here, with him.

  My hand slowly lifts to his and when he curls his fingers around mine, I know I’ve made the right decision.

  Walking into the precinct, everyone looks at me like I’m a foreign object as I make my way through the main area and into the pit with a big-ass grin on my face.

  I’m not even halfway to my office before Kurt is asking, “What’s got you so fucking happy?”

  I just smile wider and make my way to my office, not giving a damn about anything or anyone. I’ve had the best goddamn twenty-four hours in years and nothing or nobody will change the way I feel right now.

  I log into my computer, clicking straight onto my emails and going through all the boring stuff.

  Nobody told me when I joined the police force that I’d be up to my eyeballs in paperwork. Sometimes I feel like a fucking secretary. Everybody thinks that you’re out there constantly saving lives and keeping the streets safe. Yeah, I do that too, but not as often as I’d like to.

  Once all my emails are caught up on, I make my way into the pit, ready to get an update on the murder case at Wayward.

  “Suspect has been charged, court date is to be made,” Kurt says, pulling the photos off the board. “A tip came in this morning from one of the CIs.”

  I wave my hand for him to continue and lean against the desk opposite the whiteboard. There’s seven of us in this unit, including me. Kurt is my go-to guy, the one who I know I can rely on, no matter what. Then there’s Sanchez, Derrick, Mick, Jane, and Leroy. Together we make our unit and we pride ourselves on not having lost a case yet. Unless you include any that are against the May family. For years now we’ve been trying to get something on them. No matter what we get, nothing ever sticks. Every time we think we have something solid, they’re out of here within hours thanks to their fancy lawyers.

  “Word on the street is that Jonny has a shipment due in this week,” Sanchez says, gaining all of our attention. He runs his hands through his ink black hair, short on the sides, longer on the top and styled in that way that makes it look like you woke up like that when it’s actually taken about half an hour to style it. Why people spend their time on that shit I don’t know.

  His brown skin is covered in tattoos, half of which I know he hates, but going deep undercover years ago, he had no choice but to get most of them and he says it’ll hurt like hell to get them removed so he just keeps them.

  “What kind of shipment?” I ask, perking up at the sound of Jonny’s name. If I can take him down soon, that’ll mean that Kitty can get the hell out of there.

  “Guns and drugs, double whammy.” Sanchez wiggles his brows up and down, a knowing smirk on his lips.

  My mind starts spinning, this could be it, this could be our chance to take him down once and for all.

  “Sanchez, get your CI in here, we need all the info we can get. Mick, Derrick, get on the streets, grill your CIs, see if the info checks out. Kurt, Jane, contact all of the shipping companies in the area, see what’s coming in and out, try and find that shipment.” I push up off the desk, walk to my office and grab my sports jacket and an extra gun. “Leroy, you’re with me. Let’s go.”

  I walk back out of the precinct, Leroy hot on my heels as I head straight to my car. We both jump in and I start the engine, speeding out of there and heading straight for Ty’s compound. Leroy doesn’t ask me where we’re going, but he’s a nosey fuck, so before he asks, I decide to fill him in.

  “Kitty is undercover.”

  “Huh?” he asks, turning his eyes to me. One blue and one brown. I’ve never seen anyone with eyes like that until he came to work in my unit, it still freaks me out sometimes. He says it’s because his mom is a blond haired, blue eyed girl with the palest skin you’ve ever seen and his dad is African-American. It certainly gets him extra attention from the ladies so I know he loves it.

  “Mac Security,” I huff. When he nods in acknowledgement, I continue. “Kitty went undercover a few weeks back, working in Diva’s, they’re trying to get something on Jonny.”

  “Oh, shit.”

  Yeah, oh shit is exactly my sentiment.

  I wait for someone to open the gates when we get to the compound and park next to the main warehouse, knowing that they’ll all be in a meeting.

  We make our way inside and are greeted by several sets of eyes, but I don’t give anyone time to say anything.

  “We need to talk,” I say, my tone commanding.

  “In case you forgot,” Ty practically growls, standing up and planting his hands on the table. “This is my place, you want to talk? You book a fucking appointment and don’t come barging in here like we’re going to drop everything!”

  I roll my neck from side to side, not having time for this shit. “We have intel on Jonny.”

  Ty frowns but doesn’t back down from his position. However much he knows that this is important, he won’t show it.

  “Talk,” he growls, sitting back down and waving his hand to the only empty seat. Kitty’s chair.

  Pulling out the chair, I sit down, scanning all of their faces. Kay sits next to Ty, a worried look on her face as Luke sits across from her, not showing one bit of emotion. I turn my eyes to Evan, his fingers flying across the keyboard on his laptop and finally turn my eyes back to Ty.

  “We’ve had a tip that he’s getting a shipment in this week, drugs and guns, we’re gonna get him.”

  “And what about Kitty?” Kay asks.

  “She needs to get out, like right fucking now. If things go south and they find out someone talked, she could be in the firing line.”

  “Fuck!” Luke slams his fist down on the table, standing up as he does. “I fucking said that it was a bad idea for her to go in alone!”

  “Calm the fuck down,” Ty groans, his head in his hands. “I can’t get hold of Kitty, her burner has been out of service for two days now.”

  “He could have killed her already!” Luke starts to pace in front of the table, coming to a standstill in front of Leroy and sneering at him before walking back to his seat.

  “I saw her a couple of hours ago, she’s fin
e.” It’s out of my mouth before I even realize it.

  “What do you mean you saw her a couple of hours ago?” Luke growls, leaning on the table and getting right in my face. He drops his voice to a whisper. “You fuck her and leave her again? Huh?”

  “What the fuck did you just say?” I stand up so fast that the chair goes flying across the concrete floor and Leroy is at my side in a flash.

  “You fucking heard me.” Luke comes forward, nose to nose with me now, but I have a couple of inches on the fucker.

  “What Kitty and I do is none of your business!”

  “The fuck it isn’t! You ain’t the one who has to console her when she comes home crying because you used her, yet again!”


  “You… ain’t the one who has to tell her that it’ll get better!”

  “Stop!” My eyes swing to Kay as she demands all of our attention. “This isn’t helping, we need to make a plan. Luke? If you can’t be civil then go home.”

  “I ain’t leaving him to look after her, he never did before and he never will.”

  “I swear to fucking God—” I grind out, my hands clenching into fists.

  “No!” Kay shouts as I take a step toward Luke. “There will not be any of that here, all of you, sit the hell down!”

  It’s then that I notice that Evan is the only one sitting down, still typing away on his laptop. My eyes move to Ty and I wince at the look on his face, jaw tensed and mouth in a grim line.

  Slowly, we all sit back down and wait for someone to talk.

  “Charlie, keep us informed on the investigation, you need any help then you know where we are. We can handle Kitty from here on out,” Ty tells me.

  I open my mouth to tell him that ain’t happening. There’s no way that I’m leaving Kitty in there with no protection, but Ty’s growl low in his throat stops me.

  “Fine,” I sigh, standing up and scanning all of them. “I’ll keep you informed, but the minute you suspect Kitty may be in trouble, you call me.”

  I can feel that something isn’t right as soon as I walk into Diva’s. It hasn’t been for the last few days, something has been… off. I can’t explain it, can’t put my finger on it, but it’s there, screaming at me.

  At first, I thought it was me feeling differently after my day and night spent with Charlie, but today I realize that it’s not me. Something is going down and my fingers itch with the need to find out what it could be.

  The club is busier, people coming in and out, all heading straight to Jonny to go and talk to him in his booth. He’s not in a good mood today, hasn’t been since the night I took a cab home. He’s hardly said two words to me and I’m thankful in a way. The lines were blurring and now things with Charlie seem to be progressing, I need to nip it all in the bud with Jonny before I lose myself even more. I just want to go home but I know I have a job to finish first.

  I walk the tray of drinks over, taking my time as I listen in on people’s conversations. So far I’ve gathered that there’s a big shipment coming in, or has come in, I can’t quite work out the logistics, but what I do know is that something is happening tonight, the extra security Jonny has pulled in tells me that much.

  Placing the drinks on the table, I start to pour them, handing them to each person sitting in the booth. As I turn away, Jonny calls me over.

  I place a fake smile on my face and move closer, my stomach dipping at the fierce look on his face.

  “You need to go home.”

  I frown, thinking that I heard him wrong. “Home?”

  “Yeah,” he says, standing up and wrapping his hand around my bicep. “You shouldn’t be here tonight.”

  He walks me over to the bar, his hand gripping me gently but firmly at the same time. I can see the look of concern on his face and just as I’m about to ask him what’s going on, gunshots go off.

  Jonny pushes me down, crouching over me and pulling his own gun out. He lifts up, firing several shots and then crouches back down again, assessing me for injuries.

  “You good?” he asks.

  “Yeah,” I reply, working my hand down to my ankle and pulling my own gun out.

  “You need to get out of here!” He’s shouting now, trying to be heard over the gunshots.

  I spot someone lift a gun out of the corner of my eye and lift up into a crouch, firing a shot into the middle of the guy’s forehead who was about to shoot Jonny.

  “What the—”

  “What can I say?” I smirk. “I’m a good shot.”

  His eyes widen as several bullets come flying our way, splintering the wood of the bar, making my heartbeat thrum louder and harder in my chest. I dive behind the bar, needing some kind of protection between me and the bullets.

  I squeal and lift my gun as Jonny jumps over the bar, his own gun lifted as he waits for the gunshots to slow down. One breaks through the wood of the bar and shatters the glass of one of the fridges before I lift up, shooting off a whole clip before coming back down beside Jonny.

  Together we try to keep our area clear. The shots are like music to my ears after a while and I get transported back to the first time I learned how to shoot a gun. My dad said that I needed to know how to protect myself, in case I was ever in a situation where Dean couldn’t protect me. Little did he know that he was putting me on my life’s path, away from him and all the media, away from all the politics. And most importantly, away from Canada.

  I lift up again, Jonny by my side as we fire off several shots. Everything seems to happen in slow motion, I see the guy standing in front of us, gun raised and aiming for me, I duck down but I’m not fast enough, and then the burning, the burning in my arm is too much to handle and my head spins, my breathing becoming labored.

  I look down at my arm as Jonny crouches back behind the bar after firing a shot into the guy’s throat, watching the red blood flowing from the bullet wound.

  As soon as my body catches up with my mind, the adrenaline wearing off, I scream. Fuck me, that hurts!

  “Kitty!” Jonny shouts, but I can’t hear him properly. My ears are buzzing, my hand grasping at my arm, desperately trying to stop the blood flow.

  The noise of the gunshots stops, or am I imagining that? I’m not quite sure. Either way, Jonny’s face comes into view, blood smeared across his cheek. His hands cover mine as he screams for Giovanni.

  My head slumps against the bar, lolling to the side as I watch people rush to him.

  “You’re hurt,” I croak, my hand cupping his cheek where a bullet must have grazed him.

  “I’m fine,” he says, but I can tell it must hurt him because his jaw is clenched. “I should have protected you better.”

  “The bullet’s still in there, boss, you want me to get the doc?”

  “No,” Jonny growls, moving his arm under my legs and around my back, standing up with me.

  My head goes to his shoulder and it takes all of my energy not to scream out as it jolts my arm. Giovanni keeps the pressure on my arm as Jonny walks us from around the back of the bar and to the door. Bodies are scattered on the floor, red blood flowing out of their bullet wounds and into the dark, plush carpet. I squeeze my eyes shut, not wanting to see any of it.

  “Truman! Get the fucking car!”

  I take a deep breath as the fresh air hits me, gritting my teeth and trying my best to stay awake, but between the burning in my bicep and the way my breathing is, I know it’s only a matter—

  “Kitty? Stay with me, darlin’.”

  “I... I…”

  The sharp turn of the corner jolts me awake and I gasp, my eyes springing open and looking around me.

  What the hell is going on?

  My eyes connect with Jonny’s and I can see the worry in them but also something else. Curiosity maybe?

  I try to swallow against my dry throat, my legs are stretched out on the back seat with my head in his lap, his hands putting pressure on the bullet wound. I can’t believe I was shot.

  This is not how it was
meant to go down, I wasn’t meant to get hurt. Fuck!

  “Kitty?” his rough voice asks.

  I bring my eyes up to his and croak, “Yeah?”

  “I’m taking you to the hospital.” I open my mouth to say something but the shake of his head stops me. “I need you to keep your mouth shut.”


  “I mean it,” he warns.

  “Okay.” I wince at how pathetic I sound and a whimper leaves my throat as I try to move my arm. I know exactly what he’s saying without him having to explain; I know better than to talk about it, at least not unless I want to see myself in danger. It’d be different if I had put together a whole case and was able to use it against him to get the cartel, which was the original plan. But plans don’t always go how you need them to.

  “Keep still.” His hands put more pressure on my wound and I try my best not to move, but whoever the hell is driving needs some lessons because he’s shit at it. “And you’re gonna tell me how and when you learned to shoot like that.”

  I don’t try to answer him this time because I have no idea what to say. I could tell him the truth but that means opening up to him and letting him know who I really am.

  My mind isn’t working like it normally does, any other time I’d have a cover story, something to cover my ass, but I’m coming up empty right now so it’s best that I keep my mouth shut.

  The SUV finally comes to a stop and the bright lights of the emergency room shine through the windows. I’m lifted in the air and cradled against Jonny’s body. The lights overhead making me wince. Why are they so bright?

  There’s voices, someone shouting at Jonny to put me on the bed, my back hits it and several new faces come into view. There’s a rush of people, my top being cut open and for a moment, I want to cry because I’m in so much pain.

  “You need to leave,” a harsh voice says.

  “No way in hell am I leaving,” Jonny growls back.

  I turn my head, trying to see him and catch his gaze.

  “You’ll be okay, darlin’,” he says, crouching down beside me and wiping away the hair that’s fallen onto my face. “I promise.”


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