Pretend To Be Mine (Ramsey Billionaire Brothers Series Book 1)

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Pretend To Be Mine (Ramsey Billionaire Brothers Series Book 1) Page 7

by Suzie Nelson

  “He won’t do that, I already told you.” Danica was sick of repeating herself but Chelsea wasn’t going to trust Jordan so easily.

  “Oh, he will. When the questions get too difficult, he will make you the scapegoat. You have to be willing to tell everyone that it was his people that came to us first. It was their idea to start the fake relationship so that they could hush-up the child labor scandal. We can remind everyone of that dirty little secret and then we will see who the media condemns.” Chelsea was talking out loud but not for Danica’s benefit. The cogs of her brain were turning and she was thinking of all the different angles they could use to make Danica look innocent. “If we have to, I can leak the contract and the emails, it will show that they started this whole thing.”

  Danica didn’t like the way Chelsea was thinking and she didn’t want to be involved in any underhanded plots. “No, Chelsea. I’m not going to play the blame game with them. We can sit down with Jordan and his people and come up with a plan that benefits everyone. There is no need to leak anything.”

  Chelsea gave Danica a flippant look as though she thought everything Danica said was naive. “I’m not letting you anywhere near that interview unless we have a backup plan. Don’t think they aren’t doing exactly the same thing right now.”

  Danica stood up and grabbed her handbag. “We do this my way, Chelsea. I will do the interview with Jordan, together with one plan and if he tries to blame me then sure…we will do it your way.” She walked over to the doorway exhausted from the whole morning’s drama. “My way first, Chelsea, and I’ll know if you’ve gone behind my back and leaked anything.” Danica gave her manager a stern look to show that she would be willing to take action if anything happened against her instructions. Then she walked out leaving Chelsea pacing her office.


  Danica couldn’t believe how out of control everything was; her phone had been ringing relentlessly from reporters and friends trying to find out what was going on. Eventually, she switched it off and unplugged the landline in her apartment so that the bombardment would stop. She had informed the doorman not to let anyone in and that she didn’t want to be buzzed every five minutes about people wanting to see her. All Danica wanted to do was hide away in her apartment until everyone forgot her name.

  She took some time to scroll through the online magazines and watch the TV, but they all repeated the same stuff:

  “Ramsey affair’s just a show.”

  “Danica Cliffe using fame to become a fashion designer!”

  How could she ever enter the world of fashion now? No one would take her seriously as a designer even though she had the qualifications and skill to make it. Danica buried her head in her hands and sobbed to herself not knowing what she had done to deserve such misfortune. The intercom suddenly started to buzz and Danica looked up furious that her doorman couldn’t follow simple instructions. She tried to ignore it but it just kept on buzzing. Danica stormed over and held her finger down on the button.

  “I said I didn’t want to be bothered!” Danica shouted into the crackly speaker.

  “I’m sorry, Miss Cliffe, but there is a Jordan Ramsey here to see you. He said that he won’t leave until he sees you.” The poor doorman sounded as upset as Danica felt and she instantly felt sorry for barking at him.

  “You can send him up, Johnny. Thanks.” Danica released her finger and leaned against the door wondering if she should even speak to Jordan. Everything was such a mess between them and she still had Chelsea’s warning in the back of her mind.

  Danica wanted to trust Jordan, to believe that everything that had passed between them was real but how could she when apparently everyonewas blaming her for everything?

  A heavy knock at the door jolted her from her thoughts and she turned to open it. “Jordan.” Danica partially opened the door and just stood there in her white PJ’s waiting for Jordan to speak.

  “Thanks for letting me up. I had to see you.” Jordan was dressed in a black shirt, dark jeans and a cream overcoat which showed the signs of rain outside. His hair was slightly wet and Danica couldn’t help but think he looked as handsome as ever. “Can I come in?” He looked at her with an obvious expression of confusion as she was still holding the door half closed. “We need to talk about all this, Danica. It’s not just all this media crap, you know. There’s us too.” Jordan stood vulnerable, willing to be honest with her and in that moment she saw the man she had fallen so easily for. How could she have doubted him?

  “Of course, come in.” She opened the door wider and let Jordan pass by her. Her nose caught a hint of his scent and it flooded her mind with the memory of them making love. She thought about how he had held her naked against the wall in the lobby and how he had pleasured her there with just kisses.

  “I’ve been trying to call you all afternoon but it was just going straight to voicemail. Barrack has been trying to get a hold of Chelsea but she won’t take his call.” Jordan stopped talking and looked straight at Danica. She wasn’t listening to anything he said, only staring at him like she was in a trance. “Are you okay?”

  Unable to control herself and wanting to feel his hands all over her again, Danica rushed straight over to him and grabbed his face with both of her hands. She kissed him passionately, tugging his hair with her fingers. In one moment, she jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist while he clutched her thighs. Everything in her body and heart told her that she wanted this man; that she had to be with him and, in a surge of lust, she pulled his head back and looked into his dark brown eyes. “Tell me you want me.”

  Jordan had come here to discuss their media problems but he had also hoped that they could talk about continuing their secret relationship; Danica’s reaction was a happy surprise. “Of course I want you, my beautiful angel. Fuck everything else, I just want you.”

  They continued to kiss fiercely. Danica removed Jordan’s coat and unbuttoned his shirt. Still holding her in his arms, Jordan walked over to the nearest sofa and carefully sat himself down with Danica straddling him. The desire between them was mutual, they only wantedto be in each other’s arms, to have their limbs entwined in lust and their hearts soothed with each other’s company. Jordan grabbed Danica’s long white T-shirt and lifted it over her head to reveal her bare olive skin beneath. She was a goddess, a blonde, blue-eyed queen that only had eyes for him.

  His hands were everywhere - over her back, breasts, legs... Ever since she left his penthouse, Jordan missed the sensation of touching her warm soft body. He then placed one hand between her thighs and gently touched her pussy. She was quickly becoming wet under his strokes.

  Danica arches her back and moaned in delight. Her perky breasts were level with his face, so Jordan happily tongued her nipples. The feeling of them hardening in his mouth was driving him mad.

  All of their troubles had faded away as they were lost in their mutual lust. Jordan continued to kiss Danica’s breasts and chest but she suddenly lifted herself from his lap.

  “I want you now, Jordan. I want you to have me just as you did the first time.” Danica was about to kneel on the sofa but Jordan quickly stood up and held her arm.

  Something about seeing her naked in front of him, in all her natural glory, had made Jordan want to tell Danica exactly how he felt. “Wait, there’s something I have to tell you first.”

  Confused, Danica looked up at him wondering why he had stopped their passionate encounter to talk. “What is it?”

  “No matter what happens with the media and all that crap about our fake relationship, I want you to know now, right in this moment, that I love you. Everything we said to each other the other night still stands…I want to be with you. No matter what it costs us.” Jordan still held onto Danica’s arm. He felt vulnerable sharing his feeling with her. She was so precious to him. So beautiful and innocent. No other woman has ever made him feel the same way as Danica did.

  Seductively, Danica smiled at him and started to loosen his belt. “I meant what I said
too, Jordan. I love you.” She pressed her lips onto his, dropped his pants and rubbed his hard penis. Cheekily, she pulled away and moved back over to the sofa. “Now, are you going to fuck me like I asked or carry on talking like a girl?” Danica winked at him while she put her knees on the sofa and then placed her hands against the back wall.

  Jordan adored everything about her. She was playful, honest and the most attractive woman he had ever seen. Excited to carry on, Jordan quickly ripped open a condom and made his way over to his waiting love. He gently started to stroke her back as she kneeled eagerly on the couch. “Open your legs wider.” Danica parted her legs and Jordan placed his hand back on her clitoris. She was wet and inviting. With a single finger, Jordan made gentle circles as he felt her legs quiver.

  With his other hand, he cupped her left breast and fondled her nipple. Danica swayed back and forth as she groaned with pleasure. “Make me cum, Jordan. Fuck me hard and make me cum.”

  Jordan loved to hear her shout out the orders as he controlled every sense in her body. He moved his hand away and then slowly rubbed his penis along the outside of her moist vagina teasing Danica with the inevitable penetration. Then, just before she was able to shout out again, he placed himself fully inside her and she gave out a load moan. He thrust while holding onto her hips, pumping and pumping feeling her vagina tightening around his cock.

  Just as he had done before, Jordan took a handful of Danica’s golden hair and pulled her up towards him. Her back was fully arched and he could see her round tits and hard nipples. He reached his hand down and took one of her breasts in his hand. He started to rub his hand over her nipple creating a little bit of friction which awakened her nerves. Still holding her hair, Jordan leaned his head beside hers and kissed her neck while slowly thrusting deeper inside her. “I want you to cum for me.”

  “Yes,” Danica sighed out. She could feel herself getting close. “Keep fucking me, don’t stop.”

  Jordan released her hair and then pushed her back forward so that she was fully bent over. Then, increasing his thrusts, Jordan started to pound harder and faster than ever before, aroused by Danica screaming out his name. As he reached his limit, he held her thighs tightly and together they orgasmed, feeling each other’s limbs give out and their energy wane. They collapsed side by side on the couch, panting like tired dogs but still folded up in each other’s arms.

  For a few minutes, they lay there just stroking each other’s smooth skin both thinking of the nightmare that waited for them outside their safe haven.

  “So what did you come over to talk about?” Danica was the first one to break the silence even though she felt it preposterous that they had to pretend to have a relationship when they actually loved each other.

  “Barrack has arranged for us to go on the Morning Daily show the day after tomorrow. They wanted us tomorrow morning but we need time to figure out what we are going to say,” Jordan said the same words that Barrack had put in his mouth only a few hours earlier.

  “Chelsea would never agree to tomorrow morning either. She was in a state when I went to her office.” Danica thought back to how frustrated and stressed her manager looked but it was all part of handling world famous clients.

  “Yeah, Barrack isn’t exactly a picture of serene bliss – you would think it was happening to them!” Jordan squeezed his arm tighter as he held onto Danica. “But we will get through this together, Danica. I won’t let this ruin us.”

  Chapter 8

  “We need to remember our position.” Chelsea pressed the button for the elevator and then, impatiently tapping her foot, she waited for the doors to open. “I know you like Jordan and his people but we are here to protect our interests, Danica. Even if his fashion label fails, Jordan will still be one of the billion dollar Ramsey brothers. We need to protect you.” Chelsea had dressed the part of a manager today in an all-black power suit and bright red silk shirt. Her matching red lips narrowed her face and Danica couldn’t help but stare as her manager continued to outline the agenda.

  “I don’t think you realize how serious this is for your career. I’ve already had three shows drop you in just one day.If we don’t do something you will have no career to talk about by the end of the week.” The elevator doors opened and as they stepped inside, Danica wondered if she could survive the short journey up to Jordan’s apartment with Chelsea breathing down her neck.

  “Did they say why they dropped me?” Danica had dressed in a simple white blouse and short denim skirt which highlighted her natural curves.

  “Oh, they made different excuses but they didn’t need to say anything. You’ve never been dropped once and now three in one day – it’s bloody obvious, isn’t it?” Chelsea held onto her dark ladies briefcase which contained several documents for their morning meeting with Jordan and Barrack. “In all seriousness, I think we should be asking Jordan to reimburse your lost income from all this mess; after all, it was their plan to have you two fake dating. They should pay.”

  “Don’t. Don’t ask that.” Danica didn’t want the meeting to turn into a screaming fight over a few lost wages but she could feel Chelsea gazing at her with annoyance.

  “Why shouldn’t they pay? This is their cock-up, you’re just the innocent party caught up in the crossfire.” Chelsea glared at Danica as the elevator lights indicated that they had reached the top floor.

  “We all agreed, didn’t we? Just leave it and focus on the deal with the Morning Daily show.” The doors opened just as Danica had finished talking and she walked straight out into the lobby without waiting for Chelsea.

  Jordan jumped up from the couch where he and Barrack were seated and headed towards Danica. He wanted to reach out, take her hand and give her a welcome kiss but as they were still keeping their relationship a secret, he simply smiled and welcomed them in. “Good morning Danica, Chelsea. I’m glad that you could both come over and talk through this whole mess.”

  Chelsea gave him a sly look and walked straight past him and over to Barrack. Danica cringed inside at her manager’s behavior but they both had to keep calm and not show anyone their true feelings.

  “’s good to see you.” Barrack held out his hand for Chelsea to shake but she flung her case onto the table and started to remove her paperwork. Barrack looked over at Jordan with a concerned expression as they all sat down around the coffee table.

  “As far as I am concerned, you two boys have caused this whole nightmare for my client. You instigated the deal and arranged for the meeting in the diner,” Chelsea looked at both Jordan and Barrack with unwavering resolve. “Therefore, I expect you to compensate my client generously for the trouble you have caused.”

  Danica was completely ashamed of how Chelsea was talking. “I am here, you know. Your client! We aren’t here to talk about compensation, Chelsea.”

  “Yeah, Miss Kane. This isn’t a legal meeting, we are just going to go over the plan for the Morning Daily show.” Barrack backed up Danica as he wasn’t expecting Chelsea to come in all guns blazing without their lawyers.

  Chelsea shot Danica an angry look as though she had been stabbed in the back when it was Danica herself that had told her not to bring up the topic of reimbursement. “I just wanted to make it clear that Danica has suffered considerable financial loss because of this deal. If you want her to do this interview and play along with the façade, then you will have to pay.” Chelsea narrowed her eyes on Jordan as he had remained silent. “The Ramsey fashion label has been able to cover up its child labor practices with this recent debacle but Danica is being dragged through the mud as though she is some sort of money grabbing social climber.”

  “Chelsea!” Danica was mortified that the conversation had escalated so quickly because of her manager. She looked over at Jordan wondering what he would think but he remained seated, unprovoked by the attack.

  “Now hang on a minute, Chelsea. You were happy enough to sign that deal when you thought the publicity would be good and she was paid for her part i
n all this. Don’t come in here and act like the victims when this is affecting everyone. The child labor thing is back in the media, so our plan clearly didn’t work out for all of us.” Barrack tried to remain calm and logical as he outlined his perspective but he was on the edge of his seat ready to stand.

  “As Barrack said,” Jordan finally spoke up and all eyes turned towards him, “we are all in this together. The tape recorded all of us talking at that meeting so we have to work together to get ourselves out of it.” Jordan sat back and tried to offer Danica a reassuring smile but she was looking over at Chelsea who didn’t seem to be convinced by the working together theory.

  “Well, that all sounds lovely. We are just one big happy dysfunctional family just working through our problems. I guess there’s no need for payment if we are all friends then?” Chelsea’s tone changed to sarcasm as she became irritated by everyone’s lack of concern for her valuable client.

  “There’s no need to be like this, Chelsea.” Danica pulled back her loose locks away from her face as she tried to ease Chelsea’s concerns. “Jordan and Barrack want a solution that works for us all, not just them. If we go on the show together we can try and put the story straight and we can keep up our relationship for as long as it takes until the media move on.”


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