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Corrupted Page 9

by Alexis Noelle

  I have been trying to absorb all of the club rules but there are so many. I feel like there is a different rule for each and every situation. “I have been meaning to talk to Jordan about this but with the runs and everything that happened last week, it just never was the right time. Can you go over the whole old lady thing with me? I mean I get the general idea, but is there anything I should know?” I’ve seen and heard things over the years but I never really had any reason to ask for details.

  Tracie walks over to the bar and grabs us a couple of beers before coming back and handing me one. I barely join in with all of this but I take it from her figuring today is a special day. “Okay old lady lesson is starting, pay attention. You get two forms of, ID, if you will when you’re claimed. A tat,” she looks down at my hip where my tattoo is peeking out of my jeans with a wink. “And a property patch.” She pats at my new jacket. “This basically tells the members and any other man in the world you’re off limits. Especially for members, you’re untouchable. They could get in trouble for just asking you to blow them. All clubs are different but here they honor their women, these boys understand without the women they would be fucked.”

  I laugh as I think of trying to teach Danny how to wash his clothes the other day. I swear I don’t even know how these guys survive some days.

  “Old ladies in the same right have to respect brothers. You need to know your place. You don’t get involved in club business, and you don’t mouth off to the brothers. You have to understand that as much as you are a part of this club, you aren’t a member. The whores won’t mess with old ladies or with their men, that could get them banned from the clubhouse.” I look over at the girls and think how much of a bitch Venus has been to me since Jordan claimed me. It makes sense, she wants him.

  “You are kind of a special case though, Mary. Most old ladies have to earn respect from the brothers, earn their trust and loyalty. You had that shit before he ever claimed you. You’re like the princess of the club.” She throws her arm around me and I laugh.

  “Oh yeah? Then please point me to my tiara and throne. I am so glad that I met you, Trace, you have been like the sister I always wanted.” She pushes me and I stumble to the side.

  “Don’t go getting all soft on me, Mary. I’m still a badass and I’m not letting you tarnish that shit with your unicorns and glitter.” We both start to laugh as the outside door opens.

  The shadow of a man, or a bear, fills the doorway. This is the type of guy that you run from in a dark alleyway.

  He stands there not moving for a minute before Shooter steps forward his arms outstretched. “Brother, welcome the fuck home.”

  The man returns his hug. “I’m guessing that’s Viper?”

  Tracie simply nods. “Yup.”

  She walks toward the bar past the group of people welcoming the biker back. Jordan is waving me over so I move to join him. He embraces Viper before placing his arm back around my waist. “Viper this is my girl, Lucy, Lucy, this is Viper.”

  I extend my hand out to him. “Nice to meet you.” My smile fades as he looks at my hand and nods a hello before greeting some of the other members.

  Okay . . . That was awkward. I look down embarrassed at the way that he basically blew me off.

  “Don’t sweat it, babe. Viper has never been accepting of new people. He’ll come around.” Jordan kisses me on the forehead before following the small crowd.

  I look back over to Tracie and catch her looking over at the returning member. The look on her face would make me want to run and hide if I was on the receiving end.

  What the hell happened between those two?

  I was nominated to make dinner tonight considering I cooked for these boys for the past four years. I swear I think I spoiled them. I hear footsteps come up behind me and when I turn around I see Viper.

  He leans on the counter, resting his elbows on it. “So you the new girl?”

  “Well, not really new. I’ve been here for a little more than three years.” I give him a smile.

  “Well I ain’t seen you before so that makes ya new. Used to be I tried out all the new girls that came through, always got first dibs.” His eyes rake my body.

  I’m suddenly uncomfortable. I find myself not wanting to make eye contact with him and trying to think of any reason to get the hell out of here. Every alarm in my head is blasting and letting me know something is up. I have been around the brothers for years and not one of them has made me feel on edge like Viper is.

  “Shame he got to you first, huh?” He walks around the counter and stands in front of me.

  He is a solid foot and a half taller than me. As I look up at him, I have never felt so intimidated in my life. I take a quick step back and walk out to the common area without a word.

  I needed to get out of there. When I see Jordan, I contemplate going to him, but I don’t know what I would say. Viper didn’t do anything wrong, didn’t really say anything wrong either. He made me feel so uneasy. I don’t know the man well enough to know if his demeanor is always as menacing as he came across or if I was just reading into it wrong.

  When I see Viper exit the kitchen, I know I can go back and cook but I really don’t want to do it alone. That’s when Boa walks by me, I grab her arm. “Hey want to help me with dinner?”

  “Sure, Luce!” She smiles at me. Boa is always eager to please and to do anything she thinks might earn her points with the boys. I’m totally playing on that but I don’t want to leave myself open to another one of Viper’s advances.

  Boa and I talk and laugh the rest of the night while we get everything ready. Thankfully it is just the two of us. “Thanks for helping me.”

  “No problem, girl.” She smiles at me. “You’re cool, we all really like you. Except for Venus but I know you’re smart enough to figure that out. Just don’t let her get to you, she’s just jealous.”

  “I figured. That’s what Tracie told me.” We grab the trays and start to carry them out to the table.

  Everyone starts to take their seats at the picnic style tables and somehow I end up with the shitty luck of being stuck in-between Jordan and Viper. I tell my nerves to calm down and that I’m just being paranoid. There is nothing going on. I’m imagining it. It’s all in my head.

  Tracie is sitting across from me, I keep trying to get her attention, but she seems so distracted. Viper is sitting so close to me that our thighs are touching. I can’t move over anymore or I would be in Jordan’s lap, I’m stuck.

  When I feel a hand massaging my thigh I can’t help but smile. That boy is always trying to wind me up. His hand travels higher, one finger tracing up my pussy, he pushes down roughly and I wince. I look over at him ready to give him shit, that’s when I see Jordan’s hands clasped on the table. Oh my God.

  I practically jump up from the table. Anger rushing through me. I want to scream at Viper. My eyes well with the fact that another man just had his hands on me without permission. Memories of Andrew flood through me, my chest tightens, and I rush to the bathroom. I don’t care what anyone thinks I need to get away from that damn table. I slam the bathroom door locking it behind me.

  Disgust and nausea are overtaking my body and crippling me completely. Memories try to force their way into my mind but I push them down. I can’t go there. I can’t lose it right now.

  How dare he put his hands on me! I lean against the cold tile resting my head against it. What the hell am I supposed to do? A bang on the door makes me jump.

  “Lucy, it’s me.” I hear Tracie’s voice. “I’m alone. Open the door, Luce.”

  I wait a second before shaking my head and twisting the lock. The door opens, Tracie comes in before shutting it and locking it once more. “Tell me.”

  I don’t answer her. She couldn’t know what happened with Viper. Or that it was even anything to do with him. Could she? I look up at my friend and I can see pain in her eyes. They are full of unshed tears. What happened to her?

  “This a two way street? If I say somethi
ng you going to tell me what’s got you acting like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde today?” I try to throw in a Tracie like joke to test her mood. Nothing, not even the hint of a smile. Shit.

  “Deal.” She sits cross-legged on the bathroom floor.

  I join her. I tell her about the kitchen and then about the way he touched me at the table. Her eyes grow wide.

  “You need to tell Jordan. You can’t fuck around with this douchebag, Lucy.” Her hands fidget in her lap. While her shaky voice tries to pretend to be strong. Viper is the VP and going up against him will not be easy. With him just coming home and everyone excited to see him, this news will not be well received.

  “Your turn.” I grab her hands trying to give her the strength it seems like she needs.

  Her teeth gnaw at her bottom lip. “The night before Viper got sent away the guys threw a huge party. I swear he was banging the whores all over this place. Everywhere I went I walked in on him with a different one of them. I guess in a sick way he was trying to stock up on as much pussy as he could before he got locked up.” She hangs her head, refusing to meet my gaze. “I thought everyone had gone home or to bed. I couldn’t sleep so I was cleaning up the common room. I usually did that before you came along. Viper came out of almost nowhere. He started talking to me and then came around the bar and tried to kiss me.”

  She lets go of my hands hugging herself and slowly rocking back and forth in a rhythmic motion. “I tried to push him off but he took out his knife and threatened to slice my throat open, saying I was no one’s old lady and no one would miss me. He raped me behind the bar and then was sent to jail the next morning. I never told anyone because I guess I figured he was sent to jail, so it was almost like he was being punished for it. Plus I never had anyone like you to talk to.” A single tear trails down her cheek. “When he walked in the door today I felt like I was right back to that night all those years ago. I thought I could handle it. You need to tell Jordan what’s going on. You can’t underestimate him.”

  I pull my friend into a hug, letting her cry the unshed tears she’s been holding in for so long. I can’t believe he did that to her, that none of the guys know this. I knew from the moment I saw him that there was something off about him.

  I need to find Jordan.

  I take Tracie’s hand helping her up from the floor. “We need to go find Jordan. Now.” She doesn’t answer me. “Trace, he needs to know everything. Now that Viper is back you can’t live with this secret.”

  “I don’t know if I can tell them.” Her eyes hold fear as her unusually weak voice whispers out the words.

  “You can. You are strong. I have always looked up to you because of that. I’ll be there for you.” I squeeze her hand trying to reassure her before I open the bathroom door.

  We walk down the hallway and into the now empty common room. Where the hell did everyone go? I see Danny sitting at the bar and walk up to him. “Hey where is everyone?”

  “They’re all in church. With Viper just getting back they need to catch him up on everything, said it’s probably gonna be all night.” He takes another swig of his beer.

  Church is a meeting that only brothers participate in so that’s why Danny is out here. Tracie and I can’t interrupt that, or we would be in deep shit. Goddamn church. I shake my head, laughing to myself. Never thought I’d think that coming from where I did.

  “Let’s go hang out in your room ‘til the boys are out.” I loop my arm through Tracie’s as we make our way to her room.

  We talk a bit as we lay there neither of us bringing up Viper again. We try to avoid the subject as much as possible. I have never seen Tracie the way she has been today. Usually she is so vibrant and in your face, all day she has been withdrawn and silent.

  I think back to the day I saw Andrew and I know how she is feeling. Facing your demons isn’t easy when no one knows what haunts your dreams.


  I wake up with an intense need to pee. Tracie is draped around me in a way that is completely uncomfortable when I’m conscious. I peel her arm off me before quietly getting out of the bed. Stretching I look at the clock on the end table, it’s three am. Jesus, I hope they’re out of church by now.

  I decide to head to the bathroom then go find Jordan. If they are still in church maybe I’ll just wait for him. Tracie and I are best friends, but I can’t knowingly go back there and be the little spoon. I laugh as I close her door and see her clutching onto the pillow like it’s a body, the girl is definitely a cuddler. I pad down the hallway doing a penguin walk trying to get to the damn bathroom.

  Once I’m done, I try to fix the crazy mess that is my hair. I mean I swear when you go to sleep it is like little elves come in and have an orgy on your head. I don’t even know how it could even get this bad. Once it looks acceptable and not like I just got banged seven ways from Sunday I open the door, but I stop dead in my tracks. Viper.

  “You disappeared just when things were getting fun earlier.” His voice is deep and menacing as his eyes graze over my body. Even though I’m wearing jeans and a t-shirt I feel naked.

  “Maybe that was fun for you, but it wasn’t for me. I’m with Jordan and you know that. There are rules.” I try to walk past him but he braces his arm against the doorframe, blocking my way.

  “Yeah, well I don’t give a fuck about the rules.” He takes a step forward. “I did four fucking years in the hole for this club. If I want some pussy I’m gonna have it, I don’t care what brother claimed it. This club owes me and I am choosing you to repay that debt.”

  My eyes dart around the tiny bathroom. I’m stuck. There is nowhere to go. Nothing I can grab to protect myself. I’m defenseless. As I start to sweat realizing my predicament, I can feel my heart ready to burst through my chest. “Don’t you dare touch me.”

  “Or what? I like it when they fight princess. I have been dreaming of pussy and all the things I want to do for a long time. We are gonna have some fun.” He goes to grab for me and I smack him across the face. His face twists in anger. “You little bitch.” He returns my strike with ten times the force.

  I fall to the floor from the power of the strike. Instinctively I curl into a ball, my past experiences readying me for another blow. I feel my shirt rip from my body and I tremble in fear. I can feel him looming over me, his promise of torture hanging between us.

  “What the fuck?” Jordan’s voice bellows from behind us. Thank God.

  I look up at him. His eyes focus in on my face which I’m sure is already swollen and red from Viper’s blow. Shock and anger flash as he takes me in.

  “You piece of shit.” Jordan doesn’t bother to ask anymore more questions. He grabs Viper by the long ponytail that hangs and yanks him out of the small room. At first, they are a ball of twisting bodies on the floor, before Jordan gets the upper hand. He is on top of Viper repeatedly punching him in the face, relentlessly plowing into him.

  I can hear the crushing of bones.

  I should feel bad.

  I should feel empathy for a human in pain.

  I don’t.

  I hear shouting before I see the brothers pulling Jordan off him. Curses and “what the fucks” are being thrown around. That’s when Twisted looks into the bathroom and sees me crouched on the floor. I try to cover myself crossing my arms over my chest since I’m only wearing a bra. “Shit,” is all he says as he looks at me. “Pres.”

  Shooter appears in the doorway. “Lucy?” He walks in offering me his hand. “You a part of this?”

  “Yeah,” I say my voice soft and apprehensive. It was clear how much everyone cared about Viper when he arrived at the club today. Tracie told me that was one reason she never mentioned anything.

  “Come with us.” I nod and follow them down the hallway, but pause at Tracie’s room.

  Twisted turns and sees me stopped. “What ya doin’?”

  “I need to get Tracie.”

  He looks at me, confusion in his eyes. “Why?”

  “She’s a part of this too
.” I reach for the doorknob as I wait for realization to set in.

  “Fuck.” He runs his hand over his head. “Grab her, I’ll wait for you.”

  I nod, walking into the room I gently shake Tracie. “Get up, girl.”

  She blinks a few times before looking up at me. “Lucy? What happened to you?”

  “You’ll hear about it in a minute. We need to go talk to everyone, now. Pres and the boys are waiting for us in the chapel.” Her eyes grow wide. I see my jacket on her dresser and throw it on so I’m wearing more than just a bra. She stands up, and takes my hand. We walk down the hallway behind Twisted.

  When we get to the room, all of the brothers are sitting down around the table. Jordan and Viper are on different sides of the table, each with a brother at their side.

  Twisted walks around whispering quietly in Shooter’s ear. Most likely telling him why I insisted on getting Tracie. Shooter stands. “Y’all tell us your stories. Tracie, then Lucy. After that y’all leave, the brothers will need to have a few votes.”

  Here goes nothing.

  I sit at the table with Twisted and Torch on either side of me and my traitor of a brother across from me. When I went to take a piss and saw Lucy on the ground with Viper standing over her, I thought I had to be hallucinating. This man was a fucking mentor to me. He was someone I wanted to be like. Now I want to rip him limb from fucking limb. My fists clench and I turn my attention to Tracie as she starts to talk. I don’t understand why the hell Lucy brought her in here or what she has to do with what went on tonight. She starts to talk but none of us can hear a damn word she is sayin’.

  “Speak up, darlin’.” Pres orders from the end of the table. His tone is clipped and his patience seems to be short.


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